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March 09, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-09

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McKelvey and Hart, lightweights,
furnished one of the cleverest bouts
of the card in their second prelim-
ary. Hart relied on a left la i lollow-
ed by a ri ht to the body, whoile Mc-
Kelvey pl..yedl mostly 1'or t he body.
-20 IUO -fiHU9 J McKelvey earned the (cisiOln. The
opener, between Hays and Young, 122
(Continued from Page One) pounds, gave a fair idea of what can
( Coneyrom Pe One, x be accomplished in a mw months'
RuhI and Conley, 160"pounds, boxed training. Both boys were green at the
a careful three rounds semi-windup. start of the year, but showed enough
Both boys worked mostly for the head of the fundamentals, e(pe)cialy the:
but Ruhl, with his crOuch, shot sev- straight left, to give an intcrestirg ou-
eral telling hooks to the stomach. ,enmg to the show. ,Young held a
Conley's famous cross came into evi- shade over Hays at the end of the
dence once or twice but Euhl's crouch three rounds.
warded it off. Both men appeared in Followin; the show, Coach Sullivan
good condition and the bout was arN and the boxers were tendered a ban-
even draw. quet at Willit's care.
Prelims Show Action Mc ai-RfiIWs; Bc3:t by Olfnd'4
Small and Miller, at 165 pounds, ROUNDT)1. Dot; men coic to the
gave a splendid exhibition of the left center of the ring and clinch. Rarnes
Jab with Miller doing most of the re- swings to the stomach. McLean cross-
ceiving although the tall blond got in es to the jaw. Shorty seds two left
a few in the first two rounds, which hooks to the jaw and forces Bill to the
were even. The last round was Small's ropes. They exchange hooks on the
all the way, deciding the bout in his ropes. McLean hooks to the jaw.
favor. Yott met Hartzmal in the third Raines sends a straight left to the
preliminary at 155 pounds. Hartzman ,jaw. Bill sends a left to the =aw, foi-
used his left jab to good advantage. lowed by a right to the same place.
forcing Yott to carry the fighting. Yott Round even.
attempted numerous hooks, but 'a ROUND TWO. McLean shoo s a lefe
slight shade rested with Hartzman. to tie face. Raines evens matters witRi
Cl assted Ratea. Two Cents per word a day, paid In advancs. Miai
imam charge for irft .day, 25c. Minimum thoreat r, 20o. ThreeI
'entp per wor pqr day if charged. White space charged for at rxate
Sof BeWeT agate line. Classified, charged only to thowe having phones.
Liner Rates: Twetr eazts per line, wthaot contract, paid In zdvanc ,

a hook to the stomach followed by a
right to the jaw. McLean right hooks
to face. They exchange hooks to face
evenly. McLean crosses Shorty twice
in succession. Both exchanging hooks
on the ropes at the gong. Round ev-
ROUND 3. Both come out, send a
few hooks to the face and fall into a
clinch. Re.teree Sullivan busy keep-
ing men apart. Raines sends two
hooks to face followed by a straight
right and left to the same place. Mc-
Lean forced to ropes where it could
be seen his extra round was not do-
ing him any good. They exchange
hooks on the ropes. Raines sends a"
left hook to jaw and follows with a
straight right and left at the gong.
flwnes' round. No decision.
Wehmits c Kethn I out by Rounds
ROND 1. Both men come o0
swingmig for the head. McKechnie
hooks to the head. They clinch. Mc-
Kechnie rushes and is met by a right
to the face. Clinch. They exchange
hooks and fall into clinch. McKech-
nie sends a right to the head. Woli-
ntz swings a left to the jaw and fol-
lows with a right and left to the same
place at the gong. Round even.
ROUND 2. McKechnie starts the
round with a cross to the jaw. Woli-
nitz lands a right to the face. Both
swin wide. McKechnie sends a right
to the face. Wolinitz evens up with a
bnautiful straight left to the face.
Clinch. Both swing wide. George
lands a left hook to the face. Mac
sends a right and left hook to the head.
Wolinitz pops a straight right and left
to the face as the gong rings. Round
ROUND 3. Wolinitz hooks with his
r ght. Even exchange of hooks to the
head. Another exchange of hooks to
the head on the ropes in McKechnie's
corner. Mac hooks a right and left te
the face. Wolinitz sends three quick
hooks to Mac's head. McKechnie
lands two hooks to the stpmach and
a right to the head at the gong. Round
even. Draw bout.
(Continued from Page Six)
under three of the greatest football
coaches in the country. His first ex
perience came when he was a soph-
opore at Chicago where he played un-
der Stagg. The next fall he trans-
ferred to W. & J. where he made good
under "Bob" Folwell.
Young entered Michigan in the fall
of 1919 and played on the Varsity as
a tackle as the rule allowing all mem-
bers of the S. A. T. C. to participate
in Conference sports was still in
vogue. He played in one game that
fall as a regular, holding down a for-
ward in the Syracuse game.
Try a Classified Ad---It pays.-Adv.

One more cut is expected during gardens. These men will make a
the indoor season, to con at the end Istrong addition to Coach Fisher's
Coach Fisher's pitching staff is showers. Benson and Weed, two new f this or ealn, the et ten squad and will no doubt help fill up
seemingly jinxed this year. Following men on the squad, also complained any vacancies that now appear in the
S wtr . Ah h s cording to the Varsity mentor there make-up of the team. Haggerty play-
the news of Stryker's ineligibility, of sore wings. Although their sore-; is a great difficulty in slicing men from ed infield on the freshman team last
three pitchers yesterday reported that ness did not seem to be as serious as the squad while the work is contin- year but can be used in the outfield if
they had sore arms as a result of the is Livvy's, they .have been instructed wing indoors, for the conditions are necessary.
team practicing when the gymnasium to take good care of them. a natural handicap to all candidates.
was not heated to as high a tempera- There has, however, been one bright However, hay believes that he will'!To Rold All-Fresh Dance arch 17
ture as it had been formerly. spot in all the gloom of the pitching be able to Nxeed out a bit more over- Freshmen of all colleges will hold
Liverance developed a sore arm last outlook. That has been the "discov- growth so that by the tirun that Fer-
summer when he was pitching in the ery" of Farley. This youngster, who ry field is ready aml the weather per- a dance Saturday afte'rnoon, March
alumni games. He thought that he had is, unfortunately, lacking in experi- mits he will 'w aide to get a real lint 17 at the Union. Rhodes orchestra
gotten rid of this soreness for so far ence, has nevertheless shown a world on his candidates before he squad will furnish the music, for the event.
this season he has had no trouble with of power to date, due largely to Coach ! swings out on its trip to the South- Tickets will go on sale Tuesday ot
it but yesterday when he started to 1 Fisher's' constant work. Ray hopes land. the Union. Those for couples will
warm up it gave him so much trouble' to develop this man into a really de- Hi laggerty of last year's freshman i cost '$1, and those for individuals 50
that Coach Fisher soon sent him to the perfdable twirler, for several will have team reported for practice yesterday. cents.



The.following Box Replies are at the ATTENTION!
Daily office: CBS, RHB, FMM, KD. Seniors and Juniors School of
GW, LEB, GRE, 18, ECP. J Commerce
FOR SALE We are seeking to strchnthen our
organization with college men an(
SPRING SUITS-Tailored to your women who have a knowledge '
SPRIG SITSTaiore toyour Bookkeeping or Accounting. We aro
measure by the head tailor of an Ia okktional organi uti n d. oWe r
c'clusive custom tailoring establish- a National organization and offer i-
ment. At Davis Toggery Shop, 119 fher permanent or vacation period
South Main St. on Friday and Sat- work in your home locality to those
urday, March 9-10. Six-day service. who are interested. Good money
114-3 right from the start with oppertuni-
ties for splendid advancemnt for
FOR SALE-Raincoats, Cravenettes, those who qualify. For informsation
directly from factory. Save you write now, to
money. Satisfaction guaranteed. U. S. A. Corlo)ra.lion, 504 lenoist
SIMONS, 2846-J. 107-21! Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 110-21
FOR SALE-Remington Portable \ STUDENT AGENTS
Typewriters. Call Black, student Make Big Money Sellirg
dealer, 432 Thompson. 1128-J. RADIO CIGAR LIGHTERS

FOR SALE--Stunning black crepe
dress-size 36, in good condition.
Price $15. Call 423 W. Liberty.
FOR SALE CHEAP-Two tickets to
Maier-Pattison Concert and May
Festival coupons. Phone 1222. 115
TWO first balcony Maier-Pattison con-
cert tickets. One May Festival Cou-
pon. Call 1063-R. 115
FOR SALE-Two May Festival Cou-
pons. First balcony. Call 2596-R.
ONE TICKET for Maier-Pattison con-
cert, $1. Second balcony. 1560-W.
FOR RENT-12 room house, close to.
campus; just the thing for board-
ing house or tea rooms. Phone 416.
FOR RENT-Pleasant front suite. No
other roomers. Board if desired.
1221 Prospect St. Phone 1014-W.
Would you be interested in hearing
of a place where you can get $6.50
board for $5.60? Call 2255-R after
7 p. m. 113-3
KREAM KOFFEE KAKE and coffee.'
Rex's Club Lunch. 114-50
"THE PIES that mother made" is a
myth ordinarily, but not so at the l
Y. W. C. A. Cafeteria. 115
WANTED-At U. of M. hospital, wo,
men for dishwashing, for work in
the nurses' homes, and for the sew-.
ing room. Aplly Housekeeping Of-
fice. 114-3
WANTED--6 to 10 room house with
good lots in good residence section.
Will pay up to $224000. Box G.R.E.
WANTED--At U.jof M. hospital, porter
for kitchen and dining room, apply
House-keeping office. 114-3
WANTED-Tuxedo, size 36. Call 280-
J. 114-2'
leaves Friday nights returning Sun-
day night. Railroad rates. Phone
1394-J. 97-21
Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv.
FILMS-Developed and printed by
171. Awn n n ffhgn.,.... a . a... V. -r

An imported novelty. A lighter that
always works. Send no money. Write
for particulars.
1147 Crandview Avenue,
COLU14[BUS, 01110
If you want to try the selling game
spring vacation see 11. J. Leader.
622 E. Liberty. Phone 3221-J across
from Speddings Studio. 109-50'
LOST-Somewhere in Union, black
leather-covered note-book with
name, Edgar Vaelker, on cover.
Finder call 2930-J. 115-2
TAKEN by mistake from lower coat'
room in Union, Pillksbury's "Essen-
tials of Psychology". Finder pleaso'
phone 776-R. 115-2
LOST-Log-log slide rule in Tappan
School or Chemistry Building. Ini-
tials C.R.S. on case. Phone 1926.
Reward. 115
LOST-Friday on North State or Cam-
pus, pair of black tortoise rinm
glasses. Finder please -call 2516-1
M. 115-a
LOST-Yellow Fitch fur neck-piece,
last Friday~evening near Delta Gam-
ma Douse. Please phone 1531-W.
LOST---A man's gold Swiss watch.
Left down stairs in the Union Wash
room. Reward. Call Bob, 2180-R.
LOST-Pair of tortoise shell-rimmedi
glasses. Please return to Betsy Bar-
bour. Call 3237. Reward. 115 i
FOUND-What you can't get anywhere
else, in the line of eats, at Dinty
Moore's. Call 3151-M. We deliver
from 7:15 P M. to 11:15. 115-2
service when your MANUSCRIPTS
Arcade. 111-50
TYPEWRITING wanted. Theses,
notes, any work. 12 CENTS a page.
Phone 2278-W. 81-21
TORY. Bring your repairs where
shoes are made. Crepe soles at-
tached to your shoes. $2.75. Bring
them in today. Made-to-measure
orders-one week service. Satis-
factjon guaranteed or money re-
turned. 534 Forest Avenue. Call
3043. 108-21!

under the auspices of
The Institute
of International Education
offer an opportunity for American
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The members of the Students'
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There will be three Students'
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Institute of International Educa-
tion; and
A Students' Tour to Italy under
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and the Italy American Society.
Full information about the itiner-
aries, leaders, and cost, may be
secured from
30 E. 42nd St. New York City

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A new era in moving pictures. A
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.tf. U l U it1 17 31 31111 i.7

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