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May 04, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-04

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oats Combine
pt To

May 3, (By A. P.)
Ly air cruisers at-
the globe which
tch Harbor since
at 11 a.m. toda3
350 miles sou,;th-
. to wireless mes-

The Week's News
In Brief
President Coolidge was quoted as
saying in a telegram that he was try-
ing "to deliver" Muscle Shoals to
Henry Ford. The inference was that
the gentleman from Detroit would
step out of the presidential race pro-
vided he was allowed to step into
Muscle Shoals. The President denied
all responsibility for the statement.
Senator Norris, who opposes Ford's
ownership of the big power project
and who advocates a bill proposing
government operation, said: "If Ford
really seeks Muscle Shoals just to
spend the rest of his life helping
the poor, regardless of the thickness
of his own pocketbook, let his menj
here support my bill and we'll make
Ford governor of the plant as a $1
a year man."
President Coolidge publicly en-
dorsed the proposal that immigrants
ineligible to citizenship (Japanese) be
excluded from the United States. He
held conference all week with various
legislators because, although he want-
ed (1) to exclude them, he also wanted
(2) to be polite about it.j
Franklin D. Roosevelt, former as-
sistant secretary of the Navy, was
chosen manager of Governor Al,
Smith's presidential campaign. He,
like Governor Smith, favors modifica-
tion of the Federal Prohibition En-
forcement law.
Governor Smith's increasing popu-
larity as Democratic nominee has
made prohibition once more the most
important issue in the Democratic
platform. If McAdoo gets the nomin-
ation the platform will be dry; if Al
gets it the platform will be wet.

More Than $300,000 Paid By Border
Brewer For Exports To
1United States

Galli-Curci Hums
Under Quarantine
At Arizona Line
Yuma, Ariz., May 3.-Tripping gaily
down the "sawdust trail" at the state's'
quarantine station here yesterday,
Mme. Galli-Curci, opera singer, en
route from California to Phoenix for
a conlert 'engagemerit, hummed a
song of praise for Arizona's strict pre-
cautionary regulations as she sub-
jected herself to the disinfection and
inspection process imposed on all rail
passengers coming into the state from
"Everything must be done to pre- I
vent the spread of the foot and mouth
disease," the singer declared.

Many Vital Provisions Repudiated'y
Bill is Assailed as Un-

Revival of the old custom of
singing in the Union taxi room
took place last night, when Har-
rison Dickson, '24E, started
things going by playing the
piano and the crowd present
joined the impromptu program.
Everyone in the crowded tap
room aided the song fest, and
two song birds, R. Winfield
Adams, '24, and Philip I'. La
Rowe, '25, gave entertainment
on the spur' of the moment.
For some tima the Union man-
agement has been attempting to
encourage the old tap room
gatherings of yore, and in this ex-
temporaneous program are seen
the first fruits of the policy.
From appearances, those pres-
ent at the singing last night en-
joyed the program, applauding
in the customary fashion of
pounding on the tables and

Washington, May 3, (By
provement in radio com-
ith the north was noted
ound Naval station here
ssages in the afternoon
ern end of the Alaskan
the eastern end of the
n of islands continued
t Major Frederick B.
an globe flier, had not
k came news that while
ers and islets south of
continued, a party with
going across the por-
;nik lake to the Bering'
)ng the northern coasts
ula. Boats also were
Bm in Pointt

ertu g
rn coasts
tundra, a1
the shore
ves told se
n a plan
rds the lal

- th William B. Shearer, inventor of
hundred torpedo boats and other naval things,I
for 20 declared that the United States was
archers outranked in naval strength by both
ergoing England and Japan. He said that the
e Wed- ratio of strength, which was fixed at
the Washington conference as Eng-
ddnot land 5, United States 5, Japan 3, was1
T.fliestfact; i Mngland 5, Japan 3, United
lifriaers Statel11. Reason: neglect of the
coin- avy and failure to provide it with
s co- y ea f
carriedi adequate fuel reserves.
Igon to --1-.- 4


Wasington, May 3.-(By AP)-Its
.program for checking rum running al-
ong the Atlantic seaboard under way,
the treasury today turned its atten-
tion to the Canadian border.
Coast guard crews will attempt to
check rum running by boats In the
deep waters of the Great Lakes, and
custom service agents will be respon-
sible for all ports of entry and with
prohibition agents will direct their at-
tention to rum running by land and
on small streams.
The Canadian distilleries and brew-
ers unhampered by their government
are aiding in the smuggling according
to reports received here and Judge
Moss said the treasury's task was to
build a wall of agents that would per-
mit as little as posisble of the liquor
to leak through. -
Prohibition agents at all cros ings
and those scattered between customs
have been equipped with motorcycles
with which they can guard the bor-
der more closely It is the cities how-
ever where the treasuries greatest
problem lies. Detroit was said to
present th worst of the situations, as
was indicated by an unofficial report
that one brewer across the river from
that city last year paid the Canadian
government an export tax of approxi-
mately $300.000 on the basis of 50
cents a case of beer. Most of it is
said to have conie to the U. S
One phase of the situation at De-
troiti the treasury is powerless to
deal with. Excursion boat owners of
the U.. S. side are daily becoming
more aroused, it is said because Can-
adian owned steamers can pick up
loads of excurionists on the Detroit
side go back to their own landing
stock their bar rooms and go ino wat-
ers on the Canadian side of the lake
for a flourishing business. The treas-
ury however is determined that the
passengers shall not become pocket
flask smugglers.
Wasngton, May 3.-(By AP)-The
soldier bonus bill was sent to Presi-
dent Coolidge late today from the
capital where legislative action was
completed with the signing of the
measure by President Cumming of the
The measure reached the wihite
house within a few hours after the
president had sent a message to the
senate announcing that he had vetoed
the Bursum pension bill, because it
would add many millions of dollars
annually to the cost of government.
A reading of that message streng-
thened the belief long entertained by
a number of senators that President
Coolidge would veto the bonus bill.
The executive will not take immediate
action as the measure first will be
sent to the treasury for a nestimate
of costs and the views of Secretary
.Mellon. Later it will probably go to
the veteran's bureau in which its ad-
ministration would be lodged.
Should th'e president return the bill
to congress without his approval an
effort will be made to pass it over his
veto and proponents in both the sen-
ate and house assert that they can
muster the required two thirds.

Washington, May 3.-(By A.P.) -
Republicans stood by the Mellon plans
today in the opening scirmnish in the !
senate fight of income tax rate re-1
duction in the revenue bill when the
Democratic attack was led by Senator
Simmons, of North Carolina. Senator
McLean, Connecticut, the Republican
To Deviate From Customary Outdoorspksacnedhwerhews
Performance, Playing In spokesman, conce tled however, 'e was
Whitney Theatre fighting a losing battle.
Many of the vital provisions of the
SWILL ACCEPT MAIL ORDERS Mellon proposal already had been re-
MAY 15; PRICES ANNOUNCED pudiated byathe senate, Senator Mc-
iftA 15 PRIES NNOUCEDLean said, and he added that in the
face of the Democratic conference ap-
Members of the cast for the annual I proval of the Simmons plan "it is a
Senior Girls' play, "If I Were King," sheer waste of time to be arguing
by 'Justin McCarthy, which is to be the normal and sur tax rate reduc-
given on Friday, June 13, at the Whit- { tions."
ney theater, have been announced, and Senator Simmons assailed as "un-
includes a large number of women fair and discriminatory" the Mellon
rates providing for reduction in the
who have previously been active In maximum sur tax rates from 50 to 25
campus dramatics of various kinds. percent, and reinserted in the bill by

x -
Spealkers Will Represent Cornell,
Illinois, Cambridge, and
I -I

ound the weather
when they reached
have gone 'on to
end of 'the chain,
northern messages
eather, were that
lay it promised to
he trio at Dutch'

[artin and
offer sev-
spelled by
4owell H.
utch Har-
'ied. enier-
veeks and
ne Major's
rith arms,


1 Scores "Electronic Discoverie
Medicine, Calling Them
Phi Beta Kappa, internation;
orary scholastic society, added
erary and education school st
to the membership of the Michig
pha chapter at their annual in
banquet held last night at the
Dr. Robert Andrews Millikan,
guished physicist and one of t
Americans to win the Nobel p
physics, delivered the princip;
dress of the celebration, speak'
th-e subject, "The Significance c
ern Science."
Professor Millikan opene
speech by pointing out that th
ent time is the most remarkable
'the history of the world, thatj
time of real progress-pilos
to the contrary notwithstandim
that science, politics, religion a
eraturedare permeated by emc
ism and have not yet fully a,
the "scientific method."
He took up th'e field of politi
with the world court issue as
ample showed that the popular
ion against the court was abs
unscientific and based on n(
more than purest emotionalisi
mentioned an experience of hi
one of the foremost American p
ers. "'School boards,' the pu
said, 'don't want history taugh
happened. They want it taught
to spread the Eagle's wings
"It is my guess," continued PrI
Millikan, "that you couldn't p
thinking men together and find
than one who if the bonus we;
side of politics, would say I
would represent construcive le

The. sub-committee appointed to
formulate a Philippine independence9
policy proposed that there be estab-J
lished a "Republic of the Philippine!
Islands"'following recognition by the:
powers of the world, if such recogni-
tion is accorded. Their proposal.
would authorize Filipinos to form a
constitution, and stipulates that it'
shall be republican in form and "shall;
not be repugnant to the principles
of liberty embodied in the constitution
and in the declaration of independ-
With the announcement that Sena-;
tor Johnson will probably not carry
his own state in the republican prim-
aries, that worthy aspirant's presi-
dential boom dies down to a feeble
echo. California republicans are con-
fident that Coolidge will win.
- Hearngs were opened before the
sub-committee on foreign affairs for'
the entrance of the United States in
the World Court. One of the most
enthusiastic supporters was President
L4owell, of Harvard, "I am in favor
of joining the League of Nations too,"'
he said. One anti-League newspaper
declared that "when he opened his
mouth that time, he put his foot in it."
Representative Celler, asserting thatE
some of the staunchest drys in the
House of Representatives imbibed
freely, declared that not long ago a
dry member "came into the house.
drunk-in the 'fullest' sense of the

They are as follows:
Katherine, Charlo
Ion, Isabelle Water
Dorothy Rockwell;
I Taylor; Louis XI,
Noel, Velma Lee
! Gwendolyn Dew, M
jan McEachran;
Watch, Mary McCu
Louise Galloway;, B
Ruth Sauer; Frenci
et Weir; Robin, M
Olivier, Johanna De
elles, Gertrude Brumn
margaret Stuart; A
Munz; Rene, Francik
I abrie, Margaret An
Sarah Levin; Casin,
Jehan, Gladys You
Vera Katz; Guille
Stair; Blanche, Lal
beau, Louise Gallaw
I othy Jones.
I Other Parts
Pages include Ma
a im Stotzer, Lela K
Cuddy; soldiers,
Elizabeth Duffield,
I Ruth Howell, Gert
Helen Schimansky,
monks, Hilda Fran
Winifred Smeaton;
Dunlap, Catherine
Skillen, Ellen Nylaj
sall, Janet Redmor
Miriam Van Ness,
Phyliss Delf, Charlc
estine Roe, .Gretche
Hortense -load, Wi
f archers, Louise Cha
aga, Mildred Packar
courtiers and knigi
dack, Muriel Sturt
kin, Thelma Steven
Margaret Jones.
To Show A
The plot of the
mantic in characte

finance committee Republicans in _ Sigma Xi, national honorary scien-
tte Edwing; Vil- tific fraternity will hold is annual
place of the Longworth compromise!.~
rworth,; Hugette, adopted by the houseI initiation Friday evening, May 9, ati
Tristan, Marian b hthe Michigan Union, according to an-
Elizabeth Pike; Less than a score of senators were nouncement of Dr. A. S. Warthin, localj
Catr hbuIon the floor during the debate and up- '
Carter; Thibaut, on the clruing f tchapter president. The initiation will,
other Villon, Lil- on the conclusion of the two speakers be preceded by the annual dinner, at
Captain of the discussion centered on other topics. which time the 54 new members will
ully; The Queen, Senator McLean called attention for j be welcomed in to the society.]
urgundian Herald, some time only six members were pre- Adresses dealing with the aims and1
h herald, Margar- sent, "and only three parts of the history of Sigma Xi, of the significan-
adeleine McGurk; E time."'ce of scientific research, and of the1
ewitt; Trois Ech- Chairman Smoot of the finance relation of the latter to public welfare
meler; Petit Jean, I committee, in charge of the bill re- will be given at the dinner, which will
strologer, Marian I iterated today 'he would seek night be held in conjunction with the meet-
s Doster; Guy Ta- I sessions next week. There were no ing of the National Executive Council
n Keegan; Colin'! indications'of when a vote would -be!. of the fraternity.. Iational president
Thelma Wiegand; possible on the income tax schedule, 1 F. K. Richtmyer of Cornell University,
ing; Jelvanneton,,
ng;Jtre , aretthe heart of the bill, although some ;Henry B. Ward of the University of
mettre, MarIgaret leaders predicted it would be possible Illinois, Vernon Kellogg of the Nat-
Beryl Smart; Isa- i by Monday s aional Research Council and Professor
ray; Denise, Dor- Carl H. Eigenman of Indiana uni-
Explaining the Democratic income versity, will make the speeches. Coll
Assigned I tax schedule Senator Simmons said it I onel T. C. Hodson of Cambridge Uni-
rgatet Weir, Mir- was based on the principle of ability versity, who is at present giving lec-
essinger, Winnona tO pay. __ tures in anthropology in the Univer-
Marjorie Irudel, sity, will speak for the initiates on the,
Charlotte Eoward, subject of "Scientific Research in
Crude Brummeler, British Uiversities." Dr. Warthin will
Margaret Beek; preside at the meeting.
nk, Helen Locke, r EThe National Executive Committee
citizens, Dorothy of the Society of Sigma Xi, the Nation-!
Stanton, Jane al Research Honor Society, which willf
nd, Miriam Wick- LLhold its annual meeting in Ann Arbor1
nd; court ladies, on Friday and Saturday, May 9 and
Virignia Wheeler, Professor Strayer Of Teachers College 10, will attend the initiation and an-
otte Ermann, Ern- iLeds Discussion on nual dinner of the local chapter. The
n Walz; dFinance committee consists of a group of nine
inifred Smeaton; Finance men, all of whom have attained wide
almers, Vera Ken- E i prominence in the fields of science.
"d, Marjorie Smith; e CAhOEN OF EDUAT EN GThey are: officers-president, F. K.
hts, Flcra Duffen- SCHOOL SPEAK ATu gEETING Richtmyer, Cornell university; secre-
z, Florence Ran- tary, Edward Ellery, Union college;
nson, Velmna Null, I Concluding discussion sessions in treasurer, George B. Pegram, Colum-
the school administration conference bia university. The executive coin-
t Whitney were held yesterday morning at the mittee is composed of: Carl H. Eigen-
play which is ro- .Imann, Indiana university; George W.
r, deals 'with the I Union with talks by Prof G. M. Whip- Stewart, University of Iowa; Clarence
ad Villon, a man ple, Prof. Raleigh Schorling, Prof Ar- E. McClung, Upiversity of Pennsyl-
ple, to the heights I Strayer. The conference was held I vania; Vernon Kellog, National Res-
olves several in- thur Moehlman, and Prof. George D. earch Council; Henry B. Ward, Univ-
s, and a great deal .e:cersity of Illinois, and Clarence E. Day-
yMichigantns f0,00or morehop- ies, New York, alumni representative.
tom, the product- Michigan towns of 10,000 or more pop
indoors and 0. S. ulation to discuss problems relating
ao has designed the l to the administration school systems.
Senior and Junior Prof. Strayer, representing- the New
o the scenery for ' York Teachers College, contimined his l
discussion of school finance, dealing PUT-IN-BAY
ion are as follows: chiefly with reports and records. The
stra, $2; first four I speaker deplored the tendency to el-
; remainder of bal- i rminate fundamental subjects from Students of geology II and geogra-
cption of last four i school curricula for the sake of ec- phy lI will make an all-day field trip
ur rows, $1. Mail onomy, saying "reconstruction of cur- to Put-In-Bay on May 28 if permission
to Dorothy Green- ricula to suit varying groups is the is granted'. by the administrative1
ewberry residence, biggest thing ahead of us." He pro- board. "If affirmative action is taken'
fter May 15. duced figures showing that 19 states by the board, students wil be excused
spent more money, considering the in- from their classes on that day,"
come of the people, for educational said L. M. Gould of the geology de-
money spethanor educatin , pe catotal partment, yesterday. The party will
17 states exceeded Michigan. and in journey to Detroit in interurbans
the mddlewesten sttesMichigan! and take the trip from there on a
INthe middle western states, Mcia
INranks ninth out of 12 states for per- i steamer thatpuwim be chartered for
IIstaethtwilbchree fo
centage of income spent on education. that purpose. About three hours will
3.- (By A.P.) - Among the other speakers on the be spent on the island studying the
ve Minnesota a 7-5 program, Professor Whipple discuss- effects of glaciation. The approxim-
na in the Western ed "Music Memory Contests"; Pro- ate cost of the trip will be five dol-
1l game here today. fessor Schorling spoke on "Curricul- lars although attendance is not con-
er pitcher, yielded um Reconstruction and Expansion"'; pulsory. A definite announcement
k out 10 men, win- and Professor Moehlman opened' a 'will be made after the meeting of the
eavy stick work of discussion upon "Uniform Pupil Ac- board early next week.
counting System.",
At the close of the conference, a April Bank Clearings Show Gain
motion was adopted to make this meet- Bank clearings, in Ann Arbor for
sts To ing an annual event, in consideration the monh of April totaled $3,588,303.-
of the success attained .by this year's 20 showing a gain of 1.2 percent over
In M onroe ,gathering. t hnQnma mnnth ttThi ia

he sai
lak '

er's attention. Relating
of some investigations ini
"electronic" medical disco
fessor Millikan said he
that were not middle-age c
were prehistoric stuff, he
of the medicine men of
Indian tribes. Yet, he poi
consultation rooms of t
cine men" are "filled wit
of Wellesley, Michigan,
other colleges."
After reading an artic
pcrary Studpidity", by H
from a recent issue of t
4 view dealing with atoms a
Professor Millikan comme
as itself the finest exan



rise of the spirite
of the common peop
of royalty. It inv
teresting love scene
of intrigue.
Contrary to cust
ion is to be given
Davis of Detroit, wh
scenery for past S
Girls' plays will d
this play also. /
Prices of admissi
boxes, $2.50; orche
rows of balcony, $2
cony, with the exe
rows, $1.50, last fo
orders addressed ti
wald at Helen Ne
s will be accepted al

"is education." Specifically
tioned, first the insei'tion of
ence, mathematics and phy
ticularly, into modern high se
ricula; and second, the atte
combination of the spirit o
with the spirit of religion.

om 1901 to 1913,
of heart disease
Worcester was
botany depart-
ecame interested

arge part in several
scientific investiga-
nds, and' also was a
United States Phili-
n. Several books onj
it inhabitants, birds.
bjects stand to his
born in Thetfort, Ver-
t the age of 57.
e not calling for
d gowns as fast as
ccording to George j
nedics have taken
graduation apparel
hop but the otherf
not responding as .

The Senate committee investigating
the administration of former Attorney
General Daugherty was asked to pre-
pare at once a partial report on the
committee's findings thus far, upon
which may be based criminal pro-
ceedings against Daugherty.


j Ann

Arbor closed its obser
Week yesterday with
of outdoor activities
consisting of kite flyin



y sh


The conference committee came to I
a final agreement on the bonus bill.
Only a few minor changes were nec-
essary. The bill now goes back to
the two houses, and is expected to be
presented to the President on Mon-j
George Harvey, former ambassador
to Great Britain, has resumed editor-
ship of the North American Review.
It was Mr. Harvey's stinging pen
which first procured for him his in-

Members of the board of dire tors
of the Chinese Conference and their
advisors and friends met in an in-
formal dinner last night at
the 'Union to discuss plans for the
coming conference which is to be held
September 4 to 11 in Ann Arbor.
At this time, J. M. Yang, Grad. chair-
man of the conference, explained the
purpose of the coming meeting of the
Chinese students and plans were dis-
cussed for their reception and enter-
tainment while in the city.
A similar convention was held in1

Minnesota, May
Timely hitting ga-
victory over India
Conference baiseba
Peter Guzy, Goph
10 hits, but struck
ning through the h
his team mates.
Local Arti


ure hunting, hikes, and a bi
meet. Each day of the past
was set aside as part of the
Week celebration the world
with special programs of inter
the boys.
At a campfire and supper last
in Sleepy Hollow, prizes for w
in the day's competitions were e
ed, more than 150 boys receivi:
cognition. In the bicycle cc
held during the morning, there
over 200 entries, and the priz
these events alone will reach
Nature study hikes were also h+
the morning, consisting of ob
tion trips for boys interested in
trees and botany.
The afternoon was devnted to



.. - ,


mesnemnmin vear. 1ns i a

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