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August 02, 1985 • Page Image 1

…1111 ( 1, ,! , 2. Detroit Olim Facing Burdens ' 6 25 The Radius Conference: Resouling The World Mesorati Seek To Block Amnesty For Jewish Underground 50 Wiesel Says We Must Speak For All 80 SH NEWS THIS ISSUE 50c AUGUST 2, 1985 SERVING DETROIT'S METROPOLITAN JEWISH COMMUNITY U.S. Links Arab Arms Sales To Peace Talks ,Congress threatens AWACS-type' battle over sales to Jordan and Saudis. Washington (JTA) — The Re- agan Administr...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 2

….4 :I fritlay,- August 271985 - - - i t H.t i. -THE-DETROIT-JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ e A Children's Tale Stresses Amicability A children's story often carries with it greater lessons for friendship and kindness among people than could ever be generated by adults. This is the lesson taught in The Secret Grove, a Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations tale, in which Barbara Cohen tells a story that leaves a sad ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 3

…Friday, August 2, 1985 3 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS George Ohrenstem Jewelers, Ltd NEWS . - Soviet Ties, Release Of Dissidents Sought Milwaukee (JTA) — The re- Moscow immediately. On that sumption of diplomatic relations same day her husband was fired from his job. Both are charged between Israel and the Soviet with violation of the passport Union "will come about eventu- ally, because it is in the nature regulations. Mrs. Grivnina lives o...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 4

…4 Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT-JEWISH-NEWS THE JEWISH NEWS Serving Detroit's Metropolitan Jewish Community with distinction for four decades. Editorial and Sales offices at 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 Telephone (313) 354-6060 PUBLISHER: Charles A. Buerger EDITOR EMERITUS: Philip Slomovitz EDITOR: Gary Rosenblatt BUSINESS MANAGER: Carmi M. Slomovitz ART DIRECTOR: Kim Muller-Thym NEWS EDITOR: Alan Hit...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 5

…••-•' • ••• ■ :,....,---••• ■ ••••••••••••••••••••••—... ---••••••tia• 7'.44"-; Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS .1)kri rrs-:r , 4 FRUIT & GIFT BASKETS LETTERS As a former Detroiter who moved to the "Sun Belt" over 40 years ago, and one who has been very intensely involved in Jewish education for over 20 years, I must take exception to the comments made by Mark Schlussel (July 19). For him to state that the "Sun B...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 6

…6 • 0 Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS VIDEO PLUS • VIDEO PLUS AUDIO • VIDEO PLUS • ,% AFTER YOU'VE SEEN la THE g OTHERS . • • ea O • 0 0 0 5 • COME g TO THE • MAIN VIDEO LIBRARIES S & J ELECTRIC • ao 0 4 g ..4 a O N CI 5 $35 MEMBERSHIP V+ Evergreen Plaza 12 Mile Rd. at Evergreen 569-2330 VHS & BETA 0 $2.50 OVERNIGHT ;0 ., V + A Two Detroit Olim Face Health, Finance Burdens •Track Lighting •Recessed ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 7

…7 1111111111MS46,tategreintinerv - _t v..1,mnelennanivsatemewo rn,..iiimpownomearagmerac-7 .snve.w.vwfl-ry--..-:=taa:•, BoRENsTEm is BOOKS, GIBS, RECORDS AND RELIGIOUS AR11CLES Everything for the Jewish home, synagogue and school. Lamest selection of Kosher wine 25242 Greenfield Rd., Oak Park, MI 48237 (313) 967-3920 Sinai Offering Free Home Test President Reagan's colon cancer first came to light when blood was detected in his stool. ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 8

…11 , Ut:1 . 13-Th THE DETROiTOWISH NEWS 8 Friday, August 2, 1985 CALL NOW. ONE WEEK ONLY! NO DOWN PAYlvIENT or SECURITY DEPOSIT Free Service Loaners -,i t ZERO DOWN LpsiN a . - ; Minton OFFICE Introducing . FREE . . . a • Consultation in your office. • Delivery. Installation. For information call . . . ALL MAKE & MODELS ART FIELD STUDIO Across From Tel-12 Mall 2646 Coolidge Hwy. (S. of 12 Mile) 399-1320 or 399-1327 Berkley 35...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS got NEWS GLASS & MIRROR Peres Wants To Release Government Workers Jerusalem (JTA) — Premier Shimon Peres said Tuesday that the government was determined to dismiss another three percent of the civil service workforce. This, he said, would be in addi- tion to the first round of dismis- sals, yet to be implemented, which constituted another three percent of the civil service work- force. The government wants to go ah...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 10

…7-1.1•111111111Mel lil A EL 10 Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NEWS The Finest In lingerie and Accessories See Our New, Exciting Fall Designs Located pr Kitty Wagner's Salon 851-5766 Hunters Square Orchard Lake Rd. & 14 Mile Tues.-Sot. 10 to 5:30 p.m. Wed. 10 to 9 p.m. George Warren is pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of G.G. WARREN COMPANY On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 1st, 2nd and 3rd, during ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 11

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 2, 1985 11 SUMMIT ACE HARDWARE 5520 Drake Road West Bloomfield, MI 48033 Moii.-Fri. 9-9 Sat: 9-8 Sun. 10-6 ACE ONE STOP SHOPPING SAVE BIG! All Items Subject to Prior Sale SALE! SAVE $10 VINYL COATED LAWN CHAIR REG. $49.97 REG. $10.58 NOW! 221/2" Kettle G rill • GRAND OPENING SPECIAL 997 $ 499 • With porr.elaino n-steel finish, and on .ntemal ash catcher. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST • CO...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12 Friday, August 2, 1985 PICK THE GREETING OF YOUR CHOICE Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year May the coming These are samples of the only — NAME — year be filled Greetings being offered this year to with health and be published in The Jewish News happiness for Rosh Hashana issue of SEPT. 13, 1985. '9.50 • #1 laron 'clan Mtn to all our friends and relatives all our family — NAME — 1 #2 #4 Dead...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ANY SERVICE NEWS oftware Savings (new clients only) Call for appointment 353.2890 Israel Museum Exhibits Treasure AL HARRISON LUGGAGE OUTLET — Unique Jerusalem archaeological treasures have recently been placed on exhibition by the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The collection of 9,000-year-old artifacts has revolutionary anthropological implications because it provides the first opportunity for experts to study t...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 14

…1 f 14 Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS THE UN-SILENT SCREAM The national debate over abortion has divided individuals and Jewish denominations, BY sWAN WELCH Speckd to l'hR douldi Nola I A ie•eemi•old Meth f s4 Pm n 197, the US, supreme Court ruling in Roe ve, Wade made abortion a legal choice for any woman in America, Today, how- ever, it is virtually impossible for any, one contemplating abortion to ignore the intens...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 15

…• porggriONIPINIIMPINNVIWIWWWWITer0,7 ,91.7•11.“911M., THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Filday Met 21 MS 9 , ; it yl have an abortion except an last resort — it oui44 to be her &Wen, not a matter for public debate Her view is shared by the National Council of Jewish Women, which affirm "every woman's right to choose abortion," To- r with other Jewish organize- ns, including the American Jewish B'rith Women, the Congreso, National Federation of ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 16

…2104 Nu st 2, 1985 Tip DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CLOSE-UP WITV BECAUSE IT'S THERE, Keeping up with the news these days can be a mountainous task, But a subscription to the 'most Ntwo, can increase your knowledge — of issues concerning our Jewish community — and lilt your spirit, For subscriptions Call 3546060 Un-Silent Scream Continued from preceding page group in Judaism agrees un- equivocally that when the life of the mother is at stake, o...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 17

…soraet ersaVIONOPINgRfalINXIMPWWINPVI. Friday, August 2, 1985 17 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS LOOKING FOR A HOME? ikokotAttomy Speclollzo in Finding the Horn* You Wont Free 1.11901 Help or Clang Albert Out 0504470 Tha most lenient view would be that a woman bee authority over her own body and wells being, and in consultation with her physician and family can determine her own course of action, This corresponds basically to the Reform point of...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 18

….171 ,7;w1 ,^,7 ••••••••,rn r "" , MI as II ~MOW 79 • ,^ V, 1 ■ II/ 10 Friday, August 2, 1965 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Shmley • The SMART MOVE! M1PAAATION F011; • am Jewelers 28325 Twelve Mlle Rd, Southeast corner Northwestern Behind Geb•'a Fruits In The Mayfair Shops mon,,ess, 10430 Thum to•s;ao 353.1424 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS, INC. since 1970 $PICIALISTS IN COMMUNICATIONS ran CONSULTATIONS i DEMONSTRATIONS Business Phon...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 19

…begins to get concerned when he is called on to do four or five abortions on the flame person" and sees abortion being used as birth control, And most physicians are increasingly and uncomfortably aware of the paradox of being asked to "work desperately to Have a baby in a high risk preg• nancy" and then abort another life at the same stage of de. velopment, The variety of rabbinical opinion — "and I'm just talk- ing about Orthodox opinion" — ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 20

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20 Friday, August 2, 1985 OP-ED mos For those who '- want the finest custom furniture at„, AFFORDABLE PRICES The simplest cube to the most intricate wall unit built to your specifications by meticulous craftsmen. Selections for every room in your home or office in fine woods, laminates, marble, glass and specializing in,„ OUTSTANDING LUCITE DESIGNS FINALLY. A FAST, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP I...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 22

…:3?" , 13 iLA 22 .Friday, August 2, 1985 0 ■ V 34 Iii:111 EL I i --- THE EiETFRSIT JEWISH -NEWS NEWS MAX THE HANDYMAN Can do anything in or out of the house Former Apt. Maintenance Chief YOU NAME IT - I'LL DO IT!! window washing, screen repair, gutter cleaning, electric switches replaced, door and lock repair, curtain rod design, caulking, cement repair, garbage disposal replacement, plumbing, ETC., ETC., ETC. Call 968-1145 airport ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 23

…Friday, August 2, 1985 23 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I '• Audette Cadillac Israel more often, It may mean that other relationships get established — as those involved get , older and have families of their own, their children form close ties," And if the program is suec• cessful in Israel, Alter sees no reason why it can't be ex- panded to other Diaspora communities. "The idea of service by Jewish people, for Jewish people.and paid for by Je...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 24

…L A ; • i L- i:V 131/i e 24. - ThIlay,-AtIgust 2; 1985 1;i THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS •■ ••••••• Susan Weingarden 851-0552 S Personalized poems for all occasions. There's no end to my creations. N3SP'‘" 0 S IM MO III IN MU NO EMU MI NM MI MAMIE - ----- candle lighting recitations birthday celebrations Bar Mitzvahs and consecrations wedding congratulations anniversary elaborations get well inspirations birth annunciations words of a...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 25

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 2, 1985 25 Resouling The World The second Radius Institute outreach conference produced no resolutions, took no votes, decided no controversies, but it did bring together a group of lively people for two and a half days of stimulating dis- cussion about unaffiliated and disaffected Jews. BY SHERWOOD D. KOHN Special to The Jewish News There are, in the United States, an increasing number of unaffilia...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 26

…••• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 26 Friday, August- 2, 1985 P ak Sh ore, sort Hotel Naples-on-the-Gulf, Florida HERE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW.. SPECIAL OFFERING PRESENTATION FOR SERIOUS REAL ESTATE INVESTORS THUR., AUGUST 8th, 7 PM 95% FINANCING FOR FREE INFORMATION CALL 800-221-4732 • Cindy Marshall Offered by ern' epic residential network, inc. a member of the epic group Did You Remember to send someone a gift subscription to THE JEWI...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 27

…•i? THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS JEWISH NEWS let your words do the talking in the as a civil rights worker in the 60's, trying to convince Southern blacks to register to vote. He recalled that his ex- perience as a white, Eastern- born Jewish enthusiast caused him to fail utterly in his first attempts to find any black residents to talk with. When he asked his older and wiser supervisor why everyone re- fused to answer his earnest door-knocking...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 28

…28 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Frid4, August 2, 1985 Lew Silver ■ Nrie g mg 2 ■ 416 THE KNITTING . NOOK SAVE 30-60% ON NEW AND OUT-OF-PAWN • Expert Knitting Lessons, Yarns, Etc. • Custom Patterns & Designs • Hand Made Sweaters & Finishings + :NW ‘Irt 41, DIAMONDS & JEWELRY WEST BLOOMFIELD PLAZA 6666 Orchard Lake Rd. Lew Silver Diamond Broker 9 Mile Road at Greenfield Across from the Advance Building 559-5323 • Confidential Loans On ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 29

…Friday, August 21. 1985 29 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 hd, Fitom NOON `TIL MIDNIGHT, KCSINS PRESENTS AN EVENING F MADNESS! 50~75% SAVE DURING THEIR MOONLIGHT MADNESS SALE ......... NOW .... w. 4:".•22.1,••••• ■ .4:• ••ttszsm* '''34 'xi&ge• AANYSMOM AW430 On Friday, August 2nd, from 12 Noon 'til Midnight, when the moon is just right, prices at Kosins Clothes and Kosins Big & Tall stores in Lathrup Village will be ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 30

…, 1 (If ■ ' 13I , THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30 Friday, August 2, 1985 FOCUS humanistic resources aQ Resouling PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Continued from Page 28 INDIVIDUAL, FAMILY AND MARITAL COUNSELING SPECIAL SERVICES INCLUDE: • • • • • Ron Rice, Ph.D. Natalie Rice, M.A. 626-2056 32910 W. 12 Mile Farmington Hills Agoraphobia: Pathways to Recovery Divorce Counseling Sexual Therapy Program Career Counseling School Problems • • • • •...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 31

…Friday, August 2, 1985 31 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Super Summer Sale MORAH FEIGY'S covenantial relationship with God." The conference, pointed out Lynn Davidman, a doctoral candidate in sociology at Brandeis University, had broken down into wrangling between religious and social science factions, but that con- flict represented only a seg- ment of the disputed areas. There were many other points of difference. Bedevil- ed by what Mayer ident...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 32

…32 Friday, AuguSt 2; 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 111E 111E CLASSIFIEDS BE A WINNER, PLAY VALUABLE COUPON Ble•lu I= FREE FRAMED signed print GAYNORS I NOW OPEN SUN. ORCHARD PLACE ORCHARD LAKE RD. S. OF 14 MILE RD. offer expires ! NEWS 354-6060 LOW PRICES EVERYDAY! ;win a p Call The Jewish News Today 855-0033 GAYNORS 8-31-85 FIRESTONE JEWE LRY Fine Arts 29512 N.W. Hwy I 353-3888 Wholesale Diamonds & Jewelry Remounting ...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 33

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Preteen Girls & Lee Jeans "Where Fit Is Foremost" new at Kosins Harvard Row Mall Southfield Rd. at 111/2 Mile • 559-3900 356 2830 Big & Tall Southfield at: 101/2 Mile • 569=6930 KIDS CLOSET CO. - 20% OFF ■ GARY R. MILLER & ASSOCIATES HOME MADE CLASSICS Make Your Special Occasion Really Special!!! Try Our Strawberry & Creme Torts "Photography with a personal touch" SPECIALIZING IN: • VIDEO TAPING • CANDID...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 34

…34. Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS COLON CANCER & POLYP DETECTION Did You Remember to send someone a gift subscription to If rectal bleeding, history of colon polyps or family history of colon cancer are of extreme concern to you Please Call 559-6370 Board Certified Gastroenterologists THE JEWISH NEWS? A SHUL WHERE YOU CAN FEEL AT HOME Congregation Bais Chabad of West Bloomfield 5595 W. Maple is the choice of sophistica...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • ULPIED1 ALEXAN 9ER A Covitivimivgfore Ceviter GET MARTS Call The Jewish News 354-6060 Israel Releases More Prisoners From Atlit Providing skilled nursing care in a quiet, residential setting for over thirty years, our professional staff is dedicated to serving the special short-term, convalescent and long- erm needs of our patient-guests and their families. BARRY'S LETS RENT IT 718 W. Fourth Street, Royal Oa...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 36

…t THE 'DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 2, 1985 36 FIND IT bruce m. weiss PEOPLE L IN THE Jewelers Twelve Mile Rd.] A I I 5 S Southeast outheast corner Northwestern Behind Gabes Fruits In The Mayfair Shops Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 Thurs. 10-8:30 BY MICHAEL ELKIN Special to The Jewish News 353-1424 • I AL KLINE r, ir Magic "See me for a heimish deal" (.4nit in it it 6161 Woodward Detroit, MI 48202 Bldg. Just south of the GM &...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 37

…• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS * 41. LARRY FREEDMAN Orchestra BOOKS salute to the Golan Heights dur- ing the War of Independence in Israel. The cousins are building an ex- pensive movie studio. near Jerusalem. "We never stop mak- ing films in Israel," says Golan, while admitting that "cinema in Israel is dead." If a movie were to be made of the Golan-Globus saga, what kind would it be? Golan laughs. "Maybe a Comedy." PIPII- • * 11. The Mi...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 38

…Friday, August 2, 1985 38 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FOR YOUR BUSINESS TRAVEL le, A•S TAX DEDUCTIBLE NEWS ► -v ■ F SEMINARS Customized to your vocation plans Reps: Summit Critical For Soviet Jews Two outstanding 5 day seminars held every week in sunny San Diego California for less .. . • LOWEST AIR PRICES QUOTED • COMPUTERIZED CORPORATE PROA LES • FREE & PROMPT TICKET DELIVERY • \ DISCOUNTED ',HOTELS, CAR RENTALS PARKING • CONVENTI...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 39

…MN Ilse 7 , Votrid Waitze, 7evt ftee/ Friday, August 2, 1985 39 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS IRELAND American Hawaii Cruises 7 DAY LUXURY CRUISES THROUGH THE Join Our Group Departures on the "NEW" CUNARD COUNTESS and HAWAIIAN ISLANDS • KAUAI • OAHU • MAUI • HILO • KONA JOIN OUR GROUP DEPARTURES aboard the S/S INDEPENDENCE *Aug. 24, 1985 Oct. 26, 1985 Nov. 30, 1985 October 19-26, 1985 (June, July & August Departures Available) Departur...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 40

…40 Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Above, use Roberg carefully completes an alphabet poster. At right, she proudly displays the finished product. Drawing On Success use Roberg and Lynne Avadenka turn Hebrew calligraphy into a profitable business and a religious outlet. BY SHERI PICKOVER Staff Writer etting married today takes a lot of work. There are many details that need to be worked out. Getting the right dress, the r...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 41

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 2, 1985 41 Lynne holds a finished ketubah, out a page on her basement printing press. tions and ketubot is a "highly tradi- tional trade" and "a way of preserving history." Keeping an observant home, Roberg proudly puts her beliefs into her work. Most people have "never seen what can be done with invita- tions," she says. She incorporates a person's name into a design such as putting Malka (a queen) in...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 42

…42 Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Family Run Pharmacy 1 $ 10% OFF All School Supplies expires Sept. 15th ------ -- ---- Notebook Filler Paper 200 count 1 FREE WALDRAKE PHARMACY Expires Sept. 15th M IN - 5548 Drake Rd. West Bloomfield 661-0774 Expires Sept. 15th Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Americans and Israelis Dominate 12th Maccabiah - M INI M M OM M OM • Ty-Tabs (some as Tylenol) coun...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 43

…• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS LISTENING POST of Southfield DANNY RASKIN BIG MOVE TO its own two- story building on, Northwestern Hwy., three blocks north of 12 Mile, will soon be made by Hamilton, Miller, Hudson & Fayne Travel ... Its complete re- tail and wholesale systems will be in the new locale ... latter part of August or first portion of September . . . Present offices may become part of E.D.C. (Elec- tronic Data Systems) owned by Gene...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 44


August 02, 1985 • Page Image 45

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ;•! Friday, August 2, 1985 45 Greektown's Finest Cuisine LAIKON CAFE AUTHENTIC GREEK COOKING Liquor • Beer • Wine Sun., Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 11 a.m. - 3 a.m. Fri. & Sat. til 4 a.m. The originator, Cheryl Neil- son, lives in Toronto ... Her game is becoming very popular in California and New York ... lus many Canadian major cities ... Gourmet Challenge is scheduled to be released in England this fall ... and sold ex...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 46

…- -.4,-• 46 Friday, August 2, 1985 k 14 is ! k -T:f•• ■ ••-•••••••••,, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS : KAI Tz-s ..1 1 "1". " mammmer urCrUel P .O. Ni r mellimring w OrCo me:das B e mel et the roman terrace AUGUST SPECIALS $4 MEV ON LY 8 $649 Imo 2I New York (JTA) — Catholic and Jewish leaders held an all day consultation here to discuss a new set of Vatican guidelines ranommimmo.........imigusiommummx..." . on Catholic-Jewish relati...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 2, 1985 47 GRAND OPENINe"71 NOW—FIRST IN MICHIGAN-7-ENJOY -7- THE NEW—DI ERENT DELICIOUS and EXOTIC Gush Emunim MONGOLIAN 13-B-C) DINNER—ALL YOU CAN EAT! Per V person 41871MA/0RD. WATERFORD • POKIAC 3 Miles W. of Telegraph 683-5530 Scores Pact Jerusalem (JTA) — The Gush Emunim has condemned a coali- tion agreement reached in Kiryat Arba which provides for the mass dismissal of Arab workers employe...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 48

…48 Friday, August 2, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Deli Uni Since 1959 25290 werno Nora of 10 Mlle Rd. -39991 En IIII Ile ME NB M INE I . 111•11111•111= EN I LOCATED IN THE PINE LAKE MALL 851-2770 DINNER $ 1 399 FOR TWO I I I I I I Your choice of 5 entrees • New York Steak • Pasta Primovira • Chicken Teriyaki • Whitefish • 1/2 Broiled Chicken /c) Dinners indude: Salad, Vegetable, or Potato & Bread Basket ... PLUS 2 GLASSES OF...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 49

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 118 W. WALLED LAKE DRIVE Walled Lake 824-1033 DUE TO MINOR FIRE DAMAGE, PEPINO'S WILL BE CLOSED APPROXIMATELY ONE WEEK. Arab Youths Held In Murder Tel Aviv (JTA) — Three West Bank Arab youths have been de- tained in connection with the murder of two Afula school teachers whose missing bodies were discovered last Friday stuf- fed into a cave on the slopes of the Gilboa Hills overlooking the Emek. The three suspects, a...…

August 02, 1985 • Page Image 50

…50 Friday, August 2, 1985 THE,DETROIT JEWISH HEWS ••••••• • . • .„e• • 0 M ER E T • • • "" D1141 ER T HE R TRE •••••••• • ■ • • A GENTLEMAN AND A SCOUNDREL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RESERVATIONS: 649-1359 • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • •• 000 • • •• • • • • • • 000 o NEWS detroit's Original dinner theatre • •••••• OOOOOO ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• Mesorati Movement Asks Herzog To Deny Amnesty For Jewish Terrorists Jimmy Launce PROd...…

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