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March 18, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 19

…MARCH 18 • 2021 | 19 H illel of Metro Detroit, University of Michigan Hillel and Michigan State University Hillel are all pre- paring for a second-year Passover under COVID restrictions, some in…

… UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HILLEL will be offering similar options, including the first night’s seder free for every student, with three ways to do that. Students can get…

… information, you can visit UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN K a r p a s H a r o s e t M a r o r H a z e r e t Z e r o a B e i t z a h H a z e r e t…

March 18, 1983 • Page Image 60

…, Michael Brooks, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan presented a speech entitled "Arab Propaganda On Michigan Campuses" at Cong. Bnai Moshe. Outside Bnai Moshe…

… an appointment, call the nursery school office, 661-5700. Jewish Law Students Form National Unit Representatives of the University of Michigan Law School aided in the forma- tion of the National…

…, representa- tives of the Jewish Idea handed out leaflets entitled "Michael Brooks, Hypoc- racy and Hillel." The con- tents of this leaflet warrant refute. The beliefs of the Jewish Idea clash with those of or…

…-Western democ- racy coalitions of groups like the Union of Students for Israel, American Zionist Youth Foundation, College Democrats and Young Re- publicans. Of course, Hillel is mainly, and should be, an…

…?" These leaders are to be found at Hillel and those who say they are not should look again. Mark Prussian * * * Aguda Conflict Is Re-Opened Editor, The Jewish News: Regarding the letter of Rabbi Menahem…

… Organ- ization of Jewish Law Stu- dent Associations at a meet- ing March 6 at Harvard University. Rick Berenson of Harvard and Eve Lerman of U-M will co-chair the national organ- ization. Other U-M dele…

…60 Friday, March 18, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Delicacy is to the affec- tions what grace is to beauty. —Degerando Rabbinical Group Meets in Dallas NEW YORK — The strengthening of Christian…

…-Jewish relations will be one of the items dis- cussed by the Rabbinical Assembly, the interna- tional body of Conservative rabbis, at their 83rd annual convention, April 10-14 in FRANK PAUL and His ORCHESTRA DUOS…

… — TRIOS SOLOISTS 557-7986 Dallas. Other items on the agenda include strengthen- ing the involvement of laymen in religious life and nuclear proliferation. The Rabbinical Assembly repre- sents 1,200 rabbis…

…. & Sat. 10-6 / Thurs. & Fri. 10-9 Children's Shoppe Choose From A Large selection of rings watches and other fine jewelry 14 and 18 K GOLD Diamonds and Fine Jewelry ThP , e services done on premises…

March 18, 1966 • Page Image 31

… and Washington which they attended. Leo Schwarz Due on U-IVI Campus Leo W. Schwarz, writer, educa- tor, editor and teacher, will give a public lecture at the University of Michigan 8 p.m. Monday in…

… the multi purpose ":"rf:"' room, Under- graduate Lib- rary. He will speak on "Is a creative J e w ish culture possible in Amer ica?" un- der the auspices of the University of Michigan Of- Schwarz fice…

… in an after- noon lecture; and the English de- partment with the Hillel Founda- tion in an afternoon lecture at Eastern Michigan University. He will spend an afternoon with the Hopwood Writers in "Con…

… Ca- nadian provinces. National commissioners of the Anti-Defamation League and Bnai Brith Hillel, Morris Direnfeld and Milton M. Weinstein, will report on the recent commission meet- ings in New York…

… high school dropout rate and, ultimately, in providing universal high school education. For the HY Spot Of Your Affair Music by And His Orchestra (Hy Utchenik) 342-9424 • Distinctive Ceremonies a…

University. This weekend program is open to the community. Bernard Whiteman, Mrs. M. A. Fishkin and Mrs. Jack Dechter, Council chairmen of adult Jewish education, have selected as the topic, "The Jewish World…

…A-itA Activities REX CHAPTER will hold its an- nual installation 8:30 p.m. Wednes- day at the Oak Park Community Center. Mrs. Henry Onrich, past president of Bnai Brith Women's Council, will install…

March 18, 1994 • Page Image 15

… Avraham Ja- cobovitz admired the blue, Vic- torian house with the porch and turret on Hill Street in Ann Ar- bor. He was in the city several times a week, holding meetings with University of Michigan

… out- reach to college students at nearby Ypsilanti-based Eastern Michigan University. Machon and Rabbi Jacobovitz will continue outreach programs at Michigan State University, Wayne State and other…

… students in his temporary "office," the front seat of his car. On the way home from a class here or a Torah lunch-and-learn there, Rabbi Jacobovitz always made sure he drove by 1335 Hill St. before…

… connecting with Route 23 and the ride home to Detroit. Last week, 1335 Hill Street be- came the Ann Arbor branch of Ma- chon L'Torah. Machon, the Oak Park-based Jewish educational out- reach center, purchased…

… used by Delta Epsilon as a dorm for some of its members, will need about $100,000 in renovations, according to Rabbi Jacobovitz. The rabbi hopes to open the new facility in time for the 1994 fall…

… semester. Already, Milton and Lois Shiffman of West Bloomfield have come forward with an undis- closed gift to help get the purchase and renovation under way. A lecture hall will be named in the Shiffinans…

… this," said Rabbi Jacobovitz, who was barely able to stand still while showing guests the house. "It's a prime loca- tion for Jewish students, and hope- fully, we'll be able to help more of them get in…

… touch with their Jewish heritage." The house is a quick walk from both the Ann Arbor Chabad House and the campus Hillel. Even with the two other facilities so close, Rab- bi Jacobovitz doesn't see Machon…

… as interfering with any other Jewish organization's work. Instead, he compared the addition of Machon in terms of a mall. The more "stores" offering Judaism to the students, the better. There are some…

… 6,000 Jews among the U-M student population. "I believe that college campuses are really the spiritual burial sites of our Jewish future," said Rabbi Ja- cobovitz. "Many students come to college with…

March 18, 2010 • Page Image 18

…Metro The Lester and Jewell Morris Hillel Jewish Student Center at Michigan State University Invites You to Inspiring Future Jewish Leaders Our Annual Tribute Gala Celebrating Jewish Life at…

Michigan State University Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 6:00 p.m. Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Southfield Honoring Our Presidents President Patrice Phillips & Dr. Eric Phillips Past President Michael Balkin…

…'s College of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem before continuing his education at the University of Cambridge in England, where he earned a master's of phi- losophy. Avishur is pursuing doctorate coursework in…

… & Debbie Balkin Past President Art Langer & Gail Langer Past President Jeff Himelhoch & Kim Himelhoch Drawn By Philosophy Frankel Jewish Academy hires its first dean of Judaics. R abbi Maccabee Avishur…

… joins Frankel Jewish Academy this fall as the West Bloomfield school's first Dean of Judaics. Avishur, currently direc- tor of Judaics at the Emery/Weiner School in Houston, will supervise the school…

… rabbinic literature. He received his rabbinic ordination from Dayan Ephraim Greenblatt in Memphis, Tenn. "Rabbi Avishur's keen mind and breadth of professional experience make him a valuable addition to our…

… staff as dean and teacher:' said Rabbi Eric Grossman, FJA's head of school. "When he was here as a visiting teacher, the level of energy and enthu- siasm he brought to the classroom engaged every student…

… present." Avishur said, "I have been interested in FJA for a number of years. I visited five years ago and was impressed by how happy the students were. When kids are that happy in class, and in the morning…

…, Zionist and American school. "I am intrigued by how the school's philosophy works in practice said Avishur. "FJA is a living experiment in klal yisrael, where a baseline of practice agreed to by all members…

… makes pos- sible one large community of diverse components. Jews are God wrestlers — always grappling with the various implications of thought and practice. FJA seems to do this well. That's what excited…

March 18, 1983 • Page Image 55

University's Presiding over the eve- Institute of Technology. Wurzweiler School of Social of the Hillel Foundation at ning's program will be Currently Prof. Rosenberg Work (WSSW), will be on WSU, 577-3459 or…

… party. Nationwide and Local Deliveries The Israel NUmismatic Society of Michigan, Inc.,. will meet 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Jimmy Prentis Morris Branch of the Jewish Com- munity Center. The film, "The…

… Have Auction The Balloon Specialists We create with balloons Mastercharge VISA The Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor will have a goods and services auction 8 p.m. Saturday at the Bnai Brith Hillel

… 968- 2324. David Holtzman. ' is on a sabbatical leave as the campus of Wayne State In the Technion Exten- visiting professor of busi- University Wednesday to sion Division, Prof. ness administration at…

… In- meet with /prospective Rosenberg has been aca- diana University. WSSW studeAts. demic adviser' and lec- The public is invited. Persons interested in a by turer of management Admission is free. For…

… graduated with a BS degree in economics from the Wharton' School of Fi- nance at the University of Pennsylvania in 1942. He entered the United States Navy, serving as a lieuten- ant. In 1948, he went to…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel's Economic Situation Topic of Local Technion Event • "Israel's Economic Situa- tion" will be discussed by Prof. Richard E. Rosenberg, chairman of the graduate "Where…

… Fit is Foremost - eosins Uptown • Southfield Rd. at III/2 Mile • 559-3900 Big & Tall • Southfield at II Mile 559-6930 program and senior lecturer in management and indus- trial marketing of the…

… Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, at a public meeting to be held at the United Hebrew Schools on Monday at 7:45 p.m. The meeting is sponsored by the Detroit Chapter of the American Technion Soci- ety…

… Placement Center. For ports from Technion", and havioral science in 1976 Mayer, a professor at an appointment, call Rabbi Louis Finkelman, director the "Story of Technion." from the Technion-Israel I Yeshiva…

March 18, 1977 • Page Image 40

… Displayed in Israel JERUSALEM — An Jewish National and University Library, and exhibit of Jewish amulets Hechal Shlomo. Most of is on display in the Na- tional Medical Library at the amulets are from the the…

… Hebrew University- •18th and 19th Centuries, -Hadassah Medical mainly from Persia and also from North Africa School. Thousands of amulets and Europe. have been collected in /,/,./////z…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS - 40 Friday, March 18, 1977 General Zionists Seeking Members Ist EDITION — OK SHOPPE BOOKS MAGAZINES The newest and latest TEL AVIV (ZINS) — Arye Dulzin, presidnet of

… the World Union of Gen- eral Zionists, has called for member organiza- , tions to broaden their membership by July in order to increase General Zionist strength at the World Zionist Congress next…

… February. FREE GIFT WRAPPING & DELIVERY TO HOSPITALS We mail anywhere in the Continental U.S.A. old orchard center 6671 Orchard Lake Road West Bloomtleld, Michigan 48033 626-2939 Mon thru Sat 10-9, Sun 11…

… - 5 nevi tt 7(44- ewe 22101 Coolidge 1 - Block So of 9 Mi Call 548-4031 WE WRAP FOR FREEZING Bnai Brith's Oakland Century Lodge and the state of Israel will'honor WE AT Boston Elderly Get New…


… KOSHER MEATS & POULTRY MARKET Wishes their Customers & Friends A Very Happy Passover please note our beef, veal; Iamb & poultry IS FREE OF PBB. For Best Selection place your orders early 548…

…-4887 25254 Greenfield near Borenstein's FREE Delivery Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly (JCHE) is a non-profit corporation formed in 1966 by the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston (CJP…

…) as a means to address the serious shortage of suita- ble housing for the el- derly, particularly those With low and moderate incomes. To date, JCHE has built two apartment buildings for the elderly…

March 18, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…- ence. Detroit Jewish Welfare Federation (now the Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit) President George M. Zeltzer and CJF President Morton L. Mandel led the event. Many leaders from Michigan and…

… Detroit’s Jewish community participated in the GA. There were presentations from Rabbi Irwin Groner of Shaarey Zedek, Rabbi Efry Spectre of Adat Shalom and Rabbi Daniel Allan of Michigan State…

University’s Hillel. Representing the CJF Women’s Division were Detroiters Carolyn Greenberg, the national vice-chairwom- en, and Executive Committee members Dulcie Rosenfeld and Shelby Tauber. On…

…Looking Back From the William Davidson Digital Archive of Jewish Detroit History accessible at Detroit Took Center Stage in 1980 I usually find my topics for “Looking Back…

…” columns during my cruises in the William Davidson Digital Archive of Jewish Detroit History. Whenever I enter the Archive to do research for one subject, I usually find interesting stories or reports…

… Council of Jewish Federation’s (CJF) 49th annual General Assembly (GA)? Well, I did not know that. So, I dove into the Archive and soon learned all about the GA from reports in the November 1980…

… issues of the JN. Although the CJF had met before in Detroit in 1940, 1946 and 1960, the larg- est was the GA in 1980. It was held Nov. 12-16 at Detroit’s Plaza Hotel, the hotel in the Renaissance…

… Rosenfeld was the chairwoman of the Host Committee, The GA opened with Rabbi Richard C. Hertz from Temple Beth El delivering the dvar Torah. Detroit Mayor Coleman Young extended greetings to the audi…

… Thursday, Michigan Gov. William Milliken welcomed the delegates, and the state’s junior senator, Carl Levin, was on a panel (sure is hard to imagine him as a junior senator!). To be sure, these are just…

… a very few of the many Jewish Detroiters who contributed to the organization of and programming for the GA. The GA addressed a wide range of topics such as the plight of Soviet Jews, peace in the…

March 18, 1977 • Page Image 15

…-El RABBI FEIVEL WAGNER Young Israel of Greenfield 2 't , )( RABBI ISRAEL I. HALPERN Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel RABBI STANLEY M. ROSENBALTM Congregation B'nai Moshe . RABBI RICHARD C. HERTZ Temple…

… historic figures stand out as instruments of Divine deliverance of our people from slavery to freedom. They are Moses, leader of the Exodus - from Egypt, and Elijah, symbol of the universal deliverance which…

…THE DETRWT JEWISH .NEWS Fridby,, MOch 08 4 71977 15 ahe Sprit et PC[jah A Passover Message from the Rabbis of Detroit <9'n these weeks when we anticipate the celebration of Passover, two…

… needed wherever there are Jews. We can help .. . • Thousands of Israel's immigrants still struggling to build secure, productive lives; • Soviet Jews in modern exodus to a new life; • Oppressed Jews…

… everywhere hemmed in by fear, poverty and denial; • The aged, poor and handicapped of our own community whose "exodus" from want and hopelessness is no less a struggle; • The communal instruments of spiritual…

… renewal which sen- sitize us as Jews, protect us from ignorance and indifference and build Jewish understanding and loyalty in our children. atiefteltOP , we, the rabbis of Detroit, affirm that it is the…

… obligation and privilege of every individual and member of a congregation to cooperate fully with the 1977 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund. To meet the needs of Jews here and everywhere, it is a…

… privilege and obligation of every Jewish man and woman, young and old, to be among the donors. cite, the ttabbLs of metropolitan Detroit, urge you to effect an extended deliverance, in the spirit of Elijah…

…, by your best possi- ble contribution to the 1977 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund. , RABBI HOWARD A. ADDISON B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation RABBI.MILTON ARM Congregation Beth Achim…

… • Temple Israel hABBI JOSHUA SPERKA I >ling Israel of Greenfield 4 14-1--- RABBI DAVID A. NELSON .Congregation- Beth Shalom RABBI ERNST J. CONRAD Temple Kol Ami RABBI T Temple Ernanu-El RABBI IRWIN…

March 18, 1994 • Page Image 58

…. Beth Shalom, Cheder Lubavitch, Friends of Soviet Refugees, Ganeinu, Hillel Day School. JCC Child Development, Jewish Parents Institute, Jewish Vocational Service, Me and My Grandchild, Me and My Dad…

… Memorial Tower Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1270 313.764.2538 b"\\ Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Washington (JTA) -- Mem- bers of a group of prominent Asian Americans, just back from an eventful…

…The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit and Bais Chabad of West Bloomfield and Farmington Hills Present % S~PG THE MATZAH FACTORY Asian Americans Plan New Ties March 13, 14, 15, 16…

… accompanying adults no charge -4• Please call Cheryl Kane for reservations at 661- 5092 THE MATZAH FACTORY IS WELCOMING.... Adat Shalom, Akiva Day School, Bais Yaacov, Beth Abraham Hillel Moses. Beth Jacob…

…, pianist Wednesday, March 23, 8 pm Hill Auditorium An Ann Arbor favorite, pianist Murray Perahia enjoys an enthusiastic following around the globe. Known for probing the inner depths of each piece and…

… infusing it with a combination of musicality, warmth, and passion, Perahia is one of the most accomplished and gifted pianists performing today. "Perahia is one of the greatest artists before the public…

…, in- cluding immigration and hate crimes, the agenda has expanded to include foreign policy, said Neil Sandberg, director of the Los Angeles- based Pacific Rim Institute of the American Jewish Committee…

… countries including China, Japan and India. The Feb. 19-28 trip was believed to be the first in- volving Asian Americans of varying backgrounds, in- cluding Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese. The 11…

… participants live in cities across the United States, from San Diego to Atlanta. This was the participants' first trip to Israel, and it happened to coincide with the Feb. 25 murders of Pa- lestinian worshipers…

… in a Hebron mosque by a Jewish settler. Several of the participants, contacted after their return home, were still trying to sort out their emotions and impressions of the trip, which was sponsored by…

March 18, 1977 • Page Image 45

… 8 p.m. Saturday at the Jewish War Veterans Memorial Home. JWV members- are invited. There is a nominal charge. * * * DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN members will entertain the patients at the Battle Creek…

…-8090 Great American Mall Just North of Crowleys Municipal Parking Directly Behind DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN LADIES AUXILIARY will meet 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Jewish War Veterans headquarters, announces Carolyn…

… State Univer- sity taw school's moot court team won first place in the South Central re- - gional round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court competi- tion. . Team members were Carole Chase…

…, Marcia G. Cooke, Frank J. Ellias and Vincent P. Schumacher. The team will compete in the na- tional competition. April 20-23 in San Francisco. From The Kitchen Of THE COOKERY SHIRLEY GLUKLICK Conducts…

… Classes In The Art Of Fine Food Preparation Demonstration & Individual Participation Lessons For Beginners Instruction For The "Some-Time" Cook Refinements For The "Would-Be" Chef Continental & Ethnic…

…-up member- ship party at which the national president, Rose Toye will be the guest. For information, call the JWV office, 559-5680. Ger- trude Hoberman, presi- dent of Levin Auxiliary, will provide refresh…

March 18, 1955 • Page Image 10

… thousands to achieve their of pictures of organizations established precedents for out:- leader in the Michigan Hillel dream of leaving Europe to set- and brides which date back standing communal achieve…

… Jewish News currently the president of the United He- became devotedly interested in Jewish survivors, and helped has on file a large number brew Schools, Mr. Kasle has the Hillel Foundation. He is a…

…- ed it generously in the estab- as a kick-off of the division's next two weeks, the pictures participation in the Allied Jew- brew Schools has set new lishment of the Hillel Founda- will be discarded…

… prof- lations officer for the Hebrew sional division in the Allied Jew- ects. He has encouraged phil- University. ish Campaign. Both are mem- anthropic efforts, has always bers of the board of the…

…, Individuals 1i_ Campaign, has been arran .g. - tion at the University of Mic standards which have resulted wishing to pick up pictures ed by Estelle Levin, a divisiori in the doubling of the school gan. He is a…

… Jack Brass, a veteran of Is- rael's War of Independence, will address the Junior Division 7 60 0 0W.17K M A grateful community will cal school system, have earned workers' branch Sunday, at Rainbow Ter…

…- honor Abe Kasle on his 60th for him national recognition as race, 18451 Wy- birthday, today. a man of vision in the direction oming. For two years the general of Jewish affairs. Born and ed- Born in…

… Wohlynia, Russia, chairman of Allied Jewish Cam- ucated in Eng- March 18, 1895, Mr. Kasle came land, Brass di- to this country in 1909 and set- rected the first tled in Monroe, Mich. That Jewish Blitz…

… community then had only five Hostels, whieh Jewish families, but already the cared for chil- impact of his interest in Jewish dren of bombed- affairs was felt there and in out London nearby communities. From…

…. BARBEL (left) and For more than 40 years, he tain in in Haganah's Intelligence Dr. LEO ORECKLIN have been has played an active role in Corps. He is currently public re- selected chairmen of the profes- 1…

March 18, 1966 • Page Image 28

…, also remove by University of Michigan Hillel Foun- cutting away large outstide veins so that cabbage can be rolled easily. dation 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Hillel Slated March 30-April 2 The Great Lakes…

… or "Nuss Torte" is Michigan. A progress report on the PTA's journal will precede the an old tried and tested dessert, talk, and a social hour will follow. always sure to titillate the taste- buds of a…

… authority on international relations, inter national law and government. H e received degrees from the Hebrew University a n d Dr. Plotkin London University and was the first citizen of Israel to be admit…

…- ted to Princeton University's Wood- row Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Princeton, where he taught in the Department of Politics. Roden has…

… outstanding contribution to 'the field of human relations. A graduate of Ohio State Uni- versity where she received her PhD degree, Dr. Peters earned her BS and MA degrees from Western Reserve University. She…

… at buffets. College, Philadelphia, is associate The very small cabbage leaves professor of Semitic languages and when filled can be served as hors linguistics at the University of d'ouvres. Walnut cake…

… Israel Bond co- chairman. The affair, held in the Weinbaum home in Huntington Woods, was in advance of the Pioneer Women's Israel Bond lunch- eon scheduled for next Thursday noon, at Shaarey Zedek…

…, as guest artist, and Dr. Arieh L. Plotkin, expert on Middle East- ern affairs, as speaker. A former offi- cer in the Intelli- gence Corps of Israel's Defense Forces, Dr. Plot- kin is a recog- nized…

… been a star of the Israel National Opera for a num- ber of years and since 1948 he has sung 548 performances with the opera. Eric Rosenow and his Contin- entals will provide the music. A prize of an…

…. Peters Named Leo M. Franklin Lecturer for '66 A professor of guidance and counseling in Wayne State Uni- versity's college of education, Dr. Mildred L. Peters, has been named the Leo M. Franklin Memorial…

March 18, 1960 • Page Image 13

… Rapids, mation, call UN. 4-6428. has been invited to address the Hillel Faculty Club at the Uni- versity of Michigan, Sunday Haas, Miss Gordon night. He will discuss the "God in U. of D. Series Concept in…

… brochure outlining Dr. Essrig to Address the complete congregational U-M Hillel Faculty Club program will be sent to fam- Dr. Harry Essrig, rabbi of ilies requesting it. For infor- Temple Emanuel, Grand…

…. Simmons, Marcel Atlas, Arthur Caplan, Charles Brisk- man, J. Sheldon and Sam Ja- cobs. gional organization of the Unit- people from Conservative syna 7 ed Synagogue Youth at the gogues in southern Michigan

… Ameri- Detroit Opera Theater, will par- can Rabbis and the Union of ticipate in a new "Anatomy of American Hebrew Congrega- an Opera" series being pre- sented by the University of tions. Detroit. Four…

…M Foreman, president of the Dynamic Club, which has re- cently acquired the former City Club. on Third Avenue at Mc- Nichols, as its quarters, this week announced that the club has sent 5,500 pounds…

of food AL'FOREMAN To Install New Officers of Gemiluth Chassodim Rabbi Joel J. Litke, spiritual leader of Cong. Gemiluth Chas- sodim, will deliver the charge and install new officers of the…

… con- structed at Greenfield and Vas- sar Dr. A kiddush in honor of the newly-elected officers will fol- low services. The new admini- stration is headed by Herman Strassburger, president. and Sanford…

… Gordon as co-chair- men of a special membership campaign being conducted by Cong. Ahavas Achim was an- nounced this week by Abe Fried- man, synagogue president. In making the announcement, Friedman invited…

… many families who have just moved into the Northwest area to acquaint themselves with the facilities of the congregation. Ahavas Achim, with a history of 50 years in the community, maintains a complete…

… program of religious and cultural activ- ities, Friedman explained. Rabbi Milton Arm is spiritual leader. The synagogue also has a religious' school, active Sister- hood, Men's Club and Youth Group. A…

March 18, 2010 • Page Image 17

…iNc.7 Plaee If it's MSU Festival To Show Israeli Films East Lansing T he Michigan State University Jewish Studies Program launched its Israeli Film Series in 2000 with the showing of the classic…

…, including MSU Hillel, MSU Hebrew Club, the Greater Lansing Jewish Welfare Federation, congregations Kehillat Israel and Shaarey Zedek and the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest. For more information…

… 1974 film Kazablan. As the quality and international recognition of Israeli films has grown, so has the audience, which now includes students, MSU staff and the general public. In 2006, Jewish Studies…

… added an Israeli Film Festival to its schedule. The festival is an educational, social and cultural event, and one of the program's largest outreach events. Its mission is to spotlight Israel's thriv- ing…

… reunite decades later; Zefira-Queen of Sheinkin Street (2009), an upbeat documentary about one of the build- ers of early Israel; two segments of Israel's hit TV show Srugim (2008), about young singles…

… grove deemed to pose a security threat, will be screened Monday, March 22. The 2010 Israeli Film Festival Committee is made up of founder/ coordinator Ellen Rothfeld, Yael Aronoff, Joyce Ladenson…

…,Ya'acov Sarig and Cliff Shekter. Dany Rothfield pro- vides technical and logistical support throughout the festival. Jewish Studies receives support for the festival from a host of on- and off-campus donors…

March 18, 1994 • Page Image 11

University of Michigan's annual Wallen- berg Lecture. The Buddhist leader and 1989 Nobel Peace Prize win- ner will receive the U-M Raoul Wallenberg Medal, estab- lished in honor of the U-M alumnus and Swedish…

…, right in front of Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses. Soon, it was time for Min- chah. But there wasn't a minyan, and one congregant needed to say Kaddish for a Yahrtzeit. "He asked if the boys would…

… diplo- mat who saved the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews during World War II. Tickets to the free, public lecture are available at the Michigan Union ticket office, or by call- ing (313) 763…

University. I The concert, to be held in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall, is being underwritten by private donations from organizations and individuals. Guests will include an international au- dience of

…■•■ COMPILED BY ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Funds Collected For Lapid Family riends of Mordechai Lapid, who was killed with his son, Shalom, by terrorists late last year, are collecting funds to help…

… — From Israel ittle chocolate rabbits and eggs are hopping all the way from Israel to Easter baskets at Christian homes across the world. Elite Industries, Ltd. is one of the world's largest produc- ers…

of Easter chocolate treats. It is exported under the brand names of overseas chain out- lets including Pathmark and Rite-Aid in the United States, Marks & Spencer and Tesco in Great Britain, Le…

… 4:30, she found her- ) self caught in the middle of a blizzard. Not only would she never be able to get home to Oak Park, Mrs. Rosenstein didn't think she would even make it to Rabbi Silberberg…

…'s. Then her car slid into a ditch, and everything turned around. First, a stranger stopped and helped the boys push the car out of the ditch. It was candle-lighting time when the group finally stopped…

… scarves as they went on their way into the night. n an historic first for the Vatican, Pope John Paul II will host a papal concert April 6, the eve of Yom HaShoah, in commemoration of the Holocaust…

March 18, 1966 • Page Image 32

… professor of Jewish literature and thought at Vanderbilt University and direc- tor of the Hillel Foundaton at Yale University. He served for nearly four years in World War H as a Navy chaplain. A native of

…. A graduate of the Hebrew Union College, where he was ordained in 1937, Dr. Samuel was appointed to the faculty of his alma m at e r in 1952, and named provost in 1957. Earlier, he had been Hillel

…. Morris Ratner of Burt Rd. announce the engage- ment of their daughter Karen Rochelle to Donald Albert Nord, son of Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Nord of Pinehurst Ave. Mr. Nord is a senior at Michigan State…

… Dayton, he obtained his BA from the University of Missouri and his PhD from Yale. He was president of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, and was a Danforth lecturer in the arts program of the…

… editorial boards of the Hebrew Union College An- nual and of the Journal of Biblical Literature. Awarded the President's Fellow- ship by Brown University, he wrote "A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament…

… to Teach Jewish Values to Youth Don't be shocked at what "hap- pens" to your college-bound stu- dents, a university professor warned, if you send them away from home without a knowledge of Jewish…

… the series with a talk on "The Early Pharisaic Creed" March 10. Dr. Cohen, professor of history at Columbia University and the Jew- ish Theological Seminary, is cur- rently working on a book on the…

University. He is being sent to Israel under the sponsorship of Alpha Omega dental fraternity, which is con- ducting a testimonial dinner for Dr. Lewis April 24 at a meeting of the American Orthodontic As…

University. 1.11•1100 ■ 41. ■ 0i21.1 ■ 04.11111.41 ■ 041 ■ 0.411•11.3 ■ 1 1 .1114 gewry tie zr This Week's Radio and Television Programs MESSAGE OF ISRAEL Time: 6 a.m. Sunday Station: WXYZ Feature: Rabbi…

…. For reservations call the Board office, DI 1-5707. tured at the University of St. Louis. In Israel, he will arrange stud- ies for both students and practi- tioners at Hebrew University, Dr. Ino Sciaky…

March 18, 1983 • Page Image 4

… also shows that unavoidable incompleteness. Among the most famous who had made Siegel's a regular means of satisfying the craving for good Jewish food was Abba Hillel Silver. This reviewer often saw him…

… there on a Sabbath Eve, reading the now defunct Yiddish Der Tog (The Day). Shortcomings: Abba Hillel Silver isn't even listed in Landau's collective results. Also missing is the name of Stephen S. Wise…

…). Ron Landau, who was born in Detroit in 1951, was an Oak Park resident and a student in Yeshivath Beth Yehudah, earning a BA in history and a MA in education at the University of Detroit, compiled the…

…THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Copyright © The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of

…, Southfield,, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing…

… Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the fifth day of Nisan, 5743, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Peritateuchal portion, Leviticus 1:1-5:26. Prophetical portion…

…, Isaiah 43:21-44:24. Candlelighting, Friday, March 18, 6:25 p.m. VOL. LXXXIII, No. 3 Page Four Friday, March 18, 1983 WEEK OF REMEMBRANCE When the many thousands of survivors from Nazism gather in…

… Washington in the sec- ond week of April; they will not only demon- strate their own determination to remember. They will be acting as agents for mankind to assert that those who have suffered will labor…

… constantly and untiringly for causes aiming to prevent recurrence of what had occurred, and to strive for peaceful conditions for a humanely- devoted mankind. Primarily motivated by the 40th anniver- sary of

… the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the as- sembly of some 10,000 survivors will have the encouragement of the people of this nation. This is a legislative decision It will be fortified by a Presidential…

March 18, 1977 • Page Image 49

…-Catholic-. Jewish dialogue will be . held at 7:30 p.m. Wednes- day in the Phelps-Sellers Lounge. Panel members -will include Rabbi Bill Rudolph of Bnai Brith .Hillel Foundation in Ann Arbor: Rev. David Mair from EMU…

… Awareness Week, sponsored by the Eastern Michigan University Jewish Student Alliance, will be held -Monday- Thursday on the EMU campus. David Blumberg is stu- -- dent coordinator for Jewish Awareness Week…

…gitm44.1 PERSONAL SHOPPER and ‘s: EXPERIENCED FASHION CO-ORDINATOR .. A Personal Shopping Service to update the wardrobe of todays' busy- and active woman ' for infor call Janet 353-2509 after 3…

… Information call DI 1-2461 The Most Profitable Way to Sell Your Household and Personal Possessions is through K & B ASSOCIATES HOUSEHOLD SALES— ESTATE LIQUIDATIONS — APPRAISALS 569-0237 No obligation of


… AGENT IN MICHIGAN 1300 N. Campbell ROYAL OAK 541-3310 2253 Cole BIRMINGHAM 644-4612 ALLIED VAN LINES . THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS BBYO Activities Bnai Brith Youth Or- dent;. Lisa Garber; BBG…

…- Weiner, Michigan BBYO freshments will be director. served. A band will pro- Appointed to AZA and-- vide music for dancing. BBG posts were Steve There is a charge. Friedman, Kishon AZA, The A:ZA basketball…

…, and Bethe There is a charge, and a Steinbruck, Zangwill free-throw contest will be BBG, Michigan region open to spectators. district convention coor- Spirit Day will be the dinators. event for Tuesday…

… when Applications are being BBYO members will be accepted for the position asked to wear their chap- of coordinator for the AZA ter or. regional BBYO and BBG Council installa- t-shirts to school. That…

… sponsor formation of Harry S. a Great Lakes Council Truman AZA No. 151. The BBYO bowling tourna- Southfield-based chapter ment 10:30 a.m. March 27 draws its - membership at the Rose Bowl Lanes in from…

March 18, 1938 • Page Image 5

… Chapter 63 A.Z.A. (Junior Bnai Brith Order), com- posed of Morris Hutton, Irwin Stein and Cal Goaiman. They will be opposed by two crack debaters SB of the Hillel debating team of the University of Michigan

…." the group on behalf of the Allied 3, The representatives pledged arts. Last year he too was a mem- sity of Michigan, will speak on Jewish Campaign, stressing espe- ber of the University Debating to…

… Controbution Universities an's Auxiliary of the United He- and Colleges Can Make to the brew School will meet at the Wil- Religious Life of Michigan." Dr. shire Hotel, Collingwood at Third. Edward W. Blakemen…

… MEAL•FARTEL of Michigan Varsity Debate Teams sounds too good to be true. It is, CAKE MEAL • EPA NATIO which won the Big Ten Debating however, what a Great-West pol- Championship. He has been chair- icy…

… president of the Hillel knowing about and without any obligation to you, I will be AT TEMPLE BETH ELI on Tuesday afternoon at the , the film "Through Europe Foundation. Ronald Freedman, the glad to show you…

… , overseas and the urgent neces- crease their organizational Championship, a member of the of the People's Church at Mehl- sity for helping afflicted Jews in pledges to the campaign by Hillel Debating Team for…

… two ran State College, will speak on their tragic plige. A. J. Lech- a minimum of 50 per cent in years, and the annual Hillel Ora- "A Christian's Appraisal of The over read Fred M. Butzel's heart…

…, counselor Mrs. Jack Freedman, president, •1/4 _Alen in religious educations, Univer- announces that an especially fine sity of Michigan, will preside. (CONCLUDED FROM PACIA, oNz) the pathos• the joys and…

… ences efficient hotel management to Jewish students from the col- in a play prepared for the occa- Savage, in memory of Sarah Ilam- REMEMBER THEM FOR can provide. An illustrated booklet leges in Michigan

of Mrs 51flo• date has been changed to Monday, ,the and ery et film Rambsever: saws. 11 , elyn &hiehei; MI. Irma Piebormela Bridge Club, Is memory et Wm. 11.4 state of Michigan. speaker and the place…

March 18, 2010 • Page Image 16

University of Michigan sophomore Samuel Hamburger, 19, of Royal Oak, who appeared in federal court on Feb. 25, along with U-M sophomore Barak Leibovitz, 20, and Michigan State University freshman Zachary…

… Firestone, a graduate of Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit in Farmington Hills and Frankel Jewish Academy in West Bloomfield. In the affidavit, Williams said, "Firestone gave a written statement as to…

…Metro THE JCC STEPHEN GOTTLIEB presents CALLING ALL TEEN BANDS AND SOLO ARTISTS! BE A PART OF THIS AMAZING EVENT! Young Men Arrested Three local college students charged with unlawful…

… possession of fake IDs. Shelli Liebman Dorfman Senior Writer BRIBING WAGEWHER Seining, MRS 23RD NW 7P11 Auditions will be held on Sunday, March 28 from 12:00 — 2:30 PM at Temple Israel in West Bloomfield…

… uninsured of our community. THE CENTER 1579710 MILK & HONEY INVITES YOU TO THE CHOLOV YISROEL PRE- PESACH BUFFET SUNDAY, MARCH 28TH Soup cze Salad gat: Warm Basket of House baked Assorted Artisan Breads…

… Wild Mushroom Barley & Root Vegetables Potato Corn & Leek Chowder Traditional Caesar Salad with Anchovy Crostini Petite Salad Bar with Chefs Selection of Dressings & Vinaigrettes Pm",,tap.qt .54let…

… Adults 530.00 Children 11 & Under Si 5.00 Not Inclusive of Beverages. Tax or Gratuity Portabella & Eggplant Bolognese Lasagna Fettuccine Alfredo with Baby Peas, Cherry Tomatoes, Torn Basil & Parmesan…



… arrest of three local Jewish college students charged with possessing false identification documents with the intent of illegal use or transfer, comes a stern warning from one defendant's attorney. "Our…

March 18, 1977 • Page Image 37

… bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Constance Weinberg. The new Mrs. Weinberg was graduated from the University of Michigan with a BA de- gree in Russian area studies, completed the summer program for foreign…

… share with you some recipes from "Pas- soverama," a publication of the Sisterhood of Tem- ple Beth Hillel/Beth El of Wynnewood, Pa. 19096. If you're interested in a copy, they're $4 per copy plus 50 cents…

… and Co_ • IMPORTER AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 3055S Southfield, Suite 100 645-9200 Slavic linguistics at New York University. Her husband earned a BS de- gree• in accounting at Pace College in New…

… York, a JD degree at the University of Buffalo, and an LLM degree at NYU. * * * Linda Faye Schiff and Anthony Michael Suscello were married in a recent ceremony in brooklyn, N.Y. The bride is the…

…THE DETROR JEWISH NEWS 1 Marriages Gail Sylvia Gilbert and Richard Weinberg of New York City were married recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilbert of Royal Oak. The…

… daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schiff of South- field. Religious School for Disabled Slated Cong. Shaarey Zedek's religious schools, in coop- eration with the United Hebrew Schools, is pursu- ing the…

… possiblity of start- ing a clasS of students with learning disabilities. The proposed four- hour-per-week program is geared for children age 8-10. Interested parents may call Dr. Jay Stern, superintendent of

… the UHS, 354-1050, or Rabbi Gerald Teller, Shaarey Zedek's educational di- rector, 357-5544. • One out of three Is- raelis is a student, rank- ing Israel third in the world in students-to- general…

… the corner, I would like to call to your attention some of the special Pas- sover cookbooks pub- lished by various organi- zations around the coun- try which have come to my attention: This week I will…

… per book for handling and postage and you can send for it at the above address. A nice fea- ture of the book is a washable cover, plus it has pockets in each sec- tion to insert your own favorite…

March 18, 1966 • Page Image 26

…'s service projects have included the educa- tion of medical doctors at Wayne State University, the University of Michigan and the Hebrew Univer- sity Medical School; a clinical re- search laboratory at the…

University's Hillel Founda- tion will discuss "The Chosen People," after a continental break- fast. All members of affiliated sis- terhoods are invited. BRAVERMAN'S MATS ALL SPECIALS GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES…

… Hadassah- Hebrew University Medical Center and a lecture room for the aca- demic use of doctors and nurses at Sinai hospital; rehabilitation of handicapped Israeli veterans by furnishing them with prosthetic…

…ashionJubileeito Benefit Need Maimonides Women behind the scenes of the 20th annual fund- raising fashion show and luncheon are (from left) Mesdames Seymour Wilhelm, Alfred Klein, Maurice Silverman…

…. A collection of spring couturier fashions has been assembled for a "Fashion Jubilee" which will be presented in the Grand Ballroom. Since 1925 the inspiration of the 12th Century Jewish physi- cian…

… and philosopher Moses Ben Jewish Teachers Seminary to Honor Mrs. Lehman NEW YORK — Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman will be guest of honor at the annual banquet of. the Jewish Teachers Seminary Sunday at the…

… Americana Hotel. She will be presented with a citation in commemoration of the 30th an- niversary of the issuance of a charter to the seminary during the gubernatorial administration of Herbert H. Lehman. A…

… veteran leader in the Ameri- can labor movement, Joseph Sch- lossberg, also will be feted at the banquet in recognition of his 90th birthday with the establishment of a special student scholarship fund…

… bearing his name. Rabbi Wine to Speak Birmingham Temple will hold the third in a series of book re- views 1:30 p.m..Wednesday at the Huntley Square Community Cen- ter. Rabbi Sherwin Wine will re- view…

… Muriel Sparks' "The Mandel- baum Gate." Refreshments will be served. For information, - call Mrs. Jack Menenberg, 543-3748. PW Book Review Slated Mrs. Frank Rath, vice president of education for the…

March 18, 1955 • Page Image 14

Michigan IllaJinv By JUDY ANN JACOBS One of the most controver- alai issues on campus was "Should the Berlin Philhar- monic Orchestra be permit- ted to lierform on the University of Michigan c a m…

… renounced the goals and aims of the party. Despite the group's protests, and those of the Labor . Youth League, the decision was "Yes." the Berlin Philharmonic will perform. Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation's Stu…

… sity of Michigan last June. She Arrangements for the ball are by. Louise Strayer and Faye is a member of Sigma Delta Tau being made by Louis Weber. SAMEROFF'S Moore, part of which featured sorority…

… admission charge, and all mambo. Catering for all occasions, in York. He is a graduate of Rut- members and friends are invited * * * gers University, and a member to attend. our beautiful banquet hall or…

… p u s?" Pro- tests from the Student Zionist Organization were based on the tact that conductor Herbert von Karajan and manager Gerhard von Westerman were both mem- bers of the Nazi party and have not…

…- dent Government refused to support a boycott, but said it Would recognize the rights of any of its members to do so. Jewish fraternities have an- nounced their list of spring pledges. Phi Sigma Delta…

… pledges are J or d an Burke, Robert Natchke, Robert Liss, Donald Schmerin, Michael Silber, Mer- win Solomon and Donald Ton- kin. Michael Anspach, Lawrence Vlenbogen and Michael Fisher are new members of

… Alpha Ep- silon Pi. N Lambda Phi's will pledge Seymour Dubrinsky, Jack Roth and Gilbert Rose and Ar- nold Zeff of Wyandotte. Myron Nathan, Harold Rossen, Leonard Shlain and Robert Dunsky have pledged Tau…

… Delta Phi. Sigma Alpha Mu pledges are Harold Barron, Sheldon Baum, Sherman Chessler and Barrett Saltman of Flint. Henry Moses, Roger Boesky and Norman Rot- ter have joined the ranks of Zeta Beta Tau…

…. Central A1ivilie4 Opperiheim-Ross Rites Scheduled for April By Bnai Brith Ball Ends Fund Drive The fifth annual Bnai Brith Ball will be held at 9 p.m., March 26, in the Fountain Ballroom of Masonic…

March 18, 1977 • Page Image 26

…. Lawrence Berkove, professor of American lit- erature at.the University of Michigan Dearborn Campus, will speak on "The American Jew in Literature," 8 p.m. Tues- day at Cong. Beth Achim. The public is invited…

… rendered upon the arbitration award or judgment pursuantito the Sta- tutes of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided; And to this I hereby affix my signature on this day of Nissan in the year…

… College of New York. Currently Andrew Mellon Prof. of Humanities at Boston University CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK All lectures open to the Public. Rabbi Chaim Karlinsky of Jersey City, N.J., third from…

… SYNAGOGUE: Services 6 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. David Berniker, Bar Mitzva. CONG. BAIS CHABAD OF WEST BLOOMFIELD: Services 9:15 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Silberberg will speak on "Parshas Hachodesh —The…

… First Mitzva." CONG. BETH ABRAHAM-HILLEL: Services 6 p.m. to- day. Charles Wolfe, executive director for the Jewish Home for Aged, will speak on "The Third Age." Late services 8:15 p.m. today. Stacey…


… left, presents a certificate of kashrut to Bernard Manischewitz, chairman of the board of The B. Manis- chewitz Co. Attending the presentation were, from left: Rabbi EmanuerGettinger of New York City…

…; William B. Manischewitz, a director of the company; Rabbi Kar- linsky; Manischewitz; Rabbi David L. Silver of Harris- burg, Pa.; Robert M. Starr, presideht of the company; and Robert A. Mann, vice president…

…. Lubavitcher Center Issues Sale of Hametz Document Homeowners may dele- products to a non-Jew. gate the power of attor- For the duration of the ney to Rabbi Betzalel Passover festival this Gottlieb to perform…

… the sale is absolutely legal mitzva of selling hametz and binding according to — according to a legal Torah Law as well as ac- contract drawn up for cording to state law; the Rabbi Gottlieb of the…

March 18, 1938 • Page Image 6

… and the Albany Park Boys' University of Michigan will present sin, Murray S. Davis, Jr., Samuel officio. Officiating officers in charge Arnold Gross of 2626 Calvert Benevolent Club, to be held May Club…

…, Mrs. Laurence Levi of Whitmore program will be presented. All virsity of Michigan wth the degree athaniel Gates, David J. Levy, Rd. left for Miami Beach. members of Hadassah and their of Bachelor of

… visit in Miami Beach, No. 313, Bnai David chapter, No. the State of Illinois under Attor- MT. CLEMENS, MICHIGAN t.evy. H)dney 1.■ re L., In. Dal Id marenre Allen. Nada 314, Pontiac chapter, Mt. Clem- ney…

… matinee and and successful history at the Uni- 3004 Elmhurst Ave. announce versity of Michigan. Every year eral affiliated branches in the city. evening, the Bar Mitzvah of their son. their production of

… Pigeon" by John Galsworthy; started at the Dexter Center, P. tn. The Fydells' girls will celebrate Young People's Temple Society of Michigan. "A n n a Christie", by Eugene 11618 Dexter, under the auspices…

… Arts, n 1918. He eorge Kamperman. received the degree of Doctor of friends are invited. The joint chairmen of the Mar- Sirs. SI. B. Benyas left Monday Jurisprudence from the University lace Councel…

March 18, 1983 • Page Image 41

… Foundation will benefit from a basketball game be- tween Michigan State Uni- versity and University of Michigan alumni 4:30 p.m. Sunday at the Pontiac Sil- verdome. - For tickets ; call the cancer foundation…

… be like wandering into adventure- land . . . The Michigan De- partment of Transportation is devoting 300 of its 1,000- square-foot exhibit area to a Vehicle Cost Analysis Pro- gram . . . What that…

… awards and has performed in concert throughout the world, particularly in Is- rael. On March 25, he will give a master class at the Uni- versity of Michigan. LISTENIN POST BROADWAY MAR- KET on 14 Mile…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Pianist Perahia to Perform Danny Raskin's . . . to Mildreth Rubinoff . . . Cong. Beth Abraham Hillel Moses' fine adminis- trator . . . to Fay Rubin (Alex's love) . . . to…

… Max Katz, president of Crescent Shrine Club. SPRING MAY OFFI- CIALLY begin on March 20, but it starts tomorrow when the Builders Home, Flower and Furniture Show opens its doors at Cobo Hall through…

… March 27 . . . Inside those doors visitors will in- dulge in a fantastic yet real one-stop shopping tour plus an education in the many areas of "energy" . . . It's the largest home and garden expo in the…

… country . . . and a traditional showcase for the latest products and serv- ices . . with lavish displays of walk-through gardens. - At the show, learning how to cut the annual cost of driving to work will…

… immediately analyze those facts and provide a re- port which will come out of a printer next to the computer terminal. J. LUSHON, in back of Rhodika Cosmetic Studio on Northwestern, is comprised of energetic…

… and innovative gals . . . Barbara Hinshon hand dyes silk into one-of- a-kind creations . . . Julie Stow dyes, spins and weaves raw wool into coats, jackets, scarves, etc. Sara Romanzi takes measurements…

… and puts to- gether garments sewn just for the person . . . The one- of-a-kind items go from silk blouses to old bead bags, col- lector compacts and ciga- rette cases plus over- everything jackets…

March 18, 2010 • Page Image 52

… Shapiro Undergraduate Library Screening Room, 2nd floor, 919 S. University, Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press sponsors. Free; includes tea. or (734) 615-6477. View The Auschwitz…

… Pacific & Africa Region, on "Living Jewishly in Thailand." (11 a.m.) • Peter Sparling: Professor of dance at University of Michigan, on "Making Video Dance: Capturing Motion for the Screen." (1:30 p…

…) available for March 27 evening perfor- mance. Schedule/tickets: (313) 237- SING (7464). . See the Magenta Giraffe production of Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead! at 1515…

… award-win- ning play for ages 6 and older, 7 p.m. Thursday, March 18 and 2 p.m. Sunday, March 21, at Hillel Day School, 32200 Middlebelt, Farmington Hills. Cast fea- tures students in grades 5-8. Purchase…

… tickets ($12 adult, $7 child) at door or via Robin: (248) 539-1318. Travel From the Mountains of Mourne to the Mines of Montana in a Farmington Players production, Friday through Sunday, March 19-21, at…

… the Barn Theatre, 32332 W.12 Mile, Farmington Hills. Tickets/schedule: (248) 553-2955. Explore a dark side of American his- tory, but laced with humor, in Stephen Sondheim's Assassins, Friday and…

March 18, 1949 • Page Image 12

… up here for the first week in April. The Detroit Lodge 55, Knights of Pythias, will spon- sor a Michigan AAU sanctioned show in conjunction with the Crime Prevention Bureau at 8:30 p.m., April 1, at…

… a Purim program presented by the BBYO and Hillel groups at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 23. The ADL discussion g r o up went on a friendship tour under the aus- pices of the Interracial commit- tee…

… Hospital, and Dr. Harold Sheppard, professor of sociology at Wayne University. Saul C. Downes will act as mod- erator. The public is invited. • • • Keidan Lodge Harry B. Keidan Lodge will stage another…

… the visit of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, who will address the Men's Club of Congregation Shaarey Zedek at 8:31` p.m., Wednesday, March 30. The meeting will pay tribute to Dr. Wise upon the occasion of his 75th…

… birthday. Abe Satovsky, president of the club, announced the following committee in charge: Harry M. Shulman, Abe Sandelman, Ben M. Lewis, Henry Carnick, Ira Kaufman, Matthew Shufro, Dr. Albert J. Altman…

…, Carl Schiller and Hy Keidan. By MITCHELL TENDLER ERIIAPS ONE of the finest P records posted by a local bas- ketball aggregation is that of the independent Jerry Lynch club which has 27 victories to…

… date out of 33 contests against top-flight competition. Among the Jewish players on the roster of the Lynch quin- tet are former Lawrence Tech stars Alex Taub, Shelly Harris and Bernie Ap- pleblatt, and…

… House of David barnstorming club led by the former Wayne great, Bobby Roth. • • • Public Apathetic PRIMARY INTEREST of the group is to awaken some sem- blance of basketball awareness in De t r oit…

… sport enthusiasts. Local basketball fervor has rare- ly gone beyond the high school level. The few attempts to promote basketball on a big scale (with the exception, of course, of the LIT circus) have…

…, why the same . Detroit fans, who flock in throngs to see the Tigers and Red Wings, stay away in droves when basketball is offered is somewhat of a ques- tion. The Lynch team is trying, nev- ertheless…

March 18, 1927 • Page Image 8

… Alger avenue Of Interest to Every Jew In the Community University of Michigan Miss I.illian Avison left on Sunday, March 13, for an indefinite stay in the An Intellectual Treat! B'nai B'rith Hillel

…. Simons Rabbi Leon Frani Henry Wiseman Milford Stern William Friedman Bernard Ginsburg vs. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation of the University of Illinois Subject: "Resolved, That a Cultural Exist…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE EIGHT WhtIttiVARraidifirnmsattg.raibliiiti .atttossat . . tran.. I Engz NOW—AT HUDSON'S 1 w S1 v.• Mr. and Sirs. Herman Coven of 3305 Elmhurst avenue…

… announce the March Sale of Housewares ; k A pleatiant diversion which evoked touch interest ,.t.cially was OW Israel Zangwill evening presented by the Arts Society of Temple Beth El on Tuesday evening…

…. Alex Back-1 bout sang a group of Yiddish folk songs, accompanied by Alan Hopei- son, and a brief review of the life and works of Israel Zangwill was' given by Rabbi Icon Fram. LENOX --Aristocrat of

… Chinas Lenox, unequaled for perfection of tex- ture and charm of design— the triumph of American ceramics—is carried in a number of open stock pasterns by us exclusively in Detroit. The "Meadowbrook" is…

… shown. It has a border of deep blue broken by paneled flower baskets. The dinner plates are $90 • dozen; other items in proportion. Selection of chins ismade en, end de. lightbil by mean• of dining table…

… Dance Young Israel of Detroit — at — HOTEL STATLER SUNDAY EVENING, MARCH 27 Musk by Jean Goldkette's Orchestra. Sir. and Mrs. Samuel Satovsky of Chicago boulevard entertained with a bridge…

…-luncheon Saturday, March 12. Covers were laid for 20 guests. MISS ROSE COVEN Prizes were won by the Mesdames Nathan Pereira and Isadore Glober- betrothal of their daughter, Ruse, to son. Joseph J. Fineman, son of Mr…

…. and ' Mrs. Samuel Fineman of this city. Sandelman was hostess Mrs. J. a luncheon and bridge of exquisite at Mr. and Sirs. 0. Barahal of 15468 appointments on Saturday at her Petoskey street announce the…

March 18, 1955 • Page Image 2

… had never been better, and . cribing Mr. Butzel's unique these relations, I might add, remain unchanged as I write this. place in Michigan history. What was one, what is one, to make of all this? Did…

… with appreciation the, part Judge O'Brien played, er at the apparel trades dinner in 1931, in the battle against the proposed Michigan Alien of the mercantile division, at Registration When Theodore…

…. ,Greenstone's interesting Literary Career . . The death of Dr. Julius Hillel Greenstone, distinguished Philadelphia author and rabbi, occurred only a few days • before the publication by the Macmillan Co. of

…-mention. He saluted "this dean of Michigan Jewry as a Volksmensch—as a man of the people." He asked Mr. Butzel's brother, Michigan Supreme Court Justice Henry M. Butzel, and John Dancy of the Urban League to…

… the board of the Ameri- late Fred M. Butzel in numerous can University of Beirut, whence come the most rabid anti- local communal affairs, Monday Zionist and anti-Israeli American officials, recently a…

… Teaching the Jewish Religion, 1915, and several Commentaries on the Books of Numbers and Proverbs. Ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary, he received his Doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania…

…, Institute of International Edu- cation; Dr. Jacob I. Hartstein, dean, Graduate School of Long. Island University, and Dr. Pink- hos Churgin, who is retiring as clean of the Teachers Institute of Yeshiva…

University of New York to• become president of Bar-Dan University. tion, describing Mr. Butzel's contributions to the Jewish community, said "he belonged to the rare spirits who enriched our community with…

…Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Col. Hoskins' New Role—Weizmann's Impressions of Him `Greatest Citizen Detroit Will Ever See' Thus Community Evaluates Services of Fred M. Butzel, Acclaimed…

… 'Historic Citizen of the Month' at Museum On March 8, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles adminis- (Photo on Page 1) tered the oath of office to Harold B. Hoskins who has been named director of the U. S…

March 18, 1960 • Page Image 30

of the going racing craft each worth Transferred to Israel ing to the Michigan Department theaters in Israel. The Mills Declares Dividends NEW YORK, (JTA) a good-sized fortune. Translation of Hebrew…

… meet- '7t# r1477 tl 4t.t4 nittiz? ers- at- the ceremony -included ing. .;11*," Dr. Hillel . Bavli, Who spoke on behalf of the Hebrew. Writers Jewish Burial Ground try)-pri '7tg Association; Dr. Shlomo…

… 'a past president of the Detroit Worn- en's Division, American Jewish Congress, is a member of Ha- dassah, Pioneer Women, Bran- deis -University National Wom- en's Committee and Sinai Hos .- pital…

…, call James Russell. One day service, TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. TILE DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? New and Repair Special U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO UN 1-5075 CARPENTER WORK of all kinds— Porch. floors, steps…

… guaranteed. Reason- able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339, VE 5-7453. L SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpen- ter work, no job too big or small. BR 3-4826, LI 5-4035. FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. Free estimates…

…. Call UN. 4-3547. A-1 PLASTERING - PAINTING BEST OF WORKMANSHIP Q UICK SERVICE Mrs. Adele R. Levy Dies; 1st UJA Head of Women's Division , NEW YORK, (JTA) — Mrs. Adele Rosenwald Levy, wife of j Dr…

…. David M. Levy, and a daughter of the late Julius Rosenwald, died Sunday after a brief illness. She was 67. Active in 35 charitable, ar- tistic and community organiza- tions, Mrs. Levy was the first…

… chairman of the Women's Divi- sion of the United Jewish n 1946. She was on the board f directors of t h e Greater New York UJA, vice chairman of the Com- mittee on Dis- placed Per- sons, and a member of the…

… Board of Trustees of Br an- deis Univer- sity. In 1946, Mrs. Levy she was cited as "Outstanding Jewish Woman of the Year" by the National Council of Jewish Women; and, in 1957, she received the Gold Key…

… Award as "Woman of the Year" from the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York City. As a former general chair- man of the Greater New York UJA, Mrs. Levy was to have re- ceived one of the…

March 18, 1966 • Page Image 38

… partaking of those parts of the sacrificial offerings which were designated as the gifts given to the priests. Hillel and Shammai extended this requirement to the eating of "Terumah" (i.e. the first yields of

… Shomria Back in Michiffan After a five-year absence, Camp Shomria is back in Michigan, re- newing a 30-year-old tradition. The annual summer camp of De- trot Hashomer Hatzair, established near Sandusky…

…- ship at the University of Mich- igan, it was announced by R. Jack Petoskey, director of orientation. Oak Park winners are Alan Bor- lack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Borlack, 24780 Sussex; Frances…

…. In the category of extemporaneous speak- ing were Morris Podolsky, first, and Jeffrey Komarow, second. Robert Feder was the winner of the declamation category, and Carolyn Daitch won the ,seriaus…

… swimmers set • marks. The 200-yard medley team of Rick Hermann, Howard Cohen, Ralph Yager and Rich- ; ard Haley is ninth in the state wIth the time of 1:47.9. In the 50-yard freestyle, Howie Cohen is eighth…

… in the state with his tune of 23.4. The Southfield ski teams went to Traverse City this past week- end Lo participate in the Lower Peninsula Regional Alpine Ski Championships, which is, for all…

… practical purposes, the state meet. Members of he team include Bud )workin. Gary Sayers and Dave frackett. Weekly Quiz On March 10, the induction of new National Honor Society stu- dents took place in…

… drinking liquor? A number of reasons are ad- vanced for this practice. Some claim that this practice is observed because basically wine or liquor as such can be a source of tragedy. The forbidden fruit of

… the Biblical Garden of Eden is said to have been grapes which intaNicated Adam and led to his spiritual downfall. It was wine that brought about the demoralization of Noah after the flood and the…

… shameful incident in the life of Lot, whose daughters made him drunk. Thus, upon drinking wine or liquor one exclaims that this drink is for "life" and not for tragedy and death. Others claim that this cus…

March 18, 1932 • Page Image 1

… MEYERSOHN HERE THIS SUNDAY Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper Higher Degree Given By Training School NEW YORK.—(J. T. A.)— Felix M. Warburg, chairman of the executive committee of the Training School for…

… order Detroit Service Group. Judge Rubiner was formerly as- to obtain infer mation they desire, sistant attorney-general of the from Hitler he adquarters, for the state of Michigan, and was ap- papers…

… Heller of Ann by Miss Florence Kutzen, and Na- Eugene O'Neill's trilogy which the late Rev. Dr. David Einhorn. isolation rooms with special bath- Arbor, director of the Hillel Foun- than Mirtenhaum…

… many charitable and re- Temple Beth El, Woodward at I donors' reception luncheon has been forts, has made the Hillel Foun- arranged in honor of Mrs. Meyer- Gladstone, Sunday morning, March…

… Jewish So- cial Work, announces that the regents of the University of the State of New York have author- ized the school to change its name to the Graduate School for Jewish Social Work and to grant the…

… by Eugene O'Neill is universallY! Last Monday evening the gen- pagan Assoc iation of the Ile- Mrs. D. Kumoff. The musical pro- known as the modern and! eral committee met at the home ' brew F…

… she trans- preme Court of the United States pany, through station WJZ at 12 the American _Jewish Committee lumbia University, in a detailed' the children and other circum- ewer to Rabbi Fram…

… cautious in ou I — . %slues of Community Co-opera.' celebration of i he Woman's Aux- ' r two years B Benjamin marcus Meat Jews in Eastern and Central Eu- University, chairman of the con- en. worthiness of

…. Carlton J. H. Hayes o tice Cardozo. far we may go In expressing y Jew. Dorothy Reiser, while Cleveland'. i "'' as great as those lumbia University spoke on "Ilis- of "The Significance 'of the Inter•' $:30 o…

… dramatic denunciation of at- tempts to enact into, law further restriction of immigration was heard by the House Immigration Committee from Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in behalf of the American Jewish Congress, of

March 18, 1949 • Page Image 2

…- ✓ Enjoy Food treats prepared men of speakers' . bureau, Mrs. by trot. F. Maybohm. • Inter- and the Hillel Foundation Alexander W. Sanders, Miss Pearl delirious Beef A istitro- featuring Chinese Native onff…

…, tilinrhekes, Borst of g lit collegiate Zionist Federation Devenow; chairmen of workers' w Foods and Family Dinners and appetizing American America at Wayne University recruiting, Mrs. David S. Dia- and Russian…

…N. W. Women to Hear Segal "Tevyah's Daughters," by Sho- lom Aleichem, will be reviewed by Rabbi Jacob E. Segal at the Torah fund evening set by the Sisterhood of the Northwest He- brew Congregation…

… Society will hold a banquet Sunday at Berez- nitler Hall, Davison at Linwood. The group has already sent hun- dreds of packages of food, cloth- Mg, medicine, tools and other miscellaneous items as have been…

…. proceeds will go to scouts A symposium on "The Role of in Israel. The public is cordially the Minority Press in Detroit," invited. will be held under the auspices The Odessa Progressive Aid of the Business…

… and Professional Society held a memorial service chapter of the American Jewish The Equality Club will mee in honor of the late Mrs. Louis Congress, at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Wednesday, March 23, at the…

… Nathanson, wife of the president March 24 at the Lee Plaza. home of Rose Barak, 19169 Mon- Representatives from the Ital- of the society. Nathanson don- ica avenue. Plans are being stu- ated 10 wheel chairs…

… to Israel in ian, Romanian, Hungarian, Negro, died for an April fund-raising Polish and Yiddish press will his wife's memory. party. speak. Philip Slomovitz, editor Junior Hadasgiah will meet Sun- of

… the Jewish News, will be mod- The annual Purim party of the day at the Center. A Purim pro- erator. Bnai David Men's Club was held Zeldon Cohen is president of last Thursday. Selden Leach and gram will…

… be presented, Jean Jas- the chapter. love, chairman, announced. Tole- Manny Rosenthal were chairmen and Joe Tenenberg was master of do Hadassah members will be Tikvah Lodge Maps guests. A brunch will…

March 18, 1927 • Page Image 7

… plaintiff an effort 'Temple Sisterhood and the Hillel now conducting a poetry contest. and $7, re. ' is hoeing made fur the plaintiff to hide Foundation of the University of Three 'mites of $10, spectively…

…, are offered by the Temple behind the claim that this case is a Michigan, Sunday, April 3. The b000k and play group was or- Sisterhood. Parents are advised to o trial of some issue in which Jewism or Jew…

…- MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. The Long Distance Telephone is used by this Kalamazoo Firm to close many orders. Trittple ILI rill 1z1 Nntrs PACKARD THE PRICE of the 1 Packard Six five- passenger Sedan has…

… been reduced by $335. We wish to make it clear that its price is now 1 '2250 at the factory, exclusive of excise tax and freight. Sapiro vs. Ford PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. DETROIT • • • MICHIGAN The…

… 8359. is it highly important factor in the! !sins of the literature department of The next social affair of the Young religious eoltio•ott ion of your child that the Detroit City College addressed you…

… may carry them whither you !of the stenographic transcript: "It is not a trial of Jew's, not a People's Society will be Student.' he shall be a subscriber to his reli- the club at the meeting of March…

… 17. please. :trial of Judaism, and we claim that Day, given in co-operatiosn with the gious school paper. 'The Bethelite is Justifying a fault doubles it. Ile is a rich 1111111 whom on the part of the…

… biggest piece of claptrap that I,- come to but we will use every effort that we Knows" and other works of James my notice in a long time. It is sent out by that most sensational advertiser, can avail…

… ourselves of to prevent the Barrie will tie reviewed. Fenk: I! Branch: Mrs. Augusta Stetson of 7 West Ninety-sixth street, New York. If Mr , . bespattering of any people or of any A 0.oloirmation class has…

… been rio Setson subscribes to a clipping bureau I hope she receives a copy of these race, beyond proving the material Beth El College: genius.' at the Fenkell Branch of the paragraphs. and relevant facts…

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