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June 02, 1961 • Page Image 1

…French, FIN AttitudesClash tio Future of 41-ewishCommunit yi . n- -en -. geria , 411 EVIAN, delegation (JTA)—Louis Joxe, French Minister for Algerian Affairs, of her obligations the French here negotiating the future of Algeria with head the repre- in Algeria. to safeguard the well-being and interests of the 1,000,000 non-Moslems sentatives of the FLN, the Moslem rebels in Algeria, gave outrig Leaders of the FLN, however, expressed the view ...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 2

…• Purely Commentary We Salute -N./6 Eminent By Philip oittZpuoinzaelitaiens HDeetnrry d a a Less S101110VitZ Hurwitz Heads Social Workers C. Simons Greetings f r o m President Kennedy and Secretary Abra-.. ham A. Ribicoff opened the 63rd annual convention of the . National Conference of. Jewish. Communal Service at the SW- ler-Hilton Hotel, Boston. Ken-, nedy's message to the 1,000 social workers who had gather- ed from all parts of the U...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 3

…Ben,Gurion Gree ted at UN; Regrets Absence of Arab Representatives (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) UNITED NATIONS — The permanent representatives of 50 member. states of the United Nations Wednesday attended a diplomatic luncheon given by Israel's permanent representa- tive Michael S. Comay in honor of Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. Ben-Gurion told the assem- bled diplomats that "In an armed and troubled world the Uni...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS 1961 Salute to Uncle Sam Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle comniencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspaper, Michigan Press Association, torial Association. National Edi- Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich.. VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 5

…Israel Bond Bar Mitzvah Dinner June 8 7 Naval Commander Guest Speaker; Detroit Leaders to Be Honored manded the vessel "Jaffa" The current chairman of the Milan, Morris L. Schaver, Phillip ax Stollman. which captured the Egyptian Detroit Israel Bond C chairman, Harry destroyer "Ibraham el Awal". is assisted by seph Katch- ke, Morris Ben Prior to being appointed Irwin I. Coh Profe Samuel commander-in-chief of the Is- Abe Kasle S' • -c lairmen...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 6

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, June 2, 1961 B-G Spends Whirlwind Week in Canada, U.S. I changing landing rights in Canada and Israel.) Ben-Gurion received a gen- eral salute from the 100 mem- ber Royal Canadian Guard of Honor when he arrived at the Ottawa airport. The greet- ing was marred only by about 100 Arab sympathizers carry- ' ing signs, "Ben-Gurion Go Home" and "Zionists Are Mur- ' derers." Police kept the pro- Arabs at a distance...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 7

…Capehart, in Senate Debate,, Raps U.S. Groups Supporting Israel Educators Oppose U.S. Brown Wins Doctorate in Jewish Education S. Brown, education Married to the former Fran- Aid to Private Schools I d Sheldon i r e c t or of Temple Beth ces Novetsky, daughter of Mr. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., (JTA) 1Shalom in Wilmington. Del., and Mrs. David Novetsky, 18066 —Jewish educators from all over and former administrative as- Greenlawn, Dr. Brown is a th...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 8

…SO .1 9-4 co " DAYENU BY HENRY LEONARD Ir4 ■ 0.////0.M.01111••001111 0∎0 ∎4,1111 •0(14111■1) g ewry Radomer Aid, Ladies Hold Board Meetin Mr. and Mrs. J. boar will host an exe omer Aid meeting of the 8:30- p.m. and Ladies S Monday at t rkmen's Cir- This Week's Radio and cle. Plans harity affairs Television Programs and a r e sale will be of Jewish Interest made. THE ETERNAL LIGHT A ga Time: 10:30 ,p.m. Sunday. 8:30 p. Station: WWJ....…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 9

…Germany Probes M.D. on Charge Israel Ministry Blasts Charge It Regards India Jews As Impure Teletype Wire to in reports that Israeli religious Indian Jews have been re- News) of Killing Jewish Patients for Nazis (Direct The JTA Jewish NEW DELHI, — The Union authorities regard Jews of India ported to be disturbed by the NUREMBERG, (JTA) — The Nuremberg prosecution office re- ported it had started an investiga- tion of war crimes charges agains...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 10

…• Hadassah Luncheons Honor Move Beth Yehudah of Medical Center, Education Day Women Set Art Two• major luncheon events Five hundred patients and for the coming two weeks are 1,200 medical personnel will be Shows, Lunches Center Slates Play, Movie and Mystery Trip Highlighting Jewish p.m. June 11 in the Aaron tivities the first ha Theater. Following the a play, mdvi yster movi Sol Dann, well-known ,at- ney. torney, will discuss "Has Man- - Th...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 11

…r. r ` . 1.0•111.11111•1111.0. 11.11■CMIllitt■111. . 1•111. 0 • 11.11=1...111.0011M0.1 ■ 11.1.11•11111.1.•04M.01•10.1).11M11 Boris Smolar's Between You ...and Me Ak, (Copyright 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) ' • zmi& The American Scene • • I have been receiving inquiries from many sides as to what is the attitude of major Jewish organizations toward the contro- versial John Birch Society . . . The society, which has em...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 12

…American Zionism Must Organize U.S. Jewry, Link It With Israel—Goldmann NEW YORK, (JTA) Dr. Na- hum Goldmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, summoned the American Zion- ist movement to "become one of the decisive and determining forces in American Jewish life and play a similar role now in American Jewry after the crea- 3 D •OM OTt AG MAKE REST RVATI ILLY'S HU ON $80 Per ON LAK hone FOr as City, Box 303 J. J. REIL ich. S...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 13

…OK WHAT'S UP! - DETROIT BANK & TRUST III o Elect Officers ' the fice of the organization, Newly nominat 163 dison, at least five days August, D. oorn, Caro prior t the annual meeting. Barne van Boesky, Steven Fi enry F. Gordon, David RN TO DRIVE tzman, Mrs. Sheldon H. Full Hour $36 ardener, Gail K . ch r, Re Lessons Rice, J . S Professional rots Instructors Starman, J ry Yaker. SAFEWAY DRIVER TRAINING Members of the 0 9-7600 — LI 2-6742...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 14

…SYNAGOGUE SERVICES CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Dr. Leo Y. Goldman will preach on "Light and Darkness" at 9 a.m. Sabbath services Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Mark Gregory Davis and Charles Sher- wood Lichtenstein will be observed. Services today at 7:45 TEMPLE ISRAEL: Sabbath services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi M. Robert Syme will speak on "How to 'Rate' People" and the Bar Mitzvah of Lenard Dale Canvasser will be observed. The cloSing exercises o...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 15

…omen's Cluhs PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT CLUB will install officers at a luncheon 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Ranucci's Restaurant. Installing officer of the ceremony, en- - - titled "S y m - bols of Our Jewish H e r tage," will be Mrs. Philip P. Fealk, national vice- president of the Na- tional Bureau o f Federated Jewish W o m- en's Organiza- tions and guide of Dis- trict 6, Bnai Brith Women. Those to be Mrs. Belinsky installed i n - elude Mesdames Willi...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 16

…• • • • • 0 r.... ° > 0 (1) - L) 0 ,..., cl.) CA 4-. C/2 .4_, ). 4. cs ' ••• 4 ".) E6 0 $_, P4 CL) .. ch cn ,,,, g * ; 72, -, o a) as > 0 .sue " C' 0 2 , g ..-4 r••••1 .44 4 co ,.0 as E -- • • • • 0, ,,, rAmase rl-o_.....A.2. 45. I t."5"-'*. cd t")6 -1 ,4720 .,,s4nziell2 .. >a - ''-' 0) gs 4-,CA 4-44 (:)'/) ,10 _, tZ -,;:r c'a <4 .1:1 ;•; ;-;',.r9 g- '5, IA' st. • g.. It 0 ,. o o 0 _, :0 - 0 as -- 036- .0 4, 0) 0 ...2)-...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 17

…in 0. co w co co CI, en U- wimmi 4:02- 41/ CC CO $ 1.50 tn CMa% a% cr. as 45 cr. I .= • CO, • . • • • • CI* • err cia y = . CrA • 11:= CO Lr, C6 = CA (0 ,0 --yas 0.) •9 • pa 0 e 0 .. 13 L) c l'4 ) 1 cu 4-, ``' X- w o 2 a) al 44 *-= `P.." c-) ›, . 0.) „CI 03 02 110 0 0 z r4 , c) ri „ 4 - -1-, - a) q) S-1 7:3 0, 7,4 •E . , `4) >7; A clir cv 9, .0 • - ° .2 „, • c/2 gl -` 3 ,C2 0...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 18

…V4 Fern Fishkind Will At Home Receptions Planned For Shaarey Zedek Consecrants Wed Sidney Fine Localites in Top MDA Posts Issue Appeal Annual consecration services of Cong. Shaarey Zedek will take place on Sunday, June 4. At home receptions will be held that afternoon for the following Shaarey Zedek consecrants: JUDITH D. FINK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Fink, of 18245 Littlefield, 2-5 p.m. No cards. MARILYNN HELPER, daughter of Mr. and M...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 19

…Steinborn-Kellner Rites Solemnized MRS. DAVID STEINBORN In a candlelight ceremony May 28 at Cong. Anshei Israel in Tuc- son, Ruth Kellner, daughter of the Jacob Kellners of Galveston, Tex., and David M. Steinborn, formerly of Detroit, son of Mrs. Evelyn Steinborn and the late Leo Steinborn, were united in marriage. - The new Mrs. Steinborn is a graduate of the University of Texas. Mr. Steinborn, who attend- ed Wayne State University, where h...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 20

…I Tree Certificates for Father's Day Proclaim Shaarey Zedek Day Bar Mitzvahs Honoring Centennial of Synagogue Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Band, 10745 V e r n o n, Huntington Woods, announce the Bar Mitz- vah of their son, Stanley, will be observed June 9 at Temple Emanu-El. A reception will fol- low the service. * * Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Stern announce he Bar Mitzvah of their son, Karl Martin, will be observed Saturday at Young Israel of Greenfield...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 21

…Myrna Sin,' arb's Engagement Told Michigan Historical Society Elects Katz Presiclen,t les J. Meyers, Dr. Leonard Othe Irving I. Katz, executive sec- nard Panush, Mrs. Mos , aum, manuel 1, Dr. A. W. San- retary of Temple Beth El, was . Irving I. Ed- Ettie Rap ce-preside ld Silver, Leon- elected president of the Je er; Mrs. Irving I. ders, Dr. gar, tre Edgar, secretary; Allen A. War- and N. Simo s, abbi M. Robert Historical Society of Syme, Al...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 22

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, June 2, 1961 -- 22 Family-Children's Service Will Honor Mrs. John Farkus Mrs. John Farkus, a foster mother to 28 children during the past 32 years, will be hon- ored by the board of the Jewish F'amily and Children's Service at a tea to be held 2-4 p.m. Sunday at the Jewish Center. Members and friends of the Family Service and many of Mrs. Farkus' foster children and their families will join com- munal leader...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 23

…77.60 MUMFORD Town and Country Club to Raise Curtain on 'First Time Around' SHORE MARV OWEN 1DWAY FLORIST Some 100 members of the ;Atkins, Shirley Goldstrom, Mae no FLOWERS Town and Country Club will Goodman, Huddy Arons, Lil FOR EVERY AND make up the cast of a musical Rosenberg, Mildred Bloomberg, ALL OCCASIONS "First Time Around" to be pre- j Molly Stross, Rose Marie Siegel 18305 Wyoming sented for members and their i Eileen Nestor, Mar...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, June 2, 1961 — 24. I Men's Clubs Brandeis University Women Here Name Ann Kobacker Chapter Head Abraham Reisen School to Graduate 12 June 16 Brevities Twelve graduates of the Abra- G E M I L U TH CHASSODIM ham Reisen Jewish School will "OPERATION ABOLIJI MEN'S CLUB has reelected be honored at commencement the controversial film abobt th John Hurtig as president. exercises 8:30 p.m. June 16 at House Un-Ame...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 25

…JWV Honors National Commander will get together for an eve- ning of fun and refreshments. Friends of JWV members are invited. On Sunday, the District Di- .. rector of Immigration and Nat- uialization will present to the Americanism Committee of the JWV Michigan Department a citation in recognition of its Bill of Rights program. The chairman of the Americanism committee, John Nemon, will receive the citation. At memorial services sched- uled f...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 26

…26 THE DETROIT JEWISH NE WS — Friday, June 2, 1961 -- Smokier Announces $14 Million Home Development in Southfield The largest residential land purchase in the his tory of Southfield was announced by Bert L. Smokier, president of Bert L. Smokier and Company. The land, which covers 155 acres, is located on 11-Mile Rd., one-quarter mile east of the Lahser cut-off from Northwest- ern Hwy., • and will be de- veloped for Beacon Square, the newes...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 27

…CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners and display classified ads accepted from re- sponsible firms or individuals by telephone up to noon Wednesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charges $1.00, or $3.08 per column inch. 13-FOR RENT APARTMENTS Colonial Village NICE ROOM for rent, stall shower, telephone privileges. TO 6-2546. "2-bedroom luxurious building with individual •stairways, heat- ing, air-conditioning and base- ments. • 2 Bedrooms • Air-co...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 28

…28 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, June 2, 1961 — 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE t 17—HOUSES FOR SALE JEROME, 22201 OPEN SUN. 2-5 18020 STEEL NR. CURTIS OPEN SUN. 2-5 $2,400 for EQUITY or $350 Down. Face brk. Ranch. Exceptionally Ige. rms.; sep. dining, gas lit.: alum storms, and windows. Carpt.; drapes; appliances. Quick poss. Widow sacrificing for $12,900. Barney Shatz. Charming Face Brick Bung. 3 Bdrms. & Den. Family kitch....…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 29

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE 18400 MARLOWE FREELAND-VASSAR OPEN 2-5 SUNDAY 4-bedrm., 214 baths, Colonial. Gas A.C. ht., rec. rm., gar., large cor- ner lot. 1 blk. to Winship School. Vacant. Move right in. UN 4-4600 MR. SEIDON Spacious face brick bung., 4 bedrms., 214 baths, full din. rm., breakfast rm., den, screened ter- race, rec.„ rm., gas A.C. ht. Choice location. MR. SEIDON UN 4-4600 J. WM. KLEM J. WM. KLEM JUST 2 LEFT Renters, Read This! ...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, June 2, 1961 — 30 17-HOUSES FOR SALE 17-HOUSES FOR SALE YOUR DREAM HOME OAK PARK 21831 CHURCH SOUTH OF 9 MILE ROAD Custom ranch, 3 master bed- rooms, over-sized living room, finished recr. room. 114 baths, family kitchen, complete land- scaping. S. & S., finished porch, carpets. drapes, L400 square feet, excellent condition, plus many custom features. Near schools and shopping. Only $22,500 or best offe...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 31

…▪ Monument Unveilings (Unveiling announcements may be inserted by mailing or by call- ing The Jewish News office, VE 8-9364. Written announcements must be accompanied by the name and address of the person making the insertion. There is a standing charge of $3.00 for an un- veiling notice, measuring an inch in depth.) • * * * Mrs. Sidney (Jean) Levine and Mrs. Louis (Fay) Gorman - announce the unveiling of a monument in memory of the late...…

June 02, 1961 • Page Image 32

…32 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, June 2, 1961 -- Jews Thought of Killing Eichmann, Feared Aftermath Klutznick, Writes Controversial Book Provoking Many Jewish Issues A challenge to the rabbinate is no paradox, therefore, when wanted to be left alone and Union by promising to use the to r educe "denominational galloping efforts toward unity JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The not bothered about entry prob- trucks only against the Rus- squabbling" ....…

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