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May 03, 1968 • Page Image 1

…Five Days Remain To Assure Allied Campaign's Success TELETHON Community-' Vide Appeal . 1Jr Great Campaign The closing event of the current Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund—the Victory Dinner to be held next Wednesday at the Jewish Community Center—must emerge a truly victori- ous occasion. It will be a victory if all prospective contributors an- nounce their gifts before May 8. This is an emergency campaign, and its success depe...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Arthur Goldberg's Role at UN Arthur Goldberg's resignation as the U. S. representative at the United Nations was not unexpected. It was known for some time that he was not happy in his role, that he wanted a change, that he was fed up being the mouthpiece for the State Department. He didn't say so, but that's what was understood. He leaves his post with honor. He con- ducted himself with dignity. There were times when govern...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 3

…Allied Campaign Reaching - Highest Goals (Continued from Page 1) en volunteers. Telethon officers are will receive citations at the Victory located at Jewish Community Cen- Dinner. They are Mrs. Morris ter, 18100 Meyers Road, and Jew- Schaver, Abe Shiffman and Max ish Welfare Federation, 193 Madi- son. and Phillip Stollman. The awards Campaign divisions which are are given by the Israel govern- ment for contributions to secon- scheduled for ...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 COCKTAILTIKE... Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The. Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235, VF. 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign SS. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan SIDNEY ...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 5

…Official Warsaw Uprising Observance Occasion for Attacks on Jews Abroad LONDON (..TTA)—Poland's dep- uty- minister of culture, Kazimierz Rusinek. used the officially spon- sored memorial ceremonies mark- ing the 25th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising as the oc- casion for an attack on world Jew- ish organizations and leaders for allegedly ignoring desperate ap- peals for hel• , from the beleaguered ghetto in 1943. According to the ful...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 6

…Neo-Nazi NPD Records Big Victory in Suite Votes. Causes Wide Dismay BONN (JTA)—West Germany's nco-Nazi National Democratic Party emerged from the Baden- Wurttemburg state elections Sun- day with 9.8 per cent of the total vote cast assuring it of 12 seats out of 120 in the next state parlia- ment. It was the most impressive dis- play of electoral strength to date by the party, whose extreme right- wing nationalism and frequent ad- vocacy of Hi...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 7

…z — - `Total Involvement' in Meeting Needs of Poor Urged on Jewish Centers at JWB Convention SAN FRANCISCO (JTA)—Total involvement in community pro- gfams to alleviate the urban crisis through helping to provide jobs, education and better housing for deprived Americans was urged on Jewish community centers in a series of resolutions adopted at the closing sessions of the Nation- al Jewish Welfare Board's 1968 biennial convention here Sunday...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 8

…Jewish Community to Take Part in TV-Home Discussion Series on Problem. Solutton to Urban Unrest Television — home discussion groups, a unique means of ex- ploring the issues and causes of urban unrest and the racial crisis in America, has been developed by an interfaith council in Detroit. The Jewish Community Council is serving as a co-sponsor of the project. A five-part television documen- tary, "Community Forum," will be seen at 7:30 Monda...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 9

…°immunit Y Sorro ws "t or tx IST1 * 11. ion " at It‘ iga, Rejoices for Israel at 20th 'Birthday' Party "I shall not die. but I shall live" —the words of the psalmist quoted at Saturday's midnight Yizkor service for the Six Million—carried over to Sunday evening, when De- troit Jewry celebrated Israel's re- birth. Both communitywide observ- ances were held at the Jewish Cen- ter under the auspices of the Jew- ish Community Council and the latt...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 10

…ti 10—Friday, May 3, 1968 MARTIN AGRONSKY Guest Speaker A ' N:1 I :••• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS DAVID POLLACK Co-Chairman DAVID P. ZACK Dinner Chairman MORRIS KARBAL Honored Guest Dinner ABRAHAM BORMAN Trustee, Yeshiva U. and Chairman, Detroit Friends DETROIT FRIENDS OF YESHIVA UNIVERSITY ARE PLEASE TO ANNOUNCE Morris Nb arhal WILL BE PRESENTED WITH THE Astin g uished Service Award EDWARD C. LEVY Co-Chairman shiver Univers...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 11

…Arnoni's Effective Resume of Middle East Situation; Leftists Challenged on Issues M. S. Arnoni is a leftist. His magazine, The Minority of One, is the arch-independent magazine that is considered leftist. Its grow- ing subscription list attests to an admiration for a man of independ- ent thinking. He is a bitter foe of the U. S. Viet- nam policies, and he has exposed the crimes of the Nazis. He does not hesitate to oppose Establish- ments whi...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 12

….kitralb War of Terror Will Be Decided in Jordan' Moshe Dayan Continued from Page 1 therefore is accompanied by my confidence that your government will devote all its energy to effort to reach a secure, just and lasting peace—acceptable and beneficial both to Israel and to her nieghbors." Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said Tuesday that he foresaw the possibility of "a state of non-bel- ligerency" between Israel and its Arab neighbors rather t...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 13

…Israeli Troops Answer El Fatah Force With Force (Continued from Page 12) and that 4 Israelis are being at- tacked and su'fering casualties" while the Council was "deliberat- ing on how Israel should celebrate its national holiday." Israeli Patrols Kill 19 El Fatah Intruders TEL AVIV (JTA) — Israeli forces, supported by helicopter- borne paratroopers, killed 13 heav- ily armed El Fatah marauders in a short, fierce battle in the barren hills n...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 14

…Eban Asks Only a Week to Provide Settlement of Territorial Problems (Continued from Page 13) encouraging Jordan to bring its complaint against Israel's Inde- pendence Day parade in Jerusalem before the Security Council. Eshkol said the secretary-general should not be surprised to learn that his image in Israel is now "a little tarnished." Israel assured Romanian Fo- reign Minister Corneliu Manescu. , president of the General Assem- bly, that...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 15

…Anyone Looking forward to celebrating The 2nd Annual Detroit Riot this summer ... is too sick to go. The illness has nothing at all to do with skin color. It can affect whites just as potently as it can blacks. With the same utimate results. Rumor has it some people already have the bug. Their numbers are few. And they can be controlled. We can stop them cold with some individual respon- sibility on the part of every sane citi...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 16

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16 — Friday, May 3, 1968 Pernick Candidate for Probate Judge Announcing his candidacy this and will make recommendations week in the race to fill a vacancy on new commitment and release in Probate Court, Common Pleas procedures for the mentally ill. Judge Joseph J. Pernick said his Pernick serves as a member election to that bench would allow of the board of trustees of Alexan- him to Nvork even more closely with Bri...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 17

…▪ Pearson to Speak JCC Basketball Team Reaches the Finals to Beth Aaron's of Midwest Tourney The Jewish Community Center Men's Club May 19 varsity basketball team ended its . season as runner-up in the Jewish Welfare Board Midwest Tourna- ment in Cincinnati. Louisville won the tourney. The performances by Ricky Kac- zander, Ricky Ehrlich, Joe Ehrlich, Jon Bayer and Marty Fischhoff en- abled the Center squad to take the first three games eas...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 18

…Al_ 18—Friday, May 3, 1968 1 4 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 11 P0.1•• ■ 010•001•1•13•1•Wil•0•1=111•1•11.0 ■ 1141411•0 ■ 41 ■ 1•NIAMMA•11•14)41•I•01•11 .04■04 • 11 •••11••••11 ••••41411 •1 •0■ Flint News 04i ■ 0111MW110-0•11•0•1•11“.•.)•• ■ •••041•1•11.•••••0 ■ 4101=111.011•10.0.10M1 .1 ■0411•10.0.11■1 • 11010•0••••011iO411•11•1■48•1/00.110•11.1•••1, UJA Women Hear Campaign Successes Increases averaging 20 per cent on the same pledge card...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 19

…Listen. We're t asking ou to join. Just come to a meeting. It's not like we're strangers. You can come in to say hello, to pass the time, to look around, if you like. Who knows? You may even like something. We've got some desks, chairs, tables, lamps, rugs, accessories—even paintings. Everything you need for your office, and then some. So what are you afraid of? Looking isn't buying. Who said anything about buying? III SILVER'S 'THE OFFICE...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 20

…20—Friday, May 3, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS •0_ •MIP 0••••0114•110, 4111 ■0•■•■11■11 , 11=1.11.111 ■ 1/1111••0 1•1•MhOt Synagogue Council Urges Kerner Report Action NEW YORK (JTA) — Rabbi Jacob Philip Rudin, president of the Synagogue Council of America, said Tuesday that "the only mean- On the Air ! ingful response" to the legitimate This Week's Radio and I demands of the Poor Peoples Television Programs March was the adoption of legis...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 21

…Beth Shalom Prepares to Cite Rabbi Planning the Congregation Beth Shalom dinner on May 19, honoring Rabbi Mordecai S. Halpern and celebrating Israel's 20th anniversary are, (from left) : seated, Albert Rosenblum, president; Mrs. Charles Factor, ticket chairman; Mrs. Mitcheal Bloom, Mrs. Aaron Wallis and Mrs. Jack Solway, and Charles Isackson, presi- dent of the Men's Club; standing, Edward Gluklick, dinner co-chair- man; Jack Solway, Seymour ...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 22

…22—Friday, May 3, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 'Hadassah's Marriage' Includes All-Star Cast for May 14 Presentation at Cong. Shaarey Zedek The merger of Hadassah's De-1 troit and South Oakland County chapters, to be called the Greater Metropolitan Chapter of Detroit, will make this new chapter one of the largest single organizations in national Hadassah, with member- ship of some 7,000. On May 14, the "marriage" of these two chapters will t...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS omen's Club activities Detroit Women of Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity, will honor newly-elected president Mrs. Mur- ray Shekter at an installation luncheon noon Tuesday at Kings- ley Inn. The in- vocation will be given by Mrs. Gerald Bloom , past president. Following lunch Mrs. Leslie Moss, past president, will officiate at t h e installation ceremony. T h e officers are : Mrs. Shekter Mrs. Shekter, president; Milton ...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 24

…24—Friday, May 3, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Air. and Mrs. Brown Honeymoon in Rome Operation Friendship, Haven for Elderly Ex-Patients, Studied as Model for U.S.A. A federally aided program of the Detroit Section, National Conn- ell of Jewish Women, which en- ables elderly patients at Ypsilanti State Hospital to return to inde- pendent living under volunteer su- pervision has been given a re- newed grant through the Michigan Commission on...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 25

…Nli m • Duhb's 'Country Kitchen • Sherri's • Efros Drug Company • Fabulous Star Bakery • Bud R011ins Shoes • The Bootery • Pickwick Shop • Bob's Hair Foshioni • Rigsby Shoe Service . • Ala's. Barber Shop • Roem • _The, Bottom s, . .7•Z.•ft :,7 1)■ IINIONWOOMOIMMOMMIAIIIMWWW 0 4.00 0 4111W041WWVARFOIMOMOMO MM O4MMO ■ M04 ■ 041 ■ 04111 ■ 0■ MMUMMO.MMO THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 3, 1968-25 By ROSALIND S. ZUNSER Jewish ...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 26

…• • 26—Friday, May 3, 1968 Mrs. Schaver and Countess in Jerusalem Mrs. Morris L. Schaver, chairman of the Detroit Israel Bond women's division, with Countess Antoinette Rinaldi-Cardelli, in Jerusalem. The Italian countess served as a volunteer in Israel during the crucial months of May and June of 1967. She is coming to Detroit on May 22, 23 and 24 to address a sponsor re-enrollment affair and two other leadership gatherings for the Detroit...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 27

…activities in Society Friday, May 3, 1968-27 To Help City of Hope THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS at Night of Games a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a V The Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Group, City of Hope, will give a "Night Members of the new Beta Kappa Pledge Chapter of Sigma Delta of Games" party 7:30 p.m. Wednes- Tau Sorority, Wayne State University, were initiated last Sunday at day at the Labor Zionist Institute. All proceeds will go to th...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 28

…28—Friday, May 3, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Birmingham Temple Series to Close With Pinter Play Mrs. Morris Malin Hermtin-Berlin Rites Are Planned forSept. 1 Shiffman Clinic Turns Over Dentists to Report May 8 Israel Clinic • for Healith=0-Rama Held at Northland on Korostishever Aid Society's role in behalf of Histadrut campaigns and the society's gifts for the es- tablishment of the Kupat Holim Clinic at Gav Yavne, Israel, will be outli...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 29

…if Torczyner to Address ZOA Regional Convention Jacques Torczyner, national president of the Zionist Organiza- tion of America, will be guest speaker at the banquet of the founding convention of the North Central Region of the Zionist Or- ganization of America May 18, at the Jewish Community Center in Milwaukee. The convention will open May 17 with a luncheon and will continue May 18 and 19. Morton Wax of Milwaukee is chairman of the plannin...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30—Friday, May 3, 1968 Bnai Brith Women's Presidents Assume Office Allen Zemmol Enters Congressional Race gell and former partner of Gov- ernor John B. Swainson. In 1964, he served as a volunteer civil rights lawyer in Mississippi. Zemmol is married to the former Lita Schechter. They have three children. A life-long resident of Michigan, Zemmol and his family have lived in Oakland County for more than 10 years. He r...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 31

…Panush Named for ZOD Presidency; Scholarship Winners Are Announced Louis Panush has been nomi- nated for the presidency of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, Carmi M. Slomovitz, chairman of the ZOD nominating committee, announced. The election will be held at the Zionist Cultural Center on May 15. Richard B, Kramer, retiring president, succeeds Slomovitz as chairman of the executive commit- tee. Other nominees are: Vice-presi- dents, Dr. Al...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 32

…32—Friday, May 3, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ,JNF Certificates to Honor Mothers The Jewish National Fund recom- mends "Saying It With Trees" to honor Mother on Mother's Day, which this year will be observed May 12. A traditional method of marking Mother's Day, the JNF tree certificate symbolizes the planting of trees in Israel as a means of recording the names of loved ones. This certificate will be mailed to the mother honored, or to the...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 33

…Youth News Youth Teach-In Sunday at Center All high school- and college-age Jewish youth are invited to attend Teach-In, a rally to acquaint youth with facts concerning the Arab- Israel situation noon-4 p.m. at the Jewish Center. After registration, the program will proceed with the viewing of an Arab propaganda film and an an- alysis of its techniques by Dr. Al- bert Rabin, clinical psychology professor at Michigan State Univer- sity for mo...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 34

…34—Friday, May 3, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Young Hebrew Scholars at Center to Spend Two Months in Israel The Jewish Center's Summer Youth Ulpan in Israel has gone national. Eighteen teen-agers — including one from New York—have signed up to date for the two-month study- and-travel trip to Israel. The ulpan is concluded at the Technion in Haifa in cooperation with the department of education and culture of the Jewish Agency. Teen-age stu...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 3, 1968-35 Danny Raskin's Kush n e r-Newman Rites Four Theaters to Screen the Indianapolis 500 The closed circuit telecast of of the Palms, Dearborn, Royal at Shereton Cadillac the 52nd annual Indianapolis 500 and Woods theaters. The live tele- LISTENING P 0 S GUEST COLUMNIST DR. JACK JACKMAN Danny is in the sunny climes of Miami Beach, not as you would sup- pose for a relaxing few days, but as a membe...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 36

…THE JEWISH NEWS THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 36—Friday, May 3, 1968 DOWNTOWN Dine in a Serene Oriental Setting Featuring Authentic Cantonese Cusine r CARRY OUT AND CATERING SERVICE Open Seven Days a Week . . . Mon. thru Thurs., 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.; Sat., 11 a.m.; Sun. & Holidays. 12 Noon to 2 a.m. a.m. to 3 Fri. & 3177 CASS AT PETERBORO, 2 Blks. N. of Masonic Temple Free Forking NW° .1 ■ 0 memon• 0 4•1111,11ill.0111111.11 Dinner a...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 37

…11111 ME MI RE INS MI NE OM MI 2; EARLY BIRD I 1 ,41 ). BREAKFAST CLUB 1 I I I I I ma Marilyn Maye, sultry red-haired singing star, opens a two-week engagement at the Elmwood Ca- sino Monday. SPECIALS! NOTE OUR NEW HOURS ■ •1111 TheTotal Female Animal! CLOSED SUNDAY Space Available for Small Meetings I EASTIMANCOLOR MARTY'S ! NI ULTRASCOPE • Releaeed through AUDUBON FILMS NOW SHOWING! Exclusively at . Restaurant - Delicatess...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 38

…MOVIE GUIDE DOWNTOWN ADAMS DOWNTOWN Grand Circus Park MICHIGAN WO 1-8525 Paul Newman in "PLANET OF THE APES" "THE SECRET WAR OF HARRY FRIGG" Open 10:45 A.M. shown 11:15, 1:30, 3:50, 6:05, 8:25, 10:40 Wed. Ladies' Day (till 6) 75c Tickets Now on Sale at our Box Office for *****World Premiere*****May 14 Wm. Holden in "Devil's Brigade" Shown daily - 11:15, 2:50, 6:30, 10:05. "THE SLENDER THREAD" 1:10, 4:50, 8:30 WED. LADIES' DAY 75c (t...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 39

…CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners and display classified ads accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 2 p.m. Wednesday. For rates and information .. . CALL VErmont 8-9364 10—ROOMS FOR RENT 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS ROOM for rent. All privileges. DI 1- 6891. 18243 Freeland. OAK Park. Furnished room with bath for single man. $50 month. 398-0735, no Sabbath calls. Oak Park Apts. Beautiful spacious 1 bed rm. apt. • G...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 40

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 40—Friday, May 3, 1968 13—FOR RENT APAitTWENTS BRIAR HOUSE APTS. 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS HUNTINGTON WOODS NEW 1-2-3 BEDROOMS MARILYN MANOR 16225 Greenfield 1 Bedrm. Furnished Apt. 2 Bedrm. Unfurnished Apt. Large spacious walk-in closets. Air- All utilities included conditioned. Finest location. except electric. Near shopping and transportation. Lease. Adults. carpeted, apt. studio New dr...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 41

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 3, 1968-41 16-B-WANTED TO BUY- HOUSES CASH -CASH , CIASft H 0 M E S LIST WITH US for FASTER RESULTS - HOUSE; FOR SALE WHITCOMB- 7 Ml. Solid face brk. ranch bung. pass hall. Walk into pan. Breakf. Rm. mod. kitch. 11/2 baths, cent. air cond. Rec. Rm. 2 car brk. gar. Walk to trans. shopp. EVE SHERMAN 3 bedroom brick ranch-built 1966. 2 car attached garage. Full base- ment. Family room with fireplace. Be...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 42

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 42—Friday, May 3, 1968 APARTMENTS FOR SALE BROADSTREET-LIVERNOIS area Eng. style, 13 units, 2-story, beaut. brk. bldg. 4 rms. ea., fully oc- cupied, carpeted halls Yrly. income $12,480, expenses incl. paymts. $7,100 nets $5,300 pr. plus principal. WOODWARD-LaBELLE 26 units 3 & 2 rms. ea. Yrly. in- come $20,500, expenses incl. pay- mts. $10,500, will net you $10,000 yr. $14,000 dn. SUBURBAN AREAS Excellent bldgs....…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 43

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE GREEN 'ACRES BY OWNER 3-bed. cent, ent. Brk. Col., 1 1/2 baths, 2-car gar. This lovely well main- tained home is realistically priced at $23,900 PRICED TO SELL NOW For appt. to see call ALBERT COHEN 547-4240 or 353-9000. Beautiful colonial in prime area of SOUTHFIELD near Bnai David. 3 bedrooms up, den or _fourth bed- room down, 21/2 baths, country .kit- chen, formal dining room, beamed family room ...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 44

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 44—Friday, May 3, 1968 OAK PARK ONLY $25,900 (EASY FHA TERMS) 24000 Majestic. 3 bedroom brick ranch, 1 1/2 baths. 60 ft. lot in a beautiful area. !LEEDS REALTY Magnif. spacious extra large (3,600 sq. ft.) 4 bed. Col. on 150x150 lot in lovely TWYCKINGHAM. 4 Mast. bedrms., 31/2 baths, stunning pan. Fam. Rm. plus a Den, dream kitch. w/all blt.-ins, breakf. rm. formal din. rm. cent. foyer w/cir- cular staircase. We i...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 45

…17-HOUSES FOR SALE 19-H-OFFICE BUILDING FOR LEASE SOUTHFIELD. By owner. 11 Mile- Evergreen area. 3 bedroom ranch, 1 1; c2 baths, built-in kitchen. Many extras. 358-0791, no age nts. Near 101/2 Mile in Southfield. 1,500 sq. ft. - house can be used - has offices. Good parking. Building available end of June. Phone Mrs. Gormaine OAK PARK -• BY OWNER 3 bedroom ranch on CLOVERDALE STREET. 2 full baths, paneled fam- ily room, central air-condit...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 46

…46-Friday, May 3, 1968 MONUMENT UNVEILINGS Unveiling announcements may be in- serted by mail or by calling The Jewish News office, 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., De- troit 48235, VE 8-9364. Written an- nouncements must be accompanied by the name and address of the person making the insertion. There is a stand- ing charge of $3.50 for an unveiling notice, measuring an inch in depth, and $7.00 for one two inches deep with a black border. * * The family...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 3, 1968-47 Bud Charlip, 35; Paul Landy, 70 Paul Landy, president of Bnai Brith Leader Paul's Auto Parts and an active Avrum (Bud) Charlip, 35, for a number of years a popular partici- pant in youth and other Detroit movements, par- ticularly Bnai Brith, died Wed- nesday after an open heart oper- ation. Funeral services w e r e scheduled 10 a.m. today at Kauf- man Chapel, with interment at Clo- verhill Mem...…

May 03, 1968 • Page Image 48

…Boris Smolar's 'Between You and Me' By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) 4 Tale of Terror in Nation's Capitol; Is Guilt-Complex Excuse for Violence? (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) THE JEWISH IMAGE: There are no accurate, comprehensive facts regarding the Jewish population in the United States . . . The U.S. Census Bureau has never included a question on religion in its decen- nial census . . . However it did include—for the first t...…

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