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October 26, 1973 • Page Image 15

… Synagogue Youth, Aliya BBG, Birmingham Temple Youth Group, Bnei Akiva, Bnai David Hebrew School and youth group, Beth Abraham-Hillel's youth group and Hebrew school, Eastern Michigan University, Habo- nim…

…, Junior Young Israel, Oakland University, Shaarey Zedek Hebrew School, Wayne State University, Yeshivath Beth Yehudah, Hillel Day School, David Horodoker Women, Shaar ey Zedek Cemetery Association and…

…Six Ambulances Donated to Magen David Adom; Help of 'Children, BI Capturing the spirit of em- many scores of Detroiters the Israel counterpart of the sums needed for the Israel Emergency Fund, and…

… as in- pathy with the sufferers conducted efforts here in be- Red Cross. Compared with the vast vestments in Israel Bonds, from the Middle East war, half of Magen David Adorn, Magen David is a small…

… fac- tor, but it played a great role as supplementary support to give courage to the people of Israel and the fighters for survival. It was an immense result. 0 Six ambulances were do nated (in sums of

…). Efforts for Magen David were inspired two days after the outbreak of the Yom Kippur outrage at a meeting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mintz. Mrs. Mintz is chairman of the Magen David women's division…

…. Im- mediately, responses came from many quarters — all gifts being additional to the major funds for the United Jewish Appeal. Children solicited with can- isters, offers of blood dona- tions came from…

… many quar- ters, and lists of names of those offering blood are be- ing compiled. If needed, these offers will be utilized. Dr. John Mames heads the Lauder's is keeping Detroit Chapter of Magen company…

… listing names of dollar price. You potential blood donors. There are many gifts from can buy Lauder's non-Jews, some of them for a song. deeply moving. Such as this one, marked "For Isrel $ 26 or 4/5 Qt…

…. People": Authentic Scotch "Dear Friends, just $20 Dollar (Crown) minted but it is from mine hart. V2 Gal. Pint between 1603-1625. I'm Lithuanian, and have Symbol of Lauder's. all taxes included many Je…

October 12, 1973 • Page Image 31

…U-M Professor on Agenda of AJCommittee NEW YORK—Former Su- preme Court Justice Earl Warren, and Dr. Elizabeth Douvan of the University of Michigan are among the speakers who will address the…

…'s Survey Re- Hillel Foundations since search Center developing a 1940, 21 of them as director research program on the of program and resources. changing roles of women and He has been international men. Her…

… Schott, members of When in doubt, tell the the Hillel executive board truth.—Mark Twain. The season's first Jewish Community Council delegate assembly will convene 8:15 p.m. Oct. 23 at Temple Emanu…

… featuring a Testimonial Dinner, to be presentation by Dr. Douvan, held Oct. 28 at Cong. Shaarey Kellogg Professor of Psy- Zedek, will feature Bnai chology at the University of Brith International Director…

Michigan, on "The Women's Dr. Alfred Jospe as guest Movement as a New Social speaker. Force in America." Dr. Jospe has been as- Dr. Douvan heads a group sociated with the Bnai Brith at the university

…'s laboratory are used for diagnosis and treat- ment in coordination with the work being done at the University of Arkansas Med- ical Center by Dr. Eleanor Lipsmeyer, who occupies the chair of rheumatology co…

… national executive coun- cil of the American Jewish Committee at its annual meeting Oct. 25-28, at Stouf- fer's Riverfront Inn, St. Louis. Justice Warren, chief jus- tice of the United States from 1953 to…

…, October 12, 1973-31 to Address Kapustin Testimonial Delegate Assembly on Oct. 23 "exceptional advancement of the principles of human liberty." The Rabbi Max Kapustin The meeting will -begin with a luncheon…

… analysis of the director since 1971. women's movement will serve Honorary chairmen of the as a springboard for discus- Kapustin dinner are Irwin I. sion of AJC's positions on Cohn, Wayne State Univer- the…

… role of women in Jewish sity. president. George toE. communal life, in social ac- Gullen, Leonard N. Simons tion programs, and in the and Dr. William Haber. Jewish family. Mrs. Philip P. Fealk and Arthur…

October 26, 1973 • Page Image 2

… communities. Overwhelmingly, they gave their financial support. We need select only one sample of student solidarity: that displayed at the University of Michigan. Prof. William Haber was so deeply moved by the…

… world powers in a lynch economics at the University of Michigan, was one of its scene with Jews as targets? Now Iran asks all Arab states to nationalize Ameri- organizers in his student days at Harvard…

… affiliation are provided, through Hillel, in practically all of our institutions of higher learn- ing, and the debt to Hillel is immense from a Jewish community that craves for more dedication to their people…

… UN's Degradations Honors planned for Rabbi Max Kapustin, on the oc- The international organization keeps degrading itself. casion of his 25th anniversary of service to Hillel Founda- tion at Wayne…

… by college students. At Wayne State University, the inspiration that comes from Rabbi Kapustin is felt not only among the Jewish students who affiliate with Hillel but also from the faculty that has…

…. Shameful acts of the Hitler era must not be repeated. George Meany, president of AFL-CIO, pursues the warning in an expression of his sense of outrage over what had occurred in Moscow during the University

… behavior at the University Games was a blow against all human decency and not only against the Israelis. This behavior is of the same spirit and stripe as the Kremlin's inhuman treatment of the Russian…

… State University, provides an opportunity Iraq has been named a three-year member of the UN to take into account the values of the movement to which Security Council. It disgraces the World Human Rights…

… the combined forces of the numerous enemies and their overwhelming forces, the UN Security Council steps in to end the conflict and to rescue the darlings of the would-be perpetrators of another…

… holocaust. Let us be grateful for what had happened—for the genius of Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger who is earning the Nobel Peace Prize with his firm steps to end wars! Many lives of the flower of

October 05, 1973 • Page Image 3

… regular passbook savings in Michigan. NORTHLAND (Lot G) EASTLAND (LOT 3) Special Sale of 2 in 1 ALL WEATHER COATS Worth Much More ray 99 ALL SIZES 6 to 18 All With ZIP-IN Acrylic Pile LINING…

… resulting from a growth at the base of the brain, which presses upon the auditory nerve. The Hebrew University's hearing laboratory is the only place in Israel where it is possible to set up hearing tests…

…'s medical faculty. This is believed to be the first laboratory to carry out such tests using only external electrodes. Dr. Harvey Sheldon Sohmer, senior lecturer in physiology at the faculty, and Hillel Pratt…

…, PhD candidate in neurobiology, have developed a device which, by means of electrocochleography (re- cording of electric activity from the inner ear), can re- cord electric reactions in humans to vocal…

… stimuli. - like previous devices record nervous reac- tions, their instrument does not require the insertion of an electrode into the inner ear or hearing area of the subject's brain. Instead, it uses a set…

of external elec- trodes which receive ex- tremely accurate nerve reac. tions, exactly as though the electrode were inside the ear. The device consists of a set of earphones, through which the subject…

… hears sounds of graduated inten- sity; a set of electrodes which are attached to the earlobe, the nose and the upper part of the head (vertex), and which monitor the reactions of the inner ear and the…

… base of the brain to the sounds emitted from the earphones; and a small computer ("averaging computer") which operates on-line during the examina- tion. The computer isolates the reaction to the vocal…

… stimulus from outside inter- ference or internal disturb- ances. A graph describing the re- action of the auditory nerve and that of the four "nuclei" in the base of the brain (which constitute the "audi…

…. There are four general categories of people whose hearing can be better tested by the new device than by traditional methods. These include infants whose moth- ers contracted rubella (Ger- man measles) or…

October 12, 1973 • Page Image 8

…- do. The people of Israel shall University under the auspices selves. live. We have much to do. of the Jewish Student Educa- Students in the United He- tional Forum and the Hillel brew High School held…

… devo- As of Wednesday, it was tion on the University of tion to liberty and justice by announced, 2,160 Soviet Jews Michigan campus. A total of assisting Israel financially. Your support is urgently…

… canis- Joe Bale, commander of defense of our country." the enemy." and offer that hour to help ters. the Department of Michigan, In Ann Arbor, 1,500 stu- Jewish War Veterans is- GOLDA MEIR us reach every…

… contributor in ABBA EBAN the community, large or dents attended a rally spon- sued an appeal to all Amer- Premier of Israel Foreign Minister of Israel sored by the Hillel Founda- small." icans to express their…

… people of Israel. on behalf of the American celerated rate of immigra- Joel Poupko, Hillel director, Physicians Fellowship, Inc., tion brought the current addressed the rally. is forming medical teams to…

… American Red Magen David for Israel TO: 400 Jews who were en route sociation, and Sol Segall, have not been called back, it Michigan Region • to Schoenau from the Soviet manager of the Oak Park was stressed…

…Detroit Jewry Responds Generously to Israel's Needs potential donors can be put cago, St. Louis, Toledo and line was maintaining regular Donin and their daughter, ther of one of the students, on…

… reserve through Magen Ann Arbor, the Council of operations. There were 150 Miriam, left by El Al plane who has offered office space tions and briefings in Israel, David Adorn by calling Bnai Orthodox Rabbis…

of Metro- Detroiters booked on El Al for Israel Monday. Their to take orders, can be said: "The boys I have just Brith, 354-6100. politan Detroit called a par- tours in Israel, he said, and three other…

… stands firm and has a received by The Jewish News Emergency Fund will be des- At 1 p.m., a prayer meet- by them, or the almost 25,000 arrived in Israel earlier. high morale. You leaders of from non•Jews as…

October 19, 1973 • Page Image 35

… Federation - sponsored Project "JOIN" — an intern- ship program for college youth which will function in two phases during the winter months at the University of Michigan Hillel and during the summer at…

…Congressman Gerald Ford Ntrongly Defended Israel I THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 19, 1973-35 Reform College of Jewish Studies Offers Adult Education Courses At the convention of the…

… Zionist Organization of America in Pittsburgh, Sept. 4, 1971, Detroit delegates conferred with Congressman Gerald Ford of Grand Rapids, minority leader of the House of Representatives. Rep. Ford told the…

… delegates that the Nixon administra- tion will adhere to a policy of support and defense of rael. Conferring with him are, from left,: Mrs. Joel Congressman Gerald Ford of Grand Rapids, who has been named…

… for the post of vice president is a consistent supporter of Israel's position and the country's needs for defense. Ford reaffirmed his strong- ly sympathetic attitude to- ward Israel after his nomin…

…. Slomovitz, Mrs. Sidney Leib, Mrs. Jack Greenberg, Mrs. Sanford Bennett and Dr. Jack Greenberg. ation for vice president, de- on behalf of Israel, has been great power to consolidate its Glaring that the U…

….S. should honored nationally by the grip on this vital region — he provide military assistance to Zionist Organization of Amer- made this statement: protect Israel's existence and ica at a major function in…

… Fleet against any outright Sept. 4, 1971. Soviet ambitious intervention, At the ZOA's Pittsburgh just as Israeli soldiers and convention he said that "Is- airmen man the ramparts of rael stands in the…

… path of the the free world in Israel it- historic Russian drive to the self." south . . . that it is neither in The Detroit delegation had the national interest of Israel a brief conference with Con- nor…

of the United States—nor gressman Ford after his ad- of the Arabs — to permit on? i dress to the convention. Jewish Vocational Service Opens New and Larger Suburban Office REP. GERALD FORD Bar…

October 05, 1973 • Page Image 32

… free, is open to the public. "The Michigan chapter of the Juvenile Diabetic Foun- dation, formed last May, aims to secure funds for re- search," Guttentag said. "It is a volunteer organization comprised…

…. Rubenstein, gen- eral chairman of the golden anniversary d i n n e r, an- nounced that Dr. Alfred Jospe, international director of Hillel, will be principal speaker. For tickets, call • Bnai Brith, 354…

… Max Kapus- * little boy is frightened and tin's 25th year as director bruised every time she sees My mother is 80 years old, of Wayne State University's him. She is very upset and has a bad heart…

… emeritus at Wayne State University. Principal speaker at Cri- terion Club's "open house," Prof. Levin will give his analysis of "What's Happen- ed to Government Since the First World War?" The public will be…

… Cleaners Open Again Dr. HARRY MAISEL has been promoted from assistant to associate dean for cur- ricular affairs at Wayne State University's school of medicine. Professor of anat- omy at WSU since 1967, Dr…

…, a yearly grant sponsored by the English Speaking Union of the United States. The first musician to receive this honor, she will live in England and perform there for several months prior to her debut…

… in London. Allan Zumberg of Parklawn Ave., Oak Park, was recently honored by family and friends at a surprise party at the Balmoral Apts. club house on the occasion of be- coming a certified public…

… accountant. The party was given by his wife, Eileen. Dr. Martin Moss, an oral surgeon who practices in Huntington Woods, is the newly president of the Oakland County Dental Society. Dr. Moss is the president…

…-elect of the Detroit Academy of Oral Surgery. The Jewish News has launched a new service for its readers, an advice column which will attempt to answer many of the personal questions that crop up in…

…, other resources will be called upon as problems arise in other areas. Identity of the ques- tioner will be kept confidential. Please address all queries to "Advise Me," care of The Jewish News, 17515 W…

October 19, 1973 • Page Image 27

… moderator; Dr. Raymond SEYMOUR Tanter, professor of political science at the University of KAPLAN Michigan, who will speak on and Co: "Oil and Arms to the Middle IMPORTER AND CUTTERS East;" and Fred Lichtman…

… EVENING UNTIL 9 VC=4=00===DUC=4 . Women's Unit to Host Frank Kelley in Oil Crisis Panel at Temple Israel CITY OF HOPE CANCER KINNERET CHAPTER, Michigan Attorney General the oil crisis real? What is…

… meeting noon Monday at the synagogue. Mrs. M o r r is Brandwine, president of the women's division, J e wi s h W e l f a r e Federation, will speak. David Schwartz's Wife MERILYN, is a most efficient gal…

… TWINSITE OPTICAL CO. Bob Nowak Optician Tues. Wed., Thurs., 9 to 5:30, Fri. 9 to 8, Sat. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Laboratory On The Premises GIRLS' NYLON SKI JACKETS By Gardner Completely washable. Most of them…

… are pile-lined. Red, navy, green, orange and many other colors. SIZES 4 TO 6X REG. SALE PRICE '30 '22 SIZES 7 TO 14 REG. SALE PRICE '32 '24 LAYAWAY FOR COLD WEATHER USE YOUR MICHIGAN RANKARD…

… FIGHTERS will meet 8 p.m. Pioneer Women, will meet Frank Kelley will be among the effect of American for- Monday at the Raleigh House. Mrs. Leo Rosen, pro- gram chairman, has invited Mrs. Ernestine Lerner…

… HANITA chapter s, Pio- neer Women, will hold a combined meeting noon Tuesday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Albert E. Karbal, director of the learning re- source center at Cong. Shaarev Zedek, will…

… present "A Pictorial Journey Through Israel," focusing on selected areas of historical and archeological signifi- c a n c e. Coordinators are Frieda Faigin, Bess Schiff- man and Renee Schuster. Luncheon…

… will be served. There will be a charge, and the public is invited. * * TEMPLE ISRAEL SIS- TERHOOD will meet noon Monday in the temple. Dr. Derek H. Miller, associate chairman of the department of

… Brodsky, vice president of Program; Mesdames Harvey Kozin and Jack Pechenek, social chairmen; and Allan Fox, publicity. For reserva- tions, call the temple, UN 3-7769. * * HEIGHTS GROUP, Hadas- sah…

October 26, 1973 • Page Image 35

…, services The sophomore class at the Once Again Available and development of recrea- of Michigan will tion programs, while keeping University present Leonard Bernstein's the goal of reducing taxes. musical…

… Kapustin Testimonial Din- rael should be visited and ner, featuring Dr. Alfred Jospe, international di- their products purchased. rector of Hillel, at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Admis- Israel is the buffer between…

… meet- GROUPS OF DRESSES Chamber of Commerce of ings regularly. AND SPORTSWEAR... Michigan will sponsor a BENEFIT FOR RETARDED A Very Special Store x Dennis King Seeks CHILDREN 6:30 p.m. Nov. For Pre…

… Letters Young Israel Center of Oak- Woods, will feature Big Bird in Three Volumes Wednesday for his annual State University of New Halloween visit. The costume York Press, Albany, N.Y., was designed by…

…• LETTER BOX Cuhural Calendar of Events in Detroit Jewish Community Editor, The Jewish News: Britain withheld from Is- rael tank parts and other ma- terial for which they have paid—on the pretext…

of im- posing Mideast neutrality, while training Arab armed forces. Members of our com- munity should be aware of this and start a boycott of trips to England. MRS. SHIRLEY PEISNER • faitor, The Jewish…

… News: England and France re- fused to sell badly needed war material to Israel. It is Week of Oct. 26-Nov. 1 about time a boycott be start- ed of French and English Oct. 28-2:30 p.m.—Open House Concert…

… sion. 354-6100. the free world and those ruled by Iron Fist of Com- Oct. 29-8 p.m.—Prof. Jacob Lassner -and Prof. Yitzhak Gal- noor: "The Arab Mind" at Cong. Beth Achim. Free. munism. Let's help keep Is…

… Natalie announces publication, in Yellin. The nursery offers a three volumes, of "Letters of pre-school program for chil- Louis D. Brandeis." dren age 3-5, and enrollment Edited by Profs. Melvin I. is…

…'s comedy and "Progressive and Zion- "THE PLAY'S THE THING,' ist." in the English adaptation by The latter volume contains P. G. Wodehouse, officially a comprehensive account of opens the Hilberry Theater…

October 19, 1973 • Page Image 30

…, a graduate of Goddard College, Vt., is studying to be a herbalist. Daughter Barbara, 21, who attended Eastern Michigan University, is studying yoga in London with the intention of teaching it. Only…

… attends Florida State University, has per- formed with the USO over- seas and with the Michigan State Fair. Actually, there is potential in the Goren family for other "What's My Line?" shows. Son Gary, 22…

…30—Friday, October 19, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS What's Their Line? Bidlofsky-Goldner Rites Announced Activates Mother, Daughter Puzzle Panel For the first time in the 23-year history of

… television's "What's My Line?" a mother and a daughter with unusual occupations will appear as guests — and within one month of each other. On Monday evening, 19- year-old, Carol Goren of Alta Vista Ave…

… (E. of Hunter 4 blks. S. of Maple) Mon.-Sat. 10-5 • KITS • CANVAS • IMPORTED YARNS • Needlepoint & Bargello Classes Starting Oct. 18 —REGISTER NOW- stration in which 80 pounds of cement bags were…

… Prescription or Transfer With Coupon Shield Only Offer Good Thru Sunday, Oct. 21, 1973 Grith f3nat Bnai Brith Women's Coun- cil of Metropolitan Detroit will hold a delegates' meet- ing 8 p.m. Wednesday at…

…-Defamation League chairman, will fea- ture a rumor clinic conduct- ed by Mrs. Phillip Fealk, na- MRS. GERALD BIDLOFSKY tional executive board mem- ber of BIM. A petite lunch- Marilyn Judy Goldner and eon will be…

…- 8:15 p.m. Tuesday at the ciated. home of Mrs. Murray Yolles, The bride is the daughter 29430 Chatham, Southfield. of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goldner The program will feature of Sussex Ave., Oak Park. a…

… musical r e v u e written Parents of the bridegroom and produced by Jeri Binder. are Mr. and Mrs. Murray An ice cream social will fol- Bidlofsky of Carriage Hill low. Guests are invited. For Dr.. Southfield…

…, matron erans Memorial Home. Re- of honor; and Marlene freshments and a songfest Fischel and Mrs. Eva Weis- will be featured. * * * berger of Montreal, brides- maids. Flower girls were Mira Goldner, Judith…

October 26, 1973 • Page Image 21

… Yourself an Ark." Robert Simon, Lectures at Young Israel of Bar Mitzva. Oak-Woods this year will CONG. BETH ABRAHAM-HILLEL: Services 6 p.m. today sponsor Rabbi James I. and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Halpern…

…. YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK-WOODS: Services 6:20 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Yaakov Landau, Bar Mitzva. Beth Abraham-Hillel's fall/ Regular services will be held at Temple Kol Ami, Cong. win t e r adult…

of Near BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Eastern Languages and Lin- Fleischman serves as the will speak on "Russia, Russian Jews, Kissinger Wine guistics at the University of U. S…

…Three-Day 50th Anniversary Event Planned at Temple Beth Jacob I it UtIKUll Jeismn Merl) maay, ‘PCIULICT Llar I 7 I 11•..A. gation of Merrick, L.I. and ture a dinner-dance under the Speakers…

… include Rabbi Mil- former rabbi at Temple Beth chairmanship of Ph yllis ton Rosenbaum of Temple Jacob; and David S. Hachen, Weinner at Kingsley Inn. Emanu-El and former rabbi at Temple Beth Jacob, Saper…

…- director of Cleveland and di- stein and Berkowitz. rector of the North East Students in the religious Lakes Council of the Union school will hold an anniver- of American Hebrew Congre- sary service Sunday in…

… the Nair gations; as well as H. Philip auditorium. TEMPLE BETH JACOB of Pontiac: Golden Anniversary Berkowitz, spiritual leader of As a memento, an anni- Sabbath Services 8:30 p.m. today. (See story…

….) the temple. versary book outlining the CONG. BNAI MOSHE: Services 6 p.m. today and and 8:45 Saturday evening will fea- history of the temple will be a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Lehrman will speak on "A Time…

… published. Thomas A. Hor- for Rising." Howard Silver and Martin Blank, Bnai witz, is chairman of the an- Mitzva. niversary events, and Her- 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi man Dickstein is co-chair- TEMPLE BETH EL…

…: Services "Reform Judaism—Our Faith and will speak on Hertz man. Henry Winkelman is Our Hope." Services 11 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Hertz The annual Benz Memorial president of the temple. will speak on "Make…

October 05, 1973 • Page Image 46

… Council of Cooperative Nur- sing Schools and a past secretary of the Michigan Association of Cooperative Nursing Schools. She also was active with the American Association of University Women and a past…

… Association and a member of the Michigan Pharmaceutical Association and Cong. Shaarey Zedek. He leaves his wife, Bette; three sons, Bruce, Kenneth and Gary; two brothers, Aaron and David; two sis- ters, Mrs…

…, Ann Arbor, died Sunday at age 37. Mrs. Perlman, a native of Chicago and 1958 graduate of the University of Wiscon- sin, lived in Ann Arbor for nine years. She was past president of the Huron Valley…

… POOL 354-4290 Insurance Estimates Given Call CHRIS BIRCHALL 543-8692 55-MISCELLANEOUS A Complete Range of Alexander Dolls and Doll Clothes NOW AVAILABLE at the "Don Hospital" A rare selection…

of gifts for boys and girls age 3-13. Featuring Houses and Furniture, Puppets. English Prams, Castles, Forts, Miniatures, Corgi, Cars etc. 3947 12 Mile, Berkley LI 3-3115 53-A-ENTERTAINMENT SINGING…

…, light weight, baby blue, like new. $139. Call Ben 557-1025 or 557-9709 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act. of Aug. 12, 1970; Section 3685. Title 39. United States Code) 1. TITLE OF

… PUBLICATION: The Jewish News Publishing Company. 2. DATE OF FILING: Oct. 5, 1973. 3. FREQUENCY OF ISSUE: Weekly. 4. LOCATION OF KNOWN OF- FICE OF PUBLICATION: 17515 West Nine Mile Road, Suite 865, Southfield…


…- field, Mich. 48075. Carmi M. Slomovitz, 23350 Twining Dr., Southfield, Mich. 48075. 8. KNOWN BONDHOLDERS, MORTGAGES, AND OTHER SECURITY HOLDERS OWN- ING OR HOLDING 1 PER- CENT OR MORE OF TOTAL AMOUNT OF

… BONDS, MORT- GAGES OR OTHER SECURI- TIES: None. (In the followihg tabulation first column of figures is "Aver- age No. Copies Each Issue Dur- ing Predecing 12 Months;" second column is "Actual Number of

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