May 04, 1924

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May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…[ER I 3k iAa att Secti4 One SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1924 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE, FIN NED ITIN; INE NATIVES ST S SUPPLIED )DS FOR NEEDS oats Combine pt To irs May 3, (By A. P.) Ly air cruisers at- the globe which tch Harbor since at 11 a.m. toda3 350 miles sou,;th- . to wireless mes- The Week's News In Brief NATIONAL President Coolidge was quoted as saying in a telegram that he was try- ing "to deliver" ...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DICUSSESI AOMS Inner of Nobel Prize For Physics Delivers University Lecture ESU1IBAES NEW FIELD OF WORK IN ATOMIC MECHANICS Dr. Robert Andrews Millikan, win- 3r of the Nobel prize for physics last ai, and second .of the only two Am- icans ever to have received that nor, delivered a University lecture 11 o'clock yesterday morning in itural Science auditorium on the tbject of "Atomic Structures." He aWs in Ann Arbor to delive...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY ... ... \1 M MIII0, _5. 5 rZ.S'ZS Women Approve Notices Clubs At State Wh, th r or not social clubs should; Read The Daily "Classifie wi i Y IOMEN RESPOND WELL "TO DRIV am Captains And Committee Invit- ed To Luncheon Tomorrow At Union Authoress Holds Judicial Post In Canadian Court }+ S EARN PLACES WCENT HONOR LIST More enthusiasm has been eviiced over the University of Michigan under- graduate campaign than has...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY E' THE except Monday by the Board in aference Editorial' ciated Press is exclusively en- use for republication of all news rtdited' to it o!' not otherwise, hi paper and the Cal news p("; it. t the po0toafice at Ann Arbi) . see ud 1ass r,~ter. p(Ctll r+te "rat. ~n by carrier, $4p0; by nll nn Arbor Press Iuilding, May tditoril, 214 an '7%6-M; Lusi mmnrnfiatiOlS, noA exsceding 300 )t o; 11 bnifire p li ha.. h Diy ~~~~~I~ o...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 44 qqw nnv.. ,rm®su rLx'aix ' ;>;raa .r reo+raa' c.,q «" w AWMW AMWQ "°, - -_m . , ^ :fik: sxa. ; ,rre ' eti+iw.. u ,pt ,+";sa a _ r /<" 1.K x¢ 7 N f r; i' ' r 11 I IL lt7 / J L~2 Np % ) " _ , , . ,d4 ' . . ; i t r p ' / l '0A ' " t i P ' LO ' I I .,f l IL7 6 & v I- . P ~ e. ' ow 4' L °E 614." AA, §TA RT INGf i ' t"t 1< . . a it .1 w.I I /e ofi r I I ", UN ' -U----- _, I ''A Lo...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY rw yI _ unrirr/ A 9 MM M I i w v 2 A .Quuuiuuuur A, - ..~ t i Ino SQAD TOg ETOAFH SOTA SERIES, i I YEARLING TELEGRAPHIC 31EET CALLED OFF; RAIN The Freshman, telegraphic meet scheduled for yesterday with the Illinois yearling squad, was postponed indefinitely on account of the rain storm. The meet may be held on Thu'rs- day but )nothing definite has come from Urbana. 1LATION' LUNI OF AND BENSON )SE NORTHME...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 7

…Ti-h MaC:fGAN DAILY .. IS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. LADY OR MAN to take orders for our FOR RJD wonderful rose bushes, flowering plant, shrubs, and trees for fall SIX ROOM furnished I planting. Splendid-pay weekly and 15th to Sept. 15th at easy work; no delivering or collect- Phone 475-. ing required. Begin now. Write r. Boone, Chase Brothers, Nursery- SUMMER HOMES at1 en, Rochester, New York. io Eight room fur home from June t 205 N. Ing...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN L) ~ A ULY I'FFICIAL BULLETIN liatiooD in tie Bulletina is contructive notice to all members of, anlvrsity. Coapy received by Mle Aasistat to -the President until p. m. (11:30 . M. saturday): wei 4 SUNIJAY, 3M4Y 4, 10 Number 157 SDeaams: re will be no conference of the eans 'on Wednesday, May 7. There wever, be a conference, on Wednesday, May 14. M. L. Burton. lamatiou by the Giovernor:' tom has decreed that once each year a ...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 9

…t 4 t ;Ij 0 ,,, ~-- yr .,,,,, _ __ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1924 RNATIONAL NIGHT ARRIV itan Club's TAKE LEADING ROLESI The Club's Activit al U~niversity' e of the cent and produc- rhetoric .n of the various :iety of cam- . has been of a series ted by cast- sland before acts ranging f the Rabin- o a Chinese rry Lauder rogram, the r1s' play and iting. Thank You, unior Girls5 Production in public in Russia due ...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN ... _. . . .. M ... Nomination and Election of the President Four k By Thomas 1H. Reed (this is the third of "Pro fessor ReM's articles on the 2arofis phases of our political systcjui. Nekt Sida's at ticle a cill discuss party orgaiz-'ation and miethods ) The greatest of all offices is not'fi~ed by direct vote of the people. The framers of. our Constitution felt that ,a very much Gbetter choice would be made by electors cho...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 11

… Reunions to 14 to t E' lip Alumni Secretary .Recounts 14; fX4 .T'L . A I In IJI BASEBALL, ENTERTAIN GUESTS sses are scheduled to iversity on June 14 in celebration of Alumni resentatives from the dicalgraduates of 1864 dental and engineering 22, planning to attend. 1 be preceded by mdi- of the various classes The annual alumni meeting at 101 clock Saturday morning will start le program foltovfed by a luncheon L noon given by the Un...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 12

….1H- III N tAl1 F(juu, J6 A as 4 4, 4 hooks and Writers 4 to 4 C W.Po- IN REVIEW l yd Douglas lege books! The American author. seems to have become obsessed with the idea of writing them, and the NtTSITER'S EVERYIAY LIFE' American reading public still seems oyd Douglas; publibked by inclined to accept them. Their char- err. acters are not widely diversified' wed by Herbert A. Jump types, having a general tendency to odern minister s...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 13

…. tAl e4, t9 Drama to t9 4 0/ Ii, a F, A uxieder Singer and Opera Ii~eia~iaenj;ii I The CampusAnd The Theatre alhc fart Str o A p a tF sia~a student of Mr. Hamilton in Chicago --h fc I3 a1i.1 nd has come here to continue his II.Th omiiiitte :a Camipus Or.I practically amounts to the producti on,, ;cett nunb fwork. He has a fin basso voice and 11 h Moie lux tecxt thyoug charsmioramnglueyounga br his programon, y aletincludesuner hedsevera...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 14

… rA ._ enc c Past Play rel .m.* iswell Angell Hall Was Of Earliest Senior Plays Descendants Of Colonists Forme New Societyl e time the first Senior Girls' ;iven 15 years ago, this pro- s gradually come to be con- e of great importance to and women of the Univer- present it is a special fea- mmencement week, and is ended by guests of thre sen- :ome to attend the graduat- ses. The following history the development of the play to the pre...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY deed Not Worry_ Who Will Pay ForBroc ans F- As Good il Creator Fs Sufficient s Note. This is the first 11:0( ries of articles to be pre- y Mr. Bailey exclusively for 5:0 .ly. He will take up other! >f the development of radio 7;3 Headliners What The Wild Waves Are Saying Readers of The Daily may be inter- I Those of you who wanted the Michi- I --- Today In The Churches -- Programs TODAY 0 a. im-7IYW Chicago, ters: C...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 16

… STARING TODAY 6 The Craze of Broad- way for Months! Thc liv eliest, peppiest and most 'Aalandishly comical conceit in the °shok~ world of vaudeville. It is _nd ed, incomparable. A Brilliant Keith Vaudeville Headliner! A Solid Yetar in New York City Alone! Nothing like this has ever hit Ann Arbor. It sets a pace for jazz and comedy that is so swift it will sweep Ann Arbor audiences into fren zy of enthusiasm. The Reigning / :RAGTIME...…

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