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September 23, 1927 • Page Image 111

…, Got friedson The manufacturing plant has ■ ing from the value of the other. In llill auditorium, seating over Truck, Federal Motor Truck, Gen- reserve capacity of 800,000 cubic University of Michigan. 5…

…,000 people, may be seen the. coil Motors Truck anti many feet daily, and is modern in every I The University of Michigan was Frieze ii r g a II, originally con- others. particular. • founded in 1837, the year…

March 04, 1927 • Page Image 8

… lecture. The Union, University of Michigan, Ann avenue are being congratulated on public is invited. Arbor, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. the birth of a daughter, Joan Revs, Fishman were among the chaperons…

… bridge-luncheon of B'rith. A nominal tariff of 50 cents, ture before the high School of Com- delightful appointments at her home including checking, will be the cost merce for the University of Michigan on…

October 21, 1927 • Page Image 8

… MARKET C In the fall of 1923 they entered the University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and the Arts, where they remained for one year. They then enrolled in the University of Michigan Law…

July 15, 1927 • Page Image 6

… the June, 1927, class of the University of Michigan, is now associated with Isenberg, Purdy & Co., public accountants. He is resisting at 54 West Euclid avenue. Little Folks Wear From Infancy to Ten…

…. Ring of 9668 Otsego street was hostess at a reception given in honor of her brother, Dr. Isidor Singerman, who is a gradu- ate of the University of Michigan. Covers were laid for 40 guests. Among the out…

June 17, 1927 • Page Image 2

… official list of graduates of Daniel A. Cohen, Cincinnati, AB; Sixteen hundred boys and girls, their mother, Mrs. Anna the University of Michigan was Saul Cohen, Charleston, W. Va., ranging in age from 4 to…

…, Paterson, N. sermon, entitled "The Four Mural Chronicle, of the Jewish gradu- J., LLB; Myer Givelber, Cleve- Paintings of the Temple," was de- ates of the University of Michigan. land, AB; Nathan A. Gluckman…

June 17, 1927 • Page Image 4

… of the Temple," was de- ates of the University of Michigan. land, Ali; Nathan A. Gluckman, livered by Erwin Markus, '27, and The following are the residents Brooklyn, Y., LLB; George E. the farewell…

University of Michigan was Saul Cohen, Charleston, W. Va., their mother, Mrs. Anna R071141r1. issued by the university authorities BS in Ph.; Milton J. Cohn, Cleve- ranging in age from 4 to 18, gath- Doctors…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 73

… Flint, Michigan. Five years ago the board of edu- cation of Flint asked the school of education of the University of Michigan to survey the schools and lay out a progressive program fur the next 10 years…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 113

… children themselses i participating. 1 During the past year, Rai , ' j Adolph H. Fink, director of the Pasteurized Irtiai Writ h H illel Foundation a' the University of Michigan, ha , Milk and Cream…

June 17, 1927 • Page Image 6

…. Franklin attended the Hebrew Union College. Later he took post-graduate work at the University of Michigan. The hon- orary degree of LL.D. was con- ferred upon him by the University of Detroit. His first…

March 04, 1927 • Page Image 11

… graduate of the University of Michigan Law School, his knowledge of the law has been Sunday, Mar, 6 ORCHESTRA HALL 50c to $2.00 BEETHOVEN Orchestra (90 Pieces) TRIO Vote NO On the Proposed Districting…

February 18, 1927 • Page Image 9

… attended the J-hop at the University of Michigan was Miss Jean Levin of 1035 Calvert avenue, who was a house guest of the Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority over the week-end. Miss Ann N. Finkelstein of 2048…

January 21, 1927 • Page Image 10

… graduated from the S. Freeman, Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Feld- Jewish Center, 31 Melbourne avenue, University of Michigan with the class man, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Freerer, Rabbi and also at the Kirby Center, Kirby of…

June 03, 1927 • Page Image 5

… Jewish Con- gations. It was largely through the Misses Betty and Lance Droop- etitution of the United States and strangers in the House of God." ship at the University of Michigan. cept of God Historically…

…, Colorado Springs, Colo. Jewish, i n the new rind enlarged tiled which will include races for functions at affairs where such as 0110 of the major problems of , University of Michigan; Dorothea Story of…

April 22, 1927 • Page Image 1

…. Before a congregation which will tee composed in biro part of students of the University of !Michigan and other neighboring colleges, Rabbi Leon Pram of Temple Beth El will speak Sunday morning, April 24…

…..lie riewi Lth the British government to raise the question before the League In moving the adoption of the rem, - campus at the University of Michigan !anon, Mr. D'Avigdor Goldsmid, preen- and which is…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 1

… as a member support, while the remaining three- that they will have something definite lated at the University of Michigan emelt eminent. tion of exceptional material and tal- of the opposition in the…

University of Michigan songs, liturgical compositions and ; ports that numerous contributions •rihuted by them has increased. The covered by a resolution, which will of our time are inclined to a moral the…

December 02, 1927 • Page Image 9

… Hal•y). Choral Society; professionals are welcome and in- Linda Park left Dec. 1 for Los An- University of :Michigan who mar- Mu' Julius Miller, 2301 Taylor ave. vited to enroll. geles to spend the…

November 18, 1927 • Page Image 7

…. Sharfman, professor at the p r i m gratulations upon the birth of , •Vers i on o f th e even i ng. Tickets may be obtained at the University of Michigan, speaking A011, hee Bernard, Nov. 9. , were won by the…

October 21, 1927 • Page Image 3

… of first and second mortgages and land contracts. Sir. Smith, who is an attorney and a graduate of the University of Michigan, is well known to the Jewish community and enjoys the friendship of a wide…

October 21, 1927 • Page Image 5

… the University of Michigan. Wil- Mothers' Club Gi•es Party; Band liam Henry' Gallagher will speak Offers Musical Program . for the Catholics and Arthur Van- denberg of Grand Rapids will be (Inc of the…

October 14, 1927 • Page Image 2

… Heralds a Brilliant Social Season WILLIAM FINK William Fink, a student at the University of Michigan, passed away on Oct. 11 at the age of 19. Funeral services were conducted from the residence, 318 Trow…

October 07, 1927 • Page Image 2

… Detroit and Ann Arbor that Mr. Wineman acquired his education, graduating from the Central high school and, in 1901, from the University of Michigan, Immediately upon his gradua- tion from the university Mr…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 7

…- at that time. Rabbi Adolph Fink, Young. Israel's activities areap- director of the HMO foundation at proved of and endorsed by the city's the University of Michigan, will leading rabbis—with strict…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 19

… sent Arbor, where he will resume his by the club. studies in the dental school of the The Social Rendezvous will re- University of Michigan. sume meetings after the long sum- mer re•t•os Sunday, Oct. 2…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 112

… with- in its border the great University of Michigan. The citizens of Ann Arbor take a just pride in seeing that the city school syatem keeps pace with the marvelous develop- ment taking place on the…

September 09, 1927 • Page Image 7

… City, Mich., and Eu- 2493 West are now residing at clid avenue. Their daughter, Rita, has returned from ('amp Eagle Point, Romney, N. IL, and will shortly resume her studies at the Cut Rate University of

Michigan. Their son has returned from Camp Stimson, MOVING and STORAGE Romney, N. II. 'Madame and RlademoiselIe WRAPS GOWNS FROCKS SUITS SPORTSWEAR MILLINERY FTER an extensive European shopping tour…

September 02, 1927 • Page Image 5

… popular guest in the city is $ Mrs. Charles N. Aseheim of Win- attend the University of Michigan 0- netka, 111.. who is visiting her this fall is Miss Rosalie Goldstick 0 mother, Mrs. Anna Burton, of of…

July 08, 1927 • Page Image 6

… with friends in Cleveland. are vis- practice. Dr. Freedman is an honor iting with her mother, Mrs. Alic, graduate of the June. 1926, elan Stig.itz of Mt. Clemens , f the University of Michigan and u…

July 01, 1927 • Page Image 6

… school at University of Michigan Sam Melon, Fred Goldstien, Irv. bride-elect of July 3, by Miss El- at Ann Arbor. ing Weisberg and Harold Saltz sie Olender at her home on Mon- were accepted as candidates…

June 24, 1927 • Page Image 8

… the graduation of their daughter, Sadie, from Western high school. In September she will enroll at Detroit Teachers' college. wivw Among the recent graduates of 01° the University of Michigan was…

June 17, 1927 • Page Image 11

… Lipson of South lege of the University of Michigan, field of that department. After a Carolina. Rabbi A. M. Ashinaky sails June 30 on the S. S. Cali- "A Modern Plant With Modern Methods." careful…

May 20, 1927 • Page Image 6

… Dr. Joseph Liburt, son of cogs. Well Known Bass Baritone and Gifted Singer the University of Michigan whom Mr. and Mrs. harry Liburt of this that institution invited to its annual city. Detroiters who…

April 01, 1927 • Page Image 9

… to \Vailtinatta• at Ann Arbor on Elizabeth R. Steinberg of Detroit won first place in the thirty-seventh annual University of Michigan ora- )larch 27, at the home oof Mr. mud Mrs. Mack B. Weiss of…

April 01, 1927 • Page Image 11

… as Edwin A. Rends presents the Incomparable English Commedienn• Tolstoy's Famous Love Story Bachelor of civil Engineer in 1910, ■ -a Great Picture. at the University of Michigan, and Niro, for seven…

March 25, 1927 • Page Image 5

…. BENJAMIN J. SAFIR the highest scholastic standing in the lave schools of the universities are ad- mitted. In this year's senior law class at the University of Michigan, It; members were admitted, which…

March 25, 1927 • Page Image 8

…'nai B'rith Ballroom DEBATE! An Intellectual Treat! B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan Mrs. Hyman Packard of Windsor, avenue entertained at another of a Ont., entertained…

March 18, 1927 • Page Image 8

… Alger avenue Of Interest to Every Jew In the Community University of Michigan Miss I.illian Avison left on Sunday, March 13, for an indefinite stay in the An Intellectual Treat! B'nai B'rith Hillel…

March 04, 1927 • Page Image 4

… theater bene- tended the University of Michigan. fit to be held on Sunday. March 27. from which he was graduated with a at the Bonstelle Playhouse. The pro- Arts. He was degree of Bachelor of ceeds of this…

February 18, 1927 • Page Image 3

University of Michigan. Eminently qualified by years of experience in the practice of the law. Primaries March 7. This Ad paid for by a friend. COAL SPECIAL Pocahontas Lump Best Kentucky Lump Kentucky Egg…

January 07, 1927 • Page Image 8

… studies at the Mrs. D. L. Shenker and daughter, Wilma, are entertaining as their University of Michigan, where he is a senior in the college of law. house guest Miss Ernestine Herman of New York City. Among…

November 18, 1927 • Page Image 1

… Friday evening, Nov. IS, Lai- dwelt at some length on the person- from the University of Michigan I of New York there were not 300 limelight last March, after a hear- tine administration to lend more…

November 18, 1927 • Page Image 8

… Wednesday, Nov. 16. The Phi Beta Delta Fraternity of the University of Michigan held an informal dance last Friday night previous to the Navy game. 30 couples were present. The house was beautifully dec…

July 29, 1927 • Page Image 3

… dismissed. meetings will he held every second University of Michigan, from which many attractions during the day. A recent ease of considerable im- he received the Bachelor of Letter The social committee is…

June 24, 1927 • Page Image 5

… the Union of Jewish his 'Hire in the First National Ohio, University of Michigan; Dor. communities in Saxony. Represen- Bank building, but neither he nor othy Davis, Minneapolis, Univer- tatives of the…

May 13, 1927 • Page Image 5

… interprofessional Society to be held Friday, May 20, at 0:45 o'clock p. ni. at the Temple Beth FA, room 26. Dr. Lipkin received his B. S. de- gree at the University of Michigan and his Si. U. degree at the Detroit…

April 22, 1927 • Page Image 5

…. Stud- consist of a play auul a temilansante. hear that he is seeking ways and means to increase the number of Jewish and the sacred, but that the spirit ents of the University of Michigan and The…

April 08, 1927 • Page Image 10

… 19I8 was solo cornetist will also occuiiy a part of the maga- no objection should Sapiro's croon- captive 11100d if he did not actually for the University of Michigan Band, tine. Seymour Tilehin has…

April 01, 1927 • Page Image 1

… of the University of Michigan. for the United States. to attend the meeting. Palestinian enterprises. (Turn to Last Page) S. Gov. Green Appoints Detroit J ews to High Office PLAYERS DO WELL AT…

April 01, 1927 • Page Image 12

…-Operative Marketing De. upon the witness. Let them the Universities of Michigan and Illi- j hems that have arisen. First Clash. pertinent of the American Farm lin. never cease in this devotion, utilizing, nois last…

October 28, 1927 • Page Image 1

… throughout the proceedings but two the University of Michigan, will or three times he interrupted his Congregation to Celebrate speak on the question, "Should Pro- Ills 20 Years Service attorney with marked…

May 27, 1927 • Page Image 5

… question of relations between the devoted to the flood rescue fund, all the University of Michigan ° ° N 66 two parties offers a very satisfac- }Frith Billed Foundation for the of the year, which…

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