May 07, 1954

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May 07, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…McCARTHY-ARMY HEARINGS : REPORT See Page 4 Ii S ir izr ~Iaitr I S " 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIV, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1954 CLOUDY, SHOWERS SIX PAGES Probes' Social Trends Traced Communists Want Voice For Puppets China Seat Demand Opposed by French House Help Vote Permits t*s. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of editorials and inter- pretive articles dealing with the question of Co...…

May 07, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY '7, 1954 t_">< = ~o . O O <>.<=>OC>OGomo<=> Modern Dance Club ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT Guest Appearance - O RCHESIS of Michigan State College Friday, May 7, 1954 - 7:30 & 9 P.M. c Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Barbour Gymnasium TicketS 5Oc at the door. NN ARBOR'S MOST LISTENED-TO ORCHESTRA Dancing Tues., Fri., and Sat. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Rainbow Combo You must be 21. Featuring . ". . Members ...…

May 07, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILV PAGE TRREN FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1954 THE MiCHIGAN DAlI A RAGE TIIRE~ Englishman Shat ters Four inute ile Mark Psi Omega, Nu Sigma Nu Win I-M Softball Contests - By DICK CRAMER Pitcher Harry Mighion won bis own ball game yesterday afternoon with a timely double in the final inning to give his Psi Omega club a 5-4 victory over Tau Epsilon Rho in Intramural Professional Soft- ball competition. Mighio...…

May 07, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE '111CHlGrAIN DAILY F R IDAT , MAY 7, 1954 PAGE FOUR 1'liE MICliI4iAN I)AILY FRIDAY, MA~ 2, 1954 McCarthy-Army Hearings: A First-Hand Report (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter was written by Cal Samra, Editorial Director of The Daily last year.) To The Editor: HAVING RECENTLY attended the Mc- Carthy-Army hearings and witnessed first-hand the absurdity of it all, I have never been so firmly convinced that this country would...…

May 07, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 151) • Page Image 5

…'F'RIDAY, MAY 7, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE E VRIDAY, MAY 7, 19~4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA(~ PT~?I~ &l1 Vf 1'i A. jTyy w Annual Greek Week Events Continued I 0 he JV tJ6? Adelphi To Join Ranks Of Delta Phi Epsilon IFC Dance, Ball Game To Be Held 1IFC Ball.. "Paris" will prevail in an at- mosphere of travel folders and sidewalk cafes at the annual IFC Ball from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight in the League. The dance, sponsored by the In- ...…

May 07, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 151) • Page Image 6

… PAGE SIB THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 7, 3954 ?AGE SI~ ThE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. MAY 7. 1!)54 a asaas of +. Fiii#ki ij iMYR 4i :l' HOWDY DOODY: Objectives Golton Recalls Four Years in Activities Of Council By FREDDI LOEWENBERG "You might portray me as a man who has wasted half his timfe in college." Relaxing easily in a chair, Ro- bert J. Golten, '54, recalled his four years' of dabbling in various campus activities. The retiring W...…

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