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July 04, 1947 • Page Image 1

…Thirty-two Years of Service to Detroit Jewry AN UNAFFILIATED, INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Detroit Jewish r„.1'.ronicle Vol. 49, No. 27 DETROIT, MICIIIGAN, FRTDAY, 1111.i A7 SOCIAL AND CLUB NEWS DEADLINE IS NOON, MONDAYS lk a Copy, $3 Per Year Glazer Rebukes Lafense Agencies • • All Jews `Fined' in Palestine War Orphan Gets First Look at New Home Rabbi Hits Blast Damage 'enalty Set Conference Raps Mixed Marriage Goodwill Weakness ...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 1

…COMPLETE! Boris Smolar and Arnold Levin Review Issues Facing Zionism JEWISH NEWS 1 The Jewish NeWs Brings You Fullest Local, World Coverage A Weekly Review tr44. of Jewish Events —Page 11 I VOLUME 11L--NO. 16 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Michigan, July 4, 1947 34 APO $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, Me 'Unofficial' Reign of Police Terror Creates New Crisis in Palestine Many Beatings, Kidnappings Result in Irgun Retaliations araed...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 2

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Two Friday, July 4, 1547 does not sanction mixed mar- riages between Jew and non- ing Farran with fascism and Jew, without conversion, and it anti-Semitism. therefore calls upon the mem- (The Palestine police authori- bers of the conference to dis- ties have informed the family of courage such marriages and to Rubovitz that he is dead. Al- refrain from officiating at them." though the family was told of his dea...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE JEWISH NEWS Conversion of Synagogues Into Centers Urged at Rabbis' Parley New CCAR President Rabbinical Assembly Adopts Resolutions Supporting Jewish Immigration to Palestine, United States; Rabbi Israel Goldman Reelected President NEW YORK (JTA)—A pro- gram of action to convert the Conservative Synagogue into a synagogue-center to combat the growing tendency of large sec- ' tions of the Jewish population to regard the synago...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 3

…"War, July 4, ort Page Three DETROIT JEWISIR IIEFRONICLE Strictly Confidential Klan Will Ride Again in Georgia Whitewash Jewish Labor Council Asks Congress to Thrash Out Buckley Objections By PIIINEAS J. BIRON UGENE COOK, attorney general of Georgia, is under -fire, and " deservedly. He dropped three of the four charges against the Ku Klux Klan—the most important ones, those involving criminal penalties. • The only charge the 'Klan had ...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 3

…- Pimp Three THE JEWISH NEWS Fridey, July 4, 1947 Jewish Agency Subjected to Criticism in Statement of Palestine Government Midwest Bloc of Women's Clubs Forces Vote Against DP Entrance Stratton Bill Can't Solve Basic Problem, Says Gillette WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Pass- UNSCOP Get; Memorandum Which Praises Jewish in front of the city hall he was cheered. The effect on the corn- age by Congress of the Stratton Development but Attacks Relations w...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 4

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Four Detroit Jewish Chronicle Friday, July 4, 1947 Letters to the Editor nc., 525 Woodward Ave., Detroit 26, Mich., CA 1040 Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., I SUBSCRIPTION: 13.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, ;5.00 Per Year at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 control of anti-Semitic agitation TILE BUCKLEY BILL in America. Dear Editor: WILLIAM LEV...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 4

…VW Page Four THE JEWISH NEWS As the Editor Views the News Quick, Uncle, the Swatter! Jewish Pocket Books Important Classics Made Available In New Series Christian UJA Committee In his letter to Henry Morgenthau, Jr., accepting the chairmanship of the National Christian Committee for the United Jewish Appeal, Thomas J. Watson, president of Inter- national Business Machines. Corporation, ex- pressed the view that "resettlement of the h...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 5

…Friday, July 4, UM The Voice of the Man in the Street Fram to Teach at Olivet Camps Heads Conservative Rabbinate Rabbi Leon Frain, of Temple Israel, will teach at two Christian youth camps from July 6 to 19 under the auspices of the Detroit Round Table of the National Con- , ference of Christians and Jews. From July 6 to 12, Rabin Frans will serve on the faculty of the Congregationalist Youth Camp at Olivet, Mich. The following week he wil...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 5

…Page Five THE JEWISH NEWS. _Frilly,, juIV 4, 1947 Palestine Crisis Forces Confinement of Troops Chairman of '48 March.of Dimes Defense, Good WiIVAgencies Criticized by Rabbi Glazer Denies That Conference of Christians and Jews Has Succeeded in "Making Bigotry Unfashionable in America" in Address at Rabbis Convention By HENRY W. LEVY Special Jewish News Correspondent (Continued from Page 1) Two uniformed English-speaking policemen ent...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 6

…Friday, July 4, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Six Forest to Honor 3 Nazi Survivors Join Aunt Monsky Memory in Detroit After U.S. Landing Land Is Set Aside by National Fund NEW YORK — Scattered for years by war and Nazi per- secution, a family of eight mem- bers were wholly reunited for the first time in Dayton, 0., fol- lowing arrival of the S. S. "Er- I nie Pyle" in New York from Bremerhaven on June 22, with 206 survivors of Hitler,...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 6

…page Slit THE JEWISH NEWS - Irving W. Schlussel Named President of JNF Council Prominent Zionist Leader, Head of Mizrachi, Elected to Succeed William Hordes; Jewish National Fund Income Increased Five-Fold in Five Years Irving W. Schlussel, prominent Mrs. Evelyn Twersky, Charlie leader in Detroit Zionist and re- Wolok, Boris Wise, Harold B. ligious activities, was elected Weisman, Thelma Zak. Mr. Schlussel, a former vice- president of the ...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 7

…▪ Page Seven DETROIT JIWISII CHRONICLE Friday, July 4, HMI JWV MAN OF THE WEEK Executh e Heads ' Christian Group ENACTMENT OF A universal military training measure before adjournment of the present ses- sion of Congress was urged by Milton H. Richman, national commasider, in telegrams to Rep; Walter G,s Andrew; chair- man of the House armed ser- vices committee, and Senator Chan Gurney, chairman of the parallel body in the Senate. HAR...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 7

….• THE JEWISH . NEWS Friday, July 4, 1947 Christian Zionists Mobilize for Action •otigfog:atio'hai Activities Rabbi Samuel Stollman Ordained with Honors ; Preaches Here Saturday Rabbi Fram Addresses Christian Youth Camps; Laymen Lead Services Re-Elected Head of Rabbinical Assembly Page Seven During the next two weeks, Rabbi Leon Fram will be the guest of two Christian youth camps at 'which he will, lead groups, teach classes and lectur...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 8

…Friday, July 4, 1947 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Eight -_911 die kaki ote cLcal Society. On July 4, Shulamith Michlin and Joseph Heit will be united in marriage at the Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg. Miss Michlin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Michlin of Glendale avenue. A reception will follow the ceremony. Sylvia Himelhoch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Himelhoch of Flint was married to Marcus W. Edelstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 8

…I—ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY . Miss Harriet Aiken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aiken of Blaine avenue was graduated from the University of Michigan on June 14. She received her B.A. degree in history. Miss Edythe Bonin is spending a few months in Los Angeles, Calif., as guest of the Korchek family, formerly of Detroit. Esther Charnas of Glendale Ave., left Wednesday to spend the summer in California. En route she will visit relatives in Denver. Mrs. ...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 9

…Pre,-Nuptial Parties Fete Shirley Weinberg Page Nine DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Friday, July 4, 1947 Troth to Navy Veteran Announced • Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nussbaum of Washington, D. C., announce the engagement of their daughter Natalie Diane, to Louis D. Hoexter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoexter, formerly of Detroit. The wedding Will take place July 4. Announcement is made of the engagement of Madeline Nathan, daughter of Mr. and...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 9

…Page Nine THE JEWISH NEWS Friday:July.4, 1947 I ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Adeline Alger Weds I Dr. Philip E. Lachman Miss Harriet Simons of the Wilshire Hotel is spending the holi- day week-end in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Maas of Cambridge Rd. have left for Charle- voix where they plan to spend the summer months. Mrs. J. B. Baruch and her son, Theodore, of Blaine Ave. are spending the holiday week-end in Chicago as the guests of her son...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 10

…I Page Tea Maxine Steinman Wed to Sydney Rosenberg DETROIT JEWISH To Wed July 26 1 Meyer Steinman announces the marriage of his daughter Maxine to Sydney Rosenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenberg. The marriage took place June 29 at the bride's residence on Buena Vista avenue. Marhuses to Mark 40 Years of Marriage cinnati, who were the guests of their sister and brothe•-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levine, for several days, were acco...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Ten Attorney Nayer Clarifies Issite,S NowTheyDemand In Story of Pontiac Restriction Case Share -of Zionist Harry N. Nayer, attorney asso- therefore, in the court's view U.S. GI Monies ciated with the firm of Levin, became unnecessary to pass judg- Levin, Garvett and Dill, in a statement to The Jewish News offers corrections to .the article which appeared in our issue last week regarding the Pontiac re- strictive covenan...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 11

…Friday, July 4, 1947 StoHman's Son to Preach Here Bride of Seymour Rabinowitz Rita and Paula Joyce, at a dinner dance June 21 in the English Room of the Book Cadillac Hotel. The affair celebrated the graduation of Reva Rita on May 16 from Temple Beth El LOWELL, Mass.—Paul V. Mc- to the Philippine Republic, and Judge Lewis E. Levinthal, of Philadelphia, special adviser on Jewish Affairs to Lt. ' Gen. Lu- cius D. Clay in Europe, called...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 11

…Page Elev.*, THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July '4, 1947 Profs. Einstein and Laski Figure In Brandeis University'&Dispute Miss Rubiner to Wed MInwer Verein to Hold All-Day Picnic Sunday Harold Robert Lasky Mlawer Umgegend Verein is sponsoring an all-day picnic Sun- day, July 13, at Lola Valley Park. Sam Kline and Louis Seman- sky, chairmen of the arrange- ments committee, announce that Kosher dinners and suppers will be available. To reach the ...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 12

…• DETROIT JEWISH Page Twelve Friday, July 4, 041 CHRONICLE Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Accepted By Phone Until 11 A.M. Wednesday Rates: tic Per Word. Minimum Ad $1.00. Phone CAdillac 1040 'V....N. N. 11239 Hest VeNlehola - VErmeat 11-4350 h11.11ER RELIC ATEN•EN 1.1'•( H •AND 11.411KV 1191 tslElt All new eolupmerit oral ('fisher log. 1.40.4 LAO to 17011 weekly. 87.0e0 wtII harolle. Broker, kit. 1990 or TU. 2-0769. ...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 12


July 04, 1947 • Page Image 13

…Friday, July 4, 1947 Wok(' News in Brie D E T,R 0 IT JEWISH CHRONICLE . Bnai Brith A nt i-Defamation League in Mexico. DP's From Three Lands Preparing for Exodus JDC Head. Visions Movement Out of Camps Throughout Europe PARIS (JTA)—Thousands of European Jews are on the move and the displaced Jews in Germany, Austria and Italy may soon start an unorganized movement out of the camps, Moses A. Leavitt, executive vice-president of the Join...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 13

…Pave Thirteen THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 4, 194T State JWV Posts Zionist Actions Meeting August M; Name Bordelove Meyerson Resignation Is Rejected JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Jewish Agency decided that New Commander the oft-postponed meeting of the Zionist Actions Committee P Danny kaskin's 0 LISTENING I will convene in Zurich on Aug. 24. Mrs. Goldie Meyerson, chairman of the Jerusalem section of the Agency's political department, attempted t...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 14

…Friday, July 4, 1W1 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Fourteen Escaped Nazis as by a Miracle eamotile PHIL ROTHSCHILD choir sang and the organ SUBJECT—THE WEATHER: I am sitting here at my swelled forth with tender, soft typewriter and I have my music. The fabulous wedding cake sleeves rolled up to my elbow. My shirt collar is unbuttoned stood five tiers high. The lovely bridesmaids received sterling and my tic is at half-mast. compacts from ...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 14

…Friday, July 4, 1947 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Fourteen From DP Camp to `Viable Jewish State' Reported as Being UJA Campaign UNSCOP's Preference for Zion's Partition Palestine Government Reported to Have Rebuffed UN es and sold them eggs, receiv- Committee's Efforts to Visit Detention Camps; Unofficial ing in turn advice on local con- UNSCOP 'Majority' Rejects DP Camp Visits London Judge Sentences Seven Jewish Veterans LONDON, (JTA)—Although...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 15

…rriesy, July 4, 1117 DETROIT Page Fifteen%, Zionism Reviews 50 Years of History Send 555 Tons Camp Launched as Convention Celebrates It's Jubilee of SOS Supplies By Rube Young • • By DAVID SCHWARTZ TWO SCORE AND 10 years i ago, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, the Zionists conceived; and brought brought the idea that the Jewish nation "shouldC have a new birth of freedom." I Accordingly the ZOA. convention at New York this week cele- brate...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 15

…Page Filteen THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 4, 1947- Monument, Unveilings Classified Advertisements LINERS accepted from responsible firms or persons by telephone up to 10 a. in. Wednesday. Rates: 6c a word. Minimum charge 60c. CALL RA. 6558 OR RA. 7956 The family of the late Henry CARPENTER and brick laying, gen- ROOM to rent to couple. No children- MRS. FANNIE SCHWEITZER, at the Hebrew Benevolent Soci- Strictly kosher home. 3791 Tuxedo....…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 16

…• " Friday, July 4, 1947 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONIC!, Page Sixteen Tr Tem-Age Sophisticates Great Comeback by Al Jolson By HELEN TENNENBAUM HOW ARE THINGS in Glocca Morra, or what's cooking with you? . .. Why plenty; pals, so let's beat the heat by gulping down some c0000l cokes and a few soc% besides, as we find what the fellows and slick chicks are up to . . Summer school for extra cred- its seems to be the draw for Iry Keene, Bernie Per...…

July 04, 1947 • Page Image 16

…Friday, July 4, 1947 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Sixteen Ilictuve Stoordies from the plosus t.eAos peopue pito.* EGYPT— AND iiiss si-vitiome FOR ISRAEL•PART 3 1 1!,x r Epi 7 12: 4 I :CLA, flea "Y_ COPYRIGHT 1942 BY M.E..GAINES Between You and Me By BORIS SMOLAR Heard in the Lobbies Given Honorary Degree by Wayne (Copyright, 1947, Jewish Telegraphic Agency. lac-) Topics The Fourth of July is a red letter day in the history of the Amer...…

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