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June 01, 1917 • Page Image 5

…5 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Albert Kahn Becomes Architect For United States Is Only Man Outside of War Department to Draw Plans for Government Work—Has Charge of Gigantic Projects— Picked Because of…

… capacity. This unusual and unprecedented honor falls to Mr. Albert Kahn, the interna- tionally recognized architect of Detroit. who is one of our most distinguished Jewish residents. Mr. Kahn has drawn plans…

September 14, 1917 • Page Image 33

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. Isador Horowitz spent a few days in Toledo as the guests of Samuel Horowitz. Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, Albert Kahn, Louis Welt and Bernard Ginsburg spent last…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 13

… value of• a college educa- tion for .girls, and the effect it has upon their lives. Mrs. Albert Kahn offered a splendid paper upon the "Bent Twig," reading portions of the story, and discussing them. Mrs…

November 02, 1917 • Page Image 5

…- DETROIT, MICH. tory, French and other foreign lan- tone Cadillac 3299 guages, and social service. There has been a great demand for such classes. Albert Kahn Receives Great Ovation. President Welt announced…

… Potts Drug Company that When Albert Kahn would show views of the proposed new temple, all present PRESCRIPTION joined in a great demonstration for the DRUGGISTS celebrated architect who has brought Phones…

September 14, 1917 • Page Image 12

… Julian H. Krolik A, Jacob Louis Stoll Leo M. I3utzel Max May Albert Kahn M. C. \Veil Samuel Rabinowitch Moe Ehrlich Jacob Singer Samuel Sarasolin I. L. Scheinerman Nathan Simons Harry Grant Benjamin…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 14

…. Hugo A. Freund, Mrs. David Sheyer, Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mrs. Leo M. Franklin, Mrs. Sol Kaufman, Mrs. William Rindscoff, Mrs. Monroe Rosenfield, Mrs. L. Simon, Mrs. A. Shiffman, Mrs, Max May, Mrs. A. Ermann…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 14

… the local campaign and the rally on Saturday night are: Mrs. Albert Kahn, chairman; Mrs. Henry Krolik. • Mrs. Henry Fecheimer, Mrs. David Scheyer, Mrs. D. W. Simons, Mrs, Wolf Kaplan, Mrs. David A. 'Br…

July 21, 1916 • Page Image 18

… visiting their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heintzelman, at Provi- dence, R. I. Mr. Albert Kahn has returned from New York. Miss H. Silberman and Miss N. Oppenheimer spent a few days in New York…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 12

… 400.00 M. Jacob & Son 100.00 I. M. Jacobson & Sons Co 150.00 Ben Jacobson 150.00 Jacob Jatovsky 300.00 Jewish Collegiate Club 300.00 Jewish Woman's Club 100.00 Louis Kahn 1,000.00 Albert Kahn 100…

November 02, 1917 • Page Image 3

… drawings of a beautiful new and greater child who desired to receive religious a special committee of leading Jews fallen our brethren in Europe; you temple by Albert Kahn, report of a 15% instruction…

Albert Kahn in drawing the those teaching in the public schools, ish ponulation, who place' their last might state that in one town in Wis- plans of the new temple were enthusi- with the same rate of…

December 12, 1919 • Page Image 5

…. Max May. The Purchasing Committee which is in charge of outfitting and furnish- ing the new club house, is composed of the following: Mrs. Albert Kahn, chairman; Mrs. Walter Heavenrich, Mrs. Samuel…

April 12, 1918 • Page Image 2

…, spending his spring holidays torn Andover Academy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn, has returned to school. The Misses Coral and Frances Adler of Milwaukee, who were the guests of Mrs. :\lbert…

September 21, 1917 • Page Image 10

…. Albert Kahn has. returned birth of a (laughter on Sept. 15. from a visit. to New York City. The next, regular meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. M. Gardner of Delta Phi Sorority will be held on Rochester, Mich…

May 18, 1917 • Page Image 7

… Rabbi Horwitz Ben B. Jacob Abr. H. Jaffin Max Jacob Mrs. Henry A. Krolik Albert A. Kahn Mrs. Albert Kahn Mrs. Wolf Kaplan Henry A. Krolik Julian H. Krolik Joseph N. Keidan Aaron Klein Anton Kaufman Samuel…

May 04, 1917 • Page Image 10

… Lepman of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Krolik. A party of Detroiters leaving for Ann Arbor to attend the May fes- tival includes Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. David Shever and…

May 26, 1916 • Page Image 12

… Leontine Myers of Chicago have taken an apartment at 1163 their address to 186 Seward avenue. Arbor during the past week were is the guest of Mrs. David Brown Second avenue. Mr. and NIrs. Albert Kahn and Mrs…

March 03, 1916 • Page Image 6

…- ing an extensive southern trip. Mr. and Mrs. Max .Lieberman have returned from a two weeks' visit in New York. Miss liattie Gittleman is enter- taining her cousins. NIrs. Albert Kahn and Mrs. David . A…

February 28, 1919 • Page Image 3

… through Northern Alichigan. Air. and Mrs. Albert Kahn were among tile hosts at the meeting of the A place where you Archaeological Society, held this week may invite your at the Museum of Art. friends to…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 3

… a ten- day furlough from Camp Meade, Baltimore, Md. from the makers 'H. & B. MARKS Leading Manufacturing Furriers. 212 to 211 Michigan Ave. • Miss Ruth Kahn, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert

Kahn, of Ro- wena street, has gone to Califor- nia, where she will enter an out- door school for girls. $9 to $10 Shoes $5.85 $10 to $12 Shoes $4.85 $14-$17 Shoes There are thirteen hundred pairs…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 4

… City. Mr. Albert Kahn has been elect- ed On the city art committee which is preparing a design for an presented to every returned sol- its citizens in its "Welcome Ilome" celebration. Mr. and Mrs…

November 29, 1918 • Page Image 3

…A merica gewisk Perished Carter CLIFTON MINUS • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE CHERRY AT THE 5 STATLER 1 8 SOCIETY Continuous 2 p. N1r. Albert Kahn and \I r. Leo NI. Butzel…

November 15, 1918 • Page Image 2

…ctc3xtrairc- and Mrs. 1)avid Ilrown. Rabbi and atz3Xt•43CMCE.LHaz ts . t . 2, •staftettott• Cf•ft•ft•If•tt•U•ttett•UstIatlettuottentsttot•B•ttettsttisn• Mrs. Leo M. Franklin, Air. and Nlrs. Albert Kahn

August 09, 1918 • Page Image 2

… this work are Mrs. Albert Kahn, NIrs. Day Kmolik, Mrs, Mg some time at the Rushmore Henry Farbstein, M rs. Clarence !hotel, St. Clair Flats. Mr. and Mrs. Nlagnus Hersh- Engass, Miss Elsa May, Miss Nlarie…

July 05, 1918 • Page Image 2

… east. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn and family, who have been touring through the cast, have returned to the city. N1rs. Ben Jacobson and daugh- ter left this week for Cleveland. \I r. David Welling, who has…

June 21, 1918 • Page Image 2

…Zn Miss Blanche Hart spoke o n man; Miss E. Eisenberg, Mr. S. Nit- . and NIrs. Albert Kahn, Nliss "Co-operation" at the meeting of Silverman. Miss K. CliabenskY, Lydia Kahn and Nliss Ruth Kahn the…

May 31, 1918 • Page Image 2

… follows: Mrs. Albert Kahn, *I1,.100 ; sirs. Julius Brown, $s,- Witt: sirs. Nlelville \Veit. ,f1:1,1.111; sirs. P. Collard, sirs. Anger, $9,1 1:s; sins. R. Priest, $7,- ;s:,; Mrs. R. J. Nlac…

May 03, 1918 • Page Image 2

… NIrs. William Brown, NIrs. Albert Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid Scheyer, Mrs. S. Stearns, Miss Sylvis Stearns, Mr. ;111(1 Mrs. Da- vid Brown and David Heineman. attractive…

March 29, 1918 • Page Image 2

… Simmons. Mrs. S. S \Ninon:us, Mrs. 1. Velum, NIrs. N. , riedmati. Mrs, Chas. Finsterwald, Mrs. /scar Itobinson, Mrs. \\'. losenheitn, Irs. Herman Finsterw - ald, Mrs. Louis 1 Vett. .Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mrs…

December 07, 1917 • Page Image 8

…. Nlay is lionic on her l‘lnd. NI rs. Albert Kahn, who has been Hand made, as low as. $6 "Our Lights 0 : 0 ;',00000000000000000000000000110ts000:40.2)00000000.0000,000. CltOg0NOuOri01.0.0u0.0110g…

June 08, 1917 • Page Image 10

… men who love Judaism and humanity be leadership of self-scrificim In the selection by the war department of Mr. Albert Kahn of privileged to go from strength to strength. Detroit to build the aviation…

May 31, 1918 • Page Image 1

… Lon- the grateful shade which protected Stand at Ease 2.075 Seder Kid Employes Albert Kahn and possibly $5,000000. And it can- Julian H. Krolik 2.0tat don. who had completed nine months the water…

… purposes and no young trees were ways of Palestine: but the true value \ le, the work of the past year and to the Michigan "Gargoyle" and a fre- Mrs Albert Kahn planted in their place. so the hill, of of the…

September 19, 1919 • Page Image 46

…Nlillan, H. 'Murphy, C.' completion within six months. Hayward Murphy, Joseph B. Schlot-[ Dealers' Territory Details of Orchestral Hall. man and Albert Kahn. The building is a very handsome is still open. and…

May 23, 1919 • Page Image 2

… season with their ninth an- nual outing to Tashmoo park, Sun- and Crafts tea Wednesday afternoon were Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mrs. II. M. day, _lime 8. There will be entertain- ment on the.lmit. athletic…

February 21, 1919 • Page Image 3

… Woodward A 1111111er WaS gi yen recently ./el. \I r. and NIrs. Albert Kahn. binations, such as brown and ecru, at the home of Nliss Belle Mr. and NIrs. Isaac Goldberg. blue and beige, black and white, taupe…

April 05, 1918 • Page Image 2

… Detroit on account of the war part in the campaign than ever be- The emergency committee consists 212 MICHIGAN in his Brittany country.. fore, and much preliminary activity is Near Third. of Mrs. Albert

Kahn, Miss Florence Mr. and Mrs. Ben Meisner, of Vir- necessary before the actual work of Brown, Miss Golda Brown, Miss ginia Park, announce the marriage of selling can be undertaken. Mrs. Da- their…

April 05, 1918 • Page Image 4

… committee consists in his Brittany country. 212 MICHIGAN fore, and much preliminary activity is of Mrs. Albert Kahn, Miss Florence Mr. and Mrs. Ben Meisner, of Vir- Near Third. necessary before the actual…

March 29, 1918 • Page Image 3

… dinner' Miss Lydia Kahn, daughter of Nfr. and sky. The bride's mother was attired in on Sunday for visiting students from Mrs. Albert Kahn, is expected home a handsome gown of black satin and JEWISH…

March 29, 1918 • Page Image 6

… and patriotically spirited Jewish men and women: Richard Cohn, Clarence Enggass, Mrs. Jacob E. Goldberg, Mrs. Albert Kahn. Mrs. Henry A. Krolik, Julian It. Krolik, Mrs. Oscar Lowman, ISAIKME BRAUN…

March 01, 1918 • Page Image 6

…- iam Brown, Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Butzel,' Mrs. Sim Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Welt, Mrs. Albert Kahn, Miss Ruth Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Fee. , hinter and family. Miss Dorothy Krolik was in charge of…

October 26, 1917 • Page Image 3

…- ficers elected for the ensuing term. One of the most interesting features of the meeting will be the showing by Archi- tect Albert Kahn of drawings and stereopticon views of the new Temple to he erected by…

November 14, 1919 • Page Image 4

… for five and a quarter again a strange unfamiliarity with the facts of the case. For we have Mr. Albert Kahn strong appeal for the advancement of e w wish the Bible to be given a Fred NI. Butzel…

…. Albert Kahn the Detroit Young Judavans. tin 1,(1 51(51 shoulders of the rich men in the community—upon those who write the country, will have no small effect in influencing the trend of opinion acob Siege…

June 07, 1918 • Page Image 1

…. Fried berg Finsterwald Clothing Co severe criticism in a reeent issue of Goldlcrg Bros . . tat' Albert Kahn the Berlin "Ta g t.blatt," especially the 4 I , Joseph Grosslight 1. Shiffman provision which…

…. - fisstliding the snolvahre parts " too Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopp. of the fraternal order, the I. 1). B. A., Mrs. Albert Kahn r",- * - Idistrict cast of the Jordaot. probably Lou) Mrs. Hugo Hill held its thirty…

October 31, 1919 • Page Image 1

… colleague and archi- monies', an elaborate entertainment men and women of the community. of Detroit who are my fellow-citi- tect, Mr. Albert Kahn, to postpone the for .the ladies, a receptiou, a banquet While…

September 12, 1919 • Page Image 4

… for which are now beim: completed that "the Selichah-Phoenix" is dying him and his family from the synagog and from Judaism forever. by Architect Albert Kahn, becomes planation for this situation? Is it…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 3

…- amalgamated the organizations into 55 hat is now one of the finest social tions have been drawn up Isy Archi- He is still tect Albert Kahn and in a short time agencies in the country. one of the most active…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 4

… New Temple Beth El as planned by Architect Albert Kahn. Work a happy anniversary and pray for him new House of Worship will begin soon, in order to take care of the great and constantly continued…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 1

…, General ! address was received with the great- zel Albert Kahn, Louis Simon. Day ganization of the institute at his own ducted in the combat of these diseases and the results are sent to the fient- Pershing…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 8

…. 5.00 Rafelson, Mrs. C., Saginaw 400.00 Miller, Mrs. W. A., 134 Warren E 2.00 Sainter, Albert, 1271 Brush 5.00 Rafelson, Ruth, Saginaw 100.00 Miller, Mrs., Albert Kahn's Office 2.00 Saimeter, Seymour 1…

November 14, 1919 • Page Image 6

… would rest fairly and squarely, we believe, upon the Mrs. Albert Kahn the Detroit Young Judaeans, the who write the country, will have no small effect in influencing the trend of opinion 100t0) 1…

October 31, 1919 • Page Image 6

…, and Milton M. Alexander ter million dollars must be raised for philanthropic and educational religion of love. days as these no public instructor, for a term of two years. Albert Kahn, Back of the…

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