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May 17, 1929 • Page Image 5

…. Butzel, Frank D. Eaman, Albert Kahn, Ernst Kern, II. Weitzman, Judge Arth r W. Kilpatrick and Judge Donald Van Zile. Judge Murphy', in making the presentation, said he was happy to (offer the portrait on…

November 02, 1928 • Page Image 1

… end was the guest of Albert Kahn Klines Theater. at luncheon on Monday. On Mon- On her return to Finland Mine. day afternoon Dr. Goldwater met Tompuri worked entirely in lead- a group at the Phoenix…

August 17, 1928 • Page Image 1

… the way of their working there. ties it encounters and urged that that he was highly gratified with Christian conference in Racine, Albert Kahn, is helping to care for stories about Jews—their folly…

July 13, 1928 • Page Image 1

… institution, Messrs. Zackheim and Shetser An isolated instance of eritici m Albert Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Oscar Webber; in memory of Mrs. and improvements. cobs, Maurice Arronson and Irving William Straus of…

June 22, 1928 • Page Image 4

… is to him and to the Who is Albert Kahn? 3. What is Shivah? minishing our contributing power to the welfare of are the Giant patrons that if Cohen hits a ball great masses of the Jewish people Eretz…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 1

… or that Mr. Bublick has assumed the ;siring to observe Saturday as the by Albert Kahn and Jascha no impartiality ta the march of • Schwartzman. events. News writing and editing office of president of…

May 06, 1927 • Page Image 1

… is high time for us, Orthodox Jews, M. II. Zackheitn, district chairman,' medicine; Albert Kahn on rchitec 1the summer. campaign that Nits Brown mole his grounds at Amsterdam avenue and to defray the…

January 21, 1927 • Page Image 1

… endation. "Dr. Fleischer is a fascinating from Grand Rapids, Flint, Kale= • Elijah Zaludkowski. who served ar, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn donated delegates devoted their attention in the Mr. Wise has received…

March 12, 1926 • Page Image 1

… the House on the later instructor in anthropology at by Albert Kahn, the architect, and ster llall, that the ballroom of the is expected that many hundreds These bills will be considered by Statler…

February 05, 1926 • Page Image 1

… Educa- cational Center. ALBERT KAHN CHOSEN FRED M. BUTZEL ELECTED STATE CHARMAN. At the invitation of two Detroit members, Dr' Leo M. F'ranklin and Milton M. Alexander. TO DESIGN BUILDING VICE…

August 21, 1925 • Page Image 1

… shine on the these funds were supplied by the plans being prepared by Albert Kahn, new spending his vacation in Borkum. t iottfeethoef Manor in signing this resolution are taorm iani c h r e will rin e e…

May 22, 1925 • Page Image 1

… model one. Albert Kahn the claims of l'alestine and Mesop- Judaism. They both eleaded for and ' Pearl, Jeanette Pereira, Estelle Perl-Ito tamia that the receipts from the lied- strengthening of the…

October 05, 1923 • Page Image 1

… Po. mechanical engineer with Albert Kahn In a statement to Montreal report- yens, fact that Sir Alfred had accepted the Arab delegation changed its orig- land, and being strongly pro-ally in rempany…

August 24, 1923 • Page Image 1

… training scant provision obtain an interview with the cabinet were Albert Kahn, Dr. Hugo Freund, Halpern, Halpern,Dr. Berthold Feiwel were come to think that it might be feat-ter organizations. to mankind…

December 01, 1922 • Page Image 1

… inevitably spell to have others enjoy theirs. That an Italian-Jewish father and a Scotch morning from his residence. The ton Si. Alexander, Albert Kahn, Day resolution on Sunday, Nov. 19, ex- conflict that…

August 18, 1922 • Page Image 2

… prepara- tory to housing the enlarged Ilimel- hoch establishment. Albert Kahn, architect, will direct the ehnages, which will give the new owners three times the apace their present quarters at 1230…

October 28, 1921 • Page Image 1

…,000, half of 5,000 ' of harmony between those who are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn ' 3 , 500 after all working for the same, or ap- Henry Wineman meman 3,500 parently the same, ends. It is not al- Mrs. Ilenry…

October 07, 1921 • Page Image 1

… completed within a year. Plana for the new Temple were drawn by Albert Kahn who will personally supervise the building of the structure. Mr. Kahn was also the architect of the present Temple. "Monument to…

May 27, 1921 • Page Image 1

… newspa- Freud, Albert Kahn, Julian Krolik, tarian. Ile has inherited a racial love to be just to them, the greatest of Enforce Act. sion on Tuesday. Dr. Hugo Freund, Joseph Cummins, of freedom existing…

May 27, 1921 • Page Image 12

… series of great newspa- The Jew is congenitally a fiber- Mr. J. Walter Freiberg, president Goldberg, Bernard Ginsburg, Julius Immigration Bureau officials began Freud, Albert Kahn, Julian Krolik, tarian…

November 12, 1920 • Page Image 1

… completed, Miss Dora will be ready within a few weeks to DavAson, chairman of the entertain. be released for bids by Albert Kahn. merit comm:ttee, promises an unusu- ally enjoyable evening. architect. Jew…

January 15, 1932 • Page Image 9

…. east of "`"" `,:' ' -- ond results from your at the Court Hoorn of the undersigned. Dated: Detroit, M ich. Dee . 24. 1931. r.orded in the office of had not indulged in that sort of architect, Albert Kahn

… dale of this order. nr n title to: Land in City of Detroit. W•yneI and to his city have been outstand- ''s "o'n'i rmkgeP.IP•t' i 'n Albert Kahn, noted architect of the Haggadah. Cit'e'r Iii(0…

January 10, 1936 • Page Image 2

… this last life-line of thousands I came to inspect their medieval- can help the Jews of Germany. No Government Relief Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mr. memorials. reemiitdei remained reverently the present…

February 16, 1934 • Page Image 8

…: Clarence H. Enggass, Jesse. an organized boycott of German licity which you contributed was "Know Thyself," a discussion on F. Hirschman, Albert Kahn, Mey-' ,goods on the part of American in a large measure…

February 05, 1932 • Page Image 7

… li p ie.. rtin,e: rth arine ndie lcer lobredpaar: , W•yee, as-Suit pending before Hon. p eter Holm and M•rgaret Holm, his wife, minsioner for .ftid County, between and all Albert Kahn. Incorporated…

January 29, 1932 • Page Image 9

Albert Kahn, Incorporated, a Michigan shot; that she was a an organized form for the senti- leave. He stuck it out until 1889. entirely unauthorized." on Wabash avenue. between Pilgrim Cor oration…

January 15, 1932 • Page Image 8

… i' d "Id ('''''''"h ' i iration l l)e.lti iTm ' Tn?y i Ife ofro , rt Fli inthfe "Co.. e e ; Albert Kahn, Incorporated. a Michigan! ichimn corporation,elects to declare and has been no personal…

November 20, 1931 • Page Image 6

… dassah from the Zionist Organiza. dossah needs members to widen arm mort- 1925, by , Ay.o,,,:rert and betw.n Albert Kahn. /1 "rend the comPraint fib; in this at the Courtroom of the undersigned. , ' o f…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 34

… collections related to Detroit’ s Jewish community such as the papers of Albert Kahn, Bill Berman and A. Alfred Taubman. The papers of Levin’ s brother, Carl, are also at the Bentley and open for research…

December 16, 1932 • Page Image 10

…. Michigan. Ac- mortgage or en part thereof. Now, therefore, to the statute of the Mate of Weft.. In by the terms of sed mortal!, containing a eight (35111 to three hundred seventy-eight between Albert Kahn

December 02, 1932 • Page Image 9

…, undersigned, Wayne Courtly Building, Detroit. friend, plaintiff. vs. Kenneth Leroy Reltzel. between Albert Kahn. Incorporated. a Michi• Michigan, at ten o'clock A. M. on the thirtieth defendant At a union of…

December 02, 1932 • Page Image 10

…PEDErBorr,fErasn (ARON ICU "PAGE TEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Rom Moll* his wife. and Abraham Samuel S. 311verstola. Attormy, 1444( plat thereof recorded February 18, 1913, Rental. and Ethel Kaufman, bin wife, Carl 14._Weislemage, Attorney, 3301 Bar. In the City of Detroit. C. nty of Ware.. I KIILIMMh..9•Mihiglik‘MMillMi..%..111.111.1•71 WKIIM..‘k10. Wayne, at • seselon of the Probate Liber 45, page IL Plats, Wayne County First National Bank...…

November 25, 1932 • Page Image 10

…▪ • • THEVErRorrlaasn (ii RON ICLE PAGE TEN r alai THE LEGAL. CHRONICLE by said court for creditort to present that • copy of this order Ise published' Deeds foe Way. County. Wedge.. Is their claims to etc for emmination an three succeolve weeks previous to midi Liber 38 of Plats. on Page 5 , allowance. 17, 1332. Noy. Dated; Detroit Mich, G. NICOL, time of hearing in the Detroit Jewish Dsted: Detroit. Mich., No, 16. 1932 , HENRY 0. Chr...…

November 18, 1932 • Page Image 9

…. fendant e•n.t be found, it •p«sring hr • Michigan W.' h n .e.g Court for said Co«. of° Albert Kahn, Incorporated. the which with a petition praying that the reedue together in "One Way Passage" • • widow…

January 29, 1932 • Page Image 6

… Jud ge of Pebete. ing sheets of ire and snow. For lent. buninot. ksued and returned that Albert Kahn, Incorporated, a Michigan be regularly reached for trial: for the Vision. •• recorded in 'Aber 15 of…

January 29, 1932 • Page Image 8

… a • ventie. Detroit, htichigan. dant. Sono.. is.u. •nol returned that Albert Kahn, Incorporated, s Michiean i d vent losing themselves in the blind- Thht call will be combined with the roll e…

January 22, 1932 • Page Image 8

…• Albert Kahn, Incorporated. a Michigan been made in the terms ond condition* gcourtroom a. provided fee 111501 of ' County Building, Detroit, Michigan. at ment. dant. Summons Innuell and returned that…

January 22, 1932 • Page Image 9

… building in which the Circuit Court elm t mance same could not be eerved by reaeon of Albert Kahn, Incorporated, • Michigan 14-6. by and between J. W. JOSEPHSON. 'or the County of Wayne In held, on get that…

December 18, 1931 • Page Image 10

… uns iv- premi•es as may he necessary, knout : litrolt. Wayne County. Michigan (that Albert Kahn, Incorporated, • Michigan of of renidence. It is ordered that the said n ' , syn . s tet . of 14•10h144…

December 11, 1931 • Page Image 10

…. ' .ant n the City of Detroit. Wayne Robt. H. Meriwether, Attorney, 1020 and Hardy. judyment will be entered by default. and 11,04) of th e Puritan Subdivide,' Albert Kahn, Incorpurated, • Michigan STATE OF…

July 18, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 41

… formed in 1940, the Detroit chapter followed that same year. The list of local contributors to Technion at the time is a who’ s who of Jewish leaders including Albert Kahn, Fred Butzel, Rabbi Morris…

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