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September 11, 2008 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-09-11

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The Michigan Daily j michigandaily.com I Thursday, September 11, 2008


The Daily Arts
guide to the best
upcoming events
- it's everywhere
you should be this
weekend and why.

Go ahead and get your fill
of fine art tonight. Stasys
Eidrigevicius, the Lithu-
anian born graphic and
poster designer, will be pre-
senting his work as part of
the Penny W. Stamps Dis-
tinguished lecture series
at the Michigan Theater.
The free event is today at
5 p.m.
Ever see a documentary
about a game of equestrian
taking place in Uzbekistan?
Well, here's your chance.
Sponsored by the Center
for Russian and East Euro-
pean Studies, "Bouzkachi:
Chant of the Steppes" will
SAM WOLSON/Daily screen tomorrow at 4 p.m.
at the Michigan Theater.
The film's directors will be
in attendance, and a ques-
tion and answer session
will follow.

et me introduce two
dishes: mushroom and
herb risotto, and the
PB&J breakfast smoothie.
Creating the first involves
determined stirring over a
hotsoup pot, afurrowed brow
and potentially a crisp, white
apron. The other probably
involves a blender and some
college street smarts. PB&J
has become'synonymous with
students because it's used
and loved so dearly, but what
about risotto? Risotto just
sounds difficult, and Italian -
everything PB&J isn't.
But where would you find
these two polar opposite
dishes next to each other?
Maybe in different buildings,
if there's a restaurant sitting
next door to a college co-op,
or maybe in two recipe books
like "Gourmet Cooking" and
"Whoa,We Like to EatThings,
Vol. 6." But risotto and peanut
butter smoothies together in
one house? Or together in one
Max and Eli Sussman are
Michigan chefs and brothers
who share a love for cook-
ing. Max is a chef at Zinger-
man's Deli and obtained his
undergraduate degree at the
University of Michigan. Eli,
a graduate of Michigan State,
works for a catering company
in L.A. While the two are
undoubtedly similar geneti-
cally, they are decidedly dis-
similar in culinary taste,
whichisone of the detailsthat
sparked the unique survey of
recipes in their newly-pub-
lished cookbook, "Freshman
in the Kitchen: From Clue-
less Cook to Creative Chef".
The book contains recipes for
everything from the afore-
mentioned PB&J smoothies
and risotto to microwave
buffalo chicken wraps and
chicken schwarma (a Medi-
terranean sandwich made
with hummus).
"(Eli and I) have very dif-
ferent culinary backgrounds,"
Max said. "When we were

going to school we worked
with different areas of food."
While Max was working
as a cook at eve - The Restau-
rant, a swanky French fusion
restaurant in Kerrytown, Eli
was working at a Greek res-
taurant in East Lansing.
"Eli was (also) living in a
house with 14 guys and was
making really ridiculously
simple dishes that all of his
roommates would go bananas
over," Max said.
The two mixed their ideas
of what the culinary arts
should be about - practical

Max Sussman, author of "Freshman in the Kitchen: From Clueless Cook to Creative Chef." prepares a dish in his kitchen.

and fi
- toc
I'm the
some o
a bit
eral id
how fz
dish (s
one w
know 1
er can
the se
in "He
later, g
with a

lling (Eli's view) and ing to Impress."
and subtle (Max's view) The book also includes per-
reate a cookbook that sonal chef's notes about each
cooking accessible to of the recipes, which are tell-
students. ingly humorous and sincere.
brother (Max) is more One chef's note on a recipe
ally trained and more for stuffed mushrooms reads,
i in his cooking, and "There is this unbelievably
guy who uses a micro- catchy Jock JamsTM song that
Eli said. goes 'We like to party! We
like! We like to Party! We're
gonna have a party and every-
body's dancin'T!'... Well have
1 accessible a party, make these mush-
rooms, play that song and see
guide to what happens. We guarantee
-ooking in And while the stuffed
mushroom recipe itself may
c ecall for herb butter and dic-
COi g -'r5' oing and hollowing out 30-plus
mushrooms, it'provides some
incentive to break out the
subwoofers and have a rager
essibility is a huge - something generally not
in the cookbook. While associated with mushrooms
f the recipes may seem previously intended only for
intimidating, the gen- the "parents' dinner party"
lea is that no matter menu du jour.
ancy the name of the Mixing things up is a big
almon and goat cheese theme in the book, not only
on, for example), any- in deciding that mushrooms
ho picks up the book are hip, but in the recipes
be able to make it. The themselves. The brothers try
s are ranked in order of intriguingly fresh takes on
Ity, so those who barely contemporary favorites, like
how to turn on a blend- the toasted coconut and lime
begin making food in biscotti, or a spicy citrus-chili
ction called "Getting glaze for salmon. However,
d," graduate to sauteing some of the foods showcased
at" and, a few chapters in the book aren't so much
get up to culinary par redesigned favorites as they
chapter called "Cook- See CUSISINE, Page 3B

Max and Eli's
recipes use
simple ingredi-
Recipes rated
are ordered by

The Ark will present the
eclectic sounds of David
Lindley on Saturday night.
Having worked with Ry
Cooder and Jackson
Browne, Lindley's music is
a clash of blues, folk, elec-
tro-acoutic, Celtic and even
Malagasy. The, eclectic
show is Saturday at 8 p.m.
and tickets are $17.50.

White Mrke:
609 E William Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Vi age Co rner
601 S Forest Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Do you need orange juice like the
elixir of life before class at 9 a.m. tomor-
row? Prices are hefty at White Market
and Village Corner, but convenience
trumps everything else on packed
If you're up for a bit more of a hike,
there are some great markets in the
area. With a bicycle, car or a passion for
walking, you should have no problem
making it to Kerrytown, where you'll

216 N 4th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
407 N 5th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
find the People's Food Co-op, Sparrow
Meat Market and the local Farmers'
Market, which runs Wednesdays and
Saturdays until November.
A few more miles on your bike - or
the #4 bus that stops at South Univer-
sity and Washtenaw - and you can
shop at Trader Joe's, a national chain
with a local feel. The prices at Joe's
blow Whole Foods out of the water, and
the selection can't bebeat. If you need

315 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
2398 E Stadium Boulevard, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
something like coconut milk extract,
this is your place.
If you're looking for the real grocery
store experience - i.e. fluorescent lights
and enough cereal options for a kiddie
soccer league - Kroger and Meijer are
very accessible via bus, if access to a car
isn't an option. And there are so many
of them scattered just outside campus
that no matter where you are - North
Campus, the Hill or Central Campus -

2502 Packard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
3825 Carpenter Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
the AATA is nearby. From the Michi-
gan Union, the #5 and #6 go to Kroger
on Packard and Meijer on Carpenter.
From North Campus, the #1 and the #2
go to Kroger on Plymouth Road.
For more of these fun little bus rides,
check out the AATA website trip plan-
ner to figure out how to get pretty much
anywhere in the area for free with stu-
dent ID.

Find out why the rural Mid-
west votes Republican.
See Thomas Frank tonight
at Borders. The author of
such books as "The Wreck-
ing Crew" and "What's the
Matter With Kansas?" will
appear to discuss and sign
copies of his books. The
event is at 7 p.m. tonight
and admission is free.


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