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October 01, 1976 • Page Image 41

… colleges. Fran Kravitz, coordinator of Hillel Extension Ser- vices, will establish Jewish student groups and programs at local campuses. She will be the Hillel counselor at Oak- land University. The WSU…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . . ... .. MRS. NATHALIE BENYAS WSU Hillel Expands Programs wishes her friends and relatives the best of good health, - nod cheer and happiness always thr Jy "hout the…

… Daniel M. Clark of Birmingham has been elected chairman of the Representative As- sembly, the 200-member policy-making body of the State of Michigan. Clark -is also a director of the Jewish Home for the…

…, relatives and associates Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation on the -Wayne State-University campus will expand its programs this year„according to Hillel director Rabbi Howard A. Addison, who succeeds the retired…

… Relatives A Happy, Healthy and Prospersous New Year MR. & MRS. SEYMOUR IWREY MARTIN & CHERYL wish their family and friends a year of health, peace & happiness A Happy and New Year to all our friends…

… Rabbi Max Kapustin. 1 I Doc Grossman of Dexter Chevrolet is beginning his 20th year with the fit-14a. * * * Local New York Life Insurance Co. agents have been cited by,the pa- rent company. They are…

…: Barry Bremen, Aaron Brooks and Melvyn For- man, new members of the 1976 Top Club of the com- pany; and Louis I. Zuc- kerman, newly appointed member of the Pension Committee of the 1977 Million Dollar…

… Round Ta- ble. * * * Hattie Schwartz, invita- tion consultant, now is showing her new fall line of invitations, -party favors and accessories, personalized stationery and the latest in ideal gifts for the…

…. & MRS. JACK KEYS AND FAMILY Happy New Year to all our family and friends MR. & MRS. ALEX KRAFT AND FAMILY New Year's best wishes to all our family & friends Carl R. and Nita R. Lichtenstein Hillel

… will have a Suk- kot dinner Oct. 8 in the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Addison, and a social "A -,, Night in the Country, Oct. 23. The foundation will offer its services to Jewish students at other area…

October 29, 1976 • Page Image 14

… graduate of the University of Michigan Law School and the National College of the State Judiciary. He is Chairman of the Supreme Court Committee to Revise and Consoli- date Michigan Court Rules. Oakland…

… Schech- ter of the Jewish Theolog- ical Seminary saw many similarities between Hillel and Lincoln. Hillel was a wood choper; Lin- coln, a rail splitter. Hillel partook in many debates. The Talmud tells of

… the debates between Beth Hillel, the house of Hillel and Beth Shammai, the house of Shammai. Hillel was more liberal. Shammai held that all eight candles should be lit on the first Hanuka night and…

… Oak- land County Bar Association, a graduate of the National College of the State Judiciary, and the In- stitute for Court Administration. He is Chairman of the Michigan Judges Association Rules Com…

… and a former member of the Representative Assembly, State Bar of Michigan. Married, with three children, Judge Andrews is a graduate of Adrian College and served eight years as Clawson City Attorney. 0…

… often pictured. He was the author of the dictum against showing any per- son a mean look. "Receive every man with a favora- ble countenance," he said. Hillel was the man who gave the impatient heathen the…

… famous one leg definition of Judaism. The heathen was not of the studious type and he asked Hillel if he could give him a definition of Judaism while he stood on one leg. "Sure," said Hillel. "Don't do to…

… a lot of other equipment the army needs more ur- gently. The government is expected to make a de- cision later in the year. Large selection of Rings, Watches and other fine Jewelry gift items. 14 K…

… 23077 Greenfield, Advance Bldg., Suite 354, Southfield, Michigan 557-5544 Tie Great Debates Have Historicai one candle — on the last BY DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) Some have been com…

…- paring the Ford-Carter debates to the Lincoln- Douglas debates of more than a century ago. There was no television then but the Lincoln-Douglas debates made Lincoln a national figure and paved the way for…

October 29, 1976 • Page Image 58

… MYSTICISM Rabbi Howard Addison Director, Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University Course offered through the cooperation of the Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University. Jewish Thought and Philosphy…

of Michigan Course offered through the cooperation of the Hind Foundation at the University of Michigan. Language and Literature 711 LEARNING TO READ HEBREW Rabbi Martin D. Gordon Livonia Jewish…

….M. Second Hour Classes 9:05-10:00 P.M. Bible Bible 111 KOHELET-ECCLESIASTES Rabbi Milton Arm Congregation Beth Achim 121 A STUDY OF GENESIS Rabbi Robert Abramson Hillel Day School Rabbinics Rabbinics…

… Jewish Issues 611 JEWISH VALUES AND ETHICAL CHOICE Rabbi Irwin Groner Congregation Shaarey Zedek 612 WOMEN IN JUDAISM Rabbi Martin Ballonoff Associate Director, B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation at University

… BUSH WAS NOT .-)-1), "I" CONSUMED ACooperative Study Program for the Conservative Jewish Community under the auspices of the Conservative Rabbis of Metropolitan Detroit First Hour Classes 8:00-8:55 P…

… 211 MIDRASHIC PARABLE AND RABBINIC THOUGHT Dr. Jay B. Stern Superintendent. United Hebrew Schools Presented in cooperation with the Midrasha College of Jewish Studies. 212 MIDRASH GENESIS RABBAH Rabbi…

… Allan Kensky Congregation Beth Israel, Ann Arbor 221 EL AM TALMUD: TRACTATE BRACHOT Rabbi A. Irving Schnipper Congregation Beth Moses Jewish History Jewish Thought and Philosophy 311 ARCHITECTS OF

… 411 WHERE CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM DIFFERED Mr. Richard Wagner Principal, United Hebrew Schools B'nai Moshe Branch Presented in cooperation with the Midrasha College of Jewish Studies. Jewish Practices and…

… Practices and Observances 521 THE LIFE CYCLE OF THE JEW Rabbi Seymour Rosenbloom Adat Shalom Synagogue sn DO-IT-YOURSELF JEWISH HOME CEREMONIES Hama Samuel Greenbaum Congregation Beth Shalom . Contemporary…

… Jewish Congregation Torah Seminar December 14, 8:00 P.M. Dr. Avraham Holtz will speak on RELIGION—THE POETRY OF THE SPIRIT Dr. Avraham Holtz is the Simon H. Fabian Professor in Hebrew Literature at the…

October 22, 1976 • Page Image 45

… class lessons available open enrollment now Profile: N.P. Rossen' There is a charge. At noon Wednesday, Hillel will present the sec- ond in its series of roundt- able luncheon forums. Yael Rom, scholar…

…-in- residence of the Detroit Zionist Federation, will speak on "Women and the Military in Israel." Hot kosher lunch will be av- ailable. For information on any upcoming Hillel event, call the Bnai Brith Hillel

… to give an extra measure of himself. He refuses to get tired. "Every fall, when the Histadrut Campaign opens," he says, "I get excited all over again." A- •t ■, ', Ar b - 6 4' Michigan Jewish…

….m. Saturday, Wayne State University Bnai Brith Hillel Found- ation will present its so- cial kickoff for the 1976-77 academic year with "A Night in the Country," at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. There will be square…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Federation Annual Meeting Scheduled at Jewish Center The Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit will hold its 50th annual meet- ing, 6 p.m., Nov. 26 at the Jewish Community…

…. Steiner 35 Years Experience Doctors Referrals LI 5-4700 president Martin E. Cit- rin announced. The meeting will in- clude the president's an- nual report and the elec- tion of nine members-at- large to…

… the board of gov- ernors for a three-year term. Nominees to the board are Ruth K. Broder, Al- bert M. Colman, Samuel Hechtman, David B. Hermelin, Prof. Mark L. Kahn, Michael W. Mad- din, Herbert P…

…. Sillman, Joel D. Tauber and Bruce E. Thal. Chairman of the 1976 Nominating Committee is Dulcie Rosenfeld. Other committee members are Dr. Conrad L. Giles, Ar- thur Howard, Dr. Peter G. Shifrin and Richard…

… Sloan. The dinner will be high- lighted by the presenta- tion of the Fred M. Butzel Memorial Award • for communal leadership to Jack 0. Lef ton. Cooperative Housing At Merritt Island, Florida near Cocoa…

… Beach - Very close to Temple Israel of Brevard County 1, 2 and 3 Bedroom Units • AttraCtive housing and grounds • Swimming pools • Community activities Contact: Cooperative Services, Inc. 7404…

October 22, 1976 • Page Image 48

…- Landsmanshaften Com- mittee. sah and Hillel Founda- tion at the_ University of Michigan; Wednesday, Wayne State University Hillel Foundation, "If Not Now" radio inter- view, and weekend Col- lege of Life Long…

… Learn- ing; Thursday, Hillel Day School, Mizrachi Women and the Zionist Organiza- tion of Detroit. On Oct. 29 Mrs. Rom will appear at Oak Park High School and at the Labor Zionist Institute for the Labor…

… guaranteed free estimates 922-1678 groups as the scholar-in- residence for the Detroit Zionist Federation. Mrs. Rom's schedule is as follows: Monday, Young Israel of OA-- Woods; Tuesday, Hadas- La…

… ndsmanshaften Plan JNF Events The Landsmanshaften Committee of Jewish Na- tional Fund will meet 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the JNF office to plan the season's activities. Abe Dishell is chairman of the JNF…

… Zionist Al- Entertainment for Clubs, Parties, Shows Call after 4 p.m. 565-7907 * * * Reasonable Rates * * * -- from one to any number of music;ans jeep smith bill meyers patty grant ferry fenby…

… — fing EV:Z. in the Country Village Center 12 Mile & Evergreen BRAS and PANTIES Bra sizes 32-A to 42-DDD OLGA BALI LILLY of FRANCE • GIRDLES • FABULOUS SLIPS • NIGHTWEAR • DESIGNER LOUNGEWEAR -211 L…

…. Dr. Alex Rafaeli, a lead- ing Israel industrialist, will speak at Cong. Bnai Moshe's tribute dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Lipsitz M:30 p.m. Oct. 31 on behalf of Israel Bonds. After the Yom Kippur…

… War, Dr. Fafaeli headed the National Committee for Defense Against the Arab Boycott, and since 1968 has represented Is- raeli industry on the board of the Prime Minis- ter's International Economic…

… Conference, developing industrial re- lations for Israel on an in- ternational. scale. He is also a member of the pres- idium of the Manufactur- ers Association of Israel. Dr. Rafaeli is chairman of the board…

of the Jerusalem Pencil Fac- tory, which is associated with the Hasbro group in the United States. With American and Canadian friends he established a group of diversified In- dustrial enterprises in…

October 08, 1976 • Page Image 33

… STUDIO restorers and conservators 399-1320 Friday, October 8, 1976 33 students are invited. Prof. Moshe Maoz of Heb- rew University will speak • noon Wednesday in the Hillel lounge on campus, 667…

… Center's group services office, 851-7300. * * WSU HILLEL -will have a Sukkot dinner 7:30 p.m. today in the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Howard Addison, 24210 Gardner, Oak Park. Outdoor ser- vices Will pre…

… Student Center Building. He will speak on "Israel and. Its Relation to the Lebanese War." The public is invited. For information, call the Hillel office, 577-3459. * * FRIENDS OF THE BAYIT will present a…

…- fessor of English at City University of New York and Hunter College, to take place 8 p.m. Thurs- day at Temple Beth El. The lecture is spon- sored by the Detroit Chapter of the American Jewish Committee…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Bnai Moshe to Honor Couple for Bonds Singles Events - MICHIGAN THE SINGLES JEWISH (formerly COUNCIL Michigan 'Jewish Young Adult Council) will have an oneg Shabat for…

… p.m. Mon- -days in the 10 Mile Jewish ,enter gym. There is a nominal charge, and re- freshments are served at a minimal fee. * * * SUNDAY JEWISH SINGLES willhea• Ralph Nichols, president of the Dale…

…, 861-1929. - * * CRITERION CLUB will hold "open house" 8 p.m. Tuesday in the banquet room of MCL Cafeteria in the Tel-12 Mall. President, Esther Be•shad an- nounced the public is in- vited at no…

… charge. "Is- sues or Image: What Is the Real Impact of the Ford-Carter Debates?" will be discussed by Maxine Berman and Lawrence Littman. For information, call Cecile Bartholomew, 559-8397, or Betty…

… Weinberg, 559- 5175. * SPARKLES will pre- sent a "disco get- togethe•" to benefit the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith 7 p.m. Sun- day in the Claymoo• Apts. club house. A parking at- tendant will be…

October 29, 1976 • Page Image 54

… Univer- sity of Michigan, Ben- Venisti will deliver lec- tures at the U-M Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation which is sponsoring his visit, as well as at the Hillel Foundations of Michigan State Univer- sity and…

… save 20¢ caw 1 During the week of Nov. 1-7, Meron Ben- Venisti, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, will visit Michigan as the Ann Arbor. American Zionist Youth Federation scholar-in-residence. Based at the…

Hillel weekend to take place Nov. 5-7 at Camp Tamarack. This event, which will include discus- sion session, social ac- tivities, and services, is open to all Jewish college students in Michigan. For…

… Wayne State University. His speaking schedule at Wayne State will include a luncheon forum noon Wednesday which is open to the pub- lic. Ben-Venisti will also be the featured speaker at an All-Michigan

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 54 Friday, October 29, 1976 I M LTER . Youth News I Bnai Moshe Youth to Meet Cong. Bnai Moshe's Giborim group, for youth OF HARVARD ROW I Designers of Fine Furs…


… TRIMMED SWEATERS, etc El-Mars Furs 13661 W. 1 1 Mile, just West of Coolidge Oak Pork, Mich. ( Across from A & P) MONDAY . THRU FRIDAY 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. No hone calls please mar Od ysse y ' s / hc…

… Detroit Institute of Art-Brunch & Concert Dec. 8 Luncheon at Cranbrook House Dec. 10 Detroit Symphony Orchestra-Coffee Concert Dec. 15 fun Night Broadway Hit Musical "Bubbling Brown Sugar" fisher Theatre…

… Chalutzim (grades 5 and 6) and Kadimah (grades 7 and 8) may call Gail Kes- sler, Chalutzim adviser, 352-8127; Terry Moss, Kadimah adviser, 354- 0315; or the synagogue of- fice. NCSY Drop-In .,Center to Open…

… The drop-in-center of Detroit National Confer- ence of Synagogue Youth, 17071 W. 10 Mile Rd. will be open every Wednesday 7-10 p.m. All teenagers are wel- come. Nov. 3 there will be a surprise program…

October 08, 1976 • Page Image 12

… the Jewish Young Adults of Windsor, Bnai Moshe Singles, the Bayit, )3nai Brith Hillel Foundation on the Wayne State University campus, Beth Abraham-Hillel New Dimension Singles, the Israeli Student Or…

… this frequency of events was realized. According to Cynthia Leven, a graphic illus- trator and vice president of the MJSC (formerly Michigan Jewish Young Adult Council), five years ago there was only one…

… on the needs of Jewish singles. In March 1974, the Michigan Jewish Young Adult Council was formed with Ferman as its head and Owens and Leider- man as advisers. Original member organizations included…

… Foundation asurer and past president — an organization devoted of the Beth Abraham- to raising funds for Hillel group would like to Dysautonotnia — a Jewish "see the MJSC grow to be genetic disease — by sel…

… the young adults to start programming again. 'Soon, other groups were started in Detroit and Windsor and they began scheduling prog- rams on top of each other. Alan Ferman, a former University of

… avail- able on a regular basis to Jewish singles age 18-25, owing to the efforts of the IVIichigail Jewish Singles Council and the Jewish Community Center. However, it is only within the past, year that…

… LANE ALAN FERMAN MARVIN WAGNER JAY SILVERMAN group became inactive when its director, Sy Kap- lan, left the synagogue, and was reactivated when Mel Owens of synagogue's youth corn- mission approached…

… Windsor student now of Toronto, who led the Jewish Young Adults of Windsor, ap- proached the Detroit groups with the idea ,of forming a council to pre- vent scheduling conflicts. Owens called a meeting in…

… his home of the rep- resentatives of various Jewish organizations. The groups and their delegates included Frank Leider- man, adviser to • Cong. Beth Abraham-Hiller§ New Dimension Singles, Gordon…

… Silverman of the Jewish Community Center, Al Kushner of the Jewish Community Coun- cil and Miss Leven, Caryl Scheuer and Joel Marwil, all of the Bnai Moshe group, and Ferman. After that first meeting to form…

October 15, 1976 • Page Image 41

…- troduced to support the News. tion; a member of the Balfour Concert prog- Michigan Association of ram of the Zionist Or- Jewish Library School Boards; a member ganization of Detroit. Proceeds of the concert…

…. which- includes Sinai, Grace, Providence and Mt. Carmel hospitals. He also was president of the Michigan Volunteer Agencies Group for Un- employment Insurance, which represents 275 Un- ited Foundation…

…- that these were geared cuse University, Mrs. for young adults age Saltzman is a member of 18-35. the Board of Control, Saginaw Valley State Col- e; alternate delegate, higan Association of verning Boards…

… wel- Women Voters, American Mrs. Philip Slomovitz, come. Association of University Mrs. Ira G. Kaufman, Dr. JLA is headed by Mae Women, Bloomfield Art Maxwell Hoffman and Dr. Weine, librarian of Cong…

…. Presented • annually since 1951, the Federa- tion award is the most prestigious honor confer- red by Detroit's Jewish community. It is given in memory of Fred M. But- zel, a Federation founder and Detroit…

… philan- thropist. Lefton is a member of the Federation board of - governors, associate chairman of Federation's capital needs committee, a member of United Jewish Charities board of directors and on its…

… fi- nance committee which is responsible for the ad- ministration of UJC in- vestments. A past president of the Detroit Service Group, Lefton is active in the Al- lied Jewish Campaign- Israel Emergency…

… Fund. He is a member of the 1976 Campaign Cabinet. In past years he has held many positions including pre- campaign chairman. He is a former presi- dent of Jewish Homd for Aged where he has held various…

… posts over the years. He also is a former Kraft Family Forest Dedicated "The Jules and Shirley Kraft. Family Forest" was dedicated recently by Shirley Kraft as a tribute to the memory of her hus- band…

…, Jules; and in honor of herself and their chil- dren, Gerald and Sandra Kraft, and grandchildren, Michael and Lynn. The forest is located in the John F. Kennedy Peace Forest near Jerusalem. The dedica…

October 08, 1976 • Page Image 30

… Officers The ninth grade of Hillel Day School has elected as class officers Michael Hershkovitz, president, Mark Shostak, vice president, Ruth Gil- bert, secretary, David Gottfried, treasurer. The class has…

… also started bagel sales every Wednesday, and the Hillel PTO has begun planning a Hanuka gift shop. tein, associate director of the Religious Action Center of the Union of American Hebrew Con…

…-5651. 358-3642 Women's Clubs 1 BIRMINGHAM and FRANKLIN GROUPS, Hadassah, will hear Oak- land University Profes- sor of Political Science, Roger Marz, speak on "Political- Trends in the U.S., - 12:30 p…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30 Friday, October 8, 1976 Temple Sisterhoods District Plans Biennial Event at Temple Emanu-El District 11, National tion will be "To Every- Federation of Temple Sis- thing…

… There is a Season." More than 150 sister- terhoods, will have its biennial convention Oct. hood delegates from 18-20 at Temple Emanu- Michigan, Indiana and El. Theme for the conven- ‘ Windsor are expected…

… Kretzer of North Hollywood, Calif., vice president of the NFTS. Mrs. Kretzer and Mrs. Joseph Maltzer, president-elect of the NFTS, will conduct the in- stallation ceremony Oct. 19. Mrs. Sidney Katzman, past…

… president of the Tem- ple Emanu-El Sisterhood will be installed as presi- dent. Rabbi David Sapers- eves. BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS & POULTRY ib, 1ST CUT LAMB CHOPS $ 2.25 HAMBURGER 99c lb. 3 lbs or…

… more S i CHUCK ROAST MRS. KRETZER CASH & CARRY ONLY 13500 W. 7 Mile Rd. of Schaefer DI 1-2345 WE DELIVER TiVng Itattartstyte is as eas3rasyklef93aisLvVitit, ketp frontChef Toy-ar-dee s…

…Pagheto sauce 2 -s o u4 spatial FREE! GIFT couPon- • Invite Chef Boy-Ar-Dee . to cook for you when you want a taste of real Italian ta'am. With the Chef's home-style Meatless or Mushroom Spaghetti Sauce on…

… hand, you'll have a delicious dish 1-2-3. Perfect as a tangy sauce for roasts or ground meat, both styles of the Chef's sauce go equally well with chicken, fish and omelets. Of course, they're ideal for…

October 08, 1976 • Page Image 18

… the Uni- versity of Illinois and be- came one of the pioneers of the Hillel -Foundation, which began there. In addition . to "The Court of Our Times," his PBS television series, Dr. Sachar is the author…

… Free Synagogue in New York City, she has also served congregations in Illinois, Mississippi, Wis- consin, Michigan and Ohio. The author of many articleS of Judaic content, Rabbi Preisand has re- ceived…

… Bloomfield. Dr. Abram Sachar, chancellor and founder of Brandeis University, and author of "Host at Last," will be the opening speaker. He will speak on "Books Are a Lifeline," 8 M LTER OAK PARK 26011…

…. Sachar was born in New -York City and raised in St. Louis. Upoff com- pletion of studies at Washington University, Harvard, and Cambridge University in England, Dr. Sachar joined the his- tory faculty of

… holds a Bachelor of Arks degree from the Univer- sity of Cincinnati and an honorary doctorate of Hebrew Letters from Florida International University. Currently the assistant rabbi of the Stephen Wise…

… graduated from the City College of New York in 1940, and has taught at Brandeis and Stanford UniversitieS and is cur- rently Distinguished Pro- fessor of English, City UniverSity of New York Graduate School…

… AND SELL ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEANERS 3 convenient locations ODOR HOUSEKEEPER STORES `United thors during its eight day run . , Nov. 13-22 at the main Jewish Community Center complex in West…

… COOLIDGE, Nof 101/2 Rd. LI 6 - 0089 . BIRMINGHAM BLOOMFIELD PLAZA Telegraph-Maple 851 6223 - OE TACO 19179 LIVERNOIS, N. of 7 Mile 861-0701 OF HARVARD ROW INC. Designers of Fine Furs Complete Fur…

of "Hisfory of the Jews," now in its fifth edition and 26th printing. The recipient of 25 hon- orary degrees and a pro- lific author, Dr. Sachar was appointed by PreSi- dent Lyndon Johnson to serve on…

…. Rabbi Sally, Preisand; author of "Judaism and the New Woman," will ad- dress the 10 a.m. session. The first woman rabbi to be ordained by any theological seminary, Rabbi Priesand will speak on "More Than…

October 29, 1976 • Page Image 55

… Dr. Milton Mutch- nick, assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School. His annual visits to Israel take Musical Entertainment Big Bands or Small Combos 3 5 5…

…. (fteven Bernard•Jewelerf, Ltd) 22085 Michigan Ave. 1 1/2 Blks East of Jacobsons W. Dearborn 562-8484 • Fine Jewelry • Fine China • Crystal • • Experts in Jewelry Appraisal • Custom Designers • Rivers…

… soul. Gary Kushner in Hillel Post LANCASTER, Pa. — Gary Kushner of South- field has been named president of Hillel House at Franklin and Marshall College this fall. Kushner is 'a senior majoring in…

…Friday, October 29, 1976 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH HAL GORDON Ma'alot Memories Kept Alive By DR. MILTON MUTCHNICK Editor's Note: This is the third in a series of arti- cles by…

…- try. The memories of the massacre at Ma'alot have begun to fade-, except for Israelis and particularly for the people of Ma'alot. In spring 1974, a band of Palestinian terrorists infiltrated over the…

… nearby Lebanese border and worked their way to this settlement of Moroccan Jews. With in- formation provided by local Israeli Arabs, the terrorists approached the town's school wherein some 30 students…

… children died. Israelis no longer care to capture infiltrators and, at the slightest provoca- tion, will kill them. There is a groundswell of public opinion to mete out to the Palestinian terrorists and…

… Syrian Arabs the same form of deadly activity. Most Is- raelis would find it dif- ficult not to support a One World A. Henry Pokart Ken K. Dreibelbeis A.S.I.D. Edward C. Neubacher, Jr. M.I.P.D. Catherine…

… Rowbottom Linda D. Shears 205-217 Pierce Street Birmingham, Michigan 48011 Phone: 645-1160 iittala finland By PAUL ELDRIDGE All men are created equal In love and pain and fear All men live equal In hope…

… black skin and the yellow skin— The moon illumines the puddle The rain has scooped At the pariah's door As it illumines the sea Which girdles the nation Of his strutting lord — All men are created equal…

October 08, 1976 • Page Image 32

… Abraham-Hillel, a mem- -.ber of the Chai Commit- tee of the National Con- ference of Synagogue Youth and a member of its Finance Committee. A graduate of Wayne Cong. Bnai Moshe's young marrieds group…

… Elaine Mos- kowitz, 545-1919. Oakland County. the Michigan Trial Kaufman is associate Lawyers Association and editor of the Journal of is a fellow of the Interna- the American Trial tional Academy of Law…

… peers to the State Bar of Michigan Workmen's Compensation Council from 1970 to 1973. He was nominated by the voters in the 14 counties comprising the second judicial district to seek a seat on the…

Michigan Court of Appeals in 1974. In that election, Kaufman received more votes than any other can- didate for that office in Alptner-Cohen Engagement We have the very best discounts in town. Levelors…

… member of the Detroit and Oakland County Bar 642-1039 Associations. Kaufman retains membershi in SAYS, BERNARD L. KAUFMAN State University and its law school, Kaufman was appointed to the Lawyer…

… • PORTRAITS • MOVIES let there be light inc. "AN ADVENTURE IN CONTEMPORARY LIGHTING" 536 n. wood ward birmingham, michigan 48011 313-646-4662 Marrieds Group Sets Sukkot Lunch EXHIBITION AND SALE…

… Court 'bench, has listed his qualifications for the post. Kaufman has been a trial and appellate attor- ney for 23 years and is president of his law firm. He is an active member and trustee of Cong. Beth…

… Lawyers Association, a and Science. post he has held since 1959. He is a charter member of the litigation MICHAEL KAPLIT section of the American Photograihy Bar Association, and a Weddings • Bar Mitzvas…

… Consultation Panel and to the International As- sociation of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. He also was appointed arbitrator of the American Arbitra- tion Association. Kaufman was elected by his…

…. Morn 28611 W. 12 Mile Rd. These classes are taught by Sallee Rosen, a certified Yoga teacher & member of the Yoga Association of Greater Detroit for info call 569 2841 or 569 2837. - CLIS OM I I…

October 29, 1976 • Page Image 6

… charge and reservations are required. of the Synagogue," in Shiffman Hall. He will be co-sponsored by National Council of Jewish Women, Michigan Region, Wo- men's American ORT and Brandeis University Na…

…, co-sponsored by the Schools Women's Au- Jewish National Fund and xiliary, Hillel Day School the Zionist Organization of PTO, and Akiva Day Detroit. School PTA will co- Rabbi Kertzer has sponsor the…

… • 5000 DIXIE HIGHWAY *FORMERLY E.L. RICE CATALOG SHOWROOMS SOUTHFIELD • 27065 GREENFIELD ROAD MT. CLEMENS • 37555 GRATIOT AVENUE Des Pres, a graduate of Southern Missouri State University who received…

… his PhD degree from Washington University, is a junior fellow in the Society of Fellows at Harvard University. Researching for a book on the positive aspects of survival, Des Pres became interested in…

… to Canada. She - not on-ly mastered the English language,- but became a registered nurse, completing a spe- cial course in cardio- vascular disease at the University of Toronto. The lecture is open to…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 29, 1976 Holocaust Among Topics of Book Fair Lectures For A Lively & Festive Wedding, Bar Mitzva Or Any Simcha Terrence Des Pres, Chava Kwinta, Dr. Leon…

… ESTIMATE. WE HAVE EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT. • Des Pres, author of "The Survivor: An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps," will speak on 'A Talent for Life." His appearance at 10 a.m. Nov. 17 in the Aaron De…

…Roy Studio Theater is co-sponsored by the Maimonides Medical Soc- iety Women's Auxiliary and Detroit Women of Alpha Omega. An op- tional 9:30 a.m. breakfast will be served in Room 239 of the Center. There is a…

…- tional Women's Commit- tee. been spiritual leader of several New York synagogUes, and has served as national direc- tor of inter-religious af- fairs for the American Jewish Committee. He is the author of

… several works, the best known of which is the book, "What Is A Jew?" by Chava Kwinta, author of "I'm Still Living," 10 a.m. Nov. 18 in the Aaron DeRoy Studio Theater. She will speak on "The Struggle for…

October 29, 1976 • Page Image 41

…. • Southfield, Michigan 354-6100 ANNOUNCING-LOWER INTEREST RATE ON AUTO LOANS 10%* 36 Monthly Payments MISS GREENSPAN Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greenspan of Stellamar Ave., Southfield, an- nounce the engagement of

… Herman, acting dean of Monteith College at Wayne State University, will speak on "A Jewish Odyssey in Paris: Reflec- tions and Anecdotes." Luncheon, prepared by Mrs. Sam Dobkin, will be served. Mrs. Daniel…

… meeting 2 p.m. Sunday at Hadassah House, 16240 W. Seven Mile. Lillian Genser, director of the Center for Teaching About Peace and War at Wayne State University, will speak on "Social Val- ues in the People…

… meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday at Castle Hall. Refreshments and games. * * * SHAAREY ZEDEK SISTERHOOD will pre- sent Esther K. Shapiro, director of consumer af- fairs for the City of De- troit, 10 a.m. Wednesday…

… 9 P.M. Dazzling Gifts and Treasure Finds West Nine Mile Rd. Sutton Place Lodge Between Lahser and Telegraph • Luncheon Snax Dinner SINAI HOSPITAL OF DETROIT TO ELECT TRUSTEES AT ANNUAL MEETING…

… The nominating committee of the board of trustees of Sinai Hospital of Detroit will present'seven names for elec- tion at the annual meeting of the corpora- tion Monday, November 22, at 8 p.m., in' the…

…. Steinberg According to Article VII, Section 2 of the hospital's corporate by-laws: "Nomi- nations of persons as candidates for trus- tees may also be made by not less than fifty (50) members of the Special…

… Mem- bership Class* of the corporation who shall certify to the secretary in writing the names of their nominees at least ten (10) days before the annual meeting of such members of the corporation…

…. *Special Membership Class consists of those persons, who must be individuals, who have contributed and paid either to Sinai Hospital of Detroit or to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, during the year…

… preceding the month ir• which the annual meeting of the corporation is held, money or property in an amount or value of not less than One Hundred ($100.00) dollars. Those persons granted honorary or life…

October 22, 1976 • Page Image 49

… at the University of Roches- ter (N.Y.) will be inter- viewed. * * * HIGHLIGHTS: 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Channel 2, Robert Perliss, comman- der of the Department of Michigan, Jewish War Veterans, will review…

… origin Laborites Sponsor Candidate Forum The Jewish Labor Committee, Labor Zionist' Alliance and Workmen's • Circle will co-sponsor a •forum of Michigan Sup- reme Court candidates 7 p.m. Sunday, at the…

….m., Wednes- day, WQRS-FM (105.1), Part IX of a 13-week series featuring perfor- mances by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. * BAZAAR Beth Abraham-Hillel Sisterhood NOV. 14, 1976 5075 Free Admission…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS WRUBEL & KOZ1N FURS 189 Townsend, Birm. Seeing Is Believing 135 & up Curly Lamb Jackets while supply lasts sorry no phone orders No Furs labeled to shots country of

… Labor Zionist Institute. The forum is open to the public at no charge. For information, call Harriet Arnowitz, district direc- tor of Workmen's Circle, 537-5440 or 537-5424. CHALK TALK 642-2547 After 5…

… , European Style DOWN QUILTS • . made to order NEWS: 6:30 a.m. Sunday, CKWW (680). * * * ETERNAL LIGHT: 8:25 a.m. Sunday, WJR-FM (96.3), Rabbi Abraham J. Karp, professor of history and religious studies…

… the history of JWV. * * * THE SHALOM SHOW: 5 p.m. Sunday, CJOM-FM (88.7) Hebrew and Yid- dish music, features, in- terviews, comedy and community calendar, with Steve Cheifetz. * * * LUBAVITCH JEWISH…

…- jamin R. Epstein, na- tional director of the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, will be in- terviewed. * * * Traurigs Quilt & Pillow Jewish Youth Focus of Program factory showroom 342-9448 15144 W…

…. 7 Mile est . 1919 Sat . by Appt. NEW YORK — The American Jewish Con- gress is launching a new weekly English-language radio program dealing with the expression of Jewish identity among young people…

…. The prog- ram, which will be called "Yedid Nefesh" ("friend of my soul"), will debut 10 p.m. Nov. 7 on WEVD-FM (97.9) in New York. "Yedid Nefesh" will be produced and hosted by Robert Cohen, writer…

October 22, 1976 • Page Image 23

… the Detroit area. Stevenson Elementary School 27705 Lahser Road Southfield, Michigan where a seed of Jewish tradition will be planted. Mail Warning The Jewish News will have a normal local…

… Southfield (27705 Lahser). Dr. Leonard Fein Will Deliver Adat Shalom Bloomberg Talk Dr. Leonard Fein, Brandeis University Pro- fessor of Contemporary Jewish Studies, will de- liver the fourth ann-ual Morris…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS [Synagogue 1 Services ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE: Services 6 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Andrew Sallan, Bar Mitzva. CONG. BETH ABRAHAM-HILLEL: Services 7 and 8:15 p…

… at Cong. Bais Chabad of West Bloomfield, Cong. Beth Isaac of Trenton, Tem- ple Beth Jacob of Pontiac, Cong. Beth Jacob-Mogain Abraham, Cong. Beth Tefilo Emmanuel Tikvah, Cong. Beth Tephilath Moses of

… Mt. Clemens, Cong. Bnai Is- rael of Pontiac, Cong. Bnai Israel-Beth, Yehudah, Cong. Bnai Jacobs, Cong. Bnai Zion, Cong. Dovid Ben Nuchim, Downtown Synagogue, Ha-Ner Ha-Tamid, Livonia Jewish…

… Congregation, Cong. Mishkan Israel Nusach H'Ari, Cong. Shaarey Shomayim, Shomer Is- rael (13430 W. Seven Mile), Cong. Shomrey Emunah, Young Israel of Greenfield, Young Israel of Oak- Woods and Young Israel of

… E. Bloomberg Judaica Lecture of Adat halom Synagogue 8:15 .m. Thursday in the ynagogue. Dr. Fein will speak on "The Chosen People Chooses — A Jewish Perspective on the American Presidential Election…

…". A co-founder of Moment magazine, Dr. Fein is a political sociologist by training. He was a consul- tant to numerous agencies of the United States gov- ernment, and is a trustee Named to UAHC…

… . Ellen Fivenson, past president of Temple Beth El of Traverse City, has been elected to the execu- tive board of the North- east Lakes Council of the Union of American Heb- rew Congregations. Sephardim to…

… Meet, Honor Members The Sephardic Com- munity of Detroit will meet 8:30 p.m. Sunday at. the Zionist Cultural Center. Rabbi Samuel Betsalel will speak on his summer with the Sephardic community of

October 29, 1976 • Page Image 50

…,500 members and has assets nearing $2 million. * * * Award Recipient at Luncheon Event Shenandoah Country Club the travelers tower lobby David K. Easlick, presi- dent of Michigan Bell Telephone Co., was…

… Contractors As- sociation, Inc., Southeast- ern Michigan Chapter. He is a past president of Cong. Beth Shalom. Men's Club and a past master of the Oak Park Masonic Lodge. He is treasurer and president of the…

… Israel Bond office, 968- 0200. The reward of study is the understanding. —The Talmud 9:45 HIGHLIGHTS: a.m. Sunday, Channel 2, Rabbi Max Kapustin, re- tired director of the Hillel Foundation at Wayne…

…50 Friday, October 29, 1976 • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Historian Recalls Ochs Story Jacob R. Marcus, direc- we then received, the col- tor of the American lege may well have with- Jewish Archives…

…, recalled ered on the vine. a story about New York "The Adolph S. Ochs Times publisher Adolph Professorship at the col- S. Ochs, on the occasion of lege was endowed by Ochs the U.S. government's is- daughter…

…, Iphigene Ochs suance of a stamp com- Sulzberger. memorating Ochs. "Incidentally, the orig- In a letter to advertis- inal name of the pub- ing agency head Leonard lisher was A. Ochs, but Simons, Marcus wrote…

… Ochs been for the money which was pulling his leg. From that time on he called himself Adolph S. Ochs." MACK PITT and His Orchestra Israeli Invalids Guests of Belgians BRUSSELS (JTA) — Five Israeli…

… war veterans suffering from paralysis are spending a week. in Belgium as guests of the Antwerp Bnai Brith. 358-3642 CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Seating Up to 400 Call Our Banquet Manager 682…

… years experience. Covenant Credit Union services members of Bnai Brith lodges and chapters in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties, and members of their im- mediate families. . The credit union serves 2…

… intro- duced at the recent lunc- heon in advance of the Nov. 16 Bnai Brith Inter- national Huminatarian Award Dinner to be held at Cobo Hall. Easlick will receive a gold medallion for his "distinguished…

October 22, 1976 • Page Image 37

… engagement of their daughter, Rose- lyn Carol, to Martin Reisig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reisig of Southfield. Mr. Reisig is a graduate of the University of Michigan. A February wedding is planned. with a…

…. Cantor Shabtai Acker- man of Cong. Beth Abraham-Hillel and Can- tor Louis Klein of Cong. Bnai Moshe, accom- panied by Eric Rosenow, will perform. Mrs. Leo Laufer, president, invites friends. 2 cups cherry…

… open mem- bership tea, 2-4 p.m. Sun- day at the home of Mrs. Sherman Nacmani, 17342 Jeanette, Southfield. Kitty Wagner, beauty consultant, will be guest speaker. Guests are in- vited. For information…

…, call Mrs. Nacmani, 559- 6225; or Mrs. Charles Stein, 559-1468. * * * ACHIEZER will meet 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the home of Mrs. Rita Schreiber, 17266 Sher- villa, Southfield. Co- hostesses are Bina Wagner…

… and Rina Ehrlich. A film will be shown and a boutique gift selection will be featured. ( Guests are welcome. * * * DETROIT WOMEN OF ALPHA OMEGA will hold their annual membership tea to honor new mem…

…- bers noon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ben Wein- berg, 3570 Walbi Dr., Bloomfield Hills. * * * SOUTHWOODS CHAP- TER, Women's American - ORT, will hold a garage sale 10 a.m.-4 p.m. today through Sunday at…

… the home of Edie Zeldes, 30109 Woodhaven Ln., • Southfield. Southwoods will also have its used book sale Dec. 1-3 at Har- vard Row Mall. To have donated books picked up, call Gerry Binder, 358- 1277…

…, afternoons. * * * NORTHWEST CHILD RESCUE WOMEN will have a luncheon meeting 11:30 a.m. Thursday in the home of Eva Wolf, 15301 Oakwood, Oak Park. Results will be given on the cannister drive and games night…

…. Arrangements are being made for the Nov. 11 luncheon at Knob Woods Apts. club house where Mrs. Wylan Shane, presi- dent of National Mizrachi Women, will. speak. * * * JEWISH WOMEN EUROPEAN WELFARE ORGANIZATION…

… will meet noon Monday at the home of Ann Barkles, 20565 Patton, Detroit. Re- freshments will be served. * * * DAVID-HORODOKER WOMEN'S ORGANIZA- TION will meet noon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. A. Kogan…

October 01, 1976 • Page Image 24

… Significance of Shuva." Regular services will be held at Adat Shalom Synagogue, Cong. Bais Chabad of West Bloomfield, Cong. Beth Abraham-Hillel, Cong. Beth Achim, Cong. Beth Isaac of Trenton, Temple Beth Jacob…

… ,efforts by all disciplines engaged in the care of the bereaved and the study of the effects of grief will be held at Yeshiva University in New York on Oct. 19. The Third Annual In- terdisciplinary Educa…

…- tional Conference on Be- reavement and Grief is being jointly sponsored by the Jewish Funeral. Directors of America, Inc., members of allied professions throughout the nation, and Yeshiva University. Some…

…24 Friday, October 1, 1976 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS SURVIVORS OF 1945 • Traverse Temple Has Guest Rabbi Traverse City's .Temple Beth El will host Rabbi David B. Weisberg for its High Holiday…

… services. Guests are invited. Rabbi Weisberg is pro- fessor of Bible and Semi- tic languages at Hebrew- Union College. He has held pulpits in Chicago, Cincinnati and New York. The temple announces Mrs. Sue…

… Community in behalf of Memorial Center by the Shaarit Haplaytah. By Mayer Lipman Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Memorial Center. Former educator of Tarbut Schools in Poland and United Hebrew…

… Schools of Detroit. Underground fighter during Nazi Tyrany in World War II. Rabbi Named The days of ROSH HASHANA and YOM KIPPUR are days of man's self-examination ; days of taking stock between man and…

… his Creator. - All the prayers are directed towards man's life, and man's life depends upon the will and mercy of his Creator. Thus in the prayers we recite, "The whole world trembles before you ; for…

… who is not counted on this day ; the record of all creation comes before you." The prayer UNSANE TOKEF is a prayer of man pleading for mercy and life not to be punished with death. From these days of

… awe we learn that everything is centered between the living and his Creator, and that all of it is on the basis of the persons deeds and examination of them. Still, there is a moment during these days…

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