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September 04, 2008 • Page Image 1

…Preserving War Vets' History • Helping Heal In India • A Holocaust Legacy DETROIT JEWISH NEWS All$311r.- - V MttAl,t, 0 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDI $1.50 .EPf. -4--10, 2O • . • MIPOIMEE tiU7 _ Are- ..:13 7:110 zBIIIMP410L, . .W.- 2 74 7 1iltairtSliantl Y At • ■ .1111111E0 • NEM, .„ * ' 2=111•10121111M111011LIIIKIIIIPI tirPOCEP IV v " W.4irM tliiiat,a11,2141.111.111X 111111rel • t ;: -imams Allc12INSINCI. 41114011 - 0 ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 2


September 04, 2008 • Page Image 3

…JN Contents Grand Opening Sept. 4-10, 2008 4-10 Elul 5768 Vol. CXXXIV, No. 5 Nutritionally Speaking Rabbi Chanoch Hadar and his wife, Tamar, of Huntington Woods at the open house of the new Woodward Shul in Royal Oak. Section A Special Report By Barbara Beznos, RD, LD/N Integrated Nutrition, LLC ues- tion: Dear Lost To L.A.? A13 Ex-Detroiters reconnect with hometown folk. Metro Philanthropic Feast A17 Local Israeli rest...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 4

…r". 1 %** 4- A dream come true, Imagine the seemingly impossible. Could a sofa sleeper be comfortable as both a sofa and a bed? Yes. Introducing the only sofa sleeper that's truly worthy of the name The Comfort SleeperTM by American Leather. Feeling is believing. Sink into the soft, deep cushion. Melt into the mattress, plush but supportive. The exclusive patented Tiffany 24/7TM platform sleep system offers incomparable sitting and sleepin...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 5

…Editor's Letter No Place To Live F oreign investors who own homes and apartments in Jerusalem can do a mitzvah for 20- and 30-some- things hoping to live in the Israeli capital. These absentee owners can become rental landlords, giving college students and other young adults a chance to stay in the city and strengthen it. In return, these young people will help dis- courage burglars and provide upkeep at the rental units. Foreign investment...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 6

…Letters Athletes Learn, Take Action When athletes came to Detroit for the JCC Maccabi Games Aug. 17-21, it wasn't only to compete in sports. More than 1,300 athletes gathered to learn about the crisis in Darfur and the moral obligation of the Jewish people to help combat the genocide in Sudan and around the world ("Caring And Sharing," Aug. 28, page A18). Featured speaker at the rally was Jacob Atem, one of the 20,000 "lost boys" of Sudan, wh...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 7

…Concerned about Barack Obama? You should be History has shown that a naïve and weak foreign policy has resulted in tragic outcomes for the Jewish people. Many Americans have questions about Barack Obama and whether his views are good for the United States and Israel. And for good reason. Most concerning is Sen. Barack Obama's naïve grasp of the threats against the United States and Israel. Weak and Naive Foreign Policy • Meet with Ahmadi...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 8

…' Letters M.L. King Letter Was Bogus, But Thrust Is True Regarding the Editor's Letter "The Vigor Of Who We Are" (Aug. 28, page A5): According to a 2002 investigation by the Washington-based Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, it has never been authenticated that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. ever wrote a "Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend" or that such a letter ever was published in the August 1967 issue of Saturday Re...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 9

…ry Front Lines NOTEBOOK JNen ine This Week Be Neighborly I t was a neighborly talk in high circles. One of American Jewry's most-influential religious lead- ers was one of four keynoters at the interfaith gathering at the Democratic Party's nominating convention last week in Denver. Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, the New York-based executive vice president of the Orthodox Union, used this faith platform to address the sacred...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 10

…Front Lines MORE FAI R MEMORIES Just Like Flying IS YOUR PENSION AN IOU TO THE IRS" Rabbi Joey Krakoff captured the prevailing sentiment of "A Fair to Remember:' the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit's celebration of Israel's 60th anniversary as the modern Jewish state, when he said: "It's like taking a huge El Al airplane nonstop from Detroit to Tel Aviv where you know everybody. You can't even take three steps without bumping int...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 11

…Say Hello To A New Generation Of Patient Care. The new Providence Park Hospital is redefining healthcare. Imagine rooms so advanced they quickly adapt to your changing needs. Take comfort in being treated by a specialized medical team during your entire stay. Relax, knowing your vitals are being monitored by vigilant caregivers, as well as by an advanced telemetry monitoring system. Now imagine all of this on a campus that is more like a...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 12

…MIT S-4:1sAiE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS IT'S A FREE COMMUNITY KICKOFF Advertising Sales Advertising Director: Arthur M. Horwitz Sales Manager: Keith Farber Account Executives: Ann G. Abrams, Wendy Flusty, Jan Haskell, Melissa Litvin, Heidi Martin, Rick Nessel, Dharlene Norris Senior Sales Assistant: Kim Metzger Sales Intern: Rebecca Nadis Dance &) Carnival For Jewish 7th & 8th Graders Busi...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 13

…Special Report ON THE COVER Lost To L.A.? Young ex-Detroiters reunite and reconnect with hometown folk. Guest speaker Mike Binder (second from left) is flanked by event co-chairs Max Aronson, Eli Sussman and Aaron Kaczander. Robin Schwartz Special to the Jewish News I is a Thursday night and the Los Angeles party scene is in full swing. Among the countless clubs, shindigs and other happenings in one of the hip- pest cities in the countr...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 14

…Special Report ON THE COVER Hollywood Invasion from page A13 "I talked to people all night long. I had a hundred conversations:' Glass said. "I think getting together like that helped them all think a little more fondly about Detroit. I told them I came home to start a new chapter in my life, to be part of a community and raise a family" Jordan Glass with L.A. residents Darren Rogow and David Boorstein, both from West Bloomfield see if I ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 15

…Come home to your Shaarey Zedek Family! Southfield and West Bloomfield locations to serve you • No one will be denied membership! For more information about joining our CSZ family, call Janet Pont, Executive Director, at 248/357-5544 e United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitcrt Detott 1428770 JEWISH FEDERATION OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT UNITED JEWISH FOUNDATION OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT COMBINED ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Unite...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 16

…Special Report ON THE COVER Hollywood Invasion from page A14 Is... THINKING ABOUT A GREAT SUIT FOR THE HOLIDAYS Bob Aronson with L.A. residents Lauren Moore from Pittsburgh and Sandy Danto from West Bloomfield mary focus right now It's more about instilling and reinforcing the sense of community they grew up with. The kids who attended the L.A. party all left the nightclub with a tangible reminder of home: Detroit Pistons hats donated b...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 17

…Metro AROUND TOWN Philanthropic Feast Local Israeli restaurant helps feed Jewish families in need. YAD Director of Operations Elaine Ryke of Rochester Hills and Development Director Lea Luger of West Bloomfield y ossi Benjamin is in the business of serving up delicious food. Hummus, shawarma, baba ghanoush and, of course, falafel are standard fare at his West Bloomfield restaurant, Yossi's Famous Falafel in Robin's Nest Plaza on Orchar...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 18

…Why Join Temple Israel? c\`\ The answer isAsimple. Operation 100% Affiliation: First Year Dues are Voluntary Judaism for Every Generation West Bloomfield, MI • 248.661.5700 • Contact David Tisdale, Executive Director, or visit our website for additional membership information. Note: This membership does not qualify a family for nursery or kindergarten member rates. Membership is valid now through August 31, 2009. …

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 19

…Temple Israel High School Presents The new montlay Night e rn le Give us an hour We'll help with your future! 9th - 12th graders, join us for dinner and an hour of conversation, Jewish thought, Dance, Theatre, JOGA, Radio, Choir, Year Book NATIONAL and many other experiences. HONOR SOCIETY Stay after and let Temple Israel help you in preparing for college by \ sponsoring the following with NO FEES! Ar MICHIGAN Persona...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 20

…Metro , d EALTH SYSTEM l e/ fe et 4:Zt 1- .... 091 :11e) 1.4 c.... 7; zt, e:_zytt% / 4TH ANNUAL LUNCHEON Benefiting The Francee & Benson Ford Jr. Breast Care &Wellness Center at Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital Pfc. Louis Kingston, dek, 21, 2008 9-Pl eeined€47, World War II, New Guinea at the Shenandoah Golf; Banquet & Country Club West Bloomfield, Michigan — Featuring Boutique Shopping Join us for a special day with Ger...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 21

…What would you GI VE to have a child schooled in Jewish values? Knowing your roots, realizing your future. A Jewish day school education adds to a solid foundation based on a love of Judaism, a love of Israel and the spirit of tikkun olam. With scholarships made possible in part through your gift, the Jewish Federation can help make a Jewish education feasible. The Jewish Federation funds 19 local organizations, including Jewish day schoo...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 22

…Michigan Friends of the Israel Defense Forces THANKS OUR SPONSORS for their commitment to the State of Israel IILIMEDiCS SOMERSET SOLOMON INVESTMENT COMPANY Ellen and Robert. Fenkell Dr. Marcy Borofsky and Dr. Margo Wall 01, IENENSTOCK COUNT RI•,PORTING & VIDEO ECTION Ann New man Medi Clairn Physician's Billing Scnice Dr. Mark and Peggy Saffer Lois and Paul Katzman Lisa and Gary Shiffman Dana Baskin Coffman EHIM Pharmacy Bene...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 23

…Topic Of The Week: Younger Looking Eyes With Little To No Downtime DIGEST Q: "What causes dark circles under the eyes?" Teen Dance And Carnival High Holidays Preparation Several local youth organizations and synagogues are joining together for a community kick-off dance and carni- val for all seventh- and eighth-graders 8:30-10:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 13, at the Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield. A disc jockey, carnival games an...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 24

…Metro Deliuering fide Jewish Education in 5769 Attorney Eyes School Seat MUNE MaTon fDUIT MMI-SCHOOL Why Are These Tales Different from offers Jewish adults a well-rounded in-depth study of Judaism in a user friendly format. All Other Tales? Melton and Melton PEP SPRING Great Jewish Trials M ichael I. Sherman of Bloomfield Township has announced his candidacy for the Bloomfield Hills school board. The election will take place on Tuesd...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 25

…THE BIRMINGHAM IfEMPLE H► ) 1\1 1F I i * I e • HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE SHABBAT Rabbi kolton will speak on Friday, September 12, 2008 6:00 pm Pizza Dinner 17:00 pm Shabbat Service The new conversation and the state of the work - Open to the public & complimentary The Birmingham Temple School of Cultural Judaism is a caring environment in which children discover their roots. Pre-registration is required. For ticket...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 26

…The - it4"; Women's Day of Learning Federation's Alliance for Jewish Education invites you to the w--stun/ cineti, 4 J CLIC: food featuring Rabbi Elyse Goldstein Women are From Genesis, Men are from Leviticus: Do Women and Men Read the Bible Differently? for the Sunday, September 14, 2008 12:15 - 3:00 pm Max M. Fisher Federation Building 6735 Telegraph Road Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 011: 4/40,4 What Gender is Hope? Memory, Imaginat...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 27

…I World Michael Jurewicz and a co-worker, a nurse, on a house call in an Indian village The crowded streets of Vellore, India Culture Shock N Local medical student sees heroic caregivers in India turn simple tools into compassionate care. othing I had read or heard could have prepared me for the heart-wrenching despair that characterizes India and the immense pov- erty of the Third World. "Culture shock" is a term often invoked by trave...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 28

…World Harnessing Water Israel facing worst drought In history. Dina Kraft Jewish Telegraphic Agency Gilat, Israel I n the sands of the Negev Desert here, small groves of eucalyptus, olive and pomegranate trees grow in shallow depressions dug out to catch floodwater, a method used by the Nabateans thousands of years ago. The ancient technique is one way Israelis are trying to harness every drop of water, an effort that has become critical...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 29

…A Litri ties nt L ou N eshama Carlehach, a leading superstar in J ewish entertainment, makes a rare appearance in Detroit at Congregation Beth Shalom. N eshama is continuing the legacy of her father, Rabbi Shlomo Carlehach, throu gh her talent and charisma, which captivate and endear her to people of all a ges as she performs all over the world. ifti ...leads a Carlehach Kahhalat Service following a Family Shahhat Dinner on Friday...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 30

…enr chin • h 1World Hess. corn Obama Impact Democratic platform stays the course. Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency Denver W "From the day I moved to Regent Street of West Bloomfield, it has felt like home. The staff is kind and they are experts at what they do." - Resident Bea Paul 248.683.1010 Visitors welcome. Stop by for a tour today! REGENT T STREET C) OF WEST BLOOMFIELDOP AS SISTED LIVING 4460 Orchard Lake Rd. West ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 31

…i'eatureci•E i nteriaitirnant PLATINUM SPONSOR: SILVER SPONSORS: Huntington 1W1111/t410, BROACHING MACHINE SPECIALTIES 11( customized broaching solutions A bank invested in people! Street Performers • Giant Slide Bouncy House • Triple Shot Basketball Gladiator Joust • Petting Zoo Arts & Crafts • Candy Land Face Painting Kowa rd schwartz GOLD SPONSORS: commercial real esiote,LLC LLER IELD ENE 0 i CS® Hot Dogs • Popcorn Snow Cones...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 32

…World Todt alogfianati iteeting. Conftnue 66-vat( badittonfe Wish family and friends and the entire Jewish community a Happy New Year! For information, call 248.35115107 Please clip and send the coupon below with remittance or visit Greetings arriving after the deadline will run in the following edition. For private party advertising only. Businesses are not eligible. Ad Deadline: Sept 18 1 2008 May the coming year be f...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 33

…Sign Up Now... Holocaust Center Concert The Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus in Farmington Hills will have its 24th anniversary dinner Sunday, Sept. 14. The event will honor Dr. Michael H. Treblin, a pediatrician, who has served as president of the HMC for the past four years. Tenor James Benjamin Rodgers will perform. He also appeared at the event last year. Rodgers won the first prize at the 2007 Lotte Lenya Michael Competit...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 34

…World Top Reasons to Join Toi • * * • • • NOW Ath; FREE first year membership All new "certified green" onsite Religious School Tuition-free Sunday School for preschool and kindergarten Commitment to single B'nai Mitzvah services Small congregation where the Rabbi knows your name Emphasis on community social action. We make a difference. Please Join us and see why TKA is the Right Fit for You and Your Family! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 6 PM ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 35

…Opinion Editorials are posted and archived on . Dry Bones (FANATICAL IRAN Is PUSHING AHEAD TO GET NUCLEAR WEAPONS Editorial A Broken Government T here is always the hope in a democracy that extraordinary times will call forth extraordi- nary leaders. We cling to a sense that they will grow in office and rise to meet the crisis. It seems, however, that Israel has been painfully let down by the character of its leaders in dang...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 36

…Opinion OTHER VIEWS Calm Within The Storm Saint Louis Park, Minn. I am never ashamed to wear my tefil- lin in public. Until recently, I traveled quite often and a personal Shacharit (morning prayers) at the airport was not uncommon for me. I would find my regu- lar nook at the gate, wrap myself in tallit and tefillin and continue deep into prayer. Following my davening (prayers), occa- sionally a curious onlooker would inquire as to what ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 37

…Your Cellular Superstore! As the Expert JCC Maccabi Games: A Gift T hree years ago, I described the JCC Maccabi Games in an earlier piece I wrote for the Jewish News. Back then, I described it as a gift you can't buy and one you may never replace. Now, three years later, I feel more strongly about the Games than ever. For the third consecutive year, I had the privilege of coaching one of the boys' baseball teams with my good friend Harry ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 38

…Business & Professional MEMOS McLogan and Ran THIS WEEKEND ATTHE NEW DIA. Friday Night Live!: Clarinet ensembles—Mama's Licking Stick and Quartet Issy—play at Friday Night Live! Saturday: Watch artist Scott Hocking at work and make a masterpiece at the drop-in workshop. Target Family Sundays: Latika Mangrulkar tells stories of Birbal, the witty courtier in the Mughal Emperor Akbar's court. Now on View: Kenro izu: Sacred Places The P...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 39

…Health & Fitness 11 1 ti92)111 1Thliiii ) Aiudi its, 414 2.1.1,e.i SPORTS The Medal Count Detroit area athletes were weighted down at the JCC Maccabi Games. Steve Stein Special to the Jewish News D onna Mandell wondered what she'd gotten herself into when she began coaching the Metro Detroit/JCC Maccabi Games bowling team. "Most of the kids were non-bowlers. I think they just wanted to experience the JCC Maccabi Games:' Mandell said....…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 40

…I Become historically significant. Health & Fitness SPORTS Medal from page A39 How will we be remembered 100 years from now? What will be said of our choices, our jobs, our lives? What knowledge will it take for you to live a life of substance not only for today, but tomorrow? A JTS education will help you answer these questions. You will be immersed in the ancient texts of Judaism and in communal issues of contemporary significance. JTS ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 41

…THE MERLE AND SHIRLEY HARRIS BIRTHING CENTER AT DMC HURON VALLEY-SINAI HOSPITAL ect the Best • Beautiful, all private birthing suites, for labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum (LDRP) care • Anesthesiologists available 24 hours a day • Critical-care nursery including full-time neonatology service for infants with special needs To schedule a tour of the Merle and Shirley Harris Birthing Center at Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital, call (24...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 42

…cm 2 been ene ra MA the% 1 pp Learn about us See what we do Hear what we can offer you Get Involved! Learn from IRP members about our diverse programs, then enjoy coffee and dessert. Have an interest? Extracurriculars enhance your high school profile. The Institute for Retired Professionals of the Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit provides an intellectual and social environment within the Jewish community for mature adults....…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 44

…Location. Luxury. Lifestyle. Park Avenue Lifestyle Meets Woodward Avenue Sophisticated two-story lobby Concierge Valet Parking Dry Cleaning Service Free Covered Guest Parking State of the Art Security System High Speed Internet & Wifi On Site Car Wash 3rd Floor Garden Terrace Rooftop Terrace with panoramic views Birmingham Place 411 S. Old Woodward (near Brown Street) 248-642-9000 Sales Office Open Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 45

…editor's note YU TO CELEBRATE Platinum's annual EOk litag IARMAIE Fall Fashion issue, we are thrilled to debut our newest contributor, Cari Vaughn, as writer of our new column The Beauty Phile (page B12). Vaughn, the mother of three boys, is the cre- ator of . She has been the regional editor for Lucky magazine and a weekly style writer for the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press. Her greatest secret to looking and feel- Al& A ing ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 46

…SEPTEMBER 2008 • VOL. 9, NO. 9 JNONLINE.US MOW features B16 12 Easy Pieces Refresh your wardrobe for fall with these easy, modernizing picks. B20 Treasure Hunt Antiques expert Judy Frankel lets us trail along as she shops the Ann Arbor Antiques Market. B24 Great Cakes Warm up your kitchen and your holiday with luscious treats and sweets. departments JOIN US FOR THE CHARRIOL FALL TRUNK SHOW Friday, 9/19: 2pm - 8pm, Novi Saturday, 9/2...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 47

…A DIFFERENT KIND OF STEAKHOUSE - Michael Mina BOURBON STEAK T R 0 A MICHAEL MINA RESTAURANT If you bet more than you can afford to lose, you've got a problem. Call 1-800-270-7117 for confidential help. 02008 MGM Grand Detroit 1:77101 pi in middgw of l r \ k A\ For reservations call 877.888.2121 MUNIMINUf II DETROIT ID …

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 48

… A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION Downtown Style Meets Classic Elegance C ome and see w]noi-E s- new of S ckuLof s- p latinum JN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE PRESIDENT/PUBLISHER Arthur M. Horwitz iNvi -tArtoNs • Gwrs • STAnoNERY Calligraphy & Complimentary Gift Wrapping CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER F. Kevin Browett EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Robert A. Sklar C . Kann and I just wanted EDITOR Lynne Konstantin you to know that worki...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 49

…II faces Left: Rick Loewenstein of West Bloomfield, Kate Bush of Detroit, Gary Gilbert of Los Angeles and AJ Falik of Huntington Woods. Right: Carol Kaczander of Oak Park and Bill and Ricki Cohen of Huntington Woods. Left: Dan Friedberg, Emily Friedberg and Robbie Swope, all of Detroit. Right: Lindsey Maddin of Huntington Woods, liana Liss of Birmingham and Shayna Levine and Jill Ingber, both of Huntington Woods. ELEGANT BAR MITZVAH AND ...…

September 04, 2008 • Page Image 50

…■ all's fare A Taste Of Th Pars deliciously combines several cuisines fro . BY ANNABEL COHEN I PHOTOGRAPHY BY ANGIE BAAN I wasn't prepared for Pars. I'm not familiar with the Iranian food served by the res- taurant and mistakenly thought it would be similar to other Arabic cuisines. Silly American. Quite simply, there is no restaurant quite like Pars in Michigan. I describe the food as a cross between Arabic and Indian cuisine, which is n...…

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