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January 04, 1963 • Page Image 18

University of Michigan, will be featured in the last of a series of lecture- discussions on "Moral Values Re- flected in Great Literature" 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill, Ann…

Michigan State University. Miami Hospital Gets Gift from Greenspans MIAMI, (JTA) — A gift of $250,000, to be used for the expansion of the services rendered by the outpatient de- partment of Mt. Sinai…

… having shapes other than rectangular are non- mailable. Marjorie Gordon Soloist at JNF's Donor on Jan. 29 Hall to Address Hillel at U. of M. Donald Hall, associate profes- sor of English at the…

… the Coordinating period for Michigan watercraft Council, of which it is a mem- owners will begin on Jan. 1, ber agency. 1938. . Eric Rosenow City of Hope Cancer Fighters Auxiliary Launches Fund…

… voice at Duquesne Benevolent Society University in Pittsburgh. Morris Dorn was re-elected In addition to her busy sing- to serve a second term as presi- ing schedule, Marjorie Gordon dent of the is now…

… Hebrew University secondary school to serve as a teachers training unit for the John Dewey School of Education of the uni- versity was dedicated here Dec. 26. The sum of $500,000 for the buildings of the…

…, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Balansoff of Norwood Ave., Oak Park. • The bride-elect attended Mich- igan State University and now is a student at Wayne State Uni- versity. Her fiance is a senior at…

…Postmaster Lists New Mail Rules; Lipsky-Balanso ff Nickel Rate Is a Bargain, He Says Troth Announced Envelopes having a ratio of width (height) to length of less than 1 to 1.414 (1 to the square…

… root of 2) are not recom- mended. Sealed pieces mailed at the third-class postage rates must be marked "third class." Baker further reminded mail- ers that the new postal rate and fee increases become…

…- cans paid for letters when the United States issued its first postage stamps 115 years ago, Announcement was made this Baker said. week by Mrs. Edward Wishnet- shows that in 1847 sky, president of the…

October 04, 1963 • Page Image 11

… Trib- unal, recited special prayers for the well-being of King Hassan II. Participating in these rites were other leaders of the Jew- ish community here. CALL WILL SAVE YOU maw PONTIAC, MICHIGAN PAUL…

University, will open its season of activities with a lee_ ture by Rabbi Aaron Brander of Mt. Clemens on Sunday at the Northwest Young Israel. He will speak on "The Scope and Concept of Jewish Inheri- tance…

…All-Time Record for Israel Bond Sales on Holy Days Set Here with Total of $656,550 King Represented at Yom Kippur Services CASABLANCA, (JTA)—Gen- eral Driss Ben Aomar, Governor of Casablanca, paid…

… his formal respects to the Jewish commun- appeals in five congregations, is Beth Abraham was third with ity here Saturday by attending an all-time record high for $77,400. Yom Kippur services. He of

…- Detroit. Most of the .appeals Other leading congregations ficially represented King Has- were held on Yom Kippur. in this year's Israel Bond ap- san II. A - record total of $656,550 was realized in the…

… Israel Bond High Holy Day Appeal in 23 Detroit area congregations as against $583,900 last year, it was an- Adas Shalom Synagogue nounced by Tom Borman, gen- again set the pace in this in- eral chairman of

… the Detroit Is- crease. Its members responded rael Bond Committee, and Phil- to the appeal. of Rabbi. Jacob lip Stollman, chairman of the E. Segal by subscribing Congregational and High Holy $260,150 as…

… against $223,100 Day Council. This is an increase last year. Adas Shalom has of $72,650 or nearly 13 per cent won -nation-wide fame for its above 1962. It places Detroit consistent leadership in the among…

…, with $115,000 as against $42,050 from Rosh Hashanah $44,300 last year. Congregation Sen. Ribicoff to Be Guest Speaker at Yeshivath Beth Yehudah Banquet Sen. Abraham Ribicoff of entation by Cantor Chaim…

… Elie_ Connecticut will be guest speak- zer Herstik of Israel, the world's er at the Yeshivath Beth Yehu- youngest cantor. dah's annual dinner on Nov. 10 The committee of 49 leaders planning the dinner…

October 04, 1963 • Page Image 16

… Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Robinson of Merton Rd. Miss Blather attended the University of Michigan and graduated from the Wayne State University College of Education, where she was affiliated with…

… the Delta Phi Epsilon sorority and Pi Lambda Theta honorary education sorority. Her fiance graduated from the University of Michigan. A Dec. 21 wedding is planned. Shaarit Haplaytah Plans Movie Night…

Michigan and the federal constitution." "Calling the electorate of De- troit to vote on this nonsensical and misleading proposition is to create mistrust and misun- derstanding and constitutes a waste of

… Council. Mayor Cavanagh's unqualified support of the proposed Patrick- Ravtiz housing ordinance was commended also by an official of the Michigan Council of the American Jewish Congress. Zeldon Cohen, a…

…- lowship. Kapustin, son of Dr. and Mrs. Max Kapustin, a rabbi who is the director of the Hillel Foun- dation at Wayne State Univer- sity, applied in March for the grant which was granted for 10 weeks, June…

… assistant to Dr. David Finkelstein, a Young Men's Philanthropic League Associate Professor of Physics at the University's Belfer Grad- uate School of Science, in 1961-62. Kapustin is the president of the…

… members of the com- munity will be staff members of the Daily Collegian, Wayne State University's student news- paper, during the coming school year. Lloyd H. Weston, 18108 Ken- tucky, will be the news…

…-elect is a senior at the University of Detroit School of Dental Hygiene. Her fiance 538-5395 attends the Ohio College of Podiatry, Cleveland, where he is affiliated with Phi Alpha Pi PLANNING fraternity. An…

…Fr iday, Oc tober 4, 1963 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S — 16 MISS BARBARA BLACHER Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blacher of Cranbrook Dr. announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Jeanne, to Jay Harvey…

… MILE at WYOMING Wayne Collegian Fills Staff Posts Jewish Committee, Congress Laud Levine-Kruman Cavanagh Open Occupancy Stand Engagement Told . . . . The Detroit chapter of the fully and courageously…

October 04, 1963 • Page Image 24

… FIDELMAN'S South Haven, Michigan Phone: 616-637-5118 Miami Beach, Florida * PROF. R A H E L SHALON, head of the Building Research Station and Professor of Civil Engineering at the Technicion, Israel…

… American Rabbis, and Rabbi Lou H. Silberman, Hillel Pro- tfessor of Jewish Literature and Thought at Vanderbilt Univer- sity. Irving I. Katz, executive sec- retary of Detroit's Temple Beth El, will conduct a…

…-mixing" cere- mony in London. She is the divorced wife of French Count de Gaumont la Force. Ribs See Northern Michigan at its glorious best—in the Autumn ! . . . Shake the doldrums. Plan now to spend a few…

… days at LEWISTON LODGE in the heart of Michigan's north country. Hike the woodland trails in the crisp air amid the riot of autumn color, or fish the sparkling waters of East Twin Lake. Then…

…, MICHIGAN LEWISTON: STate 6-2452 Israel Names Avner Envoy to Canada JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Ger- shon Avner, Israel's Minister to Norway and formerly director of the United States Division of the Foreign…

… professor of physics at Yeshiva University in New York, has been elected president of the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists. * * JACK CAMINKER, D e troit Real Estate management special- ist, was…

…Friday, October 4, 1963 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — 24 People Make News Dr. Dov Joseph, Minister of Justice of the State of Israel, and one of its outstanding statesmen and legal authorities, will…

… arrive Oct. 15 for a tour of major cities in t h e United States and Canada on behalf of the State of Israel Bon d Drive. Dr. Joseph's visit comes at t h e high point of the 1963 cam- p aig n. His Dr…

…. Joseph last v is it to North America took place in 1956. Detroit is included in his itinerary. 4: * * DR. AZRIEL ROSENFELD, di- rector of research at Budd Elec- tronics Corporation and assistant…

… recently appointed co- chairman of the National Asso- ciation of Building Owners and Managers Apartment Committee. * * * DAVID LIPPITT of the Gor- don Meisner Agency was Indian- apolis Life Insurance Company…

October 04, 1963 • Page Image 14

… exhibition, the first of the Sukkot Mural Mrs. Gershon Berris, presi- dent of the Hillel Day School Parent - Teachers Organization, announces an open house and brunch 9:30 a.m. Oct. 16 at the Jewish Center…

…'s young mothers and homemakers are prime targets of arthritis, states the Michigan Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. ASH Rabbi Eichhorn, a World War II Army chaplain and former president of the Hebrew…

… indication of the universal respect for the Pope, who has concern for all men of religion). This suggests that what we at the Seminary and in Conservative Judaism have been saying and doing in the past 25…

… Exhibition Dr. Louis Finkelstein, Chan- cellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, who was a member of the U.S. delega- tion to the Coronation of Pope Paul VI, in a message to Semi- nary friends…

… out of respect for our Sab- bath. The State Department not only informed me of the proto- col in these matters, which is complex, but went to consider- able trouble to fly over by special courier those…

… items of clothing which I had supposed I would not need while on holi- day. The Department also showed concern about my food in Rome, and discovered two kosher restaurants there (I had known only one…

… all. My situation was unique: after all, the over- whelming majority of our fel- low Americans are Christians, and the United States delega- tion might be expected to con- sist of Catholics and Protes…

… years has not been in vain. "To make use of the image of Deutero Isaiah, we Jews are the witness people; we are a pledge to remind the human race of its true goal. It is not enough to say this. Like Moses…

…, the Prophets, and the great Sages of Israel, we must feel it so deeply that it becomes nat- ural for us to remember and to demonstrate its implications by day and night, when we arise and when we go to…

… sleep, when we are in our homes and when we walk by the way. "Following the coronation ceremonies, there was the papal audience for members of for- eign, delegations. We were taken into the Sistine Chapel…

January 04, 1963 • Page Image 14

… Institute will hold a supper meeting on Jan. 20, featuring movies of Institute activities. Dr. Herman Jacobs, director of the Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan, will lecture 9 p.m. Jan. 25 at…

… be pre- uary. sented. Balmoral Chapter will meet 12:30 p.m. Jan. 16 at the home of Mrs. Nate Greenhouse, 2845 Cambridge. James Kipfer, di- Agency rector of the Children's Divi- sion of the Michigan

…- ment of Sociology and Anthro- pology, Wayne State University, who recently returned from a year in Italy where, as a Full- bright scholar, he taught at Italian universities. Dr. Moss will discuss his…

…'s Build- American ORT, have announced ing. A review of Harry Golden's Campaign, Honor Pioneer Women Rites Solemnized I Jan. 15 will mark the official opening of the 1963 Histadrut Campaign. An effort to…

… reach at least 50 percent of the local $150,000 quota will be made be- tween now and that date. Morris Lieberman, chairman of the campaign, reports that the results so far are "very en- couraging — the…

… ranks of the contributors have been swelled by many new friends of Hista- drut this year due to the in- creased interest of Detroiters in the many vital activities spon- sored by Histadrut in Israel to…

… assist the present mass immigra- tion." Ambassador Katriel Katz, the newly appointed Consul-General of Israel in New York, will address the opening event 8 p.m. Jan . 15 at the La- bor Zionist Institute…

…. Tova Porat, who has been acclaimed and praised in Tova Porat American mu- sic circles for her excellent operatic renditions, will be the guest artist. She performed at the recent national conven- tion of

… Histadrut in New York. Sholem Aleichem Will Honor Memory of Late Poet H. Leivick An evening's program dedi- cated to the memory of the late Jewish poet H. Leivick, who died last week, heads the agen- da of

… role in Jewish literature. Some of the poems, which have been set to music, will be sung. The public is invited. The Sholemates Group will hold a supper meeting and so- cial Jan. 12. Chapter Two of the…

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