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July 17, 1925 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1925-07-17

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ffewish Periodical Carter







1:-: CLASSIFIED :-:1


MACK B. WEISS — Strictly kosher
caterer for weddings, banquets,
parties, etc. Excellent food. Rates
peasonable. Phone Melrose 0006.

or Economical Transportation


1 RACTICA I. NURSE—To take care'
of confinement cases. Call Lin-
coln 5689 - W. Mrs. Rosenman,
9215 Mack Ave.

Harold M. Abrahams, the world's greatest sprinter, winner of the 100-
yard race at the last Olympic games in Paris, has written a highly interest-
ing article on the Jews and athletics, which is part of a book which has MRS. J. SIIERLINE — First class
cooking and catering for weddings
recently been published in London. We have been fortunate to secure per-
and parties. 15852 Linwood Ave.
from the athlete's article and we cannot resist the tempta-
m i ss i on
tion of devoting this week's Sporting Column to the Englishman's views on Hemlock 1881-W.
----- I
a very vital topic. If it meets with the interest of our readers, we might
FOR RENT-2987 Gladstone. Beau-
let you have some more of this exclusive pleasure.
E levato r.
tiful three-room suies.
On the whole, it is reasonable to maintain that the Jewish opinion
service included. $62 .50 per m onth.
of the value of games in national life has not been a particularly
favorable one. Even today many Jewish parents are inclined toRent free until Aug. 1. Inquire
caretaker or phone Hemlock 7486.,
demand of what value athletics can be in the preparation of their
children for the business of life. The existence of such
a prejudice,
1------ i
if prejudice it really be, is undoubtedly more historical than funds-
tist or
y of
office. 9
ealize that the existence of any national sentiment at all is remark-
brook. Phone Empire 5890.

able. First a nomadic, then a conquered and finally a scattered u
unassimilated race. What chance had the Jew of displaying his talent
FOR RENT—Room in private home.
Blaine near Linwood. For gentle.
in anything but an underhand way? Certainly the modern develop-
man or lady. References. Phone
ment clearly indicates that, given opportunity, the Jew (I use the
Randolph 6899 during the week or
word through this article in its racial, not in the narrower religious
Hemlock 3936 Saturday and Sun-
sense) is in every way aa fine a physical entity as any other man.
References to Nimrod as a big-game hunter, to David's prowess
as a marksman, or to Jehu as a jockey are a little exaggerated, as is
I FOR SALE—My home on Pingree,
the oft-quoted suggestion that the passage in Jeremiah, ''If thou hast
between Ilailmton and Byron.
run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how const
Phone Empire 1995-W.
thou contend with horses?" refers to a kind of ancient proposition
--------7-- - -
similar to the recent man-and-horse contest from London to York.
FOR SAI.E—Brick four-family flat.
The reference is so obviously a military one. On the whole, we can
Bargain. Clairmount near Byron.
and sleep -
deduce nothing from the Old Testament to convince us in any way
Each fiat has five rooms and
f ur-
that athletics was recognized as a national benefit.
ing porch, fireplaces
naces, laundry rooms, up and down
But later we do get some most interesting passages from Josephus
stairs por ches. Flat 40x50 f t.; lot
and Maccabeus. When Hellenism spread amongst the Jews, many
50 by 119. Two-car brick t.; age.
members of the upper classes desired to model their lives on Greek
Solid cement; side drive. I
lines. In 170 B. C. Menelaus, a brother of Jason the High l'riest,
p er month. Two blocks
in an endeavor to curry favor with Antiochus Epiphanes, established
el Synagogue. Price $28,-
a gymnasium almost next door to the temple at Jerusalem. No doubt
000. Heiden Realty Company,
he considered that cleanliness should he !lost to god loess.
Realtors. 12184 Grand River.
and youths could practice, under expert supervision, wrestling, boxing
Phone Garfield 0700.
and other forms of exercise.
WANTED — A trustworthy Jewish
It is not surprising that such modern-(angled notions aroused
woman to act as housekeeper. One
great opposition in the conservative-minded Jews—an open-air swim-
who is capable of taking care of
ming bath opposite Westminster Abbey could hardly fail to excite
children. References. Call Miss
some comment even in these enlightened days. The antagonism at
Ilarris, Northway 4303.
Jerusalem became so pronounced that devout Jews began to regard
the exercises with horror, especially as most of them were performed
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room
by youths clad only in nature's garb, and thus the covenant of
for gentleman or lady. Phone Em-
Abraham became an object of ridicule. Nevertheless, the craze
pire 0435-W.
spread for a time even unto the priests, who forsook their religious
duties for their daily exercise. Indeed, to such lengths did the en-
FOR RENT--Nicely furnished room ,
thusiasts go that they wore the broad-hemmed petasus of Ilermes,
for gentleman. Good home. Near
the pagan god of gymnastic science, as an emblem of their prowess.
three street car lines. Phone Gar-
Much of the strength of the Ilasmonean rebellion has been attributed
field 8189-R.
to the bitter opposition which the introduction of the gymnasium
in Jerusalem brought about.
West 726. Fine residence for long
In the Middle Ages the conditions under which Jews lived were
term of years. Large 10 rooms.
hardly conducive to outdoor exercise. Sport in England was prac-
ticed almost exclusively by the nobility, and it is only towards the
Most substantial modern built. En-
tire household goods included if de-
end of the eighteenth century that Jews became at all prominent in
aired. Near General Motors Bldg.
athletics. Then it is that athletic history is full of the names of
Jewish pigilists—Mendoza, for example, and "Dutch Sam." In the
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room
twentieth century the interest taken by the Jews in athletics in-
for gentleman. 2684 Leslie. Call
creases almost daily.
Arlington 1432.
What of the Jew in modern athletics from the point of view of
YOUNG MAN desires furnished room
achievement? I do not propose to enter upon a catalogue of Jewish
with private family. Near Clair-
names of those who have been prominent in various branches of
mount and Twelfth St. With home
sport in this and other countries. First, it would of necessity be
conveniences. Write Jewish Chron-
incomplete list. Men du not go about advertising their religious con-
icle Box 257.
victions, and I have considered the matter from the racial point of

view; there are no means of telling Jews by mere names unless it
be by their religious activities. Second, such a catalogue would
be invidious. Suffice it to say that in England, as well as in other
lands, Jews have obtained high honors in boxing, football, running,
jumping, rowing, cricket and swimming. And they possess every
attribute which qualifies them for such success.
It is true that a strict adherence to the dietary laws would pre-
vent a Jew from participating, for example, in an athletic tour; a
rigid observance of the Sabbath in all its forms would prohibit almost
entirely his participation in high-class competitions of any kind, in
that Saturday afternoon is the time—almost the only time—when all
t dealin with the Jew
important contests take place.
as a person of particular religious persuasion. I am considering
him biologically, as a member of a particular race, as a physiological


'FOR RENT—Board and room with
; private Jewish family, in modern
, home at Lake Orion. Call Hemlock
3868-M or Orion 3-W.

ici nity of Public Library.
room in vYO
About $3.50 per week. 1.‘ rite Jew-
is h Chronicle, Box 323.

FOR RENT — Beautiful furnished
The Jew born of Jewish parents possesses physical qualities and
rooms. Private bath and some with
mental tendencies well suited to athletic success. As a race we pos.
running water, for four o r more
seas our full share of potential chamions. The r eason that there
refined people. Near art center.
chieved high distinction
Garage if required. 566 E. Ferry.
are not more Jewish a e
must be traced not to biological but to social reasons. The Jew can
SAI.E—Blaine 1694. Large
hold his own in sport as in every other department of life.
two-family frame, six rooms; three
Harold M. Abrahams is a brilliantly educated young fellow. His recent
bedrooms each. Price cut to $13,-
accident, when he broke an ankle, has put him out of active competition
900 for quick sale. $2,000 down.
for the rest of his life. Our congratulations to Ilarold M. Abrahams, the
Call owner, Garfield 3362.
fropyright, 1925, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
- - — - -


Frischkorn Real Estate Com-
pany Offers Property at
Public Auction.

The Frischkorn Real Estate Com-
pany will open a series of public
auction sales on Tuesday morning,
July 28, at 11 o'clock, when the fol-
lowing property will be offered to the
public: A 23-apartment buliding at
2014 West Euclid avenue; six brick
stores on the northeast corner of For-
est and Pennsylvania avenue; a four-
family brick veneer flat on the south-
east corner of Shenlot and Nordin
streets; a two-family terrace at 650-
' 652 East Hancock avenue; a five-
room frame bungalow at 15621 La-
Salle boulevard and two building
sites, one in the northeast corner of
Boston boulevard and Broadstreet
and the other on the northeast cor-
ner of Dundee and Nardin streets.
The Frischkorn company, which is
one of the older Detroit real estate
companies, has long realized the need
troit property and is seeking to fill
troit property nad is seeking to fill
that need. The company is well
known in the city and enjoys a good

is not forced to
resort to
low-grade fuels

Few subjects call for as frank speaking as the

use of low-grade oils in home heating. For we
believe that every oil burner would burn a
good grade of distillate if it could afford to.
For distillate is a standard product, depend-
able, easy to secure, and will always be plen-
tiful. Low-grade fuel oil is not. Every experi-
enced oil burner manufacturer, every experi-
enced oil burner user, every home-owner
who appreciates the difference between hard
and soft coal knows that the grade of oil suit•
able for home use is not the same as that
commonly used to oil country roads.

Next Six Months Will Show I
Biggest Sale in Hudson-
Essex, Says DeRoy.

And remember this: If the ounce of a burner claim-
in midwinter
ing to burn "cheap oil" should decide
to secure the type of
that he must burn Nokol fuel
as much


Automatic Heat Corporation



ND k

Algoma* Oil Heating fOr Home

Tonal sad Land as ersadanl by due tfisderveriten• Lsbernaorte•

liteemfeeteeed dred Cenereeteel


FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room
at 2074 West Philadelphia. Call
Garfield 8852-I.

precedes competition, the almost uncanny knack of seizing oppor-
tunities and of turning up trumps at a crisis, are admirable. The
to the occasion, his love of limelight,
• •
certainty t e ew
his overwhelming self-appreciation and confidence--what qualities
can be more calculated to enable a man to achieve high athletics

6534 Cass Avenue

produced by the workts largest
makers of sliding gear cam%)

FOR RENT-1947 Hazelwood Ave.,
between Twelfth and Fourteenth
Sts. Upper six large attractive
rooms. Phone Garfield 4105-M.

FEMALE }IEEE—Wanted—A Jew-
ish girl or woman for housework
and biological whole.
The highly emotional and excitable temperament characteristic
and cooking. Family of two adults.
of the Jew is singularly adapted to enable its possessor to excel. . He
.•Phone Garfield 3979-W.
, On the whole,more likely to excel in sport where individual ex-
ay e
TO RENT—A nice light airy room
cellence counts for more than team co-operation.
for a young man. Home privileges.
emphasized because for historical reasons there have been no Jewish
Apply Kritzman, 3780 Thom as. with
teams as such, and that therefore the Jew has been able to come
into active competition with first-class performers only in those
WOULD LIKE to communicate
games where individual prowess is pre-eminent. Athletic achieve-
Edward Swartz, a violinist, who is
meat is the culmination of training and natural ability and, given
in Detroit. Will this party or any
opportunity, the Jew has every quality for success.
persons knowing him please com-
There have been many first-class Jewish boxers, sprinters and
musicale with A. Lakowsky, 814
jumpers. The alert Jewish mind is well suited to boxing and sprint-
Walnut Ave., N. E., Canton, Ohio.
ing. Moreover, the Jewish mentality, the morbid anticipation that

service he wants, his fuel cost will be
or 40% more than that of

737) d.
more Chevrolets /His
une than /ad June


"Hudson and Essex sales leader-
ship in Detroit and Wayne county has
reached the greatest ascendency in
history," said Aaron DeRoy, distribu- I
tor. "Recent months show Hudson-
Essex sales outnumbering the com-
bined sales of the next three six-cylin-
der cars and for the first 10 days of
July they have greatly increased this
"We undoubtedly will excel our
first six months sales in the latter
I half of the year, which will mean cur-
1 passing our largest selling record of
1 all time.
"Every 14 minutes of the average
I business day, a Hudson or an Essex
is sold in Detroit. We are particu-
larly proud that this remarkable
preference is given in Detroit, where ;
car values are better known than any-1
where else In the world."

Duco finish in beautiful colors—
powerful economical motor—dry
plate disc clutch—long, semi-elliptic,
chrome vanadium steel springs—
sturdy rear axle with one-piece banjo
quality to sell at a low price.
type housing—selective three-speed
2nd. That is the kind of a car that
transmission—Fisher bodies on all
most people want.
closed models—every constructional
Since the announcement of the new feature typical of the highest priced,
Chevrolet, prpviding even greater finest built cars.
quality at low cost, the public demand Chevrolet provides you with power,
for this car has been tremendous.
economy, dependability, comfort and
fine appez.rance at such a low price,
And where else can you buy a car
with a special easy payment plan,
at anywhere near Chevrolet's price
that possesses such features as these: that anyone can afford to own one.

This record breaking achievement
would not have been possible except
for two things—
let. Chevrolet builds a car of fine

See Your Nearest Chevrolet Dealer

Lafayette 5882

Kessler Sales & Service

West 2740

Din at West Grand Blvd.

Leyes Bros., Inc.

1034 W. Lafayette

West 3009

Weisman Motor Sales

Glend•le 9389

1639 Woodward

Chambers Motor Sales

Glendale 4720

Grd. River and Brooklyn

Highland Chevrolet Sales Co.

Hemlock 10370

12893 Woodward

Ginn & Homer, Inc.

Garfield 5963

1258 Grand River

Leech Auto Sales

Central Chevrolet

Michigan Chevrolet Sales

1640 Michigan


and Jefferson

Redford, Mich.

Edgewood 4323

Royal Oak Sales

Superior Chevrolet Sales

8690 Twelfth

Empire 0953

2699 Gratiot

Melrose 4695

A. Blessing Motor Sales

Bielman-Taube Motor Sales

8100 Gratiot

Lincoln 4701

11300 E. Jefferson

Hickory 5684

Belle Isle Auto Sales

Hamtramck Chevrolet Sales

11426 Jos. Campau

Hemlock 9010

Chevrolet Motor Co.

Detroit Retail Store
Northway 0500
General Motors Bldg.

507 S. Main

Royal Oak, Mich.

Wallace Hartman, Inc.

Woodward and 7 Mile Road


Wellar Chevrolet Sales

10370 W. Jefferson

River Rouge, Mich.

Down River Motor Sales

37 S. Biddle

Wyandotte, Mich.

Allison-Bacheldcw Motor Sales

331 Main

Plymouth, Mich.

Dearborn Motor Sales

116 E. Michigan Ave.

Dearborn, Mich.




Roadster • •

Coupe • •


Coach • • 735

Sedan • •


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Aa ngrilit?..

Quality at Low Cost

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