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October 07, 1921 - Image 1

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-10-07

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America lavish Periodical Carter

Michigan's Only
Jewish Newspaper
Panted in English




New Telephone





Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents


VOL. X. NO. 20.

World Emigration
P C _onvention
Society Organized
Plans Completed

Program Announced by League
of United Synagogue
of America

Roman Cardinal, However, Say So-
kolow Always Welcome to Vatican.

United Jewish Committee at
Prague Moves to Form
Bank in LoMon


Participation in "Americ•'• Making"
Opposed by Reform Rabbis.
NEW YORK.--(.1. C. 11.I—Begin-
ning October 29 and continuing till
No,mber 15, an immense festival
and exhibit styled "America's 'Mak-
ing" will take place in New York City.
The circular sent out by the Arrange-
ments Committee organized by the
State and City Departments of Edu-
cation of New York calls the affair
"an exhibit of three centuries of im-
migrant contributions to our national
life" and under the plan or organiza-
tion gives the names of 33 "different
racial elements in the communtiy"
including the Jewish, as well as such
peoples as the Letts, Icelanders,
Carpatho-Russians, Ukrainians, Por-
tuguese, etc.
In certain Jewish circle's in New
Yolk considerable opposition has
arisen tee Jewish participation in this
exhibition. It is understood that the
opposition is being led by Dr. Samuel
Schulman and other Reform Rabbis.

J. D. C. Cares for

Russia's Refugees

Miss Glee Hastings Reports on
Constantinople Jewish

ROME.---1.1. T. A.1— l'he local pa-
per &lento prints an interview on
Zionism with a cardinal who occupies
NEW YORK.—About 1,500 Rus-
a prominent position in the Vatican,
PRAGUE.—(J. T. A.)—The Emi-
NEW YORK.—Plans for the first probably Cardinal ((aspari, the papal
Makes Statement in Interview
sian Jewish refugees in Constanti-
gration Conference convened in this
annual convention of the Young
nople are cared for by the Joint Dis-
political secretary.
With Franco-Jewish
ple's League of the United Syna-
tribution Committee. A vivid de-
In the interview the cardinal ix- tive s i decided to organize perma-
gogue of Americs, which will take
scription of the life of the refugees
place in New York City on Oct. 211, wards Zionism has made for recon- - ently as the United Jewish Emigre-
in one of the houses maintained by
LAUDS JEWISH DEVOTION 29 and 30, have been completed. ciliation between France and the ti
the Joint Distribution Commitee is
Dr. Leo Motzkin presided at most
TO ADOPTED COUNTRIES Temple Ansche Chemed has invited Vatican. The Pope is in principle of the sessions, being the chief mem-
given in a report of Miss Glee Hast-
the delegates and others participating not opposed tee Zionism which strives
ings, representative of the American
in the convention tee attend a special to establish a refuge for the victims ber of the Praesidium which consist-
Near East Relief in Constantinople,
Friday evening service and "At of anti-Semitism. Nahum Sokolow, ed of Dr. Alotzkin, Mr. Jochelman,
visited the house as well as other
Home" on Friday, Oct. 211. The reg- the Zionist leader—reads the inter- Dr. Klee, Kreinin of Russia and
establishments maintained for the
Copyright, 1921, by Natienal Jew-
istration of delegates, which will be view—will always find the Vatican's Adolph Held of the American Iliac.
of the refugees.
ish Prow Association. Inc.)
Kreinin read a report on the Jew-
followed by a dance, will take place doors open to him. But Samuel's
"One of the finest places of relief
on Saturday evening, Oct. 29. The followers, with their masked striving ish sitine do in Russia, declaring chat
Constantinople," says Miss
(Editor's Note:—Dr. Braunstein is
morning and afternoon of Oct. 30 will for concessionalist protectionism, at least 4,009,000 Jewe tine Soviet
Ilastings, "is being done by the Jew-
a well known journalist of Paris, II
be consumed by the business session, dare not and can not establish a mo- provinces and! in Ukraine' were threat-
Society, a branch of
staff member of Er Nouvelle and La
the two sessions being separated by nopoly over Palestine which would ened with imminent destruction.
the Joint Distribution Committe of
lonterne, and the author of several
Anti-Semitism, he said, was growing.
• ,
a luncheon. The convention and the
month the society
books on the Jews in Europe.)
presentation eef a varied and interest- of Christians the world over. Eng- and pogroms were a regular feature,
receives 8,000 Lte1s. from New York
ing program to which the various land, says the cardinal, must not for- even though the Bolsheviks were mak-
on the various
PARIS. —Raymond Poincare is one
Young People's Societies of New get that the Vatican still possesses a ing serious and strenuous efforts to Last week, the United Synagogue of
ph ases of th e w ork. T he Near East
of the historic personalities of York will contribute.
put down pogrom bands. Kreinin America issued an invitation tee rep- R
certain, not harmless, weapon for re-
assistance at
France. The former president of the
criticized the actions of American and
Rabbi Eugene Kohn, president eef prisals.
resentative Jews tee attend the meet- various times, but once the total bud-
French republic, failing to be re-elect- t h e (ague,
London relief delegate's who), he main- ing
• the great
is grat i 1 I 1 t)
where this question was to be dis- get for Near East relief work in Con-
ed, did not retire from public life, as interest shown in the convention
' tained, were responsible for the un- cussed. Most of the larger Jewish or-
French statesmen have done before
rational relief action and for much ganizations as well as many promin- stantinople is only $5,000 a month,
throughout the country. Besides the
and the Jewish society is spending
him. He is now one of the foremost
of the unwarranted expenditures in ent Jewish individuals, argued the
Young People's Societies affiliated
$8,000 a mouth on approximately
members of the French senate and
connection therewith. Re advised un- question pro and con. A final de-
with synagogues, the intercollegiate
flee chairman of the Senate committee Z
interrupted continuation of work for cision was postponed until after the 1,500 refugees, it would seem out of
on foreign affairs. Ile also acted tar Zionist Association, the Intercollegi-
proportion for the Near East Relief
war sufferers under tile control and High Holidays,
a time as chairman of the important ate Memorah, the various collegiate
to give more to the society, in spit e
with the co-operation of Jewish so-
Reparations Commission established •Jewish fraternities and sororities, the
of its recognition of its splendid sys-
cieties in Russia.
by the Treaty of Versailles. Ile is Friedlander Memorial Conference,
tem of organization and the good re-
Mr. Berthold Latzki, ex-minister
the Young Men's and Women's Ile- Zionist Leader Defends His
sults coming from this organization.
a member of the Academic' Francaise,
in the Ukraine, read an official docu-
brew Association, Young Judaea and
The Jewish refugee's are Russians for
Jewishness; Attacks
an author of note and a journalist of
ment handed him by the Soviet rep-
exceptional ability. Ile writes the pee
the League of Jewish Youth have
the most part and came to Constan-
resentative in Berlin, showing that
litical articles and reviews of current been invited to participate- en the
tinople with the idea of possibly get-
the Soviet authorities were favorably
events in 1.a Revue des deux morales,onvention. The convention will thus
ting either to America or Jerusalem.
include practically all of the organ-
N EW YORK.—Samuel Unt erniyer, disposed towards the emigration of
Now that the new immigration law
one of the leading French magazines,
guest of honor Saturday night at the
and is a frequent contributor to the ized Young American Jewry.
has gone i nt o fo rce i n A
ica, and
The officers of the United Syria- second annual dinner of the Jewish to the Russian frontier providing Current History Reviews Prob.
the people a re als o pracmer
tically ode
Matin and Temps, two of the princi- gf A
ogue o
merica a r e: Docto r Elias Telegraphic Agency, at the Hotel Jewish organizations undertook to
pal dailies eef I'aris. He was presi-
provide for their settlement after
L . Solomo n, pre sent;
forced to stay in Constantinople,
(lent of the French Republic during Louis Ginzberg, Professor M. M. Brevoort, took the opportunity to they left Russia.
answer those of his critics who as-
Engineer Brutzkus supported the
the early years of the war and, al- Kaplan, Dr. Ilerman Abramowitz, Dr. serted that while he might pass mus-
though he was severely criticized at
NEW YORK. — (J. C. B.) — The refugees.
C. E. Billet Kauvar, vice-presidents; ter as a racial Jew he was rather an views of Mr. Kreinin and gave spe-
the time for having forsaken Paris
Harry Krulewitch, treasurer; David indifferent brand of Jew from the re- cific instances of cases where Ameri- galaxy of writers of every nation-
and removed the seat of government. Steckler, recording secretary; Rabbi
"The Russian-Jewish refugees un-
ligious point of view. He challenged can relief monies had been spent un- ality who contributed to the October
tee Bordeaux, he has since regained!
number of Current History, published der the care of the society are liv-
Charles I. Hoffman, corresponding former Ambassador henry Morgen- wisely.
the complete confidence of his pea- secretary; Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen,
in boarding houses at Balat, Or-
by the New York Times, includes two
thau's "self-appointed selection of
pie and their affection for him is very
executive director.
himself in his challenge to oey Juda- tion of an emigration bank; Adolph Jews, one Maurice Samuel, a mem- takeuy and Scutari; many others are
Ile is very active and
around in little rooms in
ber of the Morgenthau mission to
knows if lie may not return some (lay
Guests of the Jewish Telegraphic Hies, and Efroykin on emigration and Poland, who writes on "Poland and various cheap lodging houses in Ga-
to the Elysee and once more guide
kilometers out of Scu-
the Jews," and Gershon Agranski,
Agency included publishers and edi- the employment of emigrants.
the destinies of his beloved France.
The question of a bank was much for several years attached to the tari there are farming colonies, hard
tors of Jewish newspapers, as well
For a long time I sought tee vet an
long ago, I visited the
as prominent Jewish writers and discussed till it was finally decided Zionist Commission in Jerusalem and
expression of his views on the Pales-
Reuben Brainin was tee establish a Jewish central bank now active for the Keren Ilayesod in boarding house at Ortakeuy, where
tinian question, but no opportunity
and women are quar-
Messages were read with a capital of £50,000, its center this country, who writes on Zionist
seemed tee present itself, although the
tered. The house is a beautiful build-
front Israel Zangwill, Dr. Max Nor- to be in London and with branches problems in Palestine.
man is very democratic and approach-
NEW YORK. — A committee of
by a Turkish
Mr. Samuel's article is written as
, don, Nathan Straus, Louis Marshall, in all needy countries. It was de-
prominent physicians interested in
Pasha. It was bought by the Joint
• Supreme Court Justice Irving Leh- cided that the bank would open oper- a reply to a contribution by James
Malin Quotes Poincare.
the work of the American Jewish
for orphans,
man, Dr. Stephen M. Wise, and from ations immediately, even if its share Jay Kann in the August number,
Recently an article appeared in Physicians' Committee, which is rais-
which defended the attitude of the but when the need came was given
publications in the United States and capital would not be forthcoming.
the Matin, in which Mr. Poincare, dis- ing a fund of $1,000,000 to establish
A central executive committe was Poles towards Jews. Mr. Samuel over for refugees temporarily. Six
Canada ,Jacob Landau, director of
cussing "The Entente and the Al- a medical college aspart of the Lie• the agency, explained the workings of elected consisting of Motzkin, Timis writes convincingly because he ad- months ago it was practically in a
liance." amongst other things said:
brew University in Palestine, met at
I kin, Ceurewitch. Pines• Held, Jochel- duces established facts and undis- condition of rack and ruin; now
"In Palestine everything goes from the Hotel Pennsylvania last week tee
lee, Latzki, puted figures to controvert state- tevt:ryet aht
repair pre-
man, Goldenberg,
had tee worse. in 1916 when Mr. devise ways and means for the fall
Mother Most Devout.
i of ardor and cleanliness e.
' Moses, Kreinin, Brat"c us and Zvi , ments made by Mr. Kann. In reply, the b
Briand sent George Picot to London campaign.
In his address Mr. Untermyer said. representing the Illas.
for instance, tee a passage in Mr. vat's. There is a large garden in con-
to discuss and come to an understand-
The American Jewish l'hysicians' he was reared in the Jewish faith by
Kann's article which says that the re- nection with the house, which is well
ing with England regarding the press- Committee was organized by Dr. Na-
his mother, one of the most devout and GERMAN CHANCELLOR
port of the Morgenthau mission shows cared for, and furnishes some out-
ing problems of the Orient, it was than Ratnoff, who conceived the idea
orthodox women he ever knew. Up -
that instances of violence to the Jew door work for the men. Recently a
agreed that Palestine should be inter- of the medical department of the Ile-
tee the age of 13 he was destined to,
are rare, the Jewish contributor who shoe shop has been started, where 15
nationalized and neutralized. Since brew University. The committee is
be a rabbi and it was only because of
helped draw the Morgenthau report men are employed.
BERLIN.— J. T. A.)—The German
then, Englaid having suddenly be- collecting funds for the presentation
"There is a baggage room in the
necessity that he went tee work and
gives details of the many massacres
Chancellor Wirth in a stirring speech
come attached to the Zionists, has ob- of a medical college as a gift from
house, where all the trunks and bags
subsequently became a lawyer.
it recounts.
against the anti-Semitic movement in
tained, thanks to our good nature, American Jewish physicians to the op-
kept in charge of a check girl.
At the age of 22 he married, he'
Tackle. Defense Structure.
our consent to the inclusion eef l'ales- pressed students of their race in said, and his wife was formally con- • Germany delivered at the Stadium,
This arrangement doe's away with the
After elevating some space to de-
declare-el that one neon, Ratternau, had
tine in her mandate, with the under- Southern and Central Europe.
of dormitories. Men and
warted to the Jewish faith and his •
standing that it was to become a Jew-
The money is being collected children were reared as Jews, "al done more for the German Fatherland nials in this tenor, Mr. Samuel tackles women have separate dormitories,
ish state under her auspices. The throughout the country and commit- though like either children of Jewish and for the German people than all the structure of defense put up by which are exceptionally clean. Beds
committee of British Zionists then tees are actively engaged in comfier- parents in this city, they have been assembled in the hall put together. Mr. Kann to support Polish hatred and mattresses are provided, with one
tried to recruit throughout the world sting in Chicago, Pittsburgh, Phila- rather loose in their observance of To a voice in the hall, "Ratternau is for the Jew' and succeeds largely be- blanket for each bed. Some of the
a damned Jewish swine!" the Chan- cause of his intimate acquaintance
prospective citizens of the regained delphia and St. Louis. Other cities
cellar replied, "( an such a man be with the situation in Poland, to show refugees have been able to procure
Jerusalem. Ten to twelve thousand are now in the process of organiza-
After explaining that he was al , called a damned Jewish swine? True, that neither polish patriotism nor sheets. The rooms are airy, cool and
Jews from America, Galicia, Russia tion.
not too crowded.
member eif two synagogues and seas
and other countries landed at Jaffa.
E ac h refugee hart two baths a
Already more than $25,000 has instrumental in the organization and Ratternau is a Jew' and has been true Mr. Kann's allegations of Jewish sep-
to the faith of his people, but it is aratism, Jewish Bolshevism or Jewish
They were not the flower of their been collected in cas h and $1' 5 0 ,000
mine support of
the t youngs Just on that account that the Catholics commercial tendencies, form a correct week in the Turkish bath at Orta-
people. Amongst them were many has been pledged. It is expected and Young Women's Hebrew Associ-
keuy, which is cheaper than buying
or just basis for the hatred and per-
Bolshevists who believed Bolshevism that New York will contribute $500,- ations of Yonkers, he said that all must take oil their hats to him."
wood to heat the bath at the camp.
secution of Jews by the Poles.
to be the revenge of the wandering ow) before the end of this year.
"I saw several men and women sit-
his life he had been identified as a
Mr. Agranski's article deals gen-
Jew upon a world which has so long
Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the presi- substantial supporter of of various, POLISH JEWS NEED NOT
ting in the little library, reading and
with the difficulties the Zionists
persecuted him, and sought tee intro- dent of the World Zionist Organized. Jewish charities.
have to face in their problem of re-
(Continued on Page 5)
duce Bolshevism into Palestine. There tion, is coming tee America for the
"There has been no Jewish move-
in Palestine, and par-
however, they found Jews who were disarmament conference at Washing- ment in the last thirty years in which
WARSAW.--(J. T. A.)—Polish ocularly with the causes of Arab un- BUDAPEST DISCRIMINATING
free from such ideas. Jews who had ton. He will spend a good deal of I have not done my part, though nip' Jews will be
able to state openly the rest s which, he maintains, is based "on
settled there for years had no sym- time assisting the doctors in this un- work until last year has been done in language they use in their daily life,
pathy with them; in fact, feared the dertaking. The medical college idea the ranks rather than in the lime- according to a statement issued by a misconception of the Zionist aims
VIENNA.--1. T. A.)—The Muni-
invasion of their brethren and tried as a gift from American Jewish phy- light," he continued.
the Polish Census Office, now making
cipal Council of Budapest has dis-'
tee stop it. Moslems and Christians sicians tee the Jewish state in Pales-
After praising the Zionist move arrangements for the coming census.
charged 'It))) Jewish instructors in
also objected to this invasion and, not tine, has greatly interested the presi- ment, Mr. Untermyer said
The office states that the commissars START SILK CULTURE
technical educational institutions and
wanting tee be submerged, they or- dent of the World Zionist Organiza-
"Mr. Morgenthau is, and has been' engaged in collecting the desired in-
IN PALESTINE COLONY has demoted 23 school principals to
ganized themselves for the purpose of tion as well as the distinguished for many years reported to be, a man formation have been forbidden to
teaching position:.. No cause was
fighting the invasion. It became nec- physicist, Dr. Albert Einsten, who re- of great wealth, worth many mil lions threaten or otherwise intimidate peo-
JERUSALENI.—(.1. T. A.)—With given for this action. At a large
essary to stop immigration and to cently came to this country in the in- of dollars. If he has devoted any
pi e whose mother tongue is a language
protest mass meeting ex-Minister
stop even the landing of many who terest of the University.
of his great wealth toward proem ding other than Polish. It is also permissi- the
Ugron declared that all representa-
. and
had already arrived on various steam-
Man) prominent
Sir Alfred Mond, the colony of Rec- tMns on behalf of those who have suf-
any Jewish cause whatever, I have hie to answer to the question of what hovoth
ers--the inhabitants having declined surgeons, both in this country and never heard of it.
is one's religion, that one is an ache- .
d i . s
r t I be iro g - fered trom the discriminations have
It awn
SI lk Cu 111"(
• N• -11'•h
tee disembark them. Mr. Churchill abroad, have consented tee lecture on
ist. The Jewish Kehillah of Warsaw
Mr. Zvi, era( hitherto been of no avail. The meet-
ressing satisfactorily.
Praises Zionist Leader..
tells us, however, that it is a matter their particular branches of medicine
has requested that when taking the
ing formulated a demand tee the
0 f th ( • I1
o er cob nists is iroceedin
or honor with England and that she at the medical college when it is es-
"The mere giving of money by men census, Jewish commissars be assign- to Europe to obtain the necessary authorities that all persons dis
tablished. Among those interested who can afford tee give without sacri- ed tic work among the Jewish popula-
(Continued on Page 5)
charged tee re-employed.
in the organization are: Dr. Nathan tice is not in itself eery convincing tion, and that the census among the machinery.
Ratnaff, president; Dr. Israel Strauss; evidence of the depth of sincerity of a' Jews shall not be' taken on the Sab-
former health Commissioner Dr. Sig- man's Judaism; it is about the easiest bath.
ismund S. Goldwater, Dr. David J. thing he can do. The real debt of
Kaliski, Dr. Abraham J. Rangy and gratitude of the Jews is to the men COMMITTEE TO CARRY ON
other prominent Jewish physicians.
who are unselfishly dedicating their.
lives to our cause at great personal
Louis James Rosenberg, Detroit
WANT POSEN, POMEFtANIA sacrifice, men of the type of Dr.
WARSAW—•I. T. A.)—Dr, Joseph
representative of the National Dante
Weizmann, Mr. Marshall, Dr. Wise
LANDS CLEARED OF JEWS and Dr. Magnes. Of course money Krimsky, special emissary of the
committee, Wednesday anoune•ed the
Day of
Completed With
Jewish Federation of
appointment of the following as aids
plays its part in this practical world;
America,' has succeeded in organizing
tee the Michigan committee that is tc.
WARSAW.—(.1. T. Al—The Po-
arrange for the six hundredth anni-
men, but since neither Mr. Morgen- a coalition committer, representing
vversary celebration of the death of i lish-Anti-Seniitic League in Posen thou nor I have sacrificed very much' various groups in the Polish Jewish,
tolitical cam-
Dante Alighieri:
except to give money and practically community and has assigned to it the
S. paign against the unification of the
sum of 15 million marks to be used
Hon. Truman H. Newberry,
province of Posen with Congress- Po- nothing in the way of real work be- in reconstruction work and the care of
Senator; lion. Alex J. Geoesbeck,,
land, is arranging mass meetings in yond gradiloquently expounding our orphans and refugees, according to t
Governor eef Michigan; Hon Thomas,
t which it is explained that
a report received here.
F.. Johnston, Michigan State Superin-
the unification with Congress-Poland solicited, perhaps the hest test eef our
Dr. Krimsky is proceeding to Carls-
tendent of Public Instruction; Hon
will bring into Posen and Pomerania relative usefulness tee the Jewish bad, when he will attend an All-
James Couzens, Mayor of Detroit;
those. masses of Jews which now en- movement is measured by the amount European Conference tee deal with the
Hon. Frank Cody, Superintendent of
danger the future of Poland. The
present problem 14 the many hundreds
Detroit Public Schools; lion E. I).
Anti-Semitic League calls upon all to our means.
of thousands of Jewish refugees now
Devine, President Beard of Educa-
"In answer to Mr. Morgenthau's
l'oles to combat the proposed union,
wandering over Europe.
tion; Rt. Rev. Michael .1. Gallagher,
operating under the slogan, "Posen self-appointed selection of himself as
Catholic Bishop; Rt. Rev. Charles D.
and Pomerania must be cleared of i s representative Jew in his challenge
Williams, Episcopalean Bishop; Rabbi
to niy Judaism, may I timidly sug- ARAB MISSION SEEKS
Leo M. Franklin, Rev. Chester B. Jews."
In a statement widely corculated gest that if in the last fifteen years.
Emerson, Rt, Rev. Theodore J. H
by the League, the Poles are called he has given to Jewish charities and
derson, M ethodist Bishop; John A.
LONDON.—(J. C. 11.1—After the'
upon to boycott the .news eef the
Russell, president Detroit Board 1)f
province,—not to have any business ten dollars I have given during that complete failure of its mission in got-
Commerce; Allan A. Templeton, Clyde
dealings with them, not to rent any time, I will gladly make up the differ- ernment circles here, the Arab dele-
II. Burroughs, secretary Detroit
residences to them, and not to sell ence provided he will do the same gation is quite discouraged and fears,
Museum of Art; Adam Strohn, Libra-
thing at the other end."
the reception it will be accorded on its
them food or other products.
rian, Detroit Public Library; Mrs.
In discussing the breach in the return tee Palestine. We learn that the
John B. Ford, Miss Harriet Walker,
Zionist ranks, Mr. Untermyer said he delegation has telegraphed to its
Mrs. E. A. Skae of Pontiac, Mrs. JEWISH EX-SOLDIERS
hoped it would be but temporary. he friends in Jaffa to prepare the ground
Frederick H. Holt, Mrs. Charles it.
ARE AGAINST LUXURY believed it could Ise healed because it for a favorable public opinion.
Larnard, Oeessip Gabrilowitsch, Direc-
Was based on trivial personalities and
not on important questions of princi-
tor Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Vic-
1IERLIN.—(J. T. A. I —The society ple and promised that it would be his GRUZENBERG COUNSEL
tor Kolar, assistant director Detroit
Symphony Orchestra; Mrs. C. E. Sul- of Jewish ex-soldiers in the German task to attempt to heal the breach.
(From Pieart, 1723.)
livan, president Catholic Study Club; army, numbering 15,000 members, has
WARSAW.—(J. T. A.)—It is now
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is one of the cycle of holidays
Mrs. Emma A. Fox, president Parlia- issued an appeal to German Jewry
accepted as certain that the Polish
mentary Club; Rev. J. P. McNichols,
government will consent to try Gen- instituted by Moses. It occurs on the tenth day of the seventh month of
ish war widows and orphans, who are
president University of Detroit.
COLONIZATION WORK eral Balachovich and his staff for Tishrei, and is distinguished by abstaining thereon from food and by an
Mr. Rosenberg said that arrange- starving while German Jews live in
perpetrating pogroms against Jews. elaborate ceremonial. In rabbinic Judaism the Day of Atonement com-
ment' are being made for Dante pro- luxury and pleasure, squandering
A.)—The The Committee of Jewish Delegates in pletes the penitential period of ten days that begins with New Year's Day,
grams at clubs and organizations dur- their money in an attempt to imitate work of organizing the first working Paris has appointed lawyer Gruzen- the season of repentance and prayer. The Day of Atonement survived the
ing the balance of this year. Arrange- the German style. The appeal ends men's colony in Emek Israel, which' berg, who defended Mendel Beilis, as cessation of the sacrificial cult in the year 70. Much prominence is given
ments are also being made for large with the words: "Abandon luxury ; was decided by the Zionist Congress counsel for the Jewish interests. He in the ceremonial to the liturgical pieces in which the Temple ceremonial
is recounted.
meetings to be addressed by lecturers and return to simplicity and an earn- at Carlsbad, has already begun.
will be assisted by Teitel.
est life."
of national prominence.



TO GET $500,000 FOR


The Penitential Period


Yom Kippur


President Harding Sends Mess-
age; Samuel Heavenrich
Places Stone


Another epoch in the history of
Congregation Beth El and in the his-
tory of American Judaism was mark-
ed Tuesday afternoon, October 4, in
the laying of the cornerstone of the
new Temple Beth El, at Woodward
and Gladstone avenues.
Four months ago, on June 17, un-
der blazing skies Emanuel Wodic,
venerable Warden of Congregation
Beth El, turned the first sod of the
new Temple in the presence of hun-
dreds, beginning a new era for prog-
ressive Judaism in Detroit.
Tuesday the same hundreds, brav-
ing the chilling winds of Autumn,
crowded the large tent erected for
the ceremonies and struggled for foot-
hold among the bricks and atones of
the new edifice.
A letter from President Harding
expressing his good wishes and con-
gratulations upon the occasion of the
laying of the cornerstone received by
Rabbi Leo M. Franklin was read by
him while the audience stood with un-
covered heads,
Harding'a letter, • replica of which
was pasted in every program folder

The White House,

Sept 20, 1921.
"My Dear Rabbi Franklin:
"Having the most pleasant recollec
tins of my meeting with you at the
time of the Central Conference of
American Rabbis last spring, I am
writing this note to congratulate you
and your congregation on the occasion
of the corner-stone laying of the new
house of worship of Temple Beth El.
The occasion seems to be an appro-
priate one for a recognition of the
great contribution of our Jewish pop-
ulation to the advancement of our
common country. The Jew in Ameri-
ca has not only been a particularly
industrious and useful citizen, but has
demonstrated an unswerving national
loyalty and patriotism. The race has
given us a fine example of the broad
charity and generous tolerance 'oat
must be the invariable aim of our
Comprising as our citizenship does,
representatives of so many races and
creeds, it is obvious that only by the
exercise of such an attitude can we
hope to establish a truly national con-
ception of citizenship and its duties.
Very sincerely,

On a flag-draped platform were
seated Rabbi Samuel II. Goldenson of
Pittsburgh, the principal speaker,
Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, Rabbi Henry
J. Berkowitz, Isaac Goldberg, Presi-
dent of the Temple, Emanuel Wodic
and Samuel Ileavenrich, pioneer mem-
ber of the congregation.
ich Places Stone.

Mr. Ileavenrich placed the stone.
In it were laid the Service flag of
the congregation, with 205 blue stars
and four gold ones, various legal
papers, a G. A. R. button won by
Flmanuel Wodic of the 10th United
States Infantry who served in the
Army from November, 1056, to No-
vember, 1864, the Anniversary num-
ber of the Detroit Jewish Chronicle
commemorating the twentieth anni-
versary celebration of Rabbi Frank-
lin, copies of the Chronicle des-
cribing the turning of the sod of the
present Temple and other incident
activities of the Congregation, coins
of the present day and other papers
and documents. Slips bearing the
names of all those who witnessed the
laying of the cornerstone were also
placed with the others. Adolph
Freund, another old member assisted
in the rite and read the list of the
articles that were to be placed with
the stone. Rabbi Berkowitz, Assist-
ant Rabbi of the Temple, gave the
opening prayer.
In his introductory address, Presi-
dent Goldberg expressed the belief
that the new Temple, which is to be
built at the cost of approximately ■
quarter of a million, will be completed
within a year. Plana for the new
Temple were drawn by Albert Kahn
who will personally supervise the
building of the structure. Mr. Kahn
was also the architect of the present
"Monument to Faith."

"We are about to lay the corner-
stone of what will be the finest house
of worship in the State of Michigan,
and perhaps one of the finest in the
United States," Mr. Goldberg de-
clared. "It is a monument to our
faith and to the growing sense of res-
ponsibility that we have in the
knowledge that our religion should
have every opportunity for its proper
"As stone by stone and brick by

(Continued On Page 5.1


NEW YORK—Dr. Abram Simon
of the Hebrew Congregation of Wash-
ington, D. C. and member of the Ex-
ecutive Board of the Central Confer-
ence of American Rabbis, is in full
sympathy with the work of Hies and
heartily endorses its campaign for
the One Million Dollar Emergency
Fund. Recently a representative of
the Society called upon him in Wash-
ington and Dr. Simon gave him the
following letter:
"In welcoming you to our city, I
do so because of my knowledge of you
and of the worth of the Hebrew Shel-
tering and Immigrant Aid Society of
America. This society is doing •
blessed work for our suffering breth-
ren. All local problems are very small
when compared with this great tra-
gedy of wandering Israel. I wish you
good luck."

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