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February 22, 1946 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-02-22

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Page Seven


Friday, February 22, 1946

Community Interest Shown
In Senator Pepper's Lecture

Liberal Leader to Address Men's Club of Temple Beth El
Sunday Evening on "A Report on World Leaders
Plans for World Peace"

Tobi Goldoftas Heads
MSC Engineers' Society

Tobi Goldoftas, son of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Goldoftas of Detroit, has
been elected first postwar presi- Senator Mead, Dr. Lowdermilk, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver,
dent of the American Society of

A two-day Christian Institute on Palestine will be held
in Detroit, at the Statler and Book Cadillac Hotels, on Wed-
nesday and Thursday, March 20 and 21, under auspices of
the American Christian Palestine Committee.
The principal functions will conclude with a banquet
at the Book Cadillac on March 21, the principal speakers to

Drs. Baeck, Silver
to Address UAHC
Council Banquet

Detroit Section of the Ameri-
can Jewish Congress has called
upon members of all commit-
tees to meet on Wednesday, at
8:30 p. m., at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Franzblau,
18651 Roselawn.
Dr. David Shapiro, executive
director of the Chicago division
of the American Jewish Con-
gress, will address this meeting
on the topic the importance of
all activities of Congress and how
to activate committees.
A musicale and social will fol-
low. Mrs. Edith Resnick, soprano,
will sing Yiddish and Hebrew
songs. Miss Lillian Robbins,
pianist will, in addition to ac-
companying Mrs. Resnick, render
selections on the piano.

Farband Branch 552 Plans
Eretz Israel Fund Evening

An Eretz Israel evening to
raise funds for the labor Pales-
tine campaign will be held by
Branch 552 of the Jewish Na-
tional Workers Alliance at the
Farband School, 1912 Taylor, this
Sunday evening.
This English speaking branch
of the Farband has planned pro-
gram of entertainment including
Palestinian movies, cards and re-
freshments. The public is invit-

include U. S. Senator Mead of,,
New York, Prof. Carl Friedrich for Christian women leaders in
of Harvard, Dr. Anna Hillel Sil- Michigan. Principal speakers will
ver of Cleveland, and Judge
Frank A. Picard, chairman of the include Mrs. Walter Clay Low-
Michigan Chapter of the Ameri- dermilk, eminent Christian Zion-.
can Christian Palestine Commit- ist who has spent many months
tee, who will preside. It is pos- in Palestine; Dr. Carl Hermann
sible that Senator Homer Fer- Voss, executive director of the
guson of Michigan also will par- American Palestine Committee,
ticipate in this program.
Mrs. Edgar Ansell Mowrer and
The two-day events will com- other prominent leaders.
mence on Wednesday with a tea
That evening, a youth meet-
ing will be held, with George F.
Pierrot as chairman and address-
es by Ian MacFarlane, eminent
Catholic, newspaperman and ra-
Rabbi Morris Adler, who has dio commentator, who has lived
recently returned from Japan in Palestine; Dean LeSourd of
where he served as Chaplain Boston Unversity and others.
The chief event, a Seminar for
with the U. S. Army, will cele- ministers and educators, will be
brate his 40th birthday on held Thursday afternoon. The
speakers will include Prof. Mc-
March 30.
Mahon of the University of Chi-
Dr. Leo M. Franklin will cele- cago, Prof. Friedrich, Dr. Wal-
brate his 76th birthday on March ter Clay Lowdermilk, who will
give an illustrated lecture, and
Birthdays of other Detroiters other noted educators. This ses-
sion will also be addressed by
occurring in March include the Dr. Henry Atkinson who will
sum up the proceedings. Dr. At-
Sidney J. Allen, March 11; kinson is chairman of the Chris-
Joseph. S. Bing, March 3; Mrs. tian Council for Palestine.
Samuel N. Heyman, March 16,
David B. Berger, March 7; Dr.
Herbert I. Kallett, March 28; Cpl.
Gilbert Shafkind, March 21; Mrs.
William Hordes, March 17; Dr. A.
Max Kohn, March 14; Mrs. Perry
P. Burnstine, March 20; Norma
21151 - 35 Woodward Next to Fox Theatre
Ribiat, March 30; Norman Samp-
Open Evenings
son, March 11.


March Birthdays


Agricultural Engineers at Michi-
gan State College.
The society, which was forced
to disband during the war, has
reorganized. It is affiliated with
the National Society of Agricul-
tural Engineers.
Mr. Goldoftas, who will remain
in office until the election next
September, presided at the first
meeting which was addressed by
H. E. Pinches of the Ferguson
Foundation in Detroit.

Max Kogan Has Important

Letter for Samuel Shaz

, Max Kogan has received a let-
ter from E. Ermoni of Tel Aviv,
Palestine, addressed in his care
for a Mr. Samuel Shaz.
Those who know the where-
abouts of Samuel Shaz are urged
to communicate with Mr. Kogan
at CH. 8393 or TO. 8-3753 re-
garding this important letter.


Distinctive Furniture to Glorify Your Home

; .



Dr. Shapiro to Address
Congress Group Feb. 27



Spring Cleaning

As It Should Be!


Curtains - Drapes

Slip Covers

—Cleaned or Laundered


Lamp Shades

—Cleaned and Cellophaned


Carpets, Rugs


—Cleaned in Your Home

TO. 7-9660

Our "Custom-Built" Venetian Sofa

What wonders in transforming your living room to a brighter, more
charming setting could be accomplished with this lovely sofa. Notice
the gracefully shaped frame, tufted arms, antiqued nailhead trim-
ming, and the luxurious one-piece spring-filled cushion. As pictured,
in rose and blue brocatelle; also gray matelasse at $275. Available
in other fabrics, "Custom-Built" in Robinson's own shop, priced accord-
ing to grade of material.



New 18th Century Tables

$59 50


"S" Shaped Cocktail Table;
all mahogany. Drawer on
each side; shelf compart-
ment at each end. Gilt dec-
orated top. 171/2" high.
47x24" top.
Large Tier Table, mahogany
combination, stands 33"
high; top tier I 8", lower 26"
diameter, with decorative
open work carved edges.



12813-15 LINWOOD


Friedrich, Prof. McMahon, Ian Macfarlane Listed
Among the Participating Speakers

Community-wide interest is being displayed in the lec-
ture to be delivered on Sunday evening, at Temple Beth El
main auditorium, by U. S. Senator Claude Pepper of Florida,
under auspices of the Men's Club of Temple Beth El.
Senator Pepper, who will speak on the subject "A Report
on World Leaders' Plans for World Peace," has just returned

from a four months' European',
trip. He has visited in the Mid-
dle East, including Palestine, and
has studied conditions in 20
In the course of his travels
and studies he has talked per-
sonally with Josef Stalin, Clem-
Rabbi Leo Baeck, former Chief
ent Atlee, Charles de Gaulle, Rabbi of Berlin, who spent sev-
Winston Churchill, Vlachislev eral years in a Nazi concentration
Molotov, Anthony Eden, Ernest camp with his fellow German
Bevin and other leading politi- Jews, and Rabbi Abba Hillel Sil-
cal figures.
ver, president of the Central
Recognized as the best-in- Conference of American Rabbis
formed man on foreign affairs and of the Zionist Organization
in Washington, Sen. Pepper's
discussion of the problems of the of America, will be the principal
post-war world will carry un- speakers at the banquet at the
usual authority. An ardent New Netherland-Plaza Hotel, Cincin-
Dealer, he leads the Senate bloc nati, concluding the 39th Council
which is attempting to carry on
t h e late President Roosevelt's of the Union of American He-
foreign and domestic policies. A brew Congregations.
It is expected that 1,000 dele-
senator since 1936, he is now a
member of the Senate Foreign gates from all parts of the coun-
try will attend the convention,
Relations committee.
Sen. Pepper is one of the March 3 to 6. The National Fed-
• Temple Sisterhoods
strongest supporters of the cause erations of
and Temple Brotherhoods will
of a Jewish Palestine.
Tickets to the lecture, at $1.25 hold their conventions concur-
plus tax, can be obtained at rently with the UAHC.
The convention will be high-
Grinnell Bros. Music Store, at
the Temple Beth El office, and lighted by the report of Dr. Mau-
at the door. Each member of rice Eisendrath, executive direc-
the Men's Club of Temple Beth tor; a Town Meeting discussion
El will be mailed two compli- on "Policy and Program of Re-
mentary tickets.
form Judaism," an address by
Rabbi Solomon B. Freehof, a
symposium on "The Synagogue
Dinner to Honor
and the Returning Service Men
H. M. Abromovitz
and Women."
for Aid to Russia
At the banquet, citations will
be awarded to more than 100 Re-
A testimonial dinner in honor form Jewish chaplains.
of Henry M. Abromovitz will be
Four round tables on the theme
given this Sunday evening, at "The Place of the Professional
Moss' on Joy Road, by the De- Secretary in the Temple Struc-
troit Jewish Committee for Rus- ture" will mark the third bien-
sian War Relief, Inc. Morris nial convention of the National
Shatzen is chairman of the com- Association of Temple Secre-
mittee on arrangements.
taries here at the Netherland
The dinner is being given in Plaza Hotel, March 3-6, in con-
recognition of Mr. Abromovit: junction with the biennial con-
Detroit Jewish community activi- vention of the Union of Ameri-
ties during the last decade. A can Hebrew Congregations, it
former president of Pisgah Lodge was announced by Irving I. Katz,
of Bnai Brith, Mr. Abromovitz president of the association, ex-
was chairman of the last Russian ecutive secretary of Temple Beth
relief drive here.
El, Detroit.
Reservations for the dinner are
being taken by the Jewish Com-
mittee for Russian War Relief,
202 Donoven Bldg., RA. 3925.

2-Day Christian Institute
On Palestine Here in March

Open 9:30 to 6:00. Mondays 9:30 to 9:00

CAdillac 4352

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