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February 01, 1946 • Page Image 7

…, the Student Zionist Or- ganization, the Ann Arbor Bnai Brith Lodge and the Ann Arbor chapter of Hadassah, the lecture, honoring the memory of Henrietta Szold, brings to the University of Michigan campus…

… Chicago, executive secretary of the Women's District Grand Lodge No. 6, and Sam Leib, Michigan • representative to the District, who spoke of the fine work that Bnai •• Brith is doing. Moe R. Miller…

… Altman, membership chairman, is in charge of the Tea. She is assisted by Kay Pen- nington. U. of M. Hillel On Friday evening, Feb. 1, Dr. Salo W. Baron, Professor of Jew- ish History, Literature and…

…'s program. The final Mixer of the fall se- mester will be held at the Hillel Foundation on Saturday evening, Feb. 2. The party will have as its theme "A Night at the Circus," with re- freshments…

… speakers will be: Mrs. Adele Rosenwald Levy, who returned last week from a special mission to the displaced persons camp and other Jewish European centers. Dr. William Haber, of the Uni- versity of Michigan

… Lieberman heads the publicity committee while Brooklynite Helene Rich heads the program committee. Carol, is on the staff of the Daily, the Gargoyle, and the Hillel News. The FEPC sub-Committee for Liberal…

… Dorchester, Mass., is the representative on this com- mittee from the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation. As a member of the Hillel Council, Dotty is co-chair- man of the Campus and Commun- ity relations Committee…

…. A discussion on Palestinian prob- lems followed by supper was sponsored recently by the Pres- byterian student group on campus. More than 15 members of the Hillel Student Council attended. Detroiters…

… Bomber Scholarship Commit- tee. As a member of the Hillel Council, Joyce is also co-chairman of Forums. Betty Hendel, Wayzata, Minne- sota, was in charge of a bridge party recently for senior members of

… Tau sorority and associate business manager of the Michigan Daily. TO. 7-4193 • Expert leadership by ex- perienced counsellors. Phone or Write— 3 CAMPS IN ONE Stanley Michaels 13641 Dexter HOgarth…

February 22, 1946 • Page Image 6

…- munity. Rabbi Yehudah Cohen, di- rector of the Hillel Foundation, University of Michigan, Arbor, will deliver a message to the gathering. Dancing will follow his address. In announcing reorganization…

… the first campus Jewish bookshop has been estab- lished at the Pennsylvania State College Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- dation. Aimed at promoting the sale of Jewish books to Hillel members, the bookshop will…

…. Jacob S. Joffe of Rutgers University. Prof. Joffe, author of several books on the science of soil, is an authority in his field, and his textbooks are used as standard references in universities all over…

of Refreshments will be served of the chaplains themselves and the University of Chicago and through the courtesy of the ar- is illustrated by photographs consultant to General Electric rangements…

…-1111 1101 1.1111111111POPIPAPPIIMOW THE JEWISH NEWS Page Six Prof. Joffe of Rutgers to Talk At Histadrut Rally Thursday Starr Again Heads Russian War Relief Committee Here Gewerkshaften…

… Campaign Leaders Confident of Success in $125,000 Drive; Next Workers' Get-together to Hear Soil Expert; Festival Set for March 17 Isadore Starr has been re- elected chairman of the Detroit Jewish Committee…

…- rector of the local committee, reported that Detroit's contribu- tions for Russian relief amounted to $545,607, including costs of shipinents of food, hospital sup- plies, five X-ray machines, 500,- 000…

… pounds of clothing and other articles. Louis Levine, chairman of the National Jewish Council for Rus- sian War Relief; A l e x a n d e i Fomin, secretary to the Soviet Consul General in New York, and local…

… leaders addressed the con- ference. With 55 per cent of the $125,- 000 quota of the 1946 Detroit Palestine Histadrut (Gewerk- shaften) campaign reached at the end of six weeks of campaigning, leaders are…

… the world. He was selected as U. S. representative on a re- search mission in Russia, has visited Palestine and has made a thorough study of the possibil- ities for colonization there. He has taken an…

February 22, 1946 • Page Image 7

… movies, cards and re- freshments. The public is invit- ed. include U. S. Senator Mead of,, New York, Prof. Carl Friedrich for Christian women leaders in of Harvard, Dr. Anna Hillel Sil- Michigan

…. Lowdermilk, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, dent of the American Society of A two-day Christian Institute on Palestine will be held in Detroit, at the Statler and Book Cadillac Hotels, on Wed- nesday and Thursday…

…. Principal speakers will ver of Cleveland, and Judge Frank A. Picard, chairman of the include Mrs. Walter Clay Low- Michigan Chapter of the Ameri- dermilk, eminent Christian Zion-. can Christian Palestine…

… Commit- ist who has spent many months tee, who will preside. It is pos- in Palestine; Dr. Carl Hermann sible that Senator Homer Fer- Voss, executive director of the guson of Michigan also will par…

… birthday on held Thursday afternoon. The speakers will include Prof. Mc- March 30. Mahon of the University of Chi- Dr. Leo M. Franklin will cele- cago, Prof. Friedrich, Dr. Wal- brate his 76th birthday on…

…Page Seven THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 22, 1946 Community Interest Shown In Senator Pepper's Lecture Liberal Leader to Address Men's Club of Temple Beth El Sunday Evening on "A Report on…

… World Leaders Plans for World Peace" Tobi Goldoftas Heads MSC Engineers' Society Tobi Goldoftas, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldoftas of Detroit, has been elected first postwar presi- Senator Mead, Dr…

…, March 20 and 21, under auspices of the American Christian Palestine Committee. The principal functions will conclude with a banquet at the Book Cadillac on March 21, the principal speakers to Drs. Baeck…

…, Silver to Address UAHC Council Banquet Detroit Section of the Ameri- can Jewish Congress has called upon members of all commit- tees to meet on Wednesday, at 8:30 p. m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene…

… Franzblau, 18651 Roselawn. Dr. David Shapiro, executive director of the Chicago division of the American Jewish Con- gress, will address this meeting on the topic the importance of all activities of Congress…

February 08, 1946 • Page Image 13

… throughout was held at the Forestry Cabin Osias Zwerdling of 1056 Bald- Michigan, have purchased a home on the campus, welcoming vets, win, . Ann Arbor, well known for the new Hillel Foundation new students…

…- publication. the University of Michigan. in East Lansing as temporary Mr. Zwerdling points out that eled Rabbi Abba M. Fineberg of quarters. 4X'? there is a field for a kosher res- Cong. Shaarey Zedek, a former…

… the Palestine govern- The meeting will be held Wed- in this part of Michigan, Msgr. surviving people on the pathway ment are not only designed to nesday at 9 p. m., in the Gins- Giuseppi Ciarrochi…

of helping them in their versity of Michigan School of J. Lambrt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gay- ish homeland in Palestine," Mr. tween Jericho and here, will be terrible plight. Bub while we Dentistry in 1944…

… led them to a better life. In Four Month Period On Saturday, Feb. 9, Michigan being held. Young Women's Study Club "May the Almighty, in whose Alumni Club Chapter of Alpha will have the last of 'a…

… speaking is issued by the national headquar- New Home Purchased FREE . ESTIMATES being held every Thursday • at 8 ters. This brings the total of Phone TY 5-8365 For E. Lansing Hillel p. in. at the D. W…

…, and all Jewish stu- Michigan Jewish leader, calls the serving Jewish students attending dents on campus. attention of The Jewish News to Michigan State College. It will "The Limelight," edited by the…

… what is now the be made available to the United the raiders in a truck after para- "We Catholics are very much Columbia University School of Dave Nesmour, Mr. and Mrs. I. Jewish Appeal. troopers had…

… • Twelfth at Atkinson IOwnsend 8-4200 McNichols at Third UNiversity 1-1311 Cosmetics cannot make up for the lack of radiant glow of health in the skin, or the gleam of eagerness in the eye that indicates…

… Center Activities For UJA Drive At isbandment Of Jewish Agency Dr. Samuel S. Gerendasy was honored by the international den- Eliezer Kaplan Urges Ameri- tal fraternity, Alpha Omega, by can Jewry to…

February 22, 1946 • Page Image 10

… the University Of The program will open with queried the clerk. "What is this," Res.: TO 5-3569 Michigan, was elected president a brief book review of "Ivan- snapped the actress, "A memory of the Ann…

…, accompaniment will be by Mrs. married before?" asked the clerk. arranged without obligation Rubin Young. director of Bnai Brith Hillel "Yes," she said. "And to whom?" 308 Boulevard Bldg. TR. 2-5530 Foundation at…

… Arbor Community hoe", and the part Rebecca Grae- test?" Fund which supports 10 'social tz played in history. Welfare agencies. Rabbi Cohen, Mrs. A. L. Carnick is presi- who has been director of Hillel

…, * * * YOUTH GUIDANCE OF MICHIGAN will hold its second • 0 annual banquet and installation of officers Sunday at Workman's- Circle Center on Linwood Ave. * * * Mrs. A. Holbrook, president of Wise parents begin…

…lionberg Elected Auxiliary of UHS President of Free Friday, February 22, 1 946 THE . JEWISH NEWS Page Ten To Dramatize Life Of Rebecca Graetz Gordon's Message Topic Of Hamaapilim Meeting…

… . Bnai Moshe Women Plan 'Food Shower' For Displaced Jews Women's Sabbath League Holds Annual Luncheon The message of ' . D. Gordon, philosopher, naturalist. and labor Zionist, will be the theme of an The…

… third' in a series of cul- informal talk by Joseph Haggai Cong. Bnai Moshe Sisterhood Three New Members Added tural events of the Woman's at a meeting of Hamaapilim, Sat- has issued invitations to mem…

…- Auxiliary of the United Hebrew urday at 8:30 p. m., at the, home bers and friends to a food shower to Board; Landau, Stutz of Jerry Rose, 2684 Leslie. on Wednesday afternoon,' in the , Are Vice…

…-Presidents Hamaapilim is an older group social hall, for the benefit of dis- of Habonim Labor Zionist Youth, placed Jews in Europe. This Hebrew Free Loan Association, designed to - enlist Jewish youth shower is given in…

… co-operation at its - annual • meeting, .eidcted from -the ages of 17 to 23. All with the JDC. new officers and added. three new interested are inivted. • The An afternoon of entertainment members…

February 15, 1946 • Page Image 11

… Uni- versity of Toronto, which makes the fifth Hillel unit in Canadian universities. Rabbi Levi is a vet- eran of five years in the Cana- dian army, in which he served as nior Jewish chaplain. Keidan…

… city. David Kurzman is in charge of the, Statler meeting, while Sam Hersch is city chairman of mem- bership for the men. Hillel—U. of Toronto Rabbi S. Gershon Levi heads the new Hillel Foundation at…

… hospitals to fill this gap. by Dr. William Haber of the Uni- versity of Michigan, former Na- tional Refugee Service director. Mrs. Levy Presents Program A comprehensive program for the relief…

… 1946 VICTORY MILITARY BALL Department of Michigan JEWISH WAR VETERANS of the United States SATURDAY EVE., FEB. 23, 1946 Drill Hall, Masonic Temple — $2.00 (Tax Incl.) Dancing — Valuable Prizes Music…

…- tured a magician and several comedy acts kept both the adults and children in a continuous howl. Mii•x Sossin was master of cere- monies. lie was very ably assisted by Samuel Dubrinsky. Plans are in full…

… Temple, 'Cass and Elizabeth, at 8:30 p.m. George Kavanaugh and his or- chestra will be featured. -Chair- men of the affair are as follows: Ray Yanovsky, fund raising; Ed- ythe Feingold, arrangements; Le…

…-5469. Proceeds will go to Bnai Brith philanthropies. Greater Detroit Men's Council Plans for the organization of • two new lodges of the Bnai Brith include the presentation of char- ters to the organizations…

… within the next month, according to Da- vid I. Rosin, president of the Grea,ter Detroit Bnai Brith Coun- cil agency sponsoring the ne,v groups. Under the chairmanship of Isi- dore Starr, a Yiddish speaking…

… lodge and a new English speak- ing organization are sufficiently large to qualify for charters, so that Henry Monsky will be able to make a presentation of the charters at the public meeting scheduled by…

… the Council for Wednesday, Mar. 13, at the Stat- ler Hotel. With the membership campaign of the Council in its final stages, appearances indicate that the an- ticipated increase in local mem• hership by…

February 08, 1946 • Page Image 20

… gen- kel's Kosher Restaurant and is versity of Michigan Bnai Brith eral Zionist point of view. Irv- Hillel Foundation this Friday ing Schlussel will speak for located on Linwood and Taylor. The…

… night gath- Rabbis List Restaurants Hillel Session Friday ering on Feb. 15. Under Their Supervision Participants will be representa- Dr. Theodore M. Newcomb, as- tives of General Zionist, Mizrachi The…

Michigan, will plete supervision of the Vaad lead the last of the fall semester dent of the Zionist organization Harabonim. It is known as Fin- fireside discussions at the Uni- of Detroit, will present the…

… contributed in no small measure to Earl G. Harrison, dean of the Torah (sacred Scrolls), 500 pray- to the scouting program. law school of the University of er books, Bibles, Phylacteries and Pennsylvania…

… Council of Orthodox Rab- bis announces there is only one sociate professor of sociology at and Labor Zionist parties. James Ellmann, former presi- kosher restaurant under the -com- the University of

…I • Pale Twenty THE JEWISH NEWS : Friday, February 8, 1946 Congregational Activities Rabbi Adler Talks at Luncheon Of Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood Sisterhood of the Cong. Shaarey Zedek will launch…

… makes it possible for a student to receive annually an award named in honor of Rabbis A. M. Hershman and Morris Adler. The Sisterhood has assumed a quota of $21,500. Admission is a contribution to the…

… fund. The minimum is $12.22 (two Torah Units). Special gifts start at $25. Reservations can be made through Mrs. Meyer Shugarman, TO. 8-8754, or Mrs. Louis Tobin, TO. 8-3254. Support of Beth Yehudah…

… Urged by Leaders as Torah Month Begins Members for the Board of Yeshivath Beth Yehudah will meet Monday evening, under the chairmanship of Rabbi M. J. Wohlgelernter, president, to re- _ view activities…

of Torah Month, and to hear reports of workers in the current drive for deficit financing of the institution's WU- get. • The fund raising effort will conclude with the annual pa- trons' dinner Sunday…

February 22, 1946 • Page Image 8

… Br: Brith Hillel Foundation at University of Michigan, to president. of position Pod,ai Cohen, who has been the F1111 : vice-president during the p year, will serve for one year sad will direct the…

… Zionist Organization of America through its national executive, this week unanimously approved a declara- tion by its president, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver l reaffirming the de- termination of American Zionists…

…Friday, February 22, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Eight PLAIN TALE By AL SEGAL Case Study of Anti-Semitism familiar with the mor- P EOPLE bid symptoms of anti…

… eve of his trial as a war criminal at Nuremberg. American Army doctors per- formed an autopsy on his brain to discover how a human being gets that way. They found physi- cal evidence of a very sick mind…

… for which, it appears, there is no cure save the happy healing of death. The trouble of dealing with an- ti-Semitism is that it is an im- possible matter of doing some- thing with diseased minds whose…

… perversions are not yet within the reach of the still groping hands of psychiatry. Even if psychiatry had a spe- cific by which to cure anti-Semi- tism it would be difficult to grab hold of an anti-Semite to…

… give him the treatment; for it is one of the symptoms of anti-Semitism that whoever is infected by it wants preciously to keep it. All this is the more regrettable because the disease of anti-Semi- tism…

…- nize their affliction and put them away in public hospitals. The diseased mind of the anti- Semite carries a communicable virus. It is another of the symp- toms of the disease that he who has it is eager…

… to spread it around. He chews the latest mor- sel of malice he picked up from the gutter and hands it on to the next receptive mind. The more foul a malicious lie of anti-Semitism, the more mag- goty…

… and obscene, the more sa- vory it is to his taste; the more eager he is to spread it around for other minds. There is a strange fraternity of these sick minds that is solicitous to keep every member of

February 22, 1946 • Page Image 11

…. Albert Stern, was matron of honor. The bridegroom's brother, Abe Ing- ber, was best man. Mr. Ingber, a • student at the University, of Michigan, is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. The newlyweds will make their…

… Music Eugene Walker, M.A. Arts and Crafts 8 Years with Detroit Board • of Education Patricia Phelps, Registered :Nurse, Mich. 'Grad. Mrs. Minnie Fox (Foxy), Michigan's Best Known School and Camp Cook…

… "Station COOK," written by Anne Saxer. The meeting will ..13e held at the home of Mrs. Louis Cohen, 18438 Santa • Rosa, . Wednesday, March 27, at 8:30 p. zn. All young Jewish women living in the 6 and 7 mile…

… area are invited.. A social 'hour will follow. Officers of the club are: Mrs. S. Pozen, president; Mrs. H. Le- vine, vice president; Mrs. N. Ger- man, secretary; Mrs. A. Hecker, treasurer; Mrs. A_. Smith…

…, dra- matiC director. Mrs. Harold Somlyo and Mrs. Charles Belsky are co-chairmen of the annual ball to be held March 3• at the Jewish Center. Shapero, Harvard Grad, Wins Gershwin Contest NEW YORK…

…—Harold Shapero, 25-year - old Harvard graduate from Newton Center, Mass., has been voted the winner of the second annual George Gershwin Memorial contest, sponsored by Victory Lodge of Bnai Brith, in cooperation…

… ' with Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations, to stimulate contemporary American compo- sers and to help discover new musical talent, it has been an- nounced here by Lenoard Bern- stein, composer and conductor…

…, chairman of the judges' com- mittee. `Last Chance' Producer • Must Leave Switzerland GENEVA, (JTA) — Leopold Lindberg, an Austrian-born , Jew and producer of the Swiss film, "The Last Chance," has been…

… criticizing his expulsion. "The Last Chance," a box-of- fice hit in London and which is being exhibited widely in the U. S.,'deals with the problems of . refugees of various nationalities fleeing before the…

… Nazi police and border patrols. Bar Mitzvahs Mr. and Mrs. Bayre Levin an- nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Peter Moritz, to be observed at services of Temple Israel on Friday evening, Feb. 22, At…

February 01, 1946 • Page Image 2

… independence to Transjordan as a "crying contradiction" of the Jewish demand for recognition of Palestine as a Jewish state. * * * * * NEW YORK -- Dr. Abba Hillel Silver and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, joint chairmen…

… an- nounced here. * * * * * WASHINGTON — Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, president of the Zionist Organization of America, in a communication addressed to Zionkt Regional and District Regional officers, this…

… ATOMIC AGE." The meeting is being sponsored by the Michigan Citizens Commit tee. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Professor Urey special- ized in the study of atoms and molecules and discovered the…

… door, or through the Michigan, Citizens Committee, 809 Hammond Bldg., Randolph 0940. Offices of the Hebrew Shelter- ing and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) to assist displaced and refugee Jews in Germany…

… Japs is packed with the intimate thoughts and personal exploits of the 32nd Division. Hundreds of Michigan men who fought on the Villa Verde Trail are men- tioned by name in this book of collected…

… have been introduced in the New York State Legislature as the result of a disclosure that private non-sectarian colleges and professional schools are discriminating against Jewish, Negro, and Catholic…

… stu- dents. * * * * * BUDAPEST -- The story of a half-Jewish Nazi, who en- countered his Jewish father, while on a "Jew hunt," was told this week at the trial of Rudolph Kramer. His commander agreed to…

… spare his father's life, if Kramer would shoot three Jewish women, which he did. Kramer was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. * * * * JERUSALEM — The Jewish Agency has attacked the granting of

of the American Zionist Emergency Council, called on President Truman to "insist on the inadmis- sibility" of the British Government's intention to bring about the permanent separation of Transjordan…

… from Palestine and its recognition as an independent state. * * * * * LONDON — Professor Selig Brodetsky, chairman of Uri Board of Deputies of British Jews, told the Anglo-American Inquiry Committee at…

February 22, 1946 • Page Image 19

… Milton Aron, director of the new Wayne Hillel Foundation. There will be musical talent and humor- ous reading in Yiddish. The group has been conduct- ing a contest to find a suitable name for the new lodge…

…, left to right: HARRY MADISON, Jewish War Veterans' state commander; JULIAN KOGAN, another son of Mrs. Kogan, of Mexico City; JOSEPH JONES, LEON GINSBERG and HARRY NATHAN, adjutant of the Michigan J…

… other three children, Sara, 14; Louis, 12, and Aaron, 11, they reside at 1961 Gladstone. Harry Nathan, deputy adjutant of the Department of Michigan, Jewish War Veterans of the U. S., has announced that…

… commanding of- ficer of the Army's Michigan Re- cruiting District. He was assisted by Lt. Otto' Stanheiser, and the citations were read by Lt. Roy L. Lemons. CLASSIFIED ADS GET QUICK RESULTS! Page Nineteen…

…., designers and builders of upholstered furniture. The store is at 7409 West _McNichols. Sam, who before going over- seas was employed with the Michigan Towel Supply for 18 years, served with the Medical…

… Tuxedo NOW Nola, Nallk VOW of Yeshivath Beth Yehudah Sunday Evening, March 3, 6:30 O'Clock In Social Hall of Shaarey Zedek Camp Mehia Highest Altitude in Southern Michigan On Wamplers Lake in the…

… Oriental Taste of the Irish Hills. Recognized by CAMP 011A authorities as the Outstanding Camp in the Middle West. Highest Rating Every Year from Michigan State Board of Health Now Accepting…

… Reservations for 1946 Camp Season Nursery, 3 to 5 Kindergarten, 5 to 6 Boys and Girls, 6 to 14 Oldest Continuous Directorship of Any Jewish Camp in Michigan For information call HOgarth 2139 or write to…

… number of leaders in Yid- Displays Glow of Humble Pride in Her Grief at Ceremonies dish speaking circles, who have been working for the organiza- Held to Honor Lt. Aaron, Awarded DFC and Purple tion of a…

… and at this meeting the winner and the name selected will be announced. All persons interested in joining a Yiddish Bnai Brith Lodge are invited. Leaders are anxious to obtain the minimum number of mem…

February 08, 1946 • Page Image 1

… Jewish Appeal, just returned from a mission overseas; Dr. William Haber, Professor of Econdmics at the University of Michigan, and former Director of the National Refugee Service, and Dr. James G. Heller…

…, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY 8, 1946 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Year Welcome Council of Federations “Planning for 1946" is Theme of 1946 War Secretary Assembly of Council of Federations, Praises Jewish With…

….....bounds of fundamental human rights," in a statement issued by Dr. Abbe Hillel Silver and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Joint Chairmen of the Am- erican Zionist Emergency Coun- cil, which speaks for the entire Zionist…

…Axerkait lavish Periodical Cotter r CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO • 31 YEARS OF SERVICE TO DETROIT JEWRY • Detroit Jewish Chromcie and The Legal Chronicle Vol. 48, No. 6 r DETROIT…

… unprecedented needs overseas and major ad- Heroes in Battle justments at home, "Planning for 1946" will be the theme of the 1946 General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds opening…

… today, at the Statler Hotel, and continuing through Monday, Feb. 11. With the exception of the Sat- urday evening session which is scheduled for the main auditorium of Temple Beth El, all of the…

… meetings will take place at the Statler and a record attendance p DR. WILLIAM HABER from all parts of the United States and Canada will gather in Detroit to consider common com- munity jaglijezies and…

… responsibili- ties and to lay the ground work to meet them effectively. Joint Session The feature program of the as- sembly, of special interest to Jews of Detroit, will take place on Sat- urday evening at…

… Temple Beth El where the Jews of Detroit are be- ing invited by the officers of the Council of Jewish Federations, in cooperation with the United Jew- ish Appeal to participate in a joint session with the…

… delegates and to hear reports on the Ameri- i can task, needs and programs in P Europe, and the role of Palestine. Among the speakers will be Mrs. Adele Rosenwald Levy, National Women's Chairman of the United…

February 01, 1946 • Page Image 13

…, literature and institutions at Columbia Uni- versity, will deliver the Henri- etta Szold memorial lecture at the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at University of Michigan on Feb. 1. * * * A scholarship to Wayne…

…-president; Sam Margolis, secretary; William Grosberg, treasurer. Committee leaders are: David Colman, fi- nance; Robert Schwarz, enter- Affiliated with the University of Detroit WILLOUGHBY BOUGHTON, President…

…Friday, February 1, 1946 PWO Arranges Week's Program For Mrs. Kukso Palestine Worrien's Council • Delegate to Visit Detroit in Behalf of Drive Sarah Kukso, Palestinian dele- gate who is here in…

… the interests of the post war rehabilitation ac- tivities of the Working Women's Council for which the Pio- n e e r Women's Organization has undertaken to raise $500,000 in the coming year, will be the…

… guest at an open meet- ing at the Rose Sittig Bldg., on Feb. 4. The latest film Sarah Kukso depicting activities of the Work- ing Women's Council in Palestine will be shown. Tuesday and Friday afternoons…

… evening Mrs. Kukso will meet with the Goldie-Myer- son group at the home of Mrs. J. Brindze, 2732 Pasadena. A luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday - afternoon at the De- troit-Leland. All desiring to at…

of Club I at the home of Mrs. M. Kurtzman, 2683 Cortland. An Oneg Shabbat has been ar- ranged honoring Mrs. Kukso for Friday evening at the Farband Folk Shule, 1912 Taylor. Mem- bers and friends of the…

… labor Zionist movement are invited. Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Kuk- so will speak at Oneg Shabbat at Women's Circle Bldg. Members and friends of Reading Circles and Study Groups are invited. Fabian, Head…

of Army Repair Unit, Back Home Back home after 28 months' service in the army, Philip Fabian has reopened his radio service at 11565 Dexter, under the name, ter Radio Co. • Mr. F a b- i a n opened his…

…, and was placed in charge of all radio, telephone and telegraph repair and signal supply. During the era of the Detroit News hikes he was leader of Unit 20. Capt. C. H. Gordon Joins Dropsie College…

February 15, 1946 • Page Image 9

…. David Kurzman is In charge of the Stotler reacting, while Sam Reread) is city chairman of mem- bership for th e ' men. Hillel -U. of Toronto Itlibbl H. Gershon JA'vi heads Me new Hilly' Foundation let…

…b1 4 hi/ PAO! 1,1 A411 ta 1440 l all IN 4109 Ni.,. by Dr. William Haber of the Uni• vernity of Michigan, former Na- tional Refugee Service director, Iteportn en Education Judge Jinni+ E. Lev…

… Uni- versity of Toronto, which make.e the fifth 111110 unit In Canadian universities, Rabbi Levi Is it vet- clan of five years in the Cana- dian army, In whlCh he served IS slur Jewish chaplain…

… magician and several comedy acts kept both the adults soul children in a continuous howl. Max Sossin was master of cere- monies. He was very ably assisted by Samuel Dubrinsky. Plans are in full swing for a…

… Elizabeth, at 8:30 p.m, George Kavanaugh and his or- chestra will be featured. Chair- men of the affair are as follows: Bay Yanovsky, fund raising; Ed- ythe teeing°Id, arrangements; Le- one W e I n h e r g…

… to Dna! Brith philanthropies. --- Greater Detroit Men's Council Plans for the organization of two new lodges of the 13nai I3rith include the presentation of char- ters to the organizations within the…

… next month, according to Da- vid I. Rosin, president of the Greater Detroit lined Brith Coon• ell agency sponsoring the new groups, Under the chairmanship of Isi- dore Starr, a Yiddish speaking lodge and…

… a new English speak- ing organization are sufficiently large to qualify for charters, so that Henry Monsky will be abl , to make a presentation of the charters at the public meeting scheduled by the…

… persons, making It total men's lodge membership of more than 6500, will be reach- ed; this will make Detroit's men's and women's groups in the or- ganization include more than 9500 persons In the city…

… Keidan Lodge Awuse Itosesibutit loblicased the obis meeting of the Harry ohm 1,odge last Tuesday e ( Is 41 OW lisOdi•( .1111111s1r fir It)seilborg's lulk on age 1 Jewish eustomes was, I iilivencd ion…

February 22, 1946 • Page Image 9

… director of the new Wayne Hillel Foundation. There will also be outstanding musical talent, as well as humorous read- ings in Yiddish. Fram to Review Book on Palestine "To Whom Palestine?", a new…

…. S. This group will make the third in the U. S. and the first one in Michigan. The leaders are eager to obtain enough members for Major Aaron Paperman, chief application of a' charter prior to March 13…

… Levi Heads Bnai Moshe Services Neugarten Medical Aid Helps French Children Two hundred dollars worth of vitamins were sent by the Neu- garten Medical Aid to the Am- erican University at Biarritz…

… participating: Louis Brandeis, 2 teams; Detroit Lodge, 2 teams; Keidan, 3 teams; Louis Marshail, 3 teams; Pisgah, 3, teams. These teams will consist of mem- bers selected by their respective lodges. Temporary…

… officers consist of Harry Thomas, president, and Dr. Michael Engeleman, secretary. Committees have been appointed to write by-laws and to suggest bowling alleys. Tentative bowling night is Tuesday. The next…

… meeting will be held Mar. 22 at the Bowl-O-Drome. lodges being formed, the men's groups will total over 6500. Four new lodges have been formed since the first of last year, totaling more than 17 men's and…

…'clock in the evening. Prior to the meeting, Mr. Monsky is to at- tend a dinner honoring those who have contributed most to the suc- cess of the current campaign. Mr. Monsky, whose activities have brought him…

… international ac- claim as a leader among the Jew- ish people, is president of the Su- preme Lodge. Detroit Auxiliary }NIP Louis Marshall Bowling League A new bowling league for 1946 The much talked about…

… luncheon culminating the successful fund raising campaign of the Detroit Lodge Aux. will take place at the Canterbury House, Livernois at 7 Mile on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 12:30 p.m. A smart program has been…

… ar- ranged. Attractive door prizes will be awarded. Freda Jackson is chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. Much credit is due Mrs. Jackson and her very able assistant for the successful finale of

February 15, 1946 • Page Image 20

… member of the executive committee of the Joint Distribution Committee; Prof. William Haber of the department of economics of the University of Michigan, executive director of National Refugee Service from…

… the eventual political be cared for by the Hillel Foun- fate of Palestine, a considerable dation. Upon completion of their number of Jews will be per- mitted to enter during this year, studies, the…

… List of Speakers With Latest, First Hand Reports of Jewish Survivors and the Need for Their Immediate Rehabilitation American Jewry's determination to unite for the relief and rehabilitation of the…

… survivors, through the. national United Jewish Appeal for $103,000,000; to provide for the settlement of as many as possible in Palestine and to assist in bringing refugees to this country, was echoed in the…

… stirring addresses of three spokesmen for the UJA causes, at the public rally at Temple Beth El last Saturday night. First Postwar Assembly This meeting, held in conjunc- tion with the first post war as…

…- sembly of the Council of Feder- ations and Welfare Funds, was addressed by spokesmen for the three UJA agencies: Mrs. David M. (Adele Rosenwald) Levy, chairman of the women's division of the UJA and a…

… 1939 to 1941; and Dr. James G. Heller, retiring chairman of the United Jewish Appeal. Dr. B. Benedict Glazer, who gave the invocation, set the tone for the gathering with his in- spiring prayer. Greeted…

… by Friedman Judge William Friedman, pre- sident of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, in a mes- sage of greeting, prior to intro- ducing Stanley Myers of Miami, Fla., incoming president of the…

… Council of Federations, as chair- man of the evening, welcomed the assembly delegates and ex- pressed the hope that the convention will be marked by a spirit of harmony, that the issue of budgeting will be…

… the remaining 300,000 Jews in France, Holland, Belgium and Italy, among them 22,000 child- ren; 2. Supplementary aid for 80,000 in displaced persons' camps; 3. Emergency relief for 80,000 survivors of

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