March 07, 1920

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March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…1~V1 T t I r 1Mw4ia 00ee( :Iaittx 'ED DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SEE VICE I I I+l 1 1 II/ w IIIMI/1 1'>fI 111111IIIII IIIF . I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1920.- PRICE THREE CENTS _. ;HIG N WINS ILLINI CARNIVAL ADION OF FER BRINGlS 16 COMMENT ^NEVE$ ERVICE TO BE R NEW SYSTEM nger Physicians, re Often, Doctor ythe Says and never received a square deal seven years that I have the University Health Serv- red Dr. Clyde B. ...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…J VJAI t , in reality, as much a part as a required-study. of a lib- --- m ., ,. w RR OF THE UNIVERSITY ICHIGAN except Mnday during the Uniyer trol of Student Publications. ASSOCIATED PRESS exclusively entitled -to the use for tches credited to it or not otherwise lrcal news piblistYed threin t Ann Arbor. Michigan. as second Maynard street. 0414. words, if signed, the sig. nt, but as an evidence of ished in The Daily at the ailed to The...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DA1L' r, COE MCTION Michigan Graduate Marries Wishes to correct an er- Dr. George Piper Wood, '19H, and the announcement of the Hazel Willwirth, of Reading. Pa., were shown under 'the auspices married yesterday at Reading. They en's league at 7:30 o'clock will make their home in Detroit, evening, March 10. This where Dr. Wood wil assist Dr. Frank shown in Hill auditorium Kelly. He was a member of Alpha arah Caswell Angell hall, ...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…_ A' G . ll lv1£-i 5 '"5JI ' lf4S .. 1 * _.-.-- 61 --;. ... . ,.,..".. .. .. .. .. . . , ... .. '*" . "":. f ., * ,, ! + , . L . . . . + .. ".' . . .. , , , . ." .. .. ,., r. ,a. . .., .. ,", a ,- + ': :. .. «.. ... ." - S. .. , . a " .' r .; "' i t " r * w . " " . "f W n " t J " i " " n e" " t f " " f " s " + f, .,, ; ... . . t ,. - -N ments. They of Ann Ar- Read the Daily advertisements. They will lead you to the bor's stores.-Adv. ...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

…PEEL OF BAL COA J 114 ,. ,: V I I NTOR GAM READY FOR ALLEYTOUNE THREE CUSHION PLAY WILL START MONDAY AFTERNOON Play in the handicap three cushion billiard tournament to be conducted by the Union will begin Monday after- The Michigan Daily, delivered to Campus news, studen your home, six mornings a week, for of the outside world, the rest of the year, $2.00.-Adv. found in the Michigan International Event Will See Bowlers In Action 6,...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…-. -~--, . GAN DAILY SUPPLEMENT TO STUDENT DIRECIkORY argaret E. '22, 463 N. State. Detroit., 413-W, iccoria, '22L. 403 N. State. Detroit. 413-W. 13, '22E, 425 S. Division. Detroit. 16165-J, ,Amielia M, '20, 619 E. University St. St. Johns. 302-M. Hugh, '20, 619 E. University. Maple Rapids. 302-24 Octave, '21, 1349 Wilmot. Flintg 2384-J. Donald M, '22, 545 E. University. Polo, Ili. 267-M. dward M, '22L, 817 Arch. Ann Arbor. 1162-M. A E, '23D...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 7

…SUIN FEATURE ECTION .. 1 TS ITRE S -USIC LITERARY P tr6F i. tYt 43Fitjl SECTION TWO i r.rr uruiiw wi ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1920. PRICE PRIC. IN ONI min1 Dame Rumor Would Call Halt To lany a Wonderful Career, But- Registrar Hall Comes to the Rescue w ith an -Explanation of the Attendance Committee, that Saves the Day RB Wrrol Bnrnn - . LO] GE yPJ 4ULUAA a i4u Rumor has played a great part in the workings of huma...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

…ty but vindicated by enlisting in~. the " 'o I time to start wearing a cap he wears Il mrnav ssedhe apassmes.hisf"a- / + ~ it regardless of time, place or the th- = pVecatvse, e sue i conEdCa pus I'Vhile er well known factor,. Then, the HUERIJ~TR I - mand accompanied= by . a banker's U E wcso fwarn otcb________________ daughter wham he has secretly mar-_____________=___________ ried. While at sea his boat is torpe- tars, often attached, undoub...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 9

…THEATRE 11 I' Sun-on-7-8-All star cast in "The Other Men's Shoes" and Harold Lloyd in "From Hand to Mouth" a two-reel comedy and colored review. Adults 35c, children 10c. Tues-Wed-9-10-Shirley Mason in "Her Elephant Man" with a kinogram weekly and comedy, "Chicken Chasers." Adults 30c, children 10c Thurs-Fri-I1-12-All star cast in "The Gay Old Dog" with a comedy, "Good Little Brownie." Sat-13-"Mother Love and the Lay" with a news weekly and ...…

March 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 111) • Page Image 10

…[JUniv dormitoriesI dich- Fair Sex 's Last this the Hoge, Now Gone e en- were It was a famous trysting place, irner uhis old oak tree; now it is gone for- num- ever. Early in the week a heartless that University with no thought of the sentiment attached, ordered some early qually heartless woodcutters to fell licine it to the ground. It grew by the walk that which leads past Presidert Angell's eman old home. elles- Many the clandestine date ...…

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