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April 29, 1932 • Page Image 1

…THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NE. WSPAPER T PRINTEDC IN MICHIGAN . AN OFFICIAL LEGAL NOTICE NEWSPAPER FOR WAYNE COUNTY ' , and VOL. XXXIII. NO. 23• MATZOS PLENTIFUL IN RUSSIA BECAUSE SOVIET NEEDS CASH News Letter by J. T. A. Cor- respondent Tells Inter. eating Facts. THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932 Registration at Hebrew Schools This is the beginning of the new semester and children are now accepted for regi...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 2

…Pic,Dentorrikrami FIRONIC113 PAGE TWO •nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE SHARE that you may dispel the gloom that saps the courage of the job- less. Share that you may shelter the homeless. Share that you may suc- cor the sick and still the anguish of the aged and the helpless. Share that no Jewish mother shall suffer the pitying appeal of her hungry babies for food. Share that the proud Jewish tradition of giving without stint for the care of our peo...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 3

…- - rifEykiitorplEivisnamoNICLIi and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 1 b WO. "11. 110000.10001d•SISIM Laundrywork of Splendid Character ALL SHIRTS 6. .. . " u d t e ifu 12c each No catch to this, our delivery will call for any amount. Send us your evening skirts, all the same -price 10 Pounds Near Finished De Luxe 6 0 c $ Cannot Afford to do This at Home Flat Pieces, in this service, especially pleas- ' ingly laundered- 10c per pound—Minimum cha...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 4

…PIEVEntorrjEmsnetRONICLE PAGE FOUR and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE • 26 DIAMOND BAGUETTE WATCH SIYUM WEDNESDAY] OF YOUNG ISRAEL Young Israel of Detroit invites the public to its "Siyum," which More Than will be held on Wednesday, May 1/4 off 4, at 8:30 p. m. at Congregation Mishkan Israel, Blaine and Lin- wood. The class in the study of Tal- mud, conducted by Rabbi Isaac *Solid Platinum Case *26 Genuine Diamonds *17-Jewel Movement $150 Value ...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 5

…IffikritonjEwisn difaxv Ian awe TMa Auction Furniture Sale ABRAMSON'S TWELFTH ST. FURNITURE & CARPET CO. 8606 TWELFTH ST., AT PINGREE STARTING TUESDAY, MAY 3, at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. and Every Day Except FRIDAY until the entire STOCK has been sold. ABRAMSON'S $75,000.00 stock of the finest quality Grand Rapids and Rockford Furniture and RUGS will be sold to the HIGHEST bidders to raise CASH. Quality living-room suites, beautiful walnut a...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 6

…fr 1 IX newanvot , Mt/LEW' EJLT11011 EMMA, and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE WIEDEFROIrldEWISH el.RONIGLE an THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Publiehed Weekly by The Jewish Cbrenkle Publishina Co.. 44 reports, we quote here for the benefit of our readers from a statement by Dr. Elwood Mead, United States Commissioner of Re- clamation. Dr. Mead, a Californian and an authority on agricultural colonization projects, especially in a land with a climate akin to that ...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 7

…PIEIATRORAWIRILAROXICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ■■ •••• ■■■•■•1 , Jg. For Spring Housecleaning MIDDLE CLASS ZION SETTLEMENT URGED ABRAHAM JACOBS NAMED TREASURER OF ALLIED DRIVE (Continued from Page One.) OUR FILM FOLK (Continued from Preceding Page) "Ten Nights in a Bar-room." Wishful thinking of the public, eh? QUOTA WILL EXEMPT CITIZENS' HUSBANDS SOME ETHICS OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION Accessories Denote the Smartly Dressed By DR...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 8

…ATVentorritinstiffiRomat PAGE EIGHT and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DEMAND MADE FOR MATZOTH PLENTIFUL LARGER PALESTINE IN RUSSIA BECAUSE IMMIGRANT QUOTA SOVIET NEEDS CASH It's a Drink. 111 To Your Health • ManPrtiZeatfelfedprdoetaer;rthoSseh't ;121111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 whom his communications were addressed betrayed him to thel= police. 1 1 111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIII...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 9

…r ftEpemong eras n anto ri ciA PAGE NINE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 'g 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111EffillIMMENifinommummilimm WHO WILL BE KIND TO THEM? = Tomorrow, Saturday Is 3rairruat nub Olult Natru 4 Rodin Club. A meeting of the Rodin Club wan held at the home of Mrs. It R. Saline.., 2956 Richton, Wednesday evening, April IL The usual business mee...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 10

…PIEVEntOrrAnSfiCHIONICIJE PAGE TEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS FEDERAL NEWS • A Weekly Column of lot to the Legal Profession. 1 Tax on Gifts Curbed by Su preme Court. Holds Gifts Within Two Years of Death Not Conclusively Taxable. - The Supreme Court March 21 held unconstitutional that part of the revenue law of 1926 which pro- vides that transfers of property within two years before death shall arbitrarily be held to...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 11

…▪ PIEPLTROIVEIVIS/161R0/41CL@ said land contract mentioned •nd of which you ere now in possession under and by virtue of the terms thereof. Said prem- ien are described in said land contract ea follows. viz.: All that certain piece or parcel of land being •ituated in the City of Detroit, Warne County. Michigan, and more particularly known and described lot 164 University Manor Sub. of part of the N. E t• of the S. W. % of See. 16. Town I Sou...…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 12

…• PAGE TWELVE PIENETROIVEWISH (IIRONICLE APRIL 29, 1932 __ THE LEGAL CHRONICLE notice, for principal and interest the .um taxes and/or Insurance on said premises, 41) dollen, and se suit or proceedings of seven thousand four hundred fifty•four which said premise. are described as fol- at law having been Instituted to recover and 70/100 (17.454.70) dollars No suit low.: The lands, premises and property the debt ocured by said mortgage or a...…

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