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March 09, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-09

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M. L oA.ENIRIS1 PPONIRANCAC JI ennis To Have New Managerial Ita rlIem
SOT9ty stem A/nd T irainin g In novatio Wthbt iau i
U N1SETf R H T ,__.late, the intei rat em ~i y relay carnival
-__hwnol__Qogaiztinwic_ is schdiuld to tale pla. on Monay n~
With the tennis seao ntsofrshon ny t R g a~zat':n whichCOCnightIMarch 1, at Watermian gyrm
;)RiOTT1 CAHdistant two annuncemnents of import- are members of that association and a nasiu.
CVoaeh Farrell (;ives Ten. Men Ging T OW AY THIRT fe chosen collegiate .institutions. The On this night the eight teams hay-
To asttaninga Bfor i ROSECT ane wre adeyesterday by Manager
To ast=Lsnsrg Ret efoe POSECTst Charles rMerkel, '24M, one having toi pictures are said to offer a remarkable ing the Best time wvill be cho:;n to run
(Special to The Daily) maagralsstmfo hesor ndMars to learn some of the finer points teamn iihn rtaorcn vl
EI , ..R ED LE TO Pi1EVE _NTI Madison, Wis., March 7.-John J the second dealing with a new plan of the game, as they were taken with (run in th final, which is to bve a spe-
HIUxQI S RUNN HURD)LES Ryan, present assistant coach of foot- for the training of prospective mem-,ta n atcual hve.cil feature at the igt of the duel-
i-bl tDrmuh olgwstdybe s of the team. Tennis prcielUstr sso meet with Cornell on March 24.
All th M chga tac strs seec- b l tD rm u h Colg ,w s t d y; According to the system in vogue in as the weather will1 permit, for t e Al e m ntrn t e c riv l wl
AlteMciatrcsess c selecte~d by the athletic council of the th attemnge ftetni Varsity concrete courts on erry field reevont"ntefatriyah
ed by Coach Farrell to comlpete in the University of WXisconsin Regents 1.0 team has for the mot part been~ a ~are kept in the best of shape. oach 1letic chart, and the winning team will
M. aI. A. A. relays Saturday at East become head football coach of the player. Manager Mlerkel captained TLee exects a big ,turnout this year as be presented with a silver loving cup.
Lansing are resting todlay. The re- Badgers, the appointment to take ef- J te outdoor court squad last yeari and a splendid trip has been arangd for All fraternity houses who have not
"riner o ''arrell's proteges are be-. fet imimediately. Ryan was heetiIis present assistant, Charles H-odg-I the (cou1t squad and the ppor2tnityi entered as yet are urTged1 to 10 50 a
maneIffrmals f vrtiyme4eetc to win a place is better thn it has once. Entries may be picned in to;
ing put throug h regular practice: rma ito oe hiymnwho had man, 24, i~ an active competitor fr"
Stvei lavn mstoohsstrstimdeaplcain urte oitonad pstinnnthssud.Frmutr Ueyenarsn yas as hepnrmuslotie
home as heI does not wish to, tak) took e precdeneo ter sveral men who years aew system has beend.ppr o
chances ,f any of 'his point-getters were considered to have excellent ed, the manager no longer being a fIdP riirnltlWnigthrlatam byase
ieing kept'out of tre coning indoor chances for the job, Iplayer. i~J~ LECtbOTO HE99agnRyanstamanxe h
Cdference meet due to injuries. I Jack Ryan, as he is familiarlyI Tryouts are to be called from the TO championship in the Indepedent ba-
The coach has decided to take Van known in college athletic circles, will I sophomore class. At the end of the ' AIIUL I kc galeswande with n odfftoma
Orden along in order that his star sht immediately come to Madison to as- season the retiring manager, theFaewn iditnoeftsomr
putter may get practice in heavingI sume his duties as a member of the captain, and the coach, wil select one i their splendid work. Members of the
the weight. As Van Orden has a good department of physical education and man from their numnber to serve as championhip five will receive inc-
chance to hang up a new -conferencej football mentor, in which capacity he assistant manager during the con- An appointment which is expected to viual rewards.
record this season he is prticularly will take over the team during the ing year and manager during the be a popular one among the students Following is the 'final standing of
anxious to take advantage of all the spring training period. He will come year following. Thus a roan picked; at the Michigan Agricultural college'the teams:
available practice that befalls him. a few weeks efre the spring session as assistant manager is certain of the was confirmed Tuesday when alph i Teams Won Fa~st
H. oun, cachof ll pors a Kl!,Rayan ............... ..5 (4
Hiudes is also entered in this event opens in order to size up the mnaterial managerial job during his seniorFfYoncahfalsorst l-
and is a man of above the average cal- which he will have to form a nucleus year. It is, to be supposed that, as inazoo college and a tackle on the 1919 IStachowiat..................4 1
"Ibre. for the 1923 squad. tennis is a major 'Varsity sport, the Varsity football team at Michigan, tel-: Adams........... ...... 8 2
Andt, Cochran, Roesser, and 1Bow- For the last twenty years Coach chosen manager will be entitled to a egraphed asdrcohis heisacceptance of position Clne..........
en will comprise the two mile relay Ryan has been helping to make foot- seat on the Board of Directors of Ath sdretro aheis professor ofLivingston... .. .. .......1 4
team to make the trip. Although none ball history in the East and iddle letics and pemission to enroll in the physical education, and head of all ;IHarkey................ ...( 5
of the above mhentioned men are hal' I West. Starting, in 1903 he played newly formed Managers' "M" club isports at Michigan Agricultural Col-
mlrthyaeall fast men in this 'three years at halfback on the Water- i addition to winning the Varsity man- iMagesothwniu tem f
Farmers theySoarell
event and are expected to take first bury, Conn., high school eleven, play- agerial 11M.1 In obtaining Young theFamrthSoiyCuc an ldenen
place. ing 'at quaterback for New Hampshire Manager Merkel has, in accordance have secured a man that has had the leagues should present the names ol
Kelley is entered in the pole vault State in 1906. Entering Dartmouth in with this innovation, issued a call for unique experience of having played I their players at the Intramural off:;e
He willprobably emerge a winner as 1907 he played a year on the subs sophomore tryouts, and requests that (Cintinued on Page Seven) imediatly in order that the rewards
lie does around eleven feet. This will while lie was ineligible during the first all candidates for this position, now ______________________________________
mark Kelly's first competition in the -year of school. InI 198 he started open for the first time to men otherl
pole Vault as he has just adopted this regular' service on the Dartmouth~ than tennis players, m~il their names,
event this season. Kelly is a Joint squad, serving as captain on his team addresses and telephone numbers to _________________________________
holder of the Waterman gymnasiumI for one year and playing quarter, half i him at once, his address being 928
record in the fifty yard dlash but hasI back, and right end at different times South State street.
abandoned this event as he experi- (uring his three years on the squad. Merkel's second announcement is
ences difficulty in sprinting the long- Graduating from college he becanmeoone of wide interest. He states that
er distance out doors. head coach at St. Mary's College, St. on March 28 at 5 o'clock slow notion t
Nufer, Steve's reserve man in the, Paul, and didn't lose a football wine-pictures of two great tennis stars, I
high jump will be used in the meet.1 for three years ;while :he remained at William iI Jhnston, of San Francis-
He does around five feet 10 inches.I the school. During the seasons of cc, and Gerald Patterson, of Australia,I
This will mark his' first varsity con-; 1914 and 1915 le acted as an officia will be shown at the Majestic theater.I
petition. He was a consistent jump-!I for the Big Ten. In 1917 as head coach These film;, in three rels running forI
" on the freshman team of a yearx, at Marquette he developed a gid ma- one half hour, have been secured
ago. Captain Burke and Wittman will'! chine which downed the famous Grea through'.the coutesy of the National
be entered in the dashes but they will I Lakes squad and didn't lose a single Lawn Tennis association, and are
not oppose each other as Wittman is game, repeating the record of no de
entered in the special invitation event feats in 1918. In 1919 he lost the cOD
winning the 40 yard U~sh. same school to which he is now going
The aggies are not reputed to have as coach. Never in his career as a v
a very strong team this season. The coach has a team under his tutelage m: l?"" m
graduationi of Ernst, star all-around been defeated by more than 14 points I",,
athlete, left a hole in coach Barrons in any game.
aggregation that he has been unable to Last year Ryan returned to Dart- STARTS.MARCH 1
fill. 'The brilliant performances ofI mouth as coach of the ends and ack-
Ernst are still fresh in the memory I field but it has been announced that SUN. 11th SUN.
of some and his loss will be great tc I his release will be granted him when ....."".
the team. he starts for Madison.1
It will not be surprising if some E
of the Michigan athletes have trouble
'In adapting themselves, to the Far- I1 ('.oi i g
men's track. Their. track is several
rN NLyards shorter than the one in Water-,
man gymnasium and this may give f ,
some of the men trouble.
Higin4 wo i CachFarel's ec
and best man in the hurdles and who
was scheduled to accompany the team 05HIlS ONLY RIVAL TO
to East 'Lansing will be forcedtor- miathm;CahFrelwlnt0 MET EA 'H "THE KID"
take anyone in Higgin's place. 1 I N ITAD''O
'F U T I el C o s mnopolita n C arn ival T icke t . N i ce th ay o 1,o e 4
Tickets for the Cosmopolitan club ; TeOiet bu
Adspring carnial to be hield March 15, ~temos
in Hill auditorium, have been placed : Vos popular place In " ..- 1 ..
on sale. They have been distributedI g Ann Abor to get It cool a
among the members of the club and drink o a light luncht. / f
will also, be sold at Graham's and '-_
wahr's bookstores. The tickets are _-T ~1 COOt
50 cents each.___ STti I(hO
-' t' A~~ new ea in movoing pictures.itre
DsProf. Calvin 0. Davis, of the $School n3 _ 1L Dui drECaofthe int1h TUE clordf1® "
NnItRE.TYinte. - iEcoos ofI
of " Education, left yesterday for I _ _____nature.____
Springfield, Ill., to speak before the II
State Teachers' association. Profes- I 'k Ii ABSOLUTELY THE BIG-
sor'Davis is secretary of the co nmis- j i'04GSTVLU VEiFFR
shun on secondary schools. R!LLTaIWsas cJARS eANrsE> I ED BY ANY THEATRE IN 01__________
I WPM IVNCxILES O. :DAS }..' ANNM A TT)V(1 I tIL)Jl.'0V1? 1N'I

Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-iiuv. p INCLUDING DETROIT. * i iIIH!!iI
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. I
The instant they're avail-OI
able, new spring foods are Set-the -style pace for
served here. The exceptional Be fist with the new~
variety and frequent changes ohr olwyu o
spected. You'll feel br
prevent al menu-wmonotony heimer good clothes v
they are "an nV'es "n

niay he given out as sooii as possile.!
R(sults of the third round(!of;1' he
;v' -i)1 Sd :uy light .1 WteI~in y-
.m., stiumare as fcflowa : Ti iI
Pear Cats, 23-0; Xank ees (let c:ite
1Lnlians, 17-15.
Compel it ililhslauei e u
lketner wih ev, ('Vitidll uiandh .
forth 50111 e good w,' ?0lalI ince?1me.-
fiers oG h lltr - e- i ais iu
ti cc (:battle".
Th'ie way to I"'lit a room is with a
"Daily ('lara:itied'. --Adv.
i.oso s ornetbin 'Y A ciassi tied in
('1a',)S-i ( =d iv ill .- ell it for you.--Adv.s

~tsi made public yesterday by,
tA Athletic association show_ the fol-
I oxx ingesults regarding Michigan's
in emolleia eathletic record with
oerschools of the BigTen: Football
aeswon 62, t ied 4, lost 22; Baseball,
wvon 1=iii, tied ;8, lost 51; Track, woih
tZl, 0 ed, lost 6; Tennis, won 18, tied
Elst 5.
Yost's football record with Confer-
c lice teams follows: won 40 games,
(e ,I lost 9. Of the latter, 2 of, the,,,
:.. 'ns were won by Chicago, 2 by 11-,
Jilis, 13 by Olio State, 1 by Minne-
rtai and 1 by Northwestern. The
gaus onl by Michigan against these.
,4cuo(+; =are the following: Chicago 6,
t: oa , Ohio State 13, Minnesota 5,
al Northwestern 2.,

I ~ Ice LSkater's NotiCe
I rd lie Coliscumn wil be open every afternoon until Sat-
urday, March- eI7C), for persons who wish to call for their
-ses, as we will not be reposil for those left.
Ir -t
-mI[I~llt 1l _ _ _ _ _ _ -a111I IIIll111 d~I el lhtll)~ 11lllt

f /
r r r /
Oil. K.&Cao
your circle of friends.
v clothes idea.,'Let the
t U1 be admired and re-
°isk and alert. upena
will do all this for you;
It ix god appearance..



A t ?c~

f -I



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