March 10, 1922

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March 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…i' ~Ar 4:D ttlu D AY A.-D NIGHT G..r.., . s...x.v.i..... ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. MARCHW1t 1922 PPTf'M T.TV -. ...r, .L.1,... ..,.z. w w v i~e _ k ..llilli J.V] t - SHADOWLAND CR1T FROST AS MASTER LIIIIIVL FTING OF ER TREATY CONTENDS PACT PANESE SUB- WHO ?D BILL Hughes "But that he knows in singing n to sing," is the epitome of Robe Frost's poetry as interpreted by Ba ette Deutsch in the March number Shadowland. Miss Deutsc...…

March 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY AN [onday during the University ident Publications. roi or Su ER OF TH E ASSOCIATED PRESS exclusively entitled to the use for tches credited to it or not otherwise e local news published therein. ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second a: AnnA 4rbor Press Building Maynard Street. s: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. unications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signa- ecessarily to appear in print; but as an evidence of ...…

March 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…to women one the same d suI- 'ms as1 IISONERS FACE DEATH IN RUSSIA1 CURTISS ON IN STRA 'AND GE CA TAXI 35 Cents Passenger Insured ainst Accident man if he gain the his health"? g lots of good, Pure are always sure of the best if you airy products FROM THE NN ARBOR DAIRY CD. PHONE 423 Carry an eady Fountain Pen Light a Fountain Pen. $1.00 Complete with Battery Disease and Starvation Menace 200,000 Victims of Soviet Political Puni...…

March 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…77 iii IS WILL TONIGHT In spite of the hard luck which hit the boxing team, the coach is confl. dent that the boys will perform satis- factorilyand he. feels that they stand a good chance to win. Only one thing is worrying the coach and that is the fact that the men ,have never ap- peared in public before. This fact' seems to be worrying the coach more than the condition of the men as the best athletes are subject to stage fright on thei...…

March 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 115) • Page Image 5

… Ull AI[ ElSO I Urbana PLACE of the 1922 Illi- into the annals 1 the track world jpon the other c, the Conference to be held at y, March 18. Wored he winner of that e with an almost f confidence, and r Why this is so. een, or heard, or s nerformance of Of the remaining Conference teams Purdue is undoubtedly the strongest, with Ohio State close behind. The Boilermakers have exceptionally good distance men in Furnass and Harri- son and it i...…

March 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

… gan Daily Supplement To Student Directory NU"IER TWO I ed by terary '21, a Ixford. a. va- nil of tihe visit- ,from int old Jacobs Bower, Warren E., Grad., 116 N. State. Quincy, 410-W. Bowles, Herbert G., '24, 422 Packard. Muskegon, 2165-J Brake, Donald P., '24E, 210 S. Thayer. Fremont, 2488-M Briscoe, Harold R., '25E, 602 K. Liberty, 2459-M Brown, Arthur H., '22D, 429 S. Division. Tecumseh, 1741-R Brown, Edward E., '24, 617 S. Division....…

March 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 115) • Page Image 7

…MAN Wain CBE, BUT ZEX'S reet kArd Streets soc to $1.00 -oc to $2oo - - Soc to $1.50 rComic Opera" II omen yi t, rFlit E.rnubna~v OUTLINED AT MEETING AT THE THE ii L -' , .; CANLAN a comedy with songs ISH EYES" %K - 50ctto $1. Sat, Mat. - 5 to $2.00 t's Exquisite Musical Comedy NEY DEW " l Comedy "Spectacle . Drama, ,a B~ack"to O. D. MORRILL Stationery and Typewriters 17 Nickels Arcade DANA E, HISCOCK DEALER IN HARD And S...…

March 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 115) • Page Image 8

…ICIAL RUL 8:80 p. E. (11:80 a. M. Saturdays.) FRIDAY, LARCH 10, 1922 Number 115 of Literature, Science, and the Arts - Dean's Advisory Committee: ere will be a meeting of this Committee Friday afternoon, March 10, in my office. JOHN R. EFFINGER. rships in Prehistoric Archaeology: o fellowships, of 5000 and 2000 francs, respectively, are available for an students in the American School in France of Prehistoric Stud- pplications may be made t...…

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