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December 11, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDa .N ARBOR, MICHIIAN, SATURDAY, IiCCUNIIfIR i c~. Vol. XX. IJ SIC LOVFRS HAVE inet oncertI tliclliMr.11). Par- ktisnappeiaret e t ilatais playtedl a DOUBLE TREAT resonsve acctlip.1 u ltya i ritiiiit- i Both United Concert and Or-I chestra Pleased (Good Audi- ences Last Night. TOa thisael ho res istedl the tepttin offerel lie the dlaceand theatean betardi the conceits given last niglit by he University mui siecal organizaltins ...…

December 11, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan ily AN'NARBOR,\IICHIGAk\,1FRIDAtY, 1) C(1 I 1 rI, t 8 VOL. XIX. No*. 62. CLOSE GAME GOES TO REGULAR TEAM Scrubs Defeated by One Point in Fast Contest-Regulars Rein- force Second Team. k% fari the nmost intresting and closely tice gameticht have been plael so far tis arheldl the hoards at W\ateran gsmiT hutrsday night. At the end of tir-ive i nites of fast play the score ii s >rs for the regars and 20 for the ' Itay...…

December 11, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Daily inn'. XV'IT.\1\\N kill ()R., int (iI.\ \.\VEI)NkSIDiY. 1)kin'ki1 thinrriiQ0. Ivai m-11- tt)Tr oMVVl lonY1''OIIWt NI i CII (;1iNINVITTED TO CANDIDATES MUST ,_ ein oi'l 111111 141 \I 1(1)1f~ HINE EXE DSC ,1 1701 't'~'Ct r . iit i 1 Ii Au he n ,il N Ic i i lyl; tin ur.riivii . nIiiiteConveii ntion hs e Souit fr Pltca rbeji iidhii i-tN'.1b tcntniil <<p lilic Owner of New Theater Cuts Price niiiiWih t'° n.Jhn Inrt Presented to Student Counci...…

December 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR, lii> I)A , 01"Cl"M 1 ',]-" 1\' I t, 11)()(). CHICAGO MEETS MICHIGAN Ni l IsOCib:IIcYIS IN TWO INDOOR CONTESTS c Arouses as tluch interest in Trackthe lI c c iiic c i ci scicccit will gt Events as in Football-flih. i, firste crtiiict I il es Igan's Chances (woord. I hsa llcN nic f a Ictr ciii cr0 iiicc iii -cii t: licik"i"tci mhitihial eri I fi lii cagec will met icim n alico r rlto nIlt.clyr~i_ Tgt ...…

December 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VTOL. X V. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMNBER 11, 1904. No. E;1 AMICHIGAN'S TRACK TEAM, 1904-FIFTH YEAR CHAMPIONS OF THE WEST. FITZPATRICK NOT HOPEFUL Prospects for a Winning Track Taam Are lDoubtful --Michigan'sOnly Hope in New Mi. i i 'rt ilt t)it)1 t rl iit:11 ~ W 1111,Cii11c tl !8 \[ 1 1; tl R"4 tilt (ttittiitt iii. i ittitit. it. lii i'l tt1 I tit r ii I ' t lt it tt~ittg lii iY Nitlil- I i1:1l1:11 11 ieti,~ ii N Iii I...…

December 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…Th'e Michigal VOL. XIV.. ANN, ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11], 1903, No. ()1 CONTEfrIPORARY [RANC. j [UNAL TRIBUE PAID. 10 PI1OIO6RAPII 6[RNIS Opening Lecture, in Series on "The By Fraternity Brothers of Rusell H. Zeiss Camera Obtained from Germany Country-Object of Course-Sub MWiliams-Funeral Services at -Rooms Fitted Out in Medical jects of Future Lectures. Kansas City Under Auspices of Bilding-Prof. Rygarud in Alumni Chapter of S. A....…

December 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…140, A7 _i X XII ANN A 1(8(111MI1H., WEDLNESD, AL.BERT HEHRNSTIaN, BASEBALL PROSPECTS. CoM Mh ost Versatile Plax i ave n te S tiral of Lar4 131;.,--- Al A1 Mliehi an 'ee- his Le11-,'J lip anyNcw .Caciida5aPreeta a in the Blff. N Gtat,.eit ci' at O~l li( ~ l i;Itl" :1't !' 121'(' 'iiiis i i (l .II~l: "flI.Ill ~'''I t vtt (tl } 7 Y ,1' i t 1,til tt31 C:itnt<Itt o lyttit t itl ln I,' I * itinttl'll I iil i ''il It I 11 jtttt hlt S ti t Si11i1 ilt...…

December 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

… W 1,; IL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAYIDECEMBER_ 11, 1900.- No. 65 Announcement- S Our special ine of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention isgiven to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for fol dress occaions. 6. H. WILD CO., o8 E. Washington St. DAINTY XIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware. han...…

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