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May 16, 1930 • Page Image 1

…America Amish &doilies! Carta All Jewish News Al Jewish Views ITHOUT BIAS 1 II-EbETROIT LWISII.61ROXICLE THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 VOL. XXIX. NO. 25 • • , r TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cent. DE'T' ROIT FINANCES Britain s Colonial Secretary Tells Arabs INJUSTICE TO JEWS Progress Reported $260,000 RAISED IN FIRST FOUR DAYS OF ALLIED DRIVE...…

May 16, 1930 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE ikritonllailsit SCHLUSSEL ELECTED AV UKAH RESIDENT; Special Course !SUNDAY S200 DINNER (No Cover Charge Till 9:30 In sad and loving memory of our darling son, Irving DeYoung, who passtol away May 20, 1922. Sadly missed by his Parents, Sis- ter and Brother. Big Special Dinner Revue F7.3;1. Phone Cad. 6960 kr Reservations In loving memory of our dearly beloved husband and father, Julius Burnstine, who passed away three year...…

May 16, 1930 • Page Image 3

…• Amami 'apish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AYINUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO ThEir.TRoginlsti RDA ICLf. DEBATE SPONSORED :•:CLASSIFIED:•: BY PISGAH LODGE CATERERS--Strictly kosher. En- TO RENT during summer month•, gagernents, wedding and, beautifully furnished 7-room banquets. Catered by plate. De- ! upper duplex. Radio, piano, ga- Prominent Attorney and La- trait Catering Co., M. A. rage included. Reasonable rent l'ereira, Prop., Longfellow. 5...…

May 16, 1930 • Page Image 4

…nE1)ErRorr _ EW1SR ROMICIE .??MiAS sisal PEPETROHJEWISII OROXICLE Published Weekly by The Jewish Chreniele Publishing Co., Inc. Entered as strand-class matter March 3, 1916, .t the Pools office et Detroit, Mich.. under the At of March', General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable London 011ice. Address: Chronicle 14 Stratford Pace, London, W. 1, England Subscription, in Advance $3.0...…

May 16, 1930 • Page Image 5

…A merica 'ma Periodical eater CLIFTON MINUS • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO TIE ThIfitORIEWOR f RDNICLE NINE-YEAR-OLD GIRL !SCANNING THE HORIZON 1 $250,C00 RAISED IN FIRST FOUR DAYS OF ALLIED DRIVE; WINS ESSAY CONTEST' ENTHUSIASM DISPLAYED BY VOLUNTEERS ASSURES SUCCESS STERN TO ADDRESS 1111 LEL ON SUNDAY (Continued from Preceding Page) Recital of Folksongs and Re! ,,ous Music Given by Rabbi Jaffa. . Stern of Detroit will ad- dress services Of th...…

May 16, 1930 • Page Image 6

…TilEpEnton,,kwisn0RoNICLE { PLANT TREES IN ZION; HONOR MOTHER'S DAY [ Her Betrothal Announced Also in Memory of Departed; Aid Palestine Land Redemption. Insure With Established 1887 (13 Ecos Confidence St, vies 11111111111161i dill FUR INSURANCE and COLD STORAGE at 3% or value PHONE RAndolph 0022 For Our Representative World Wide Year Around Insurance at only 1% Additional SUMMER FURS MUSIC STUDY CLUB ANNUAL LUNCHEON Foxes—...…

May 16, 1930 • Page Image 7

…Americo( Pwisk Periodical Cotter CU/TON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE SEVEN PiEbrimonjEwisii(Ravicix +Law B'NAI MOSHE NOTES STORE I Fur Coat Benton! (it Engagements Your and SAVE Money Benton's will STORE, CLEAN and GLAZE your Fur Coat and in- dude A FULL YEAR'S ALL- RISK, WORLD - WIDE INSUR- ANCE POLICY- ntal Charge Ar If your valuation on your Fur Coat is over $250—THE TOTAL CHARGE FOR ALL IS 2% of your valuation. 20 gu...…

May 16, 1930 • Page Image 8

…a CLU Zedaksh Club. Hebrew Ladies' Social Fund. Jewish Women's European W e Northweatern Women's League. Mr, Jean Gould was hostess to The Hebrew Ladies' Social Fund fare Organization. A meeting of the Northwestern the dub Monday, May 12. Final held a card party and luncheon in A special meeting or the Jewis. Women's League of the United plans are being made for the din- People's Ilall, Twelfth at Seward, Women's European Welfare 0, Ilebrew ...…

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