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May 04, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-04

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except Monday
by the Board in
aference Editorial'

ciated Press is exclusively en-
use for republication of all news
rtdited' to it o!' not otherwise,
hi paper and the Cal news p(";
t the po0toafice at Ann Arbi) .
see ud 1ass r,~ter. p(Ctll r+te
~n by carrier, $4p0; by nll
nn Arbor Press Iuilding, May
tditoril, 214 an '7%6-M; Lusi
mmnrnfiatiOlS, noA exsceding 300
)t o; 11
bnifire p li ha.. h Diy
~~~~~I~ oAtc~~itr j e equst
ol communicant wil be ye-
phonies, 2414 atnd 1760.M
Night Edaors
A I;. Ct nah., Jr.
itr V> en ho in
Assiat i,
R. S e ne ield
Veen Mran
k,1;1old Moore
rad Carl Ohhnacher
6.Ae Hyde Perce
is Andrew Propper
Marie Reed
amberg Regina Reichmann
er Edmarie Schrauder
leath C. A. Stevens
y t W. 1I. Stoneman
ouseworth Marjorie Sweet
Frederic G. Telmos
tmin N. R. Thal
eil W. J. Walthour
aic lIerman Wise

Spread of mental disease is more OA TLL everyb
dangerous in the United States than And
ofmntldieseiamr T CoSER u,
the most formidable epidemic. Ten So w
years ago it was the Pollyana phil- ,G D EEING game.
osophy that gained ground in this MISS GINSBERG But,
country and worked havoc. Then rain be
conty gThis man Bloom, until today play- didn't
came the ravages of the Saturday ing at the Majestic Theater across thethr'
Evening Post from whose attack thesthere'sr
country has not yet completely re- street, was something marvelous in
covered. And now we have with us the way of a vaudeville attraction, we
Dr. Frank Craneism. assert. We are heartily supported in
The philosophy and wisdom ex- this opinion by our colleague and ad
pounded by the eminent doctor reach sd
thousands each day though syndica- mirer Caligula, as well as by count-
tion. The country is flooded with less other persons too numerous to 1 A
wise saws and a butter-won't-melt- mention. A
in-my-mouth attitude of mind. Verily The art of Mr. Bloom was the de- To The
Dr. Frank Crane rivals tuberculosis. ilightful mean between the so-called The F
His latest spasm is an outcry at the low comedy and the newly discovered one '
lack of justice n the world. Corm- bug-house or cuckoo school of humor. toward
:.enting on te conviction of Ander- With great subtlety he passes from
stOfl, a~ ConipiCUtio m11mbW and le-. one train of thought to another-
,r of an organization tO the much as a man attempting to jour- top. If
liquor tra ic, he rhetorically inquire,. ney from the Grand Central in New He's
'It is a nice qJuCstiOn 01 hw w3'1!h- York over to East Orange has to only ha
being a m-re layman anld wrItae s o I juhp from one train to another at game l
cutitot preton l toe( ide whi h r iOi' Tim 1s quare. (Which is rather a ample
gery in the tljird degree 1s an~y w( ."aL way to drag the proper metro- rd
tan rum running in .lie ;ti' egree. .it tmosphere into the review.) rude 1
In other words. Dr. Crane buliseVx Tu continue w. ithl Ir. Bloom, however, ing b

innings and then they'll give ("t[litlll1ii1 l1 lllltliiltli11111 t611111l l d i11 lflilllllillllfillilfi[Illlllilllltt1111
dy rain checks.
Caligula says That's a good
e dec led to go to the ballGE
as you all know, it began to
efore the ball game, so we
go after all. But o' course'=
no use cryin' over spilt milk.
Mr. Jason Cowles.
__.___19_t___#__tI t iiuI IU II l illliIVItiIHtHlltltHidtiii l l tiJ l lHuj i il iiii a i i i n i i u9RE00 1

Friday issue of The Daily


24L" deploring the mov9ment
organized cheering here at
n. Organized cheering is peg-
you know what he means.
right, don't you think? We
ve to hark back to the Marine
ast fall to have a horrible ex-
of organized cheering. 'I'hose
eathernecks with their bellow-
ul-dog" yell were so nauseat-


that hecaine the Vrin 11.0 01 1 r:m ... x t. may take as an example of his
ning exists, it is al inliiC to n moethod the scene in which he does
vict a im.an of forgery. eipecially when te chiropractor, in which he is con-
that gentleman "t engage in hunting nundiy hauling in material that has
j down rum runners. Let im lorge, no possible connection with chiro-
says the doctor, as long as he catches praxy, but which evidently fit right
rum runners. Logic indeed. into the general tone of the scene.
He says, for instance, right out of a
The organizers of the Coolidge club clear, chiropractic sky, "We have two
must be having a difficult time trying sizes, the fifty and the seventy-five."
to fool the professional politicians of And shor ly after he adds, "We also
the University. All together; every do hemstitching."
man for himself is their motto Mr. Bloom will certainly never see


Telepbone 960
. I. L. D'nne
..... .Perry M. Hayden
.W. Roesser
. H. E, Rose
.1. L. liale
......C. Purdv
.Lawrence Pierce

Cecil Rhodes, in laying down the
conditions for obtaining the Rhodes
scholarships, gave a definition which
deserves attention in this connection.
The clause in his will reads:
"My desire being that the students
who shall be elected to the scholar-
ships shall not b3 merely bookworms,
I 'direct that in the election of a stu-
dent to a scholarship regard shall bel
had to (1).his literary and scholastic '
attainments; (2) his fondness for and
success in manly outdoor sports such
as cricket, football and the like; (3)
his qualities of manhood, truth, cour-
age, devotion to duty, sympathy for
and protection of the weak, kindliness,
unselfishness and fellowship. and (4)
his exhibition during school days of
moral force of character and of in-
stincts to lead and to take an in-,
terest in his schoolmates, for those
latter attributes will be likely in after
life to guide him to esteem the per-
formance of public duties as' his
highest aim."
These provisions might well be ap-1

this review, and even if he should,
it is hardly likely that he will be much
affected by the lowly, humble Cowles
-but just the same, we think his act
would be improved if he gave the
cave man scene second and saved the
Englishman for the last one. We are
aware that mechanical difficulties1
would arise if he should attempt to
follow our kindly counsel, but still
we think it would be worth it.

ingly vulgar. My word! Very Siwash,
and that sort of thing.
We must get away from such dis-
gusting barbarism here at the darling
old maize-and-blue institution. Let us
make it traditional to form little tea
parties for the big games. Instead
of giving Michigan Locomotives, and
all of that rot, one would sit back
and sip one's tea, and murmur, "Isn't
Rockwell a perfectly priceless qua'tah,
though? And should the team be
so fortunate as to make a touch-1
down, it would be permissible to utter
quite distinctly such expressions as
"Cheerio," "Righto," and "Topping."
Not in a loud, hoarse, coarse manner
of course, but with just enough gusto
so that one's party would realize that
one had the true old Michigan spirit.
And all that. Of course, it would never
do to be heard across the field. That
! would be no-end bourgois.
So let's away with all this vulgar
shouting! Let's make the big games
what they should be, a social funs-
tion. What ho! And all of that jolly

Limiteds: 5 a. m., 9:1" a. m. and
every two ho:w to 9:10 p. m.
Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and er '
two bours to 8 p. m.
Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m, and
.every two hours to 8:56 p. m.,
11 p. n. To Ypsilan'1 only, 11:4
p. m;i., 12:26 a. mn. and 1:15 P,. in.~
Linmite.s: 8:47 a. m. and every two
hours to : Ti p. m.
Express (making local '40pS)- 9:1
a. mi. and every two hous to 9:50
p. m.,
,rotife : 7:50 a. mt., 12:1tj a. m . .
~. N T.W. T. F. S.
1 2 3
1 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 13 17
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25 27 27 2 ,3 31
In order io close out all Spring
Felt Hats before Straw Hat time
we are making the following sac-
All $3.50 Hats Now........$30)
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Corner of State & Monroe

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K. holland
L. Ireland
old A. Marks
on Parker
J. Seidman
. A. Stracke
C. Winter



Spring--and for lunch, green foods satisf3
better than heartier dishes. Cutting Caf
meets the changing desires of its guests b
offering salads on its regular menus.

Weekl y Rates

Jason dear:-
You have cut me deeply; your pun-
gent, nay reeking, notice in the' col.
this morning was most discouraging.
And here 'while you held me up as
a quick-gushing, unblushing, four-
flushing liar-LIAR!-I was hope-
lessly sacrificing all to bring a deleri-
ous wreck, the shell of a dazzling
pen twister, none other than Junius,
back to life. And you, ungrateful and
hard, you doubted me. Oh! Do you
wonder I am cut to the quick?
This morning , while at Pluribus
bedside, the doc., a plump, kindly man
entered. "How's the sick man," he


(All together now.........)
J. B. S. '25

, 39 lt 11tilltl i Rl 81 [16 lI tll Rllf lll ililfillllllll'l
a - Er , raved or Primte
" ATS1- .ncJ rs shznid place their orde
ncw and rcc-ive prompt servi
Plate and 100 cards $3.00 u
100 cards from your plate $2.
17 Nickels Acade
Stationery and Typewviter





Chiropodist and
737 Nrth UJinvusrt Phone2 65
Central Thne (Slow Time)
Leave Chamber of Commerce
Week Days Sin days
6:45 a. m. 6:4 5 a. M.
=2:45 P . in-.45Pn. -
4 iJ. ~J ELLIOT'T, P.coprie~or
Phon~e 926-M Adrian. MrirI.


ever the main purpose of ath-
at the University is, students
omplained in, large numbers
all that football tickets havel
.stributed so as to give the best
to alumni and other visitors'
ere not connected with the uni-
In order to correct this con-
and the opinion of unfair dis-
rn which was held by many un-
duates, an arrangement was
two years ago providing that
:s should receive seats at foot-
Imes by class preference and
1 freshman should sit in the!
arr'angement has not proven
ly successful, the complaint of
seating still persists in a great-
ess degree. Many of the com-
however, are without founda-
rdT'r to assure undergraduates
I seats. therefore, a plan is now
way for giving one ticket in'
ith stand to each student who
for it. These seats would be
ited by class preference, in
from the center of the field.
is asking extra tickets besides
e in the central section, which
be linited entirely to students,
receive them in another part of
nds. Students wishing to sit
om-student friends and not ap-
for the single seat in the
block would be seated accord-
class preference on' each side
central block in the South
Alumni and visitors would be
in any remaining seats on the
f the South stand, in the en-
est stand, and in the North
plan as outlined is now being
red by the Athletic authorities
having been approved by the
t council. Its value lies in the
on that all students who so
would be given one good seat
South stand. An arrangement
kind would place a solid body
.ents in the center of the field
uld facilitate the work of the
g squad, it would assure stu-
of good seats, and it would
ut the criticism of the alumni

plied to the selection of men for our beamed, rubbing his palms..
own colleges. "He IS housed!" snickered thej
nurse. She was coy, oh! so coy! 1
What deep feeling about mother and Junius writhed at this bald one.
father the florists have developed over Then in an undertone the doctor
the winter. And all the embryo Ed- asked, "Is the liquor I prescribed
die Guests turn their thoughts into helping him?".
verse. "Yes," cooed the nurse, "His spirits
are rising, once safely down."
ju-"Well, Mr. Unum," said doe. cheer-
___/_ _°_I fully, "Your case is' coming fine!"
The hell it is, doc.," growled Jun-
GAM NGSJ us, "It's damn near empty. Make the
next one Bourbon!" This was well
By A.E. P. 'punctuated with hics.'
"Why should you stay in bed?" pur-
. red doc. after a short examination.
Yardsticks at Northwestern "You are in good shape now. Get
- - up, man, get busy, and do something.
Many colleges and Universities, Physical exercise, mental effort-'sall
evidently having reached the point you need. Good day!" And out he
where they can no longer extend the swooped.
privilege of entrance to any pros- "June old man," I gushed, "You
pective students who may desire to 'can write for Cowles! I'll get the
continue their academic endeavors, paper and ink!" So he began his
are on the lookout for a yardstick to article. Due to his weakness, it pro-
measure human qualifications. North- gresses slowly, but what I have seen
western University announces a new of it is 0. K. and a K. 0. Man but
plan. he can sling the ink! So by Sunday,
According to this plan an applicant, perhaps, if you are not too caustic,
upon seeking admission, must submit too vituperative,
to the approval of university authori- Your martyred co-worker, whom
ties testimonials of reliable origin as you shall know as,
to the degree of perseverance, men- Prometheus. (Unbound abridged
tal alertness, promptness, and accur- edition).
acy which may be his, and likewise P. S. Unknown to you I snuck to
an account of his extra-curricular 'your lair and watched you work to-
activities and an opinion on his per- night. Take car4 for like the M-fob,
sonality. Obviously the plan is not I am always on the watch.
only ridiculous but undemocratic. To' As ever P.
define these more or less vague qualm-
ties is difficult; imagine an applicant L A U D
being refused because of his evident I This department has spoken often.
lack of perseverance, notwithstanding, of the Home of All Michigan Men-
the fact that he has passed the college sometimes in praise, often in blame.
entrance examinations. The scheme But in. the final analysis, the Union
presents excellent opportunity for has a raison d'etre-and it is a fine
abuse. one. We have decided, after an in-

MAN AND SUPERMAN, a review by |
Robert B. Henderson
There is no one like Shaw. There
is nothing so refreshing and intel-
lectually delightful than Shavian
comedy. His plays are packed with
all the typical ingrediants of a cer-
tain success and just enough of his
own peculiar brand of profound moral
satire-Scotch-Irish Presbyterian that
he is!-to make his audiences mad and
enthusiastic by turns. Of all the con-
temporary dramatists he must be the
surest author to become flattered as
the greatest interpreter of our age.
At eleven o'clock last evening the
performance of "Man and Superman"
was still a distance from its final
curtain, and so it was necessary to
miss the remarkable conclusion that
this article might go to press. But
the production was not a minute too
long-it could have run into the morn-
ing without boring the audience-and
what I was able to see was more than
adequate: it was a faithful picture of
Shaw's purpose. even more than that,
it was a remarkable opportunity for
the Cleveland players.
Carl Reid as the modern Don Juan,
named John Tanner for the occasion,
gave a perfect interpretation of his
part. So often it is the tendency of
the more sentimental directors to.
soften Shaw's characterizations and
degrade them to the images of a silly
eccentric old man. Emphatically Mr.
Reid and Mr. McConnel forbid such
a blunder, and the play as a result
emerged as an intensely vital and
fascinating composition.
The productions of the Repertory
Theatre, of course will be continued
next year. Unquestionably, even in a
few seasons, the organlization wiRl
shortly be able to continue each num-
ber from a single performance to
three or four presentations. Soon the
students as well as the faculty will
overcome their eternal apathy to-
wards such excellent work, and the
venture will take on distinctly un-
usual magnitude.
THE FRENCH PLAYS, reviewed by
Robert G. Ramsay.
Moliere's satirical comedy, "Lel
Medecin Malgre Lui" and Tristan's
"L'Anglais tel qu'on le parle" were
presented by the Cercle Francais Fri-j
day night in their annual productionI
on the campus. The Moliere play,
naturally a brilliant comedy, suffered{
from a slowness of action which mayI
be accountable to the fact that the
actors were using language entirely
foreign to them. I would not attempt
to find fault with their diction or pro-
nunciation; that is the task of a
Vinnn inorxntr ai irnil a p

Springtime foods?


all here, superbly prepared,

tastily served.

You'll find

them on our Sunday dinner


The usual low prices

Arcade Cafej

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Q vA

P. S. House Paint

-And At Harvard
At Harvard there is a growing senti-
ment that preference be given to the
sons of Harvard men seeking ad-
mission to the college. In a sense,
however, this suggestion is an un-
warranted, reflection on the calibre
of the sons of the Crimson. Surely,
if the sons of Harvard men cannot
hold their own on an equal footing
with those who are not Harvard-
born. they do not deserve to get in.

vestigation which has extended over
a period of years, that the Union has
the best drinking water in its foun-
tain that is to be found anywhere in
Ann Arbor. The Union water has
flavor, it has zest, it is incomparable.
We pay it tribute.
S* *
Now that it's too late, we remember
to give the Michigan Repertory The-,
ater an advance notice. It opened
in Ann Arbor last night for a one
nis ht Ata-dnrg tn " a n

is made from a perfected formula-the
result of years of experimental work
and thousands of tests to produce an
exterior paint in which is combined
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Water Color for Walls. Easily applied to any interior surface
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BEIMR, BRI0S. AUTO VAIRNISH. Try a can and save the price
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