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May 07, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-07

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F R IDAT , MAY 7, 1954


McCarthy-Army Hearings:
A First-Hand Report

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter was
written by Cal Samra, Editorial Director of The
Daily last year.)
To The Editor:
HAVING RECENTLY attended the Mc-
Carthy-Army hearings and witnessed
first-hand the absurdity of it all, I have
never been so firmly convinced that this
country would be far better off if Americans
were less prone to institutionalize their fol-
lies and parade them before the eyes of the
world. Aside from an uncomfortable mo-
ment when a myopic old wench mistook me
for G. David and asked me for an autograph,
I have never been more thoroughly amused
by a spectacle since I last witnessed the
awarding of degrees at University com-
mencement exercises.
The obstreperous Senator from Wis-
consin is squirming so noticeably it would
be a pity, however, to end the hearings at
a juncture when the American public is
finally getting an idea of what McC-ism
really is.
At the moment, even the flies are fleeing.
On a train back, I happened to sit next to
a distinguished-looking gentleian, who, for
all my questioning, was curiously reticent
and would not venture an opinion on the
hearings. He introduced himself as John
Marshall Butler, GOP Senator from Mary-
land, once an ardent McCarthy supporter
and admirer who owed his election to anoth-
er doctored photo. Not even Senator B.
would put in a good word for Joe.
The case of Pvt. Schine has inspired the
dedication of the following ballad to his
illustrated name. Circulated in D.C.'s Na-
tional Press Club, it's author remains un-
known: .
"Oh, here's to Private David Schine!
He never would have shone
But for Senator McCarthy
And his special counsel Cohn,
Lacking talents of his own,
Found the very kind he wanted
In his special counsel Cohn;
And Cohn, whose admiration
Of himself was most divine,
Found complete corroboration
In the love of Private Schine.
"And so this jolly trio
Start out to beat the Dutch;
To rid the world of Democrats
And Communists and such,
And Schine and Cohn they formed a team,
The team of Cohn and Schine,

And went to hunt for Communists
Beyond the River Rhine;
They sought them in the night clubs
And in the dark beer halls,
They questioned them by the moonlight
In the market-place and stalls.
"Ah, what a jolly life it was!
A life so free and hearty,
To frisk around from scene to scene
For Senator McCarthy,
While John Q. Public paid the bills
For caviar and wine .-
It was a life of purple thrills
For Messrs. Cohn and Schine !
What fun to cuff a diplomat
And slap him in the face,
Or push a general around
And put him in his place.
"And when the army bugle called
Across the salty main,
And Mr. Schine was summoned
To his homeland once again
To don an Army uniform
Though tailor-made, a beauty
And then report to GHQ
For military duty.
The Chief of Staff explained aghast;
We've sinned against Divinity;
We've drafted into uniform
One corner of the Trinity!'
"But Private Schine was quite benign;
'Your sin I do condone,
But remember, I'm a friend of Joe's
And Special Counsel Cohn;
So, make it easy for me, pal,
And everything is fine,
But don't forget that Joe and Cohn
Are buddie-pals of mine.'
And Private Schine did rise and shine,
And, glory, how he shone,
As did befit a friend of Joe's
And Special Counsel Cohn.
"Two captains pressed his uniform,
And a colonel, it is said,
Stood respectfully beside him
While breakfasted in bed.
At night a four-star general
Would drive up in a jeep
And tell him bed-time stories
Till he finally went to sleep,
So here's to Private David Schine
And, Lord, how he has shone,
As the friend of Joe McCarthy
And his special counsel Cohn!"
-Pvt. Cal Samra

Mr. Dulles and
Mr. Knowland
BEFORE THE Western powers can take a
stand at Geneva on Indo-China, Mr.
Laniel must get a vote of confidence from
the French Assembly in Paris, and in Wash-
ington the President and Secretary Dulles
must in effect get one from Sen. Knowland.
It is all very well to take about united ac-
tion and about saving this, that, and the
other thing. The saving will have to be
done, if it is done at all, by governments
competent to take decisions.
The United States government is not
now competent to take decisions. It can
play no useful part in Indo-China and in
Southeast Asia unless and until the Ad.
ministration can count upon the confi-
dence and the support of the Senate in
negotiating with our allies and with our
adversaries. If the only position that the
President and the Secretary of State are
allowed to take is to demand the uncon-
ditional surrender of the Viet Minh by
the continuation and expansion of the
war, they are doomed to a diplomatic de-
feat which can cause only the gravest
trouble all over the world.
There is a notion in what might be de-
scribed as highly irresponsible responsible
quarters that while it would be better to have
allies than not to have them, it would be
feasible for the United States alone to take
over the war in Indo-China and to win it.
This is a most dangerous fantasy for men
of power and influence to entertain.
Let them, just for a starter on the way
back to the realities, ask themselves what
the other powers would do if we decided to
wage war alone. The other powers would, let
us remember, have refused to participate in
that war. Having done that, would they then
all be benevolent neutrals as the French were
pulling out of Indo-China and as we were
moving across the Pacific to put ourselves
into Indo-China? Cannot our aging juve-
niles realize that many of the countries,
especially in Asia, will be opposed not only
to their own involvment but to the war
itself? For they are bound to believetthat if
we are involved, the war will probably be
spread and then they will be involved too.
Sen. Knowland should, therefore, rid him-
self of any illusion that we have a choice
between fighting with our allies or fighting
alone. The only way we can fight in that
part of the world is with the full collabora-
tion of our allies not only in military action
but in diplomatic and political action no
*, * * *
We can hold an island like Okinawa by
ourselves. We can keep Formosa out of
the control of Peking. But on the main-
land of Asia, we do not have the power to
defend large territory with a massive pop-
ulation unless we are inside a coalition
which includes at least some of the coun-
tries of Asia. Gen. Eisenhower knows that
as well as any living man. For when he
was Chief of Staff he participated in for-
mulating the doctrine which underlies it.
American military power, which is on the
sea and in the air, can hold islands, can
deny the use by an enemy of strategic points
near the coast of the great continent. But it
cannot occupy, it cannot pacify, it cannot
control the mainland, even in the coastal
areas much less in the hinterland
Any American who commits American
power in violation of this principle is taking
an uncalculated and an incalculable risk.
* * * *
The question which needs now to be
answered in Washington is this: Will Sen.
Knowland permit and will he support a
policy of united action? A policy of united
action must mean united action every-
where-at Geneva and in Indo-China, now
and later, at the conference table and in
the field. It must be united action not

only with dependents and clients like Pres-
ident Rhee and Chiang Kai-shek but the
great power of the Commonwealth and of'
the French Union, who ar6 our allies all
over the globe.
If to this question the answer is yes. then
there is no reason at all why a compromise
to end the war in Viet Nam should mean
the loss of the whole of Southeast Asia. For
if Mr. Knowland will allow the United States
to cooperate with Great Britain and with
Canada. and with the other powers of the
Commonwealth, then we shall be negotiat-
ing with the Communists from a position of
But if Mr. Knowland's answer is no, and
that our position must be irreconcilable
though we must play the hand alone, then
our failure is certain, and a great disaster
will almost surely follow from that failure.
* * * *
So if Mr. Dulles is to go back to Geneva
and is to play a part suited to the interests
and worthy of the dignity of this country,
he must be given-what he has never yet
had-a mandate from the Senate to nego-
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
New Books at Library
Cost, March - Invitation from Minerva;
Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1954.
Doyle, Adrian Conan & Carr, John Dick-
son - Exploits of Sherlock Holmes; New
York, Random House, 1954.
T-%-- - ('n- - ( 1 !\.F f 4. . T1n- . F



W ASHINGTON-Unless the Russians pull some unforeseen boner
at Geneva, that conference seems slated to be the worst diplomatic
defeat for the United States in 20 years.
What Geneva has done is show up the fact that the U.S.A.
no longer holds the world's initiative, the balance of power, the
trump cards, in the cold war. In Geneva, other diplomats did not
come knocking at Dulles' door to find out what the United States
wanted. They knocked at Molotov's instead.
For the first time, at Geneva, the United States went back to
the days of Hoover and Roosevelt when we could not call the tunes

at international conferences.

Time after time in those

inspired important diplomatic gatherings, only to have them end
in failure. This was not because either a Democratic or a Republican
administration was in power, or because we didn't try hard. It was
because Nazi-Fascist leadership was too strong and because we were
too divided at home. So we coasted . . . downhill . . . into war.
Today strong Communist leadership has replaced Nazi-Fascist
leadership-at a time when the United States has become woefully
divided at home. A nation divided against itself cannot lead, and
our European allies know it. That's why we have lost world
Herbert Hoover lost leadership abroad because of the isolationist
split in his own Republican party. Roosevelt couldn't gain leadership
-until after Pearl Harbor-because of increasing isolation, especially
from some of the same crowd that has come back with such vigor
to support McCarthy.
Today the Kremlin obviously reads the newspapers. So do our
Allies. They know that, regardless of what Mr. Dulles may say at
Geneva or Paris or London, he can't carry out what he says without
certain Republican Senators; without the American people-now con-
fused by McCarthy; and without the morale-shot American Army.
In other words, John Foster Dulles went to Geneva with
almost no trump cards in his hand. And when he got there he
proceeded to throw away the one card that Molotov thought
was a trump.
ALL THIS WAS WHY Dulles left Geneva amid reports that he
would resign .
While the reports were denied. it is no secret that the harassed

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
No Unicorns at Harvard ture, recognizes that in order to
insure the basic democratic foun-
To The Editor ordt ions guaranteed inthe Bill of
Rights, an atmosphere of com-
IR. SWIFT'S letter of April 30th plete individual freedom must pre-
came as a great surprise to vail at the hearings being held in
me, for I had not expected to find Lansing, May 10, to which student
such an attitude in a fellow stu- i and faculty members of our uni-
dent. As a law student myself, I versity have been subpoenaed.
found the "Unicorn in the Gar- To counteract the inquisitional
den" a highly humorous distrac- tactics which permeated all such
tion from the ordinary law school congressional investigations and is
life, and think that the instigator unabashedly being perpetuated in
of this ingenious act, whoever he the Detroit hearings now being
may be, should be highly com-j held, we, as members of this uni-
mended. I don't believe I had ever versity community, invite every-
heard of Mr. Swift until I read one, as Mr. Clardy has so cordially
his letter, but he obviously appears done, to be present at theserhear-
to be the type of "books for books ings in order to observe the "dem-
sake" student who, in his quest for ecratic" procedure.
legal dignity, would perhaps have We strongly urge students and
been better off to have chosen the all those concerned with preserv-
Harvard Law School, where such ing their democratic rights, not
"juvenile" disruptions of the aca- only now but in the future, to at-
demic are unheard of. However; tend these hearings. Since trans-
since the die has been cast, and portation to Lansing will be dif-
Mr. Swift is stuck with Michigan ficult we recommend that univer-
(and vice-versa), all I can do is sity chartered buses be made avail-
suggest that he might find life able, and that all people with cars
around here a lot more enjoyable volunteer to take riders along.
if he would occasionally take some
time off from his conscientious -Diana Styler
pursuit of the law, and have a
little fun.
-Robert B. Fiske, Jr., '55L Clardy's Open Mind , . .
P.S. As for the Crease Ball, I To The Editor:
think I can safely speak for allT E
who attended in saying that it was JIM DYGERT'S report on an in-
a roaring success-in spite of the terview with Kit Clardy was
absence of Mr. Swift. exceptionally "education" because
* * it helped us see how pat and posi-



'' F. r lrrrarrtin Plnrrev _ j

tive "open-minded" thinking can

A11, 1p4614 .LU1u1L+),44I LU P14* * .
and beleaguered Secretary of State has felt terribly depressed. be. Such a relief from the muddle-
Once, when heckled before the Senate Foreign Relations Coin- To The Editor: headed thinking of narrow-minded
mittee by the leader of his own party, Knowland of California, Dulles E COME FROM New York. liel yn
WE Since Clardy is so open-minded,
seemed almost on the verge of tears. It's a mighty big city, and, he must have given careful con-
"I can't seem to please you gentlemen," he said. "It looks as you can meet all kinds of people sideration to liberal objections to
if there's just no way we can conduct foreign affairs to your there. Know what though? We've some of the practices of his cor-
liking." discovered that you can meet theI mittee. He has apparently found
And, as he departed for Geneva, Dulles told advisers that the same kinds ofapeople in Ann Arbor reasonable answers to these objec-
Republican party's Senate leader, Mr. Knowland, seemed to be the too. But we're not writing to tell tions, because the committee has
biggest obstacle to Dulles' policies. The senate leader should lead in you about our home town. We not changed its methods. To help
supporting Republican policies, not try to block it, he complained. wanted to tell you about some- Clardy in his great task of public
thing real funny that happened to education, perhaps Jim Dygert
DUL.LES BONER us the other night. could ask him some questions that
ECAUSE OF these worries, plus the fact that he was extremely We had dates with a couple of would help the public see the Con-
tired and had not enjoyed four weeks of golf, Dulles pulled a sur- fellows, and our housemother did- gressrnan's carefully worked-out
prising boner at Geneva. He held a background press meeting in his n't want to allow them into the conclusions. To date, apparently,
Geneva hotel room the night before the conference opened at which house. Seems that she objected the just and open-minded reason-
he flatly reversed Vice-President Nixon and his own statements about to them cause they had red hair ing of men like Clardy has been
U.S. intervention in Indo-China. Categorically he stated that we had and freckles on their noses. We completely hidden from the public
no intention of doing anything in Indo-China Three weeks before.: couldn't understand this but she by the insidious liberal press.

'Meaningful Commencement'
Means Meaningless Ballot

Nixon had told newspaper editors
Dulles said we would do no such thi
Though Dulles was not quot
around the world.
But more important, Molotovl
author of the nonintervention stat
Immediately, Molotov called
together, told them to adopt a h
surrender in Indo-China. Previo
had picked up what seemed to ber
planned a conciliatory policy. I
States really meant business and
he wasn't afraid. So Communist p
(Copyright 1954, byt

IN VOTING on the calendar referendum in
the all-campus elections the student body
was given an important opportunity to ex-
press its preference regarding the scheduling
of final exams.
Or was it?
Conspicuously missing from the refer-
endum ballot was the schedule which was
in operation at the University until last
year. This plan, which left a longer dead
period than the present one, also called
for an "unofficial graduation" of seniors.
Possibly a better plan may be worked out,
but that "better plan" didn't seem to be
on the referendum.
There seems to be some large problem
connected with each of the proposals. The
quarter-semester plan is considered impos-
sible by the administration, since it would
require a complete revamping of credits and
course plans. The Reading Period and
Brown plans, respectively, would let school
out the third and fourth weeks in June,
thus putting students at a disadvantage in
the competition for summer jobs. The Crary
plan would prevent students from taking
jobs requiring them to work over the Labor

Day weekend, while the Dwyer plan would
call for the exam period to begin immediate-
ly after Christmas vacation.
The plan presently in operation would be
most satisfactory of those on the referen-
dum, were it not for the single day "dead
period" before exams. The only argument
against returning to the former plan with
its extended study period before the begin-
ning of finals seems to be that President
Hatcher insists on an "official" graduation
of seniors.
In a polling of the parents of seniors,
and in an all-campus referendum last
fall, it was shown that both parents of
seniors and the students themselves fa-
vored by two to one a longer exam period
over the alternative of an "official" grad-
Since getting a real diploma at commence-
ment rather than two weeks later is not
really "more meaningful" to the students
who are forced into a speeded-up exam
period, it seems a little coercive on the part
of the administration that this proposal
could not be placed on the ballot.
-Mary Kane



we might even send troops. But said that since red hair and freck- Here are some of the many pos-
ing at all.; les are sort of in the minority the sible questions that could be an-
ed directly, this made headlines otherrkids' parents might object swered by Clardy to help clearup
too, and you know how it is. We the muddled heads of liberals:
still couldn't understand though, Should the Fifth Amendment be
knew within 30 minutes who the cause you see, sometimes the other kept in the Constitution? Why?
ement was. kids dated fellows who were real When court decisions and men like
Communist satellite diplomats skinny and had big ears. We're Francis Biddle say it is not proper
ard-fast policy of unconditional not particularly fond of skinny to infer guilt from use of the Fifth
usly, U.S. and Indian observers fellows with big ears. But we fig- Amendment, what is wrong with
reliable reports that Molotov had I ured it, was their right to date their logic? Is it necessarily true
le had been afraid the Ignited whomever they felt like, and wf that witnesses before his commit-
might enter Indo-China. Now sure didn't mind having them in tee who use the Fifth Amendment
olicy went into reverse overnight, the house. So we kind of expected are members of a gigantic conspir-
the Bell Syndicate) our dating preferences to be re- acy against the United . States?
spected too. Our housemother pat- Should constitutional protections
ted us on our heads then, and be granted only to those who truly
explained that since we were from believe in freedom of speech and
NY we had different ideas of how assemblage? If so, where does
A people should behave, and we a that leave certain avid anti-com-
couldn't expect things to be the munists?
same in Ann Arbor. We thought A friend has bet me, twenty to
this over seriously, but then, like one, that men like Clardy have not
sent a program of compositions by Bach, we said - people in Ann Arbor really considered, ,and certainly
Saint Saens, Pierne, Gagnebin, and Mo- seem awful much like the people won't attempt to answer, such
zart, at 8:30 Friday evening, May 7, in in NY, or any other place for that questions. Please have your re-
Auditorium A, Angell Hall. A Music Ed- matter. We even asked our moth- porter ask the questions soon, be-
ueation major, Mr. Onofrey will present ers about it. They said that they cause I've got my money on the
the public recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Bachelor didn't mind if skinny boys with big open-minded congressmen.
of Music degree, ears were around the house, and; -Howard Wolfe, '54
they couldn't understand why the
Exhibits other mothers might complain
Y' tstzmofAr, Aumi emoia }about our red haired freckled
11a11. Student Exhibition, College of dates. And gee whiz, the house we
Architecture and Design. May 6-26. Mu- live in here is real big anyway,
seum hours: 9-5 on weekdays, 2-5 on and there's plenty of room in the I
Sundays. The public is invited, living -room for everyone's date to
wait comfortably. So we really
Events Today don't understand. Could you ex-
plain it please?
Fourth Laboratory Bill of Plays will -Ester Mark
be presented by the Department of Martha Green

(Continued from Page 2)

CURR;eNl'f i'AQV/I%

A rchitecture A uditorium
OF MICE AND MEN with Burgess Mere-
dith and Lon Chaney
JOHN STEINBECK'S distinction as a nov-
elist is due, in part at least, to his abil-
ity to write about the lives and hopes of
simple people without being on the one
hand, supercilious, or on the other, simple-
minded about it. Especially he isn't simple-
minded-his style is too hard, his vision per-
haps too bitter for him ever to become ser-
iously sentimental over his characters. And
it is in this trait, the avoidance of senti-
mentality, that the movie version Of Mice
and Men almost trips up. There is a cer-
tain heightening of the importance of the
more pitiful scenes that takes place in the
change fron novel to movie. Even so, the
movie stops short of the tear-jerker line.
The actors are very good, and it is mainly
their restraint, I think, that keeps the pic-
ture from bogging down in mawkishness.
Best of all are the grotesques. The values

ranch. He is unkempt and filthy, and he
lives in constant fear of being fired and
sent to the county poorhouse. The tear-
ful petulance with which he strikes back
at the people who mock him, and his
devotion to a *heepdog as old and filthy
as himself are very well done. Equally good
is the old Negro with the twisted back,
who is even more of a pariah on the ranch.
He lives alone and reads, and the scur-
rility born of his loneliness is an effec-
tive balance for the hopefulness of the
other outcasts. The most important of the
grotesques, Len Small, the semi-imbecile,
is not up to the mark of the other two.
Lon Chaney does a consistent job, which
probably was difficult enough, but the
character sometimes seems like a burlesque
Burgess Meredith, the prophet and pro-
tector of this little group of unfortunates, is
excellent. He strikes a delicate balance in
his attitude toward the hope he holds out to
them; he is partly cynical and partly cre-
dulons .Tontrasted with the little arnnnin

of Income from Cooperative Enterpris-
es," Fri., May 7, 105 Economics Bldg.,
at 3 p.m. Chairman, R. A. Musgrave.
Doctoral Examination for Henry Char-
les Schwartz, Romance Languages and
Literature; thesis: "Gabriel Miro (1879-
1930): A Thematic Analysis of the Secu-
lar Works," Sat., May 8, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10 a.m. Chair-
man, N. W. Eddy.
Doctoral Examination for Charles Na-
than Lebeaux, Sociology; thesis: "Ru-
ral and Urban Background as Factors
in the Behavior of Factory Workers,"
Sat., May 8, 613 Haven Hall, at 10 am.
Chairman, Ronald Freedman.
Doctoral Examination for Ann Elisa-
beth Schendler. Comparative Literature;
thesis: "An Aristotelian Theory of Co-
medy," Sat., May 8, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 9 am, Chairman,
N. E. Nelson.
Michigan School Vocal Association
Concert, 3:30 Saturday afternoon, May
8, in Hill Auditorium. Featured will be
Class A High School Festival Choirs
from surrounding communities and the
University Bach Choir. Maynard Klein,
Conductor of University Choirs, will
lead the festival choirs in two groups
of English songs, and the Bach Choir
in Brahms' Neue Liebeslieder, Op. 65,
and Bach's Mass in B Minor. The con-
cert will be open to the general public
without charge. The audience will sit
in the first balcony, since the first
floor has been reserved for thefourteen
high school choirs participating.
Student Recital. Judith Becker, Pian-
ist, wil Tbe heard at 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, May 9, in Auditorium A, Angell
Hall, playing a program in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree. It will in-
clude compositions by Mozart, Brahms,
and Schubert, and will be open to the
public. Mrs. Becker is a pupil of John
Recital Postponed. Tie voice recital
by Russell Christopher. baritone, previ-
ously announced for Mon., May 10, has
been postpon-ed until Tues., June 1.
Student Recital .Tnan St. nDnis Dodd,


Speech tonight at 8 ocock in the Wo-
Imen's Athletic Building. Thtere is no - -~ 4
admission charge, and the seats are not Lansing Hearings . . .I
reserved. Included on the bill are Wen !Q D rv
Shun T'ang's Chinese play, THE DRA- To The Editor:
GON; scenes from Eva Le Gallienne's Hh
dramatization of Lewis Carroll's ALICE THIS
IN WONDERLAND; and Anatole Fran- posal by David Levy who as a
cIs THE MAN WHO MARRIED A DUMB member of the Culture and Educa- Sixty-Fourth Year
tion Committee, Student Legisla- Edited and managed by students of
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- the University of Michigan under the
terbury Club, 7:30, Canterbury House. able saving. Box office hours are 10 authority of the Board in Control of
I a.m.-5 p.m. Student Publications.
Episcopal Student Foundation. + Tea -_ _ _ _ _ _
from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House. Forum on College and University
Teaching. Editorial Staf
Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Final session, Fri., May 7, 3-4:30 p.m., Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
I Night, 8 p.m. Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Eric Vetter............ ,.... City Editor
will speak on "The Earth-Geological Topic: How Can a Professor Evaluate Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
After the illustrated talk in Auditorium the Effectiveness of His Teachings? Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
"B", Angell Hall, the Students' Obser- Symposium: Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director
vatory on the fifth floor will be open "The Basis for Evaluation"-Edward; Diane D. AuWerter...Associate Editor
for telescopic observation of the Moon L. Walker, Associatie Professor of Helene Simon........ .Associate Editor
and Saturn if the sky is clear or for Psychology. Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor
inspection of the telescopes and plane- "The LSA College Student Rating Paul Greenberg... ..Assoc. Sports Editor
tiumIftesyiIcod.Cide Procedures"-Burton D. Thuma, As- ( Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor
1 are welcome, but must be accompanied sociate Dean of the College of Lit- Kathy Zeisler.. .Assoc. Women's Editor
by adults. erature Science and the Arts. Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
$Lessons from Teaching by Televi-
Wesleyan ~ ~ ~ ~ io-ar Guild. Roller skating party, son-alFLgerChimnf
8 p.m. Meet in the lounge the Department of Fisheries. Business Staff
"Observations from the Administra- IThomas Treeger..Business Manager
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup- tive Point of View"-J. Philip Wer- William Kaufman Advertising Manager
per hike, leaving from Guild House, 5:25 nette, Professor of Business Admin- Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
p.m, Clean-up Day at Guild House, 9 istration. William Seiden......Finance Manager
Sa.m.,Sat., May 10, lunch provided. Professor Algo D. Henderson will serve Anita Sigesmund. Circulation Manager
I schairman. __________________
(Please sign up if you plan to eat with aculty o the University and gradu-
ate students are invited. Telephone NO 23-24-1
S.R.A. Coffee Hour will be held at inter-Arts Union will present a Pro-
Lane Hall. 4:15 to 5:30 n.m. Everyone ntr--rsU-i,_-- l- resent . r-


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