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September 18, 1925 • Page Image 69

… CUISINE 8221 TWELFTH STREET Jews in Colonial Days Between Seward end Virginia Park. Phone Garfield 7903 WE DELIVER — JUST CALL US . A, Shown in a field which she planted and developed herself in…

… scientific resume of the history of the Jew in colonial times. bent upon conveying the spirit which pervaded the Colonial Jews; he shows how firmly attached those pioneers were to Judaism. He brings out a…

… hitherto unknown or unstressed fact that when the Jews first came here they were firmly intent upon establishing a Jewish nation in this country. With a (left touch he brings out interesting early American…

…, they would he allowed the fullest religiou s self-expression. It is unfortunate that the colonia l Jew has not been given a proper plat in the history of this country. Per haps, sonic historian in…

… Locking Pins Plain Oil Seal Rings 1226 - 1234 MICHIGAN AVENUE Cadillac 0342 - 0343 BRANCIIES: 5959 Woodward Avenue. Northway 6459 2925 Gratiot. Melrose 0373 CHARLES S. KLEIN sS IAII.4% A:AC*000M…

… this momentous occasion we desire to extend our sincere wishes to the Jew- ish people of Detroit for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. General Custom Paint Shop C. B. MYERS, Prop. 435 AMSTERDAM AVENUE…

… Northway 3600 Fender and Authorized du Pont Duco Service. Body Repairing. Glass Enclosures. Slip Cov- en and Trimming. I nists. ' In all the communications that passed between the officials and the Jews

…, the latter were always referred to as the Jewish Nation. Despite the formidable attacks that were con- stantly made upon them, the Jews would never consider compromising their convictions in an effort…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 27

… the Jew stil lived. But the more "civilized" methods involve NELL McKNIGHT 201 BOOK BUILDING Cadillac 4757 1. B H Wishing Everybody in the Communities of Detroit and Michigan a happy and…

… prosperous New Year ALEX J. GROESBECK Governor of Michigan soother contridition. A people which wants to live is asked to commit sui- cide voluntarily—as a gift to human- The "mongrel" Jew becomes a…

… for me; I have a ed out that uncontrolled group be- tary transmission. Now Under New Management. wife and Ifi children, and only one E-7 havior, mass psychology, resembles! The chief reasons for the Jew

… with Jews has been made on a very large later come back to the rabbi crying I him, and the frequency with which scale in Spain before and during the that conditions were still worse, as they repudiate…

… him. History offers Inquisition, without apparent brilliant now he had no place whereon to lay enough instances where the leader results. Supposing the Jews could his head. But the rabbi did not scent I…

… hates the group. lie may have ivy. Apostates and SIMS of apostates and, although with a great that of contempt or pity but no hate. No have neither helped to solve the Jew. wonderment, the Chasid did so…

… beginning of the nineteenth "Well, drive out the goat and the The waves of religious hysteria which century a number of Jews thought chickens." frequently sweep over whole com- they could solve the problem…

… thy One cannot convince or be convinced. the preservation of Jews as they now soul" means even if lie take thy The emotions involved are too primi- have for Eskimos and Indians. How- soul.—Talmud. tine…

…. Anti-Semitism is a and the Jewish people. For its very 1 !neurosis. It serves a very useful pur- success means that the Jew is to pre- pose to the Christian. Perhaps there vent assimilation. To solve…

… world I COMMUNITY OF DETROIT FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS toward the Jew is not altogether with- Jewry. It is the soul of Judaism NEW YEAR. out significance and possibly throws seeking the body of its…

December 11, 1925 • Page Image 33

… for the spiritual, cultural and social development of the Jews in Palestine.1 The Jews of Soviet Russia By MAJOR•GENERAL (Retired) BARON VON SCHOENAICH (Copyright, 1925, by Jewish Telegraphic Agency…

… the present situation of the Jews in Russia.) DETROIT SAFE CO. was for a few days commanding of-! ' fiver of a troop stationed in the vil- lage of Kirsnawjelka, between Kal- varia and Mariampol. Among…

… methods of husbandry, with the Jew- attention from its own misdeeds— businessmen, but in every intellectual ish example of progress steadily en- and that need practicaly always exist- pursuit. That they…

January 09, 1925 • Page Image 10

… Judaism that will hold the young Jew close tee his ancient faith and yet St. Petersburg, Fla., where they ex- at the Book-('ndillac II League of Nations. The letter, which number of Conservative members of…

… European Jew into American life and will be the dominating last Saturday evening by Abraham thente: party and NI officially informed by the president of interest of Jewish social agencies in the future…

… were Samuel Field, family tit I94ii Glacstor, tions: have last few years and are going to be Abraham Buchhalter, Abraham Co- less. file Jews will become a part hen, Marvin Ressler, Isadore. NN CM- Blaine…

… religious educe- pen to Jewish social service' in the. of II. Altman & Cs .1. tion of th e. Jews, winch is the only M and Mrs. Isaac Saulson of East $105,000 as seiecial ,• United States as a result of this…

… thing that will keep the. Jews Jewish. immigration restrietion? r: t I do not think their views will change 11,11wick avenue. have returned from times. Fifty thausasS s visited th Assuming that few Jews

… , , , ,, , ,i,,, ;:,,, . , :, : (I I :ars of It century, what will become of disappear gradually and there will be thrir Saulson. ties of the. :arelidhe s• s ' s. . I.:},,, the' Jews here during t hat period? ' a…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 7

… stage Warburg for te support of the. visit- •LETTER. BOX of the Jewish purgatory—Russia. ing nurse service of the Henry Street This is the only land in which Jews ttlement in New York and the gift…

…, Michigan. Dear Sir:-1 have been advised ' that smacks of nationalism and the the people of New York City and of $500,000 to New York University for that the Detroit Jewish Chronicle will! Soviets, therefore…

… high holydays, munal undertakings. many Jews of Kiev were compelled What Jews have meant and are I good. May the New Year be more pros- to worship in the open air. Jewish !waning in American life woe per…

…-operation eighteenth century. In Germany cem- i is the precarious economic condition among Jewish organizations. There etery vandalism was perpetrated and of the bulk of Russia's Jews. Only was for one th i ng, th e…

… foreign Jewish app-lei: sides, only the most naive can still religious and welfare work for Jew- cants; in another university the std- hold the view that the present regime forced a Jewish Minister teacher…

… various institutions of higher so that will for an to come he indefinite no place time for the small Jewish learning were in a flourishing to appoint Jews as school superintend- Russia ants. Because the…

… poetic genius Heine trader or petty merchant. Many Jews condition last year and a he was a Jew, his works are banned in have found and more will find their Jewish col- w to establish a Y lege, went forward…

… for the that subpect and a national society "Semitic" influence are to be avoided Jew and the Soviet government ap- pears to be sincerely trying to help for the advancement of synagogue like the pest…

… there is a dis- had a successful year in its endeavor of the past year. The Education Law tinct movement of Jews toward the to bring to more and more young peo- of 1920, embodying the shameful nu- land…

… instituted proceedings icon Jews are now discussing various lar work was begun on a city-wide against the Jewish community of Bu- phases of this problem. Anxious to scale In Cleveland. A national train- dapest…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 54

… are bad from the mental hygiene point of view is seen clearly erage not over 16.5 per cent, while its ideal goal the elimintaion of phys- ical diseases, defects and handicaps, the proportion of Jews in…

… disorders, in ally admitted as true that nervous- of the individual. MODELERS — CARVERS — DESIGNERS also Jews As with others, among order that improved and more ad- ness and mild mental condition of OF FINE…

… present a few practical points in attainment of harmony between the mental hygiene—mental health—m the new, the reactionary and the pro- individual and his environment so its relation to the American Jew in…

… intensified degree in American Jew- man maladjustment, inefficiency and called by physicians neuroses and ish homes where the parents are or- breakdown. It means satisfactory so- psychoneuroses, are very common…

… thodox and the children are becoming lution of the eternal conflict between among Jews can be proven in any or have already become American- the demands of the environment and large clinic or private…

January 09, 1925 • Page Image 13

… Beavers STETSON Including BORSALINO DISNEY —AT— HENRYIHE HATTER FAMED STAGE ART DESIGNER IS DEAD TWO STORES 205 Gratiot Ave. At Library Ave. 145 Michigan Ave. Opp. Book-Cadillac I lotel e home. A…

… inner can Judaism that will hold the young Jew close to his ancient faith and yet St. Petersburg, Fla., where they ex- at the Book-Cadillac IL 'o 1: Nits. and meet the conditions which that faith has…

…•lci party A stag surprise party was given at their haste; Mrs. 11.1.1-dr. on ga y, attention of those agencies now concentrating their efforts upon the assimi- a 1 • f the Fore wan Jew into American life and…

… less. The Jews will become a port hen, Blaine. avenue, What effect will immigration re. oof the country, different from the hen' Marvin Ressler, Isadore Wein- garden, Paul Deutch, Jack Fogel, strict ion…

… opinion, will hap- York, founded lov itt.'.!.• .),town active interest in the religious edura-t pen too Jewish social services ill the of B. Altman & Co., rt, out tion of the Jews, which is the (only! NH…

… and Mrs. Isaac Saulson of East II trot United States as a result of this as soeviiil h , 11,• :„ trilou• thing that will keep the Jews Jewish. I kievenue have returned from tions. Fifty thousand do…

… immigration restriction? ll,ti2,ci,,Oei. ,g, .1 went to I do not think their views will change Assuming that few Jews enter Mich., where they rs. visited the ('uthedral of St. d..e, '' '"' i that extreme extree…

… the Arelidiacc-c \ York, a slow movement toward Reform Ju- i t the Jews here during that period? $10,000 to the Associ:11 , •., t..r Improv- deism." What attitude should congrega- Edward V. Jacobs, son…

… Glares that "the effect of immigrationlsouthern California to Detroit to keep the Jews Jewish during memorial scholarship in II ^,.:r oof Mr. restriction cannot help but be bene- that period, and after…

…? Altman. The foo(ittrat too. recently Mood to the Jew in America, although in Chicago at present. The principal problem of the Jew Mrs. harry Moss of 1975 Pingro guise $25,000 to the for the American Jew

December 11, 1925 • Page Image 10

… methods have quickly and the Reform Jew. He holds some of Judaism to which all Jews should firmly established him as Michigan's views which run counter to, are in- adhere. They speak of co…

… Prevailing Relation Between the Conservative and the Reform Jews of Detroit a Wholesome One?" By RABBI A. M. HERSHMAN ACCIDENT and HEALTH INSURANCE ckch effects (Editor's Note:—The following lecture was…

… readers of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle are invited.) INSURE YOUR LIFE INSURE YOUR INCOME Company. And a Time to Speak.—Ecclesiastes I propose to speak tonight on a Reform Jew. The Reform Jew has a right…

… to his ideas. The same right subject which has engaged my atten- must be conceded to the Conservative THE OLD LINE LIFE INSURANCE distinguish the IA tion and agitated my mind for some Jew. He should…

… safe for Conservative Judaism. Thome, considering Life Insurance as The principle which should guide the A tion and reluctance. One is loath to re invited to apply to Reform and the Conservative Jews

… peace in the the Reform Jew walk in the light he Cadillac 4025.8589 RABBI LEON FRAM community; but peace purchased at has. Let the Conservative Jew walk ABE GUROVITCH LEON GINSBURG Unlimited. the…

… situation. Silence, at this time, may Jew should not quarrel one with the Jewish learning which Orthodox Jew- be good policy, but it is poor princi- other. I should like to see every Jew "There is a time to…

… the Ye- the to speak tonight without any equivo- the temple. I should like to see every liAltol‘fererd ahibah College Builathe Fund, has INCORPORATED Jew who has leanings towards Con- cation or mental…

…-stone lay- should be. Deep down in the solid "Of course all Jews are one, but the ing. Practically every college and un- esreusbwhollushsbalaInbdeatnhde iversity in America will have repre- foundations of…

… city has been Jews constitute one people. In the riage either the husband or the wife invited to send accredited delegates to eyes of the non-Jewish world, all claims to be that one." I then quoted the…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 17

… critical works of the year written by Jews are Paul graduated from Central high Selvxd. She attended City College for two Rosenfeld's "Men Seen" and George" years and later the University of Michigan. Her…

…A merica Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVMS • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVENTEEN . - By MARTIN GOLDE (Editor's Note:—What are the best Jewish books of the year? What books by Jews, published in…

…, heart-ease searchers, For Anna and I are young! in For Demonstration Call Glendale 0523 OFFICE: 4820 BANGOR AVENUE YARD: COR. HANCOCK AND SCOTTEN WALNUT 0638 . ANNA AND I MAYING JERUSALEM.—(J. T. A.)—Jew

… was born in Honor, a small' however, logical and simple. which are herewith printed. Miss Morris, who Michigan town, 25 years ago, has resided in Detroit far 10 years, and was, The most important…

… absorption in a larger environ- r attempts to seek the Jews constitute a race or religion, ment th e othe t h e the properly belonging almost solution of his Jewish fate within his entirely to anthropology, is…

… the nth degree of Jew- straightforward, uncompromising, un- purposes of considering what Jews ish civilization. The day may come ambiguous evaluation of men and have done and how they have been when…

… be seen that Jews constitute a race. To assume show. his literary style has been influenced: that their only bond is religion is to Still speaking of the better type of by his knowledge of and intimacy…

… all. ation of Ben Hecht and Maxwell Bo- in Literature of 1925," The Reform too-meager stock of good reading. The denheim. In his "Men Seen," he Jews in Literature of 1925, "The former purports to he an…

… expose of passes judgment upon Waldo Frank, Orthodox Jews in Literature of 1926;' . Philistinism and other infirmities, but James Oppenheim, Herbert J. Selig- "The Baptists in Literature of 1925. its…

… just what is trashing as the more sophisticated bits the private faith of all those who have of satire on life of the common people hearted welcome among American It is Jews is. strange enough, a history…

December 11, 1925 • Page Image 11

…, , we are at, Jews and all Jews are one 'ger, later Mrs. William Black; Flora ganizing the students' congregati on at O 0, Heineman, now Mrs. Charles Thur- the University of Michigan, the possi- ■ er in…

…. General Admission 10 Cents time a giant and a dwarf in the story. As a necessary Once upon a friends. They consequence, the Conservative Jews of dwarf became great agreed to go out together in search of…

… sword and struck off the: Reform to make inroads into our on a arm. lie was in a woe- camp. Jew must approach Jew poor dwarfs ful plight; but the giant soon came to footing of perfect equality. Nothing…

… his assistance. They then traveled on less than that should satisfy the Con- Jew, and unless there is a 'to another adventure. They soon met servative part three bloody-minded Satyrs who were perfect…

…th, 1925 Sunday Evening, — — truly liberal. If the Reform Jew re- tions of the complainants to the oc-IJonit. According to the agreement,the cupancy of the house by Jews and l cad, proselytizing an an…

… effort among non-Jews. De- have no weight. There si nothing in ; monist Oct organization. Dr. Henry Gentiles. . 0n) 000 Conservative troit Why. has then, more pick than on 1. the the deeds of the property…

Jew towards the, nuisance because the occupants of its Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. Conservative Jew is fraught with cottage walked the streets clad only great moral danger, not only to the in…

… their bathing costumes. And judg- Misfortune is a good teacher. Conservative Jew, but to the Reform, ing from the popularity of the bath- II Jew as well. The number of Jews who era_' parades at our…

… justify injunctive powers to exclude Jew and finding him- bathers from the street if a seashore ing to him as self in the midst of a none too friendly resort I say Niue many popular world, many a Jew has…

…, will in the future be Reform and the Conservative Jew o f Rid Suburb of Jews. permitted to function in Soviet Rus- Detroit is an unwholesome one. It — jeopardizes our higher interest!. It • TRENTON N. J…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 30

…MEQgritoniinvisitchttasicir. PAGE TEN ated such a stir in all artistic and 1 " clerical circles in Europe and Amer. ica, are men of exceptional talent and though they are good Jews in a sense, they…

… great picture. Most There are innumerable Jews and of their works are mediocre and only Hundreds of essays and scores of books have been written on the sub- a few of them are worth while look- Jewesses…

… Polished Jew and that the great English paint- Many of the pictures often lack even we should not kill it by discussing er Solomon Solomons is also a Jew. proportion and symmetry, but still Jewish art…

… Jewish art? Can that be the countries of the Diaspora Motors and Chassis Steam Cleaned cannot be any Jewish art, reflecting is a Jew and that the greatest living called Jewish painting? Decidedly the life…

…, atmosphere and living con- poet in Germany, Von Hoffmansthel,' not. We can imagine Gentile paint- ditions of our people. The back- is also a Jew. One can easily enu- ers being inspired by the same sub- ground…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 22

… laws has been from the very. beginning and is today intended as a [ By RABBI ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN means of malting the Jew feel that he I Of Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, New York. is different, of reminding…

… as Jews and they h ope , which Dr. Charles W. Eliot holds in extinction of the Jewish ported to arouse the sense of Jew ts , American life is such that every for a speedy h identity and difference, so…

… that a Jew' set off by these fences, may not be statement he makes usually receives identity altogeter. Against such assimilationists Dr. fed to become absorbed, swallow- the broadest attention and…

… assimila- est imp Perhaps sonic. of our so-called ell- ted by the lion. In the some way, a lightened Jews who pride themselves tinctive modes by means of which Is- smaller group may become assimilated on…

January 16, 1925 • Page Image 7

…American ffewish Pedalled Center PAGE SEVEN PEPuritorr, Awls!, "leading” —part of Jews in Bolshe- say, immediate, almost physical reaction I from which they came, into their vism. "It is not…

… surprising," they old organisnt physiognomy, their habits. success. "the Jew has no country, no national Swiss review, with no better an nse —hough le per- followed— that of o nner—t similar In a an German or…

…, Protestant or Jew. Pages which I was forced later to re- felt by an exacerbated national con- haps in o e against urally, any fought beside All this struck me as peculiar. I write. Much later, very much later…

… the crisis of the , fight with an against the Germans, The average Frenchman does not des Deux Mondes. It Was returned the Jews, about psychology, was 1..0, more people in France than be. understand…

… more than this. Or, at without a shadow of hesitation and the of the Jews, Dreyfus affair. The result of it condition the social 'Copyright, 1925, by Sev, n A rts Feature Syndicate. I - became interested…

June 12, 1925 • Page Image 3


… secre. the Jews are living peacefully and:the land. They are supplied with Ani• tory; Sylvia Sternberg, corresponding prospering economically, that country I erican tractors. American seeds, and secretary…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 71

… 1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1 1 A NEW YEAR'S GREETING 0 — from FRED CASTATOR COUNCILMAN On this happy occasion in the lives of the Jewish people I sincerely wish to the Jews of Detroit and…

… OF THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE FROM Edwin Denby / Riad& VAST SUM SPENT FOR PALESTIN relationships With them. They had to dress differently and to wear badges —"the Jew's badge"—which every- where…

… Philanthropic Purposes Small wonder that the Jews became the pariahs of the new, enlightened, By J. D. C. cultured and scientific age. The'mar- vel is that they retained their high NEW YORK.—(J. T. A…

… to raise funds for the relief of I women Talmudists and students in although, during their medieval ages, their •ar-stricken brethren abroad, the ghettos. The distinguished Rabbi the Jews did not…

… effort to re-establish Pal- Thus. liberty. beauty might not disturb their atten- been able to obtain real ior x of her estine as a homeland for Jews. tion. These learned women were not considering the…

… century, wife and was $133,151 to the Kupat-Milvsh, another when printing was discovered, the respect as mother and not protected against her husband's credit-loan institution; $408,777 for Jews were the…

… Jerusalem and made possible the publication of re- several other schools, have brought ligious books at little cost, thus en- the total of the J. D. C:s appropria- aiding many poor Jews to possess tions for…

… art. by printing on it." and the power of philosophy and thought. The Jew was not allowed to see this wondrous light nor to feel its warmth. C. E. OTTER WM. J. OTTER N. F. HAMILTON It was not for him…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 5

…" advisedly. I won- der if it is only my imagination. But it does seem as if we do not take the holidays so seriously as they used to. Surely the Jew hasn't such a happy lut in the world that he should forget…

… sentiment makes even the most careless pause for a moment. The Jew isn't a carouser on New Year Eve. Ile doesn't drink to forget the year just ending and to dull his senses to the year that lies before him…

… Hashonah should address itself to all Israel. To Jews as Jews, the Shofar should be a call to faith and to duty. It should bid all elements in our reli- gious brotherhood take stock of themselves so that…

… they make accounting to themselves and to their brother Jews of the part they are playing both in the solution of the so-called Jewish problem—whatever that may be—and in the building up of a more united…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 26

… not By DR. ISRAEL S. WECHSLER so well known, although modern and especially Freudian psychology has Both Christians and Jews have suf. false religion that keeps him from harped on it long enough, that…

…, David, Isaiah art; Christ. sealed mental rubrics: The human non because his own emotional life mind has a great many single tracks was too deeply bound up with it. The But the modern Jew, the degenerate…

… which do not often converge, except son of a once superior but now hybrid Jew could as little understand or deal a at the power-station of the emotions. race and the deluded follower of with it because he…

… has been in essence a justification. facts does not sufficiently explain the It is my firm conviction that the Jew as 'an individual is to be exclud- depth of the roots of anti-Semitism, cause of anti…

… racial (allowing even for the pseudo- qualities as a man and, cqntraiie- to realize that perhaps nobody, nei- scientific views now so widely enter- torily enough, his belonging to a ther Jew nor Christian…

… of philoso- called reason and logic and intellect anti-Semitism, although they are • of phy, namely, "The concoction of frequently seen to merge into each alone. The Jew is said to adhere to a…

… contradic- American type. The first represents Ile is a moral person who leads a tions are too glaring; the emotional the view that the Jew as an individual clean home life, and has a low sense resistances to…

…, closely knitted in his com- gical methods will effect a sounde but that the individual Jew is unde- munal life, and he is a rebel, a revo- orientation anal point the way to a better understanding of the…

… we are ever to deal honestly wit h by the doggerel: cl) slavedriver of humanity, and he seeks the question, that in the Jew lies th to disrupt and subvert the capitalist external cause of anti…

…-Semitism. Ob Jud ob Christ ist einerlei, 11.) Im Judentum liegt die Schweienerei. social structures of centuries. He is mean the Jew as an historic entity a staunch socialist and Bolshevik, and Not the…

January 02, 1925 • Page Image 1

… position with Michigan Law Strong. fundamental facts of which Jew and "You asked me what I think of thou parent body to the Jewish counter idea. ish community of Moscow and one of the outstanding loaders of…

… NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN shich ritual DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY VOL. XVII. NO. 6 con. fence Waldman Pleads For Co-Operation In Movement For Jewish Hospital TER MS FALSE RUMOR Describes…

… Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents HERSHMAN INVEIGHS Has Long History AGAINST APOLOGIES Lappin Traces Back Movement BY JEWS TO WORLD to Ancients and Describes I ation He eads 1 Says Arbitration . Or g Sp…

… onsors Art HExhibit Sp Part Jews Have Taken, The arbitration movement Is spread- i ing all over the country, indeed, all over the world, according to A. C. Lappin, attorney and arbitrator. Mr. Lappin…

… declared that while the move- merit towards greater use of arbitra- Rabbi Deplores Cringing Tone When Discussing Peoples' Treatment of Jews. Replying to an inquiry from Abraham Caplan, managing editor of…

… the religious and cultural ties that a hospital drive before 1926 unlikely, pointing out that a campaign for "However Jews react to the world's Was Predominantly That was resorted to in the settlement…

… brilliance and clearly of the proposed hospital association. Australia. hotel with a view of injuring its the in- and the Jewish Welfare Board is the co b Maze , religious head of the Jew- he hail sought a…

… Russian efforts being put fourth by those good. Ito this country settlement by arbi- non-Jew should he aware, the book Nor were the men still in the serv- tration has not been frequently re- grievously…

… Specimens of Work t Notwithstanding the fact that the judgment un their efforts,. ut of reservations by Jews for New I Adler presiolont of Demme accordingly. In more recent years a vengeful spirit which is…

… is s now I Jew ish historic capacity for forgive- "It • is anumon knowledge that the "The Book-Cadillac Hotel," said "on•uP u h11,oarol ,l,s .itut(•ge(r f - oleath, 15,000 canoe to the rabbi's JO…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 2

… until now, when I Mount Sinai, the God of Abraham, 219 MICHIGAN AVENUE the right opportunity presented itself, Isaac and Jacob, the God of all Jews, he was promoted from the assistant ruling over them…

… vacation is always rvel. ing pones.. When we got home from the seasore. our living n.orn was haunted with the o ghosts furniture in their summer Olithsvez Tomer _ dispersing. Ah, what a delight! Jews

…, Jews, Jews! Wherever you turn there are Jews. Is there a limit to their number? They are your own people; you feel at home with them; each one you like, each one seems related to you. The sun is setting…

… men. But it won't many Jews. Dark hacks, dark fosqlg. candle-lit holiday-table. one woman to spother-get there' harm the little fish, little fish being All move, slowly, homeward hound, Grapes! Who ever…

… sees grapes in 1 he particular divan I wattled . wes a very Jews talk and laugh. There arc rela- our town? Only on Rosh Hashonah. too innocent and foolish to sin. lusunous piece. It it coveted . In…

… penuauve pow eta that Mall of resuming, 1myinced myself ter of the table. dam. Along the upper bank the crowd lowing the sins of Jews, and croak- long strained neceseity In our lima ing loudly, without end…

… that holds forth well-made rocker, at eurh an .mating price, I a 1110111 10. but the world over, wherever Jews took B even greater promise for the future of Jewry the world happen to be, Tashlich is…

…. Jews Piece Walnut Bed away; Four Duncan Fyfe Sofa, $423 • 195.00 Palestine, where we are developing a true Jewish life, re- . Room Suite . go then to the river, go in great mul- Arm Chair to much, $2 t…

…, carries away the sins, can list here only a few of the re- Remember, there is not and never has There may be a just, diversified opinion as to how Pal- leaving the Jews purified. In black been, elsewhere in…

… is certain—every Jew, orthodox or reform, conserva- our three floors, rob rooms, can give you lievers. tive or liberal, and even the assimilationist, realizes that Well, this is the second day of New…

August 14, 1925 • Page Image 1


… AID FOR RUSSIAN JEWS 1 Mrs. Max May, Michigan Di- rector, Observes Farms Near South Haven. Families Unable to Enter the Attend Conference Called in United States Attempt to As the newly…

… Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1925 VOL. XVIII. NO. 12 Chosen B'nai B'rith National Secretary Local B'nai B'rith ElectsCommittees Pisgah Lodge Announces…

… National B., has announced the following mem- –_ — Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. Max 5,000 ARRIVALS BEING bers chosen to till the respective cam- May of this city recently visited Jew- LEADERS TO RAISE…

… Deutelbaum, Harry Gurowich; Jews as Aliens. CHICAGO.— Complete co-operation tural Aid Society. There are 175 grants, who have come to Mexico Rabbis Leo M. Franklin and A. NI. --- from Central and Eastern…

…, chairman; A. C onization in Russia was pledged to bilities of the success of the Polish Both towns are on Lake Michigan and desperate one. • Lappin, Theodore Levin. Social servi- • David A. Brown at a…

…, Jacob Margolis, Jewish Chronicle, De- and encouraged the movement, Women through its field representa- majority of the Jews in Poland con- Zel Katz, Samuel Meltzman, Solomon troit; Meyer B. Teplitz…

… the farms. Jews averaged 500. This monthly Is Leon Blank. Entertainment, Jacob J. Gould, Jewish Chronicle, Milwau- During the summer, when the house- ment as a weapon against the Jews.: W ill Succeed L…

May 01, 1925 • Page Image 6

… passing months America will re- turn to her accustomed ways of no discrimination. The Jews of Mesopotamia THE DIGEST By DR. H. E. H. TRACY ORIGINATOR OF UNIVERSITY IDEA „gestexperience. other in iri n…

… (lean of Hebrew letters in America, tians. cult has ever impeded progress, and Reuben Brainin. The leading article The Jew is practically barred from that the peoples who live under its of the supplement…

…- "What? Too much, Sahib? On among whom he won a prominent peared and that their present proto- my life, Major, look at the stitch— place. This pious long-bearded Jew types are descended from a primitive a…

… d teem by the e ucation-hungry Rus- acquainted with the mild and placid must take 300." sian Jews than the position of a gen- and e h Sabean of today, this theory of a More exchanges and then a free…

…. Those who But it is the Jews that interest us quished the bargain at some 50 per t f ois his p h h wroe letters in h wice today. Here we have a number of em - em- cent above his normal profit. and dreams…

January 30, 1925 • Page Image 3

… NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1925 10 Who Magid Heads Court Representatives Of 11.romen's Organizations REFORM'S LEADERS Hias…

… national fZionist Society, in which he criticized nial convention of the Union of Il e Rabbis :old the New York Board o Jewish Ministers. Rabbi M. Z. Mar- . American JeWS for their assimilation brew…

… Federation of too the Jews and outlined what a nos Temple Sisterhoods and the National Rabbi Max Drob secretary. tors of responded, the society, its last Federation of Temple Brotherhoods,',direcation the at…

… Central Conference of SIGN OF THE UNITED JEWISH EMERGENCY FUND DRIVE THURSDAY AFTERNOON. JAN. 22, IN THE err of America, Union of Orthodox ce were in Dr' due season t e Jews, an well as to THE WOMEN PRESENT…

…- sage to American Jews. It ix a mess pealing to the Jewish citizens of dependent Order B'rith Sholom, In- f'e'nce of American Rabbis were Dr, sage to our fellow Americans of other America, and especially…

… fellowship and justice ers' Alliance, National Workers' Jewish Nat the Rabbinical Assembly of the Jew- ens so pronounced in our midst. lie Will in th e ind us trial relations of our Joint Board of Bakers…

…- orate Jews from their non-Jewish -- ings of our religion." Sons of Zion, Union of Orthodox Jew- : man Salit and Rabbi Louis Finkel- neighbors. He relates an incident - Ile cited the large number of Europe…

… and Man Who Inspired Social Survey Will Address ish Congregations, United Synagogue Man Who Discovered Dark Istein; of the New York Board of Jews which produced a 'painful' impression etrikes and…

… Immigrant Aid Society states: m 15 6:30 o'clock, at the Stotler Hotel, i Jewish e•ducation WAS alwaYs the cor- his friend were seated and proceeded . in O uc h wtih bring the Falasha Jews of lay organize- b…

… act on your behalf, to state that lines is very gve tMon the health and sanitatio 1 Emergency Fund. Planned as the the Jew. included the New York branch of the word they said to the waiter. The been a…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 17

… European Louis Lipsky, chairman of ile• Zionist sistance of Jews in Russia and other people, there is no security nor health Organization of America, at Town hall when the leaders of the A nvil. European…

…. Louis Marshall. I must take this The Jew is not a Christian. The Jew Congress. interview as it is reported. In it Mr. is not an Aryan. The Jew is not ... Two thousand Zionists tilled the Marshall is…

… quoted as saying that this The Jew is a,An inextricable mass hall and several hundred were turned great drive will not interfere with of lies and self deceptions. The Jew away. Gedaliah Bublick, editor of…

… Zionist activity in the United States is in a minority. The Jew is a Jew. the Jewish Daily News, pr,•-1-led. Bs but that he objects to the claim of the Ile has been murdered; he is being Stephen S. Wise…

… hands tree. But after a fairly long , in sight of our goal. Crimean villages critics of the congress who declared and fairly thorough study of the Jew- may he overrun by another l'etlura or the congress…

… talked to musS " "The ish situation in both Europe and Pal- Denikin. Do our American Jews not world chokes the Jews in many . estine I feel it my duty to protest with remember that trail of blood? They…

… lands," he declared. "The Jew is not all possible vigor, with all possible ur- have not seen, as I have, the children free to speak in Eastern Europe, gency against the investment of one in Palestine who…

February 13, 1925 • Page Image 1


… GLENDALE st Who Champions An Industry Heads Federation (Juri JEWS OF DETROIT: S Idls Social Service ea WORK OF HEBREW SCHOOLS AWARDED LEADERS' PRAISES Two Thousand Boys and Girls Given Daily…

JEW"—FRANKLIN The United Jewish Emergency Fund is not merely an effort to raise $150,000. It is to be a test of the com- munity's self-respect. Will you live only for your- selves? Or will you meet…

…'s keeper?" This has been the cry of the ages and has always been answered by the Jew in the affirmative. Is there any Jew in Detroit who would answer it otherwise? MORRIS D. WALDMAN Economic Salvation…

… Available With Increased Ort Work, Journalist Declares Thirty'-two thousand licenses now in tio• hands of Polish Jews, permit- ting them to sell tobacco, salt and al- ech I-. will he revoked and turned over…

… the Jewish mi- nority in the Seim had no effect. This act will literally take the bread Mr. Billikopf, who will deliver one out Of the mouths of approximately 00,000 Jews, since their only suste- of the…

… Jewish Committee for the Relief of part of Austria, there were 12.000 li- the Sufferers of the War. Mr. Billi- censes regained by Jews when Galicia kopf played a stellar role. Ile di- rested, wl'h signal…

… the. The officers and directors of the law that it be directed against the Pisgah Lodge Will Act As Host , United Jewish Charities, the men and Jews, but the general procedure was At Banquet; Dance Feb…

… organization were recently nothing illegal in the process, but the I fled. The. exercises will be held Mon- Judge Harry M. Fisher of the Circuit Jews were forced out of business. A day evening. Feb. 16…

… industry gradnal, less tragedy would be involve kers e Jews were given more time Lodge No. 6,, will deliver one of tin ,,, N _,.• fork ork City the workers ed. If t h to prepare for the change, the acute…

July 17, 1925 • Page Image 9

… written a highly interest- ing article on the Jews and athletics, which is part of a book which has MRS. J. SIIERLINE — First class cooking and catering for weddings recently been published in London. We…

… existence of any national sentiment at all is remark- brook. Phone Empire 5890. — - able. First a nomadic, then a conquered and finally a scattered u --- unassimilated race. What chance had the Jew of…

…, given opportunity, the Jew (I use the Randolph 6899 during the week or word through this article in its racial, not in the narrower religious Hemlock 3936 Saturday and Sun- sense) is in every way aa fine…

… por ches. Flat 40x50 f t.; lot lot and Maccabeus. When Hellenism spread amongst the Jews, many 50 by 119. Two-car brick t.; age. members of the upper classes desired to model their lives on Greek Solid…

…-(angled notions aroused woman to act as housekeeper. One great opposition in the conservative-minded Jews—an open-air swim- who is capable of taking care of ming bath opposite Westminster Abbey could hardly fail to…

… excite children. References. Call Miss some comment even in these enlightened days. The antagonism at Ilarris, Northway 4303. Jerusalem became so pronounced that devout Jews began to regard the exercises…

… brought about. West 726. Fine residence for long In the Middle Ages the conditions under which Jews lived were term of years. Large 10 rooms. hardly conducive to outdoor exercise. Sport in England was prac…

…- ticed almost exclusively by the nobility, and it is only towards the Most substantial modern built. En- tire household goods included if de- end of the eighteenth century that Jews became at all prominent…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 43

… competition but another form By LOUIS RICH of struggle for booty? You pray to the God of truth and love but worship a the Jews have never violated their god of might and success, you worship We Extend Our…

… which the typical worshipper of the greatest itism. This anti-Semitism claims to be much more than an expression of Jewish philosopher the greatest Rus- golden calf is not the Jew Shylock sian thinker, as…

… he himself frequently spuriously but the Miserly Knight.) Had Chris- personal and in many cases emotional hostility to the Jews in this stated, owed not only his philosophi- tian society wherein we…

… live not val- country. Its advocates pretend to cal concepts but also his religious and ued money above all else, we Jews base their attitude on principles of moral ideas. As a theologian and would have…

…- good there is in as comes from our new Jew-baiters find it more economi-; silty gained for him the appellation legislator Moses, and what bad there I 0,- cal and less troublesome from • ' of the Socrates…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 5

… appeal not only for the Jew, no matter what the com- plexion of his religious views, but strikes the imagina- tion of that world which conceives emancipation, free- dom, idealism of consequence and as…

… Special Passover Edition. CO. C 7660 ; g all of E have enlisted the services of the world's leading V1/4/ literary figures to present articles and stories of interest to every Jew. E have spared no…


December 04, 1925 • Page Image 12

… months , much has been made of the argument that the land offered to the Jews is confiscated territory. I will never concede that the Jew in Russia Two Roumanian nub-consulates will be established in…

… the Rusdan and the lewidt pub- should not overlook the fact flat Jews, Jews, Joseph and Isaac Rokach. the land offered to the Jews is in din- •• • • A large orthodox seminary known as the Machsike…

…. Some people a large number of rabbis and Jewish scholars. overlook the fact that many thou- , "A GIFT FROM DEAN'S" sands of Russian Jews are settling on The case against the Barmat brothers, involved…

…- • • • • gestions for helping the Jews in Rus-1 American Jews were asked to offer prayers in the synagogues for the sia, I would appreciate and under- I Settle by betterment of the economic conditions of Polish Jewry…

… rected to the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of America, contains the urge to understand. Our work is today the American Jews to continue their generous support of their relatives in only possible means of…

… fighting against blasphemy held in Rome. A praicidium of three, sideration for the needs of 3,000,000 of Claims and Controversies Including two other Italian Jews, Senator Montresor and CommandantLevi, Jews

… refuse Russian Jews admission to Spain were issued by They are agricultural experts and Prima de Rivera, head of the Spanish Government, according to a despatch have been selected by me because of Don…

…'t suffer—get quick relief. from Madrid to the Daily Express of London. No Jew may become a citi- their professional ability." Effective and Ineapeneive. zen in Spain, as a Jew becomes a citizen only if he…

… Rus- The death of Stefan Zheromski, famous Polish novelist, who died in War- sian government of any such motives Sulphur, Mineral, Turkish, Tonic, saw, was mourned by Poles and Jews alike. The Jewish…

May 01, 1925 • Page Image 1

…, intoxicated by chauvinism, has , ram, H. Glass life he may assume intellige - i large number of cases by the Jewish cruel, discrimi-' Auxiliary of the Michigan Federation ership for, after all, interest in Jew


…' Selling University Mag- seines. - Dr. Motzkin, Dr. Kohn, Rabbi That every Jew in Detroit enroll Eisenstadt to Spend May Henry Ford and the Dearborn Pub- as a participant in the activities of 1.4 in Detroit…

… Independent committee of Zion- F PUBLIC MEETING AT United States District Court by ista which is attempting to reach SHAAREY ZEDEK MAY 3 Aaron Sapiro, originator of a plan of . 2,000 Jews who are considered pro…

… leaders of the Michigan principal speaker. Other addresses to the dictates of Jewish religious April 22. cultural marketing organizations hers to throw in their lot with the Federation for Ukrainian Jewish…

… Eisen- cinnati and for the last 21 years has campaign for the National Hospital resolution Of the Agudath on the Jew- and contends that his standing with the Ilebrew University on Mount stadt, formerly…

Jews, the re- members of the World Relief Delega- executive committee of the Union of one-third of Detroit's quota had been ditionally observant masses represent- articles published in the Dearborn In…

… executive corn- niittee of the Michigan Federation for y a Ts and is divided into 21 counts, wide reputation for unselfish and 1 ed. Detroit is the only city in the representation of another outlook or each…

January 23, 1925 • Page Image 1

…. act t ' auspices of the Michigan region of reflection of the idealism of the Jew- iish Women. Rabbi Silver spoke at _ that the pew, compose d o m Jewirh edocational system in that city building. As a…


…. C. GROWTH FRANKLIN DISPUTES ELIOT ASSIMILATION ADDRESS ON JEWS community responsibility. Ilimelhoch, colonel in charge of the women's apparel division, one ,.. e, declare d: b Says That Synagogues…

… Should peaking o f the ilrivgratifi of the trade groups which are to be solicited, s cation a Welcome Every Individual ould --------------"It sh be se of 1 e t . very Jew in the community to Without Charge…

… principal develop. lat. any foreign people—even the alums to be aided by the fund is _ _ American Rabbis, in a sermon before ents 19n i the • organization's work dues really modest. In order to establish Jews

… earnestness of spirit of the Jews . ..Thousands of Persons Attend country', attending the religious rally said: of Detroit; indeed, in order to keep Jewish religious practices in order I Be Held Here…

… full of changes that it needs a more with racial differences, was the opin- i Detroit laymen interested in Jew- I elegates there rePresenting were in Magazine. who will speak at Temple ash community…

… deration tuent bodies hood of the congregation, became an Educational Conference which was Lecturers' fund, in a letter addressed to the Jews and non-Jews is religious and eof th Brotherhoods, two consti of…

… October, will meet here. say that I and far from knowing half According to i f rirtu S un money but for a contribution of ing with the closest accord between sums have a combined membership c Jews and non-Jews

… organization "The Jews of Detroit are requested altolzether mischievous. "Dr. Eliot . the art committee of the Jewish In- Dr. Simon directed his remarks to Lune+, princi-. were so ably guided for many years…

September 11, 1925 • Page Image 7

… movies today consti- tute the most potent factor in educa- tion; they ran exercise a tremendous influence in the conciliation of races. It is my ambition to aid the finest and truest Jew ish art 011 the…

… stage and screen. I feel that if Jewish art is "When the first shipload of Jews ties of New York life. There were arrived in New York via Brazil in moments in struggle when the "Ye- 1654, they came in…

… authorities to refuse Jews permission shivah Bochur" was at the end of his barrister. to reside in any part of the New university as a full-fledged At the age of 21 he had already dis- Netherlands." tinguished…

… and innate keenness. Jaffe's law office tolerance with which he uttered those saw him rise from success to success; Jews as sentences. There was a far-off, remi- his phenomenal rise was as consist- made…

… accessible to our niscent look in his eyes, us he stared ent as it was deserved. Now he is also to the non-Jewish world, the Jew- past me into time and not space. the head of a noted law firm and sine ish…

… astounding story which the building of a Jewish Art Theatre must surely conceal. The irony that had seared lines in Mr. Jaffe's face cleared away; he Michigan's Leading Music House. smiled at me and begged…

July 24, 1925 • Page Image 1


… Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925 VOL. XVIII. NO. 9 AGREEMENTBETWEEN1 Why Jewish Colonization In AUGUR FOR PEACE ' Tells Russia is Feasable and Desirable POLES…

… AND JEWS TO IN GARMENT TRADE END ANTI - SEMETISM FOR ENSUING YEAR Brown Answers Ten Fundamental Questions in Report to the Joint Distribution Committee As Result of Recent Investigations. David A…

…. Delegates of Swiss Communities Confer ZURIC11.—(J. T. A.)- -Rep- resentatives of nearly all Jew- ish communities in Switzerland gathered at the convention of the Union of Israelite Congre- gations held in…

… America. just made his report to the Joint Distribution Committee, was planned to Now in New York. until, last June, 4,200 Jews entered cover 10 points, 10 fundamental questions which, as he states in his…

… report, the country to make it their future he felt must be answered in the affirmative if any great program of Jewish home," declared Emanuel Newman, CONFIRMS STORY OF POLES, JEWS WERE agricultural…

… miles by train and automobile and conferred Realize Jew-Baiting a Mistake. Morris Friedberg and A. C. Lappin, David Brown. Will Assist Ousted Officials Organizing with groups representing every phase of…

… the economic conditions of the Jews in Russia as had as ' president of the Detroit district Make Trouble. NEW YORK.—A complete verifi- has been reported? of the Zionist Organization; Fred M. A…

…, Skirt, Dress and Reef- situation of the Jews in Russia is tragic; that life for them is a bare for a better future for the Jews in Joseph II. Ehrlich, Sol Lachman, M. Brown of the phenomenal character…

…-establishment of the Jews in their stein. Councilor Muhlatein, who for- Chicago Is Director. other year. ' former vocations and pursuits. terest at about 6V, per cent. New of Russia four years ago, came back merly…

June 05, 1925 • Page Image 2

… a mem- keeping with the role which the Auxiliary of the Jewish Old dies Jews today, a• always, play in Folks Bonn. which was recently or- bership drive with a goal of 1,000 By Lillian Lorraine Brown…

… realized, Beautiful Structure; Opened The Jews' fervent prayers are teemed . president. ;Ilse addressed the gather- afternoon, June 17, at 2 o'clock. ins. J. Levin, president of the home, It came as a…

… were all Christians, excepting him. Book-Cadillac Hotel at Belt. Of course he didn't want to be • real Christian, but he wanted to be 219 MICHIGAN AVENUE like one; well, that is, to be like the members…

… thoughts and brought him back to his senses. "The first true, pure religion of our country was given by the Jew," the doctor had said, but Sammy heard only the word Jew, and he sat up straight to hear more…

…. He did, for Th re can he no doubt as to 'fh happenings of the past Jcwi•h life should again ;ring the doctor lengthily discussed the Jew the a Tilly of the Jewish people four years have strengthened As…

… loyal American et Urns I lave a firm vont {cll. that This is the timehen when rotte in these fertile v!• oe in Palestine to revivifi Jew• tot and his gifts to civilization before he my rot,'inion that the…

… reset- and •A loyal Jew. we have the the Jewish be Pale tine i• to J we i•an cement all Jewish ac- leys n agricultor• anda civil- i,11 Ifs and thought through• tlement of Palestine by Jews dutt to take…

… action with re- turned to the praises of the Chris- land with • happier Jewi.h We Jews•re on trial in this tivity and all Jewish interest oct the world. of theirown which otters the unly promIcIng road g…

…. toward the solution of the Jews jest of Palestine. sacri icing ver I expected that if he Ise. not do some• d upbulld If we don't that 'prosperous Ot1iodn of the past. ish problem. listening intently. A…

… Christ'an was thing to help it along. it will to s e with my own eyes. LOUIS MARSHALL. do the right thing we will lose PROF. ELWOOD MEAD, LOUIS D. BRANDEIS. in the end result in harm to praising the Jews

December 18, 1925 • Page Image 6

…-Knowleon Co.. 2445 Michigan __Glen. 9888 '172 Jews there were, recreant Jews. who l Kislev, Jews the world over kindle the 8226 Gratioe ......... Motor Co., Gratiot bore the yoke of Antiochus and sub- Chanukah…

…. death in the year 160, fighting brave- which in the light of history ap- proaches near to being a classic- Twenty-one hundred years ago An- Jews who were Jews—who remained ly for his people and his God…

…. 'Charley's Aunt," the work of Bran- tiochus Epiphanes was King in Syria loyal to themselves and their God and It was left for the two remaining -don Thomas, which was given its ini- and ruler of the Jews

…. And although died for their faith. brothers, Simon and Jonathan, to car- tial performance in 1892, just 33 for more than 400 years the Jews had Eleazer, a patriarch of our people, ry un the good tight…

… exquisite music of Tschaikowsky, the Jews during the four centuries im- suffered and died for their Judaism. the final independence of Judea. "The Nutcracker Suite." Another mediately preceding the reign of…

… of all Jew- in the last act of "Charley's Aunt" ing their land of promise were driven against the foe and save Judaism from ish inspiration, drove the last rem- before the force of this man's whims…

…. The sic- om, one of the king's overseers came of the Jews. Much is the historical narrative of': Protect Your Walls and Curtains for lea o f the 51 nb —s in the year to the village of Modin to compel…

… the the king had corn- the achievements of the Maccabees. with 165 brought to the Jews in Palestine Jews there to do as A beautiful story, indeed, one that I the promise of a new life, as a rain- mended…

…. Now there dwelt in Modin an aged makes the heart of him who reads it' bow of hope which spanned the hurl- with the hopes 1 non of the Jews 2,100 years ago, we to- man named Mattathias the Hammon…

Jew and remaining a commanding respect and admiration the apostate and killed him. His sons Jew. With the blood of such men as of all the powers of its day. The tern- fell upon the king's troops and…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 32

… if they are not led out from their hell. Now the Jewish problem of the Oc- cidental countries. There the law makes no difference between Jews and non-Jews. Theoretically the for- mer enjoy all the…

… all official judge of the Supreme Court, Mr. more on the fearful plight of the I careers. The percentage norm of all Mack is a high magistrate in the Fed- more than 8,000,0011 of Jews living . higher…

… abomin- and he could not live because, m in MARTIN HOFFMAN, Pres. and they have ever to tremble before able pogroms have taken place and Jew, he was not recognized as a full- JULIUS KANOC, Vice-Prey. the…

… whimsical hostility of the ruling the Jews have been victims by the I fledged, sterling Teuton. class and the sanguinary instincts of The Only Solution. tens of thousands of the unspeakable the mob. SERVICE…

… QUALITY horrors of torture, slaughter, shame At the root of this attitude of the Western Jewry's Problem. The problem of the Western Jew and robbery. In Poland they have non-Jews lies the newfangled pre…

January 02, 1925 • Page Image 2


… as follows," said the An ensemble musical program will (Concluded from page 1.1 Jew. "A month ago my neighbor Jew. be given at the opening of the art went away from home on a very long In the section…

… King in order ^al ed that I should there and then ex.' ing. By Eugene Field. eritus of Hebrew fetch a Jew as commanded by h is , plain to them bath the various char- I i , Samuel Cashwan will es!,' royal…

… decide which of the two was the Board of Law Examiners. Of these bronze portrait bust of I ;.'. 'Ere yet Judaea's heart was wrung • Rosenberg, the attorney dro; "be seated, noble Jew, and an-; better and…

… regional committee of the Boy Scouts As scourged I went upon my way- - ,II,e A wood-carving tit-:a ril the Jew, who had risen front his seat be an eminent authority on gems, for of America in New York and…

…, but also to my -head. They abused me, calling NEW BONSTELLE PLAYHOUSE, 3424 WOODWARD AVENUE But hush and sleep, and thou shalt your Majesty." me 'heretic' and 'Jew,' just because dream, • k . s a more…

… than the accepted stock idea Jew, hut now tried to answer their question to the Detroit has entered wo weeks and "Have no fear, good The light of other days shall seem For 15 Each play . will run t . a…

…, Jews, Mohammedans were to i Temple Beth El, which is the more on precious." be found. It was a time when broth- who not only redeemed us, but Ile , two With a smile his face, King is,,_1 and stands as…

… his army to 10:00 to 1:00 religion, and it is the most this io our 6:00 to 8:00 fur the people of Israel. For learned ,Jew has answered my ques- I while the famous Jaeger Studios had front time to time…

… v I'can f th e upol- King. "I refer to all disbelievers in Spain ual believer, hut wished to know —the heretics, the Jews and the which religi on, in your opinion, is lowers of Mahomet -people who…

September 04, 1925 • Page Image 5

… shortcomings of Brandeis to the fact of his being a Jew, that Rabbi Leon Fram will occupy the pal-, was more than I could stand. So I expressed myself rather freely, taking pit and speak on the subject "The…

… unfairly and in justification of the position he had as- sumed he enclosed copies of letters he had received from two Jews, both endorsing his attitude. In other words, these Jews were satisfied to have…

…, South Africa, that the Jews have one code of morals for the Gentile and a different one for their fellow Jews. Of course, this is a lie, and I have no hesitancy in so characterizing it. But we have some…

… strange Jews in our mi, and here is one of them: a Mr e writes as follows: Rudolph Godfrey of Detroit, Mich. Be Dear Mr. Joseph:-1 have been following your platitudinous "Random Thoughts" and your column…

…, do have "Two codes of morals—one for the Gen- tile and one for brother Jew." If you would go among these people, you would find it so. In conclusion, I can say that I am a Jew, You cannot accuse Beth…

June 19, 1925 • Page Image 1

MICHIGAN 0 ad- tinian Ile by local naign, min at ns de- nt vis- erg. TELEPHONE CADILLAC Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1925 VOL. XVIII. NO. 4 Yellin Guest ITO…

…. Twelve boys and girls re- l ks tO ta Find Homeland For Jews Says First Attempt Toward Un- ch‘o-'llintieer‘a.'t7itil"rrtg:Cti•Yiviti:1 t of years, according to Dr. Judah L. brew Schools. Dr. Yellin istour…

…•wish history. pany and the newspapers, particular- ties Needs Changes. Jewish Chronicle, who Detroit in Synagogues; Says Jews it several months stay in the United is narking to raise funds to build an , wish…

… the larger Jew. plained hiA attitude to Zionism and structor the graduating class. "The of exchange of the old lamps," eluding those who had never before , lighted to see how quickly this pi e the…

… Community Lite" d, Rabbi A. M. Hershmen. Samuel , ized in Palestine, he declared that the car, moral idealism and new the attributes , A very One radio program was Jews in the United States. g..en during the…

…,10Ntand iL Two s sion at the National Conference of a vid W. Simons, Mau.. ists. "The Ito never excluded Pales. as Conservative Jews Friedberg, D David present delegates from the Union of the Ilebrew…

… University shown by a Friedberg, its interests," he said,' By means of the Torah the Jews,. Jewish Social Service Workers here, Robert Marwil,. tine fromo the fact that Dr. Eder, a , throughout the centuries…

… of their I ardent workers, Mrs. Abe Cooper and American Hebrew Congregations and large number of American newspaper r ice 11. The status of the federation in Jew- Rabbi J. Max of New York, wholpointing…

… American are Jews of to the help it more quick- increasing num- situation has been demanding the in. The conference was called at the re I brought nothing but disillusionment, , ly taken troduction of new…

… with calling of f th conference prt st hose . r • Formation of a council on national ------- "We are in need of Jews," assert- David A. Brown, in a short talk, stated, "estimated on behalf of the --I In…

March 27, 1925 • Page Image 7

… employment had been ob- tained for 15,755 Jewish young men since the labor department was estab- lished in 1908, (142 being placed last TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Jews In Soviet Russia " America' s…

… Reading ti,! ,.;r t e ir ie, c ,es 't tchoennii3 :tii'nhgevvisi wr been heard as to the position of the help in particular is first of all re- NEW YORK.—Ravid development Without Comment as Jews

… under the Soviet regime. It quired for the Jews in the Ukraine. of the Jew as an American farmer was stated, on the one hand, that the otherwise they will succumb alto- Social Foundation. Jew 1900, when…

… there were only 200 , persecution of the Jews had ceased, gether." Jew,-h farm families in the United • that n new era had dawned upon The representatiVe inquired about States owning 12,029 acres, to the…

… A I" — ItePre - them, but from other sources conic the project to settle Jews in the tri- N VW l' Ilti'• —0 Episcopal- . Eisenstadt replied present with 75,000 owning more h Dris I sehtstivcs of the…

… Society, Inc. I ing in the office of r thousand Jews operate farms O'Shea, New York City Superinten- ' In vi ew of these conflicting opin- land to offer and it cannot forcibly . in Ni" York state alone and…

…, nt er the' teemed for his wide culture, his Jews therefore, that false hopes are being de P. MeCermiek, presi ish knowledge and Talmudic learn- given by prominent persons abroad." Brooklyn l' atholie…

… Rabbi to be- distinct from the economic condition : not give such an order no matter what : ntuits come rabbi of the liusso.Jewish cons- of the Jews, said that this was even ' I thought personally…

…, because such — le 'hirable "Other religious Disastrous Position of Jews, u an order is a legislative matter to llowed to give religious !he taken up by the Board of Educe--In reply to the representative…

… reading to the Jews in Russia, hi' sal(. /111(1 Mohammedans have availed - The position of the Jews there Is thins pupils of a portion of the Bible at the themselves of the opportunity, but I opening of the…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 8


… likewise the problem of the colonization upon the land of the impoverished Jews of Russia and the relief of their economic distress. That problem will loom large before us all during the coming year. The…

… toward its eventual solu- tion. But both of these are problems away from home and the salvation of Judaism in America cannot lie only in serv- ice to our fellow-Jews in distant lands, no matter how…

… renders the transition from urban life to agricultural life more easy than any other system. That is a consider- ation of prime importance in settling Jews and I consider it feasible on a large scale only…

Jew, as well as to Palestine?" the interviewer broke in. "On the fact that it represents the most gradual transition between the work of, say, the urban artisan and that of the farmer," came the quick…

… answer. "It is too much to ask the average Jew to drop his shears and needle, his plane and his saw, or his merchant's yardstick, and take up the physically gruelling life of the grain- raising farmer or…

… extensive cultivator anywhere in the world. Of course, there has been many Jews who have succeeded, but we are not told of those who have failed. For intensive cul- tivation, on the other hand, the essen…

…- tial requisite is skill, which the Jew readily acquires if he does not pos- sess it already and not mere brute strength. Thus, the work is brought to a level on which the Jew can com- pete without…

… distinguished expert who devised the pro- gram, secured by Mr. Goldberg at the close of the congress, Dr. Soskin explains how his intensive colonization plan is best adapted to the Jew and to Palestine and can be…

… SHIELDS We replace glass in any make car while you wait. We Wish You All a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Detroit Elevator and Electric Co. More Jews on the soil of Palestine as independent farmers and…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 42

… sor- Chinese Jews, it was a temple fit, in- row but a proper perspective will pro- We Extend Our Sincere Wishes to this Jewish Community deed, to rank with the most beautiful vide for the years when…

… about 60 feet sensibly in her honor the money I SOMEWHERE—SOME DAY—YOU'LL NEED A long and 40 wide, with a portico com- spent on my wife's tomb." Our Jew- posed of a double row of high col- ish cemeteries…

… would be more truly MAIN ENTRANCE TO WEST-END umns forming the entrance. On a Jewish if they were more simple.— SYNAGOGUE OF THE JEWS large table near the door stood six Dr. Alexander Lyons. To Repair or…

…. Forwarders of Household Goods and Autos K'AI-FUNG-FOO, CHINA to Florida and Western Coast. To All Our Jewish Friends and Patrons. Said Tryphon and Rabbi Akiba : DETROIT, MICHIGAN corded the donations of…

… incense from "Had we belonged to the Sanhedrin, many Chinese emperors, who were no man would ever have been exe- Main Office: Members t very tolerant to the Jews within their cuted" (they would always have…

… been 142 GRISWOLD STREET Nall Furniture Warehousemen's me. Male 1401. Cherry 6424 empire. The Chinese Jews have clever enough to discover an error in Mich. Furniture Warehousemen', Amin many peculiar…

… Clairmoust. The synagogue at K'ai-Fung-Foo ballowed to fall into a state h as been a GREETINGS! of decay, but the prospects for re- building it are very bright. The Jew- May the coming year bring you V…

… Spanish sacred architec- The Prague synagogue was built ture. I Take This Opportunity of Expressing My Sincere Wishes by the Bohemian Jews almost 1,000 Before the time of the Spanish In- to You All for a…

… Happy and Prosperous New Year. years ago and destroyed by fire (pre- quisition, the Jews in Spain enjoyed sumably incendiary) in 1142. For a certain amount of civil and re- . 200 years this synagogue…

…, rebuilt by ligious freedom. They prospered, pious Jews, suffered but little until grew wealthy and became important King John found himself in financial in political circles. The Jews of To- straits in 1336…

May 15, 1925 • Page Image 5

…A lerkair lavish periodical Carter CLIPTON ATM& • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO OVISH RABBI ADVOCATES 1 '4.'... 14 -iS Olt Codp-ITS " CO-OPERATION FOR ez= CHRISTIAN AND JEW E1 AS. -1-1--. JOSEP1-1--- Dr…

… better under- this song 30 ye ars standing between Christian and Jew Jacob Sandler, who says that he composed d for that was urged in a recent sermon given by Now comes publish eat on r, the Bowery, an s i…

… a Jew? That g the crossin the manager originally a peddler gates of heaven ajar by the ineffec government seal of the United States d epicted the was Jews go ti Sea? That America's greatest musical…

… best story writers of the year the divine implements of holiness an the 20 of pins on the East Side? That of p seven are Jew's? I think I shall have to have George Cohen, who writes brotherly love. "The…

Jew thinks to fulfill his obi the book in which those questions are answered, send me a copy. It is to God by observing th Rations entitled "The Jews in the M aking of America." useful information on…

August 21, 1925 • Page Image 10


…. H. M. KOFFMAN • • • • N. J., who vino present at the meeting 912 E. HANCOCK ST. A deputation of Sephardic Jews was received by Sir Herbert Samuel, at the Institute of Politics, took issue Residence…

… deputation, spoke of the Zionism. Rabbi Foster argued that Main 0397 "political Zionism is regarded as dead future of Palestine Jewry in a h.opeiful .tonCe. I among the Jewish people. Intelligent Jews today do…

… Mandates Cononis- A cry that the Jews are invading the Evangelic Church in Germany has sion to the effect that the Jews do not all been raised by the anti-Semitic Deutschvoelkische press. This church, the…

…, is a son of a Jewish on that ground, Dr. Rappard stated: "My recent visit to Palestine has in- merchant of Altona and was converted to Christianity in 1909 and that there are today 500 converted Jews

… brought up in schools and colleges and to b mt detailed statements as to what measures are being taken by them in a city atmosphere, they gam y be- to prevent disturbances against the Jews on the opening of…

…-sacrifice, excellent farm- the rioters. Phone Cadillac 6853-4679. . • • era." Dr. Rappard also spoke with great There ere many Jews among the thousands of Germans who are being VOW expelled from the new Polish provinces…

… because they opted for Germany , warmth and enthusiasm about the during the plebescite conducted after the war. Many Jews in anticipation unique character that marked the ex- decree of the Polish government…

… said, ha a Fronts, Brick and Cement Work, of Posen before the departure of the Jews affected by the decree of ex- seat of learning been ushered in under General Contracting. pulsion. A touching scene…

…. LEWIS expressing the hope that the Jews who are forced to leave would remember people like the Jews." Northw•y 0960 friends. their native places and their old• e • • 8748 UNWOODAYL A. C. LAPPIN A Pin…

June 05, 1925 • Page Image 1

…_ - Our New Location: yv 525 00DWARD I ffROP41CL 11-EPETROIT E I TELEPHONE C A 11) :4 1 : O A C THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cenb DETROIT…


… man, Philip Slomovitz, Tuesday issued Genius, Culture and Religion Are GUEDALLA SPOKE ON an appeal to the Jews of Detroit urg- Hebrew University. "NAPOLEON AND JEWS" ing the subscription of the full…

…, Appre - Alinister during the WorldWar, un- "The Jews of Detroit are doubly Week of June 8 From WCX and WWJ. elation and Love. der whose premiership the Balfour obligate.] in the present Palestine ro…

…, dune 8, at e)::10 o'clock at the Hotel Midler. U'ttil A. Lruwn, lint. hate, what Jew, be he lover of Palestine, Zionist, non-I,I1,Illst or even any- to the very root of the task for the of the leading…

Jew in this city to contribute Chronicle when speaking of the Ilebrew University, the opening of which , . Zionist Federation in Great Britain, Ilayesod, Detroit Jews have upon since than a joint…

… because the Fermi Hay, tion. In an interview with a reporter feet "Napoleon and the Jews. porL In that report. under the cap- from The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, will, president of the so- cad, or any other…

… of the services of Dr. son for this argument. We offer our by Jews, whose goal was not a po- realize is that this campaign for Weizmann for Britain during the war argument: litical state, but whose…

… ideal was to 81100,000 is not for one agency, but "The Jewish National Fund aims 10 in the field of scientific research and give to the world the results of Jew- for three distinct purposes, all of redeem…

… the faun- aspersion on the loyalty of the Jews,: continued, "I made a plea for selected honoring David A. Brown and Judge and he is certain it is not the concep- dation upon which Zionism was built. to…

January 02, 1925 • Page Image 10


…" in the Zionist Jewish people and ite place in history among intellectual leaders of the ins- congresses, Dr. Syrkin was naturally knows that these elements in its rm., migrant Jews in America, whose…

… played in recent Jew ish t Series of Measur• , Ave was of the Jew.' the tIT'aice r rill , ;:.,( ' 1.,111111,111h. -:" there ex- Rabbi Akibah Gleaner chief rabbi of Klausenburg. Transylvania. The rabbi the…

… national minorities have been able in history. His was a vivid and vigor- people. quate representation y'i t. 'nations of the west ' transmitted greetings to the Iligh Commissioner on behalf of the Jews of…

… greater heights of enthus- ers to the Jews of eastern lions was excavated. • • . It is perhaps t lo much to expect immigrants who are cemine t v Pales- • By eliminating the ti • lused its Mi l government…

Jews in Brazil is estimated Representatives of thi , He was pre-eminently Ex• foug ht . a of the Jews of America should have , est and peace for ew h o f th e J •' is h vote, according to which citizens…

… and unparallelled sin- debt to that sterling battler for the Poland. . Moses Mordecai Press, known under the nom de plume, Ish Yehudi Saffro, , Fifty thousand Jews have enter, d t eenty he nearly always…

… by Jews in a sea of . Cor. Columbi saw his untimely demise, and Dr. Cor- . ' of 5,000 persons. Rabbis Aronson and Uziel, Mayor Diezengoff and Dr. the surrounding Deliberations villages. by the I…

… least four Jews and four Christians will be members of the first informed circles that the clauses of ' Mesopotamian parliament, the elections to which recently started, it is the constitution which…

June 05, 1925 • Page Image 5

…- haps, I had has another Jew in his book-- 1 tic recently reveals that unemploy- with him recently. He is a Jews And Lewis Professor M as Gottlieb, who is pone other then the late Jacques Loeb of ment in…

… find employment in i the best way to distinguish between Jews and Christians was that , the older Jewish colonies. This sum now had Christian names and most of the Christians , was loaned to the workers…

… for the con- most of the Jews had Jewish ones. There is still another way to tell them apart. You ' struction of barracks the purchase of will find the Jews admiring the interiors of the fashionable…

… does not believe in of the Talmud To c n- o . for the children es cr e i eps J mitted b y Jews against non- esys b ut vsill not report crimes cum orted by Rabbi Max rah s. Members of the hoard of the…

… resent. milted by non-Jews against Jews. This position is supp wer ranchded stian Science Northwes tern bexten Carrick of Erie. And Willis J. Abbott, editor of the Chri t e o pJoseph he cannot see Thanks…

… not fair to report crimes against Jews and never them. If the establishment of a Y. Schools will be held on Monday eve- but M. H. A. is to succeed we must have report crimes by Jews." ning, June 8, at…

… Jewish Clubs: Institute Mothers Club aid. What will their answer and the report of crimes committed by Jews would give a distorted picture of What will Pisgah Lodge answer? The Th., think one of the…

… is press read by JewsajIoram of t committed by Jews would be red in the opinion that the effect would be most salutary. I have been mercilessly urday, June 6, at 2:30 p. will m. talk on Miss Blume…

… Levin July Outing: criticized for doing just that thing and accused of creating anti-Semitism The "Y" committee of arrange- If the position of the Jews in this country is so weak that it cannot stand "How…

… Courts and Juries Are Man- aged" and Me'. M. Shubow will talk meats is now planning a week-end the publication of the shortcomings of undesirable Jews, then we are to in the country for all "Y" members. be…

May 29, 1925 • Page Image 7

… my correspondent refers have been there for many centuries. I can't make much of an apology or explanation other than to say that the ation of the Jews in Russia was the subject of an address by Adamo…

… rendering the Jews material for them, but not for general use by assistance. "The Jewish masses " he value, then they should find a place any people. You are right, brother, we ought to clean up a bit before…

…, though they may be "The national autonomous repub- upon them as being of the in d us tria l Although g class. excellent fellows, good citizens and rich men. You'll not meet a Jew lies diminish the…

… independent I am not in a position to answer the dean, therefore I call upon my illustrated this statement with the tot-, workers, called Kustars, are treated fellow Episcopal Jews of New York to refute the…

… some- Russia: munist and a Kustar, complained that "While the Jews in White Russian ' the Communist Party drives the art- one please page Otto Kahn? ' cent of pop- - villages ages orm 7 S per ce .ti on…

Jew- flowers on the graves of heroes of social construction. Last year the graves ish ppoulation to subscribe to the Yid- officer, a fireman and a woman who died in slish Communist paper, Emess. Our- of…

October 16, 1925 • Page Image 8

… out of and Division road, the Michigan Bell medical college of the University of Warsaw eight were converted Jews. Telephone Company has decided to The number of non-Jewish students who were admitted to…

… of Prime Minister Pam eve. ice and the Federation of Galician Steeg is one of the three Jews who are members of the present French Jews Abraham Goldberg, member of cabinet. the administrative committee…

…. • • • SUITE 948 BUHL BUILDING agreement." Dr. Reich stated that he had re- Ilungarian and Roumanian anti-Semites sat in common counsel on how Cadillac 4642 ' to Increase their offensive against Jews, when the…

…- notice that unless the government re- Cherry 4784 vises its present attitude and demon- ment issued to the Jewish Telegraphic strates its intention to comply with Emigration of Roumanian Jews to France has…

… France. diplomatic representatives abroad for Wiring and Repairing An appeal to create a united "German Christian front against the Jews" the possible effect of the breaking up Glendale 0253 was issued by…

… residential and busi- ness sections in Northwest Detroit, Cut Rat• Moving and Storage. Baptised Jews are to be considered as Jews when they apply for ad- north and south of Grand River ave- 1957 GRAND RIVER…

… the college was make an additional investment of 130. With regard to the baptized Jews, the university authorities classified $300,000 in outside telephone plant them as Jews for the purpose of making…

… in the province of Mol- need of facilities the next 10 years, dova in the towns Roman and Pistranament as well as in the city of Dorna- indicated a continuation of this 1521 MICHIGAN AVENUE watra…

… Twelfth Metrics Motor Salm ts Service, 4426 Chrne_ .Mel. 6667 Gar. 7100 court decided that Jews living in India are subject to the laws of Great program. Midwest Motor Co., 9111 Grand River- nd a You…

January 23, 1925 • Page Image 5

…. believe we of are attorney who is a Jew, has been engaged i sneak imitation of a lecture hall or ney, or Locke, an o Galen Shall the said Straus, "and contributing to odeiend Dr. John grand dragon of the…

… see riticized for and acting in a professional capacity synagogue be swamped, or shall it the happiness and well-being of the t ma sman. No more b than a physician who is a Jew should refuse to drift…

…- %lst , xcluding all Jews as I read they do, from their club huts. dinners to which each memb Union of American Hebrew Congre. ' clubs in t,, e as Leslie Stephens long ago pointed out, though not a race…

… representatives of Chrisn It cannot be liberal to the Christian ' of and illiberal the Orthodox The I i denominations are among the speak- places" with holy places. that lie to ahead of us are Jew. so great ask s…

…,' AO o f e verything else, the Ger-ladequate solution. The problem of . said Mr. Straus in his message. ''We aionalantagonism. Having kept the Jews out esus, the Jew, figured they I Jewish education is…

January 02, 1925 • Page Image 4

…. the power it exerts, General Offices and Publication Building is true that in the solu ion of grave t hood think To those who, speaking to the Jews, ligations despite the fact that their pious gestures…

… to allay any suspicions that they are not put- in rebuttal. The Jew creates in the should play no part and that the pees- . Telephone: Glendale 9300 however indirect it may have L e er London W.: ting…

… in precious worsteds. It would be the he Detroit JewIgh Chronicle Invi to corres of this Jewish people and the I.,•.• specific field T useless to recite the names of Jewish es. But is there not to the…

…'s work in the per- They are plentiful enough. Hebrew schools are permitted to exist, that children artists. ties . formative of which nothing less t has But do we Jews fully appreciate Tebeth 6, 5685 are…

… in the various suits upon giving her childrio, s ity. The Jew and the Jewess are no This spirit of discrimination and classification is ram- fields of art, patronize them consist- ish education…

… Jewish home have been called upon in the state of Michigan to re- great merit, toward Jewish men and there can be no complete Jewish by virtue of religious observance and he left the manufacturing and…

… thrust. I cari. tions. Jewish women—the very Jew- tion with the fourth annual exhibit pairing the democratic spirit, and in this Isaac Seder fundamentals of our existence as a democracy are for- of works…

… to the practice of looking at the Jew• ers. Such was the nobility of Isaac Seder. doctrine that peoples are essentially the noisome life in amusement places, as minorities. We really thought that many…

… to an acceptance of the same treatment here. showing the Jews of that part of the wonted status in the Jewish common- solution of Jewish problems in lands ity. It is high time that Jewish nom- other…

Jew- proaches major Jewish problems, for- Gloomy Dean Inge, the lusty, erudite divine of Eng- lead to the enactment of the discriminatory legislation tunately possesses the quality which by peace and…

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