March 09, 1923

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March 09, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER TLE I) TODAY L AAI ..Aflup ~Iuihi MAKE MARCH GO TO CHURCH MONTH VOL. XXXIII. N. 115 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. MARCH D. 123 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE' CENTS SENTORJOHSON MEDICAL PROGRAM W ILL BE REVISED 3fl~ PMany of the changes in the medical A ri II ru. NT Y curriculum adopted at the recent Elon- Lure Genius To 'College Campus UNEMPLOYED MAKE nIRIAt IN RIINA I f "crelease" Score: S e c ond Sucee MAIL TICK...…

March 09, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…TH1E MICHIGAN DAILY__________ __. ____ .._. _. _W _ _ s WE 'Gen. Allen's Grin BLISHER WlILL SPEAK as ht M Say Tht,"t' IN WORLD PEACEMONDAY' A Grand Feeling" I i - .-_. - I i)) _ E nt'l'AT 3 /r fl':ti TA xII 1T'[Y liws*' xy i xr t4 AGE CLOSER tINT lRIN ATION A I RlELATION S Hon. 'Herbert H-ouston, publisher of "Our World" and formerti president of the Associated Adertising c iUI)5 of the world, and Dr. William P. Meorrill. past...…

March 09, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'sI U.wuomcnwI Young Art Student. Soars To Heights tI BarTlILeyIB;11other w ari nCornelia ShepIO'Tf RU TO- Esther Welty. Rhea Schlaak, '24, wil MEET HER TOMORROW direct the play. tickets will be designated by red hearts worn on their sleeves. SIf you don't know where you lost the article, never mind, a "Daily Clas-j ~if~iedA d"' willJfind it.f ir vu Ativ Michigan song books will be placed on sale at, both. of Grah...…

March 09, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

… 1~ 4~.h~~~.tthat the mental test would give little 8 J'ti indication of a man's ability to ___- - drive a car properly. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE This conclusion is almost certain to ITNMVRSITY OF WICHIGAIN be arrived at when one considers all Published every morning oxcept Monday# the elements in the situation. A comn- during tke University year by the Board in potent driver, as experience has Control of Student Publications. I'l, 1 {shown...…

March 09, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 115) • Page Image 5

…. News From The Oather Colleges Iis; curi - .c cordling to present !I ()I in the mioving picthl-: "The \s),e- plaits a Missouri interscholastic press mite Trail." II'z"coachos at t he association, under the supervision of; Ui~iversity of Ar zona du~rng' the ti ;- the school of journalism of the uni- e,,,an(, ki ; xvii the Ft'ck. c+ :io coifilii versity is 'to be formed before thec end (A111 ;n&thle summiier. of the present school year. Det~il...…

March 09, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

…-ZAP M. L oA.ENIRIS1 PPONIRANCAC JI ennis To Have New Managerial Ita rlIem SOT9ty stem A/nd T irainin g In novatio Wthbt iau i U N1SETf R H T ,__.late, the intei rat em ~i y relay carnival -__hwnol__Qogaiztinwic_ is schdiuld to tale pla. on Monay n~ With the tennis seao ntsofrshon ny t R g a~zat':n whichCOCnightIMarch 1, at Watermian gyrm ;)RiOTT1 CAHdistant two annuncemnents of import- are members of that association and a nasiu. CVoaeh Far...…

March 09, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 115) • Page Image 7

… McKelvey and Hart, lightweights, furnished one of the cleverest bouts of the card in their second prelim- ary. Hart relied on a left la i lollow- ed by a ri ht to the body, whoile Mc- Kelvey pl..yedl mostly 1'or t he body. -20 IUO -fiHU9 J McKelvey earned the (cisiOln. The opener, between Hays and Young, 122 (Continued from Page One) pounds, gave a fair idea of what can ( Coneyrom Pe One, x be accomplished in a mw months' RuhI and Conley, 1...…

March 09, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 115) • Page Image 8

…TH4E MICHIGAN DAIL) e v V 1 , x x F 1 i m- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN! a~ 1 A~ ,iv a cmea aissistant To Treasury Head; Publication ini the Uiversity. V'olume 3 the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:20 p. in. (11:30 a. m. 8atiarday.) FIDAY, MARCH 9, 1923 Nuniber 11 Economics IE fMake-Up Examination: A make-up examination. for those whp received condition in Economics 1E "will be given Saturday at...…

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