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May 26, 1916 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1916-05-26

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To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to Miss Ruth Rosenfield,
80 Palmer Avenue, East, phone, North 4063, not later than Monday evening.

Mrs. A. Steller of Denver, who
The Misses Estelle and Dorothy
The Misses Helen and Lizbeth
NIrs. Nathan Sloss of Cleveland Schott attended the May Festival at Blumenthal and brother Isadore of has been making an extended visit
\Vest Branch spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. NI. Rosen-
arrived in Detroit on Sunday to be
berg, in Toledo, spent a week in
the guest for several weeks of her
w i th f ri ends i n S agi naw .
Detroit as the guest of NI rs. Avery
parents, \l r ff.nd Mrs. Adolph Sin-
NIrs. Al. Aronheim has left for
Mr. Sam Weinberg of Prescott, Ginsburg.
Fyfe Lake to be present at the 94th

Mr. Arnold Kaichen of Cincin- birthday celebration of her mother, Michigan, spent the week-end in
Mr. lienry D. Marks is visiting
nati was a visitor in Detroit last Mrs. Frank.
friends in :Manistee.
week .
NI rs. David Brown and her guest.
Mr. and NIrs, Edgar Sloss of
NIrs. George Polasky, who was a
Miss NI yens of Chicago, attended
NIrs. Carrie Barnett announces Cleveland were guests at the Pont- the Nlay Festival at Ann Arbor last guest in the city, has returned to
the marriage of her (laughter Selda chartrain I lotel this week.
her home in Kalamazoo.
to Elmer Flechisg, which took place
Saturday, Nlay 6. NIr. and N1rs.
NIr. S. Goldberg announces, the
r. 1rank R. Hamburger, secre-
Mr. Emanuel T. Berger has re-
Flechsig are at home at 233 East engagement of his daughters, Ger-
of the Detroit Association of
turned from New York.
Palmer avenue.
trude to Emmanuel A. Barnett, and
Credit Nlen, attended a three-day
Libby to David Berson.
Miss Bertha Frank of Seward convention of the National Asso-
Mr. Morse Goldman is in Chi-
avenue has returned from a weeks ciation Of Garment Manufacturers,
cago attending the convention of
of which organization he is also sec-
Miss Esther Klein is visiting her visit in Cleveland.
the National Electric Lighting As-
relatives, Mr. and NIrs. Klein of
sociation as representative of the
Rabbi Louis 1). Gross of Akron,
Mr. Adolph Sloman spent the
Engineering Department of the Edi- highland Park.
Sunday in Detroit on his
week-end at his summer home at
son Illuminating Company of this
way to Ann Arbor, where he spoke
The Misses Florence and I [attic Sans Souci, Iarsen's Island.
to the Jewish Student Congrega-
Silberman have returned from the
Mr. Bernard Ginsburg and fam- tion.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Bonfield of the east.
• Among . the Detroiters who at-
ily, formerly of Adelaide street,
Loretta apartments, have changed
the \l ay Festival at Ann
Miss Leontine Myers of Chicago have taken an apartment at 1163
their address to 186 Seward avenue.
Arbor during the past week were
is the guest of Mrs. David Brown Second avenue.
Mr. and NIrs. Albert Kahn and
Mrs. A. M. Hershman and daugh- of Lawrence avenue.
Mrs. Peter Vass of 353 Kirby :Miss Lydia Kahn, \l r. and Mrs.
ters are in New York, where they
Brown, .1iss Leontine
Mr. A. S. Goldberg spent some avenue east entertained the niem- David A.
are the guests of Mrs. Hershman's
ers of Chicago, Nliss Rose
time in New York during the past hers of her sewing club on Thurs- Aley,,
Phillips and Miss Hortense Krolik.
week. day.of last week.
\1r. and Nirs. Samuel Frank of
Rowena street are receiving con-
gratulations on the birth of a son.



A Victrola

bliss Helen Rosenthal gave a
theater party at the Temple on
Wednesday afternoon in honor of
\l iss Dinah Weinstein.

especially adapted
to flour summer en-


Miss Hylda Orbach is the guest
of N1r. and NIrs. Samuel Mandell
of 78 Nledbury Boulevard.

Mrs. Gerald Jacobson of New
York is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg of West
Grand Boulevard.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Auer of
New York were guests at the Stat-
ler last week.

Mrs. Henry Willman and son
James of Kirby avenue have left
for Pittsburgh, where they will be
the guest of relatives for several



$5 4 50

NIr. and NIrs. B. I. Rosenberg. of
Saginaw have returned from a visit
with friends in Detroit.

Miss Katherine Heyman, pianist,
left Monday for New York, where
she will give a conference on the
"Relation of Ultra-Nlodern to Ar-
chaic Music." Nliss Heyman will
give a piano recital for the Musical
Clubs of Michigan, which. will
meet in Battle Creek, early in June.



The New Victrola, IX

For instrument and records

Pay Weekly or


Double S6ring Motor

Is the instrument included in our $54.50 combination. It's
a handsome, full toned model

—And, making. it particularly desirable
is the fact that it can be taken with you on
your Summer Outings. It takes up but
small space, and can be easily carried and
handled. You'll find it a splendid style, too, for
your Summer home—and with it, you're always
ready for the porch dance or outdoor concert. '

12 Late Selections Included

These are taken from the May list and every one is good.
However, you may have any others preferred, to the same
amount—$4.50—and you've thousands to choose from.




Sousa's Band
Sousa's Band
Victor Male Quartet


"The Lamb's March" -
"The Gliding Girl" -
"The Little Brown Church in the Vale"
"When They Ring the Golden Bells For You and Me"

"When the Right Girl Comes Along"
s" -
"Long Live the Ladies"

Imperial Quartet
Billy Murray
Billy Murray

Victrola IX, $50

Other Victrolas, $15 to $400, and
largest stock of Records

- Gladys Wilbur
Peerless Quartet
"Down Where the Swanee River Flows," Peerless Quartet
"Luana Lou"
"Some Sort of Somebody"
Neapolitan Trio
"I Hear You Calling
Venetian Trio
"Little Grey Home in the West "

Add to Each Day's Pleasure—Commencing Now!



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