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March 10, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-10

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"But that he knows in singing n
to sing," is the epitome of Robe
Frost's poetry as interpreted by Ba
ette Deutsch in the March number
Shadowland. Miss Deutsch is contr
buting a series of studies of the for
most American poets of today and t
morrow. Robert Frost she decrees-
"a master of verbal frugality, of pa
sionate sobriety, of that forgiving ix
sight into human motivation whieh i
lumines the Tleak comionpiace i
which he deals."
She delights in his homely abilit
to take the"ungarnished, the awkwar
the commonplace or the mediocre an
with a gaunt word or two to paint i
deeper meaning with an unadorne
truth," sometimes vulgar, often collt
quial, always unaffected." Illustratin
is the description of a forgotten pil
of wood, chopped by forgetting hand
and left moulding, "To warm th

Vssociated Press)
, March 9. - Charging
power Pacific treaty re-
Japanese-British plan to
barrassing effect of the
se alliance, opponents of
ht without success in the
o learn exactly by whom
raft of the document was
odge of Massachusetts,
od of Alabama, declared
rect questions that Sec-
s, had conducted most of
ons leading up to the
odge said "many hands"
the drafting and redraft-
e did not know who made
:estion. Mr. Underwood
he first draft he thought,
one laid before him by

Cabinet Officer Appeals to Miners an
Operators to Avoid

ements of the two senate
re made in reply to a ser-
tions by Senator Robinson,
Arkansas, who told the sen-
the cross questioning was
although "we don't know
ever find out from any au-
urce who wrote the first
was inclined to believe that
i product resulted from the
s of Arthur J. Balfour for
ain and Prince Tokugawa
He assailed the treaty as
e" and predicted it would
rm than good.

(By Associated Press)
Washington, March 9. - Secretar
of Labor. Davis today broke the si
lence he has maintained during th
10 days in which the government ha
actively sought intervention in th
impending strike, to urge mine opera
tors and the mining unions "in th
name of common sense to get togethe
and save the country from the costly
results of a strike." The governmen
has "no desire to interfere unduly,
he announced, "but as a duty to safe
guard the interests of the people wh
will be seriously affected by the sus
pension of coal mining."
Although no ' immediate response
were received at the secretary's ofic
after the statement was issued, pres
dispatches at once reflected, the in
terest taken in it by representatives o
unions and operators in the country'
widespread coal fields.
There was no disposition in officia
circles today to conceal that Mr. Dav
is', statement, which exclaimed agains
the government's position, was one re
sult of the repeated refusalj of Penn-
sylvania and other mine operators in
the central competitive field to enter
negotiations looking to another na
tional wage agreement. The union, it
was pointed out here, has sought this
course from the beginning and the
operators have been unyielding in op-
Sor ority SaleOf
-Ensians Blocked
ByDeans ' Ruling,

ot frozen swamp as best it could, with
rt the slow, smokeless burning of decay."0
b- In her final summing up of his
of works, Miss Deutsch concludes: "He
i- takes the traveled road so far as tech- Committee of Faculty and Townspeo.
e- nique goes. He takes, literally and pie Under Prof. H. L. Wilgus t
o- figuratively, the grassy path when it Begins Investigation t
as comes to subject-matter. His com- -
s- xent on what he sees, like his accuracy WOULD ALLOW AN INTERCANGE
n- in seeing it, is characteristicof theO CRU DISLWIA NIERSITE
1- shrewd, taciturn New Englander. And OF CREDITS WITH UNIVERSITY
in Robet Frost, belonging to that. dour
and distinguished province, belongs to The propriety of establishing a
ty the world." school of religion in Ann Arbor is nowt
d, In her opinion that "dour and distin- being investigated by a committees
d guished province" has given Frost the composed of members of the facultya
ts divine opportunity for portrayal of a and church people in the city.
d life and atmosphere that were his by Pwf. H. L. Wilgus, of the Law
Q- right of aneestry-so much so that an school, is chairman of the executive
g early ten years of California glamour committee with sub-committees that
e were unaffective, and the bitterness of are investigating whether such af
s eking out a slim New England exist- school could be established on lines
e ence failed to tarnish the insight, similar to that of the School of Mus-
ic.' Students would probably be taughta
courses in religious and social work
supplementing the Bible courses now
being given in the University.
"THE THIRE EYEOAnInterchange Credits -
ed intherchoole of reiionwould t
credit for their courses in the Univer-
sity or vice versa. "If such a school
id Nationally Known Psychologist and were established," said Professor Wit-
Illemory Expert Will Lecture gus, "the courses given would be of a
Tonight very high character so that an inter-
change of credits would probably be
S . WITH NUMEROUS EXPERIMENTS The chairmen of the investigating
sub-committees which Professor Wil-
"The Third Eye" will be the subject gus appointd are: Dean Edward H.
Kraus, finances; Prof. Leroy Water-'
- of Mr. W. T. Orr, of Detroit, nation- man, curriculum; Prof. F. E. Robbins,o
e ally known psychologist and memory relation to University; Mr. . . Kirk-g
s expert, who will speak at 7:30 o'clock patrigk, incorporation; and Rev. H. E.F
e tonight in the reading room of the Chapman, relation to denominations.
- Union. Mr. Orr will demonstrate his The national council of churchv
e talk with experiments in memory and boards met here with .the local com-
r character reading and will disclose mittee two days ago to discuss theu
subject of schools of religion in con-
y some of the secets of awelldevelop- nection with state universities and
t ed memory to the audience.
Mr. Orr has been engaged for the the possibility of establishing such a
- past few years as a consulting effi- school at Michigan.
o ciency expert in Detroit and has been Not a New Project -
o cenc ex ertin- etrit nd as een Schools have already been estab-
- employed by many of the big firms in- ishedat h versiy fndi an-
eluding , the Ford Motor company, in Missouri. the University Indiana and
s training their employes along better Steuniv RepresentatiUves of Ohio
e memory and efficiency fines. He is a'State university andthe University of i
s- medical man, being a graduate of the Iowa who are interested in farmingt
- University of California. His wide schools at those institutions attended i
f travels and intimate studies of hu- the meeting here.-s
's man nature have made lim one of the Members of the council of church e
madn nature he maded. hie of thre boards of education who were here i
leaing men n his field. 'Th lecture aeD.0 .Fse fNwYr
J tomorrow night is open to all students are Dr. O. D. Foster of New York
-free of charge. city, university secretary of the coun-
t cil of church boards of education; Dr. w
F. M. Sheldon of Boston, secretary of t
- the Congregational board of educa- w
tion; Dr. G. B. Baker of New York s
city, university secretary of the Bap-d
- MITIYTtist board of education; Dr. W. R. c
t Lampe of Chicago, university secre- i
tary of the Presbyterian board of ed- o
s ~ucation; Dr. J. C. Todd, dean of the g;
All applications to the Soph Prom School of Religion at the University t
should be in the hands of the appli- of Indiana, and Dr. W.' H. Sheldon, h
cants by today, according to Donald university secretary of the Methodist' v
Steketee, chairman of the ticket com- board of education. n
mittee. '_g
The tickets will be given out at the YC
Union next Monday, Tuesday, and M INIIUTESPINLI It
Wednesday, and the return slip spec-
fies the exact time for the holder to
call. The committee emphasizes that.T
absolutely naMticket can be transfer-
red and the person who calls for the ER
ticket must be the one who applied "ROSE IN THE RING" AND "RIP o
for the application. In order to be VAN WINKLE" TO BE PRE- q
sure that none are transferred the SENTEDIt
committee may ask for signatures-p
when the tickets are given out. Tony Sarg's marionettes will give s
"'the process of elimination has performances at the Mimes theater this a
been a difficult one," said Donald afternoon and tonight. "Rose in the g
Steketee," and the committee feels Ring" will be given at 3:30 o'clock n
that it is its duty to see that only the and "Rip Van Winkle" at - 8 o'clock. b
students rightfully deserving tickets The programs are given under the au-
receive them." spices of the Matinee Musicale. Ad-
If any student whose application mission for children under 10 is $1
was accepted finds that he cannot at- and for others $1.50. All seats are
tend the Prom he is requested to re- reserved.
turn his ticket to the committee so There are six pupeteers who control
the persons on the waiting lists will all the movements of the wooden head
receive them in their order. The price actors by mens of a set of strings at-
of the tickets is'5.50. tached on a wooden frame back and

above the stage. The movements of A
BATES SAYS CO-OP the many jointed puppets are so real
ROOMING DIFFICULT that the voices of their controllers t.
seem almost to come from the puppets w
themselves. Tony Sarg's plays will be w
"While I am in sympathy with the of especial interest to students of the Ca
olect of a co-operative rooming drama and the character of the play A
plan," said Deon H. M. Bates, of the makes it interesting to both children
Law school, "I believe that practical and adults.
difficulties such as management and "The Rose in the Ring," by Thack- d
captital would offer serious obstacles. eray, is full of humor , and largely ti
"A great many commendable enter- quotes the author's language. Both to
prisbs of a co-operative nature start plays are peculiarly adapted to marion- ca
out very well but often die down from ette presentation because of their w
lack of good management. Another humor and the nature of the story.
thing that suggests itself to me is tri
Ahe fact that student groups of this '23 Lit Mixer Tickets on Sale m
nature might find it hard to secure Tickets for the junior lit class mixer, m
suitable houses, which is no critI, which will be held tomorrow in the A
cism of the students but due only parlors of Barbour gymnasium, have so
to the necessary shifting condition. been placed on sale on the campus and sa
"I do think that groups of students may be secured -from members of the an
could obtain a number of advantages class, or at the door tomorrow after-
if they would deal with their land- noon. ci
ladies in an organized way and per- Dancing will continue from 2 to 5 p4
haps this would secure some of the o'cldek. Pat Nertney's orchestra will th
results hoped for from the co-opera- furnish the music for the dance. Re- fo
tive plan with a considerable lessen- freshments will be served. G
ing of the difficulties, responjsibili- Tickets for the event are selling at w
ties,. and need for canital. A iini+,. ciiF %r a- l



"Letter day is bound to be a suc-
cessful project, if the athletics who
have earned athletic insignia will co-
operate unanimously and forget any
false pride which might prompt them
to leave the sweater or the hat -hang-
ing up in their rooms," was the re-
mark today of an "M" man who re-
'cently completerI his lash, year of
competition on a Varsity squad.
It is apparent that, in the estimation
of Varsity athletes "M" day will have,
the desired effect of awakening latent
spirit toward Michigan's athletics
among the first year men, members
of other classes and the campus in
One man scored the "false modesty"
which he believed had prevented men
from wearing insignia prior to th in-
stituting of an official "M" day by the
action ofthe Student council Wednes-
day night. " Ibelieve that the sweat-
ers and hats were intended to be worn
on the campus for it is here at Mich-
igan that the real meaning of an "M"
is felt, and it is here, if anywhere,
that it wily accomplish some good," was
his statement.
Evans Displays,
Unusual Skill In
Twilight Concert

(By Edgar H. ARles)
Harry Russell Evans of the School
of Music gave the weekly Twilight or-
gan recital yesterday afternoon in
Hill auditorium. A varied program
was offered, giving the performer ex-
cellent opportunity to display his un-
usual skill.
Saint-Saens "Third Rhapsody on
Breton Melodiesi" opened the pro-
gram. It is a work of more than or-
dinary beauty, showing clearly its au-
thor's understanding of the organ.
"An Elizabethan Idyll" by T. Ter-
tius Noble fails to fulfill the expecta-
tions aroused by the knowledge that
its composer is an organist of exten-
sive reputation. It is 4 attractive
enough in an uninterestihg way, but
s quite distinctly second rate.
Play Sonata in A Major
In striking and delightful contrast
was Mendelssohn's remarkable Sona-
a in A major, the two movemnts of
which were received with the enthu-
siasm which Mr. Evans' excellent ren-
dition deserved. The first movement,_
con moto maestoso, is noteworthy for
ts powerful and brilliant employment
of the extensive resources of the or-
gan. The second movement, andante
tranquillo, by way of contrast, is of
erene and thoughtful beauty. This
work, together with the other five so-
natas, Opus 65,' belongs in the cate-
gory of Mendelssohn's more mature
compositions, and affords interest-
ng display of his wonderful 'genius.
Close with Lemimens
Jacques Lemmens' "Grand Fantasia
n E minor" brought the program to a
close. This work Is typical of the
composer, and depending entirely up-
n everchanging tone -colors and ex-
uisite melody. It has' been suggested
hat the composition- seeks to depict a
astoral scene, the approach of a
torm, the storm, the storm subsiding,
nd a subsequent prayer of thanks-
iving. Regardless of the correct-;
es of this interpretation. its enjoya-a
leness is undeniable..

Awarded Degree from Pennsylvan
1885; Began Political Career
in 1908

Michigan placed another man
President Harding's cabinet when
Hubert Work, '84M, was appointed
succeed Mr. Will Hays as posfmasi
general of the United States. '
number of Michigan alumni in
cabinet is now three: Harry
Daugherty, attorney-general, and :
win Denby, secretary of the navy,
the other two.
Student Here in 1882
Doctor Work entered the Medi
school here in 1882 and became int
ested in mental and nervous diseal
during his two year course. In,1
hl entered the Medical school of
University of Pennsylvania where
took his degree in '85, going into pi
ate practice in Greenville, Colo., a
then establishing himself in Pue
where he founded the Woodcroft h
pital in 1896 for mental and nerve
f diseases. His political career beg
in 1908 when he was a delegate
large in the Republican national c
vention in 1912, he was' chairman
the Colorado Republican state cent
committee and also president of t
American Medico-1sychological. as
elation. Honored by a fellowship
the American -Medical association
the outset of his professional prom
ence he was made president-elect
that same body in 1921, and was a
appointed as assistant to the pa
Great Honor
This added honor to Michigan brii
to light an interesting fact in conn
tion with Michigan men filling h:
public offices. William Howard T
when governor-general of the Phil
pines occasionally referred to the P1
ippine commission as the University
Michigan Alumni association, so ma
of the men whom this work brought
gether were its graduates.
Doctor Work was born in Mari
Center, Pa., in 1860.

MIortimer E. Cooley, of the en-
g college, successor to Her-!
>ver as president of the Amer-
gineering council, will pre-
the meeting of the executive
f the council today in Chi-
ngineers, manufacturers, eco-
and educators from many ci-
attend the meeting, and a
ige of topics embracing tech-
d public service will be con-1


the members of the execu,
will be guests of the Michi-
.eers club at its annual in-
ner in the Chicago City club
embership in the club now!
e than 500 of mnen in class-,
872 to 1922, including also
members, President Marion;
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley,
;ineering college, and all
embers of the engineering
t Marion L. Burton, Dean
E. Cooley, of the engineer-
e, Prof. George W. Patter-
engineering mechanics de-
Prof. J. C. Parker, of elec-
neering, Prof. H. C. Sadler,
al architecture and marine
g, Prof. A. E. White, of the
ngineering department and
engineering research, Prof.
y, superintendent of engi-
ops, and Prof. H. C. Ander-
mechanical engineering de-
expect to attend' the, an-
uet tonight at Chicago.
crease in the number of in-
ses reported to University
vice indicates that the epi-
subsided considerably since
It was the opinion of Dr.
Forsythe, director of the
vice that the, situation was
under control, as both the
office calls and room' calls
n off during the past few

"It was not entirely .due to me that
the sororities were forced to discon-
tinue their solicitations for Michigan-
ensian subscriptions," declared Dean
Jordan yesterday afternoon. "My ac-
tion was in accord withVa ruling made
several years ago by the deans, which
states that all women are barred from
conducting sales of any kind on the
"Permission was sought a few weeks
ago to install booths about the cam-
pus for the new Women's league build-
ing. The request could not be grant-
ed, iowever, because of this statute.
The same ruling must be applied to
this present case."
Various sorority houses expressed
their regret at having to discontinue
their work for the Michiganensian.
The sales had been mounting steadily,
keen competition existing between the
houses for high record.
To Vote On City Charter Amendment
Members of the 'city council at a
meeting last Monday evening passed
a resolution providing that an amend-
ment to the city charter be voted on'
at the April election by the people of
Ann Arbor. The amendment provides
that the city shall "regulate and di-
rect the construction, alteration,
equipment, repair, or removal of
buildings and structures to be erect-
ed in the city."

Through the efforts of the American
ssociation of University Women a
ecture course has been arranged
hich will bring to Ann Arbor such
ell known poets as Padraic Colum,
arl Sandburg, Louis Untermeyer,
my Lowell, and Vachel Lindsay.
Padraic Colum, an Irish poet and
ramatist and one of the founders of
he Irish National theater, will' lec-
ure on.March 29. Carl Sandburg,
aled "the poet of smoke and steel,,5
ill come at a later date.
Louis Untermeyer, a poet who con-
ibutes to many of the contemporary
agazines, is considered one of the'
ost scholarly of the younger critics.
my Lowell has published several
plumes of verse, while Vachel Lind-
ay has also written for magazines
nd published many books.
The presence of Robert Frost in the
ty is thought to have induced the
oets to come here. Due to the fact
he association is able to sell tickets
or the course at $1.25 at Wahr's and
raham's bookstorees. The lectures
ill probably take place in Sarah Cas-
v1 n v1 a h ll


Sales for 1922 Michiganensian clos-
ed,yesterday at 4 o'clock when a total
of 562 subscriptions were turned into
the office by the sixteen sordrities pn-
gaged in the competition. Delta Del-
ta Delta sorority won the prize having
made 86 sales during the campaign
with Kappa Kappa Gamma.next in suc-
cession with 68 sugscriptions to its
The final order for the yearbooks
will be sent to the publishers today.
In spite of the severe handicap caus-
ed by the limiting of the women's ac-
tivities on the campus, the sale achiev-
ed greater success than had been
cou'tited on. Nevertheless the manage-
ment of the yearbook feels that many
more would have been sold if the orig-
inal plans of the campaign could have
been carried out. "I want to thank
the woien who worked so generously
and withsuch enthusiasm to make the
sale of the 1922 Michiganensian a suc-
cess," said R. F. Wieneke, '22, business
manager of the publication yesterday.
"Although having every reason to be
discouraged at the outset~ they showed
wonderful determination and willing-
ness." '
The sororities listed in the campaign
turned in the following number of sub-
scriptions: Alpha Chi Omega, 35;
Alpha Omicron Pi, 36; Alpha Phi, 10;
Alpha Xi Delta, 15; Chi Omega, 42;
Collegiate Sorosis, ;77; Delta, Delta
Delta, 86; Delta Gamm, 14; Gamma
Phi Beta, 5; Kappa Alpha Theta, 37;
Kappa Delta, 18; Kappa Kapa Gamma,
68; Mu Phi Esilon, 9; Pi Beta Phi, 51;
Theta Phi Alpha, 62; Zeta Tau Alpha,
27. The team obtaining the highest


V. F. W
kets for the Vet-
s ball to be held
i gymnasium by

Cerele Franeals to Hold Mixer
Members of the Cercl0 Francais
will hold a mixer tonight in Barbour
gymnasium. This is the annual
dance for the associate members and
they are urged to attend. Members of
the French department will also be
guests of the Cercle.
Mike Chon's orchestra will furnish{

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