, in reality, as much a part
as a required-study.
of a lib-
m .,
,. w
except Mnday during the Uniyer
trol of Student Publications.
exclusively entitled -to the use for
tches credited to it or not otherwise
lrcal news piblistYed threin
t Ann Arbor. Michigan. as second
Maynard street.
words, if signed, the sig.
nt, but as an evidence of
ished in The Daily at the
ailed to The Daily office
o consideration. No man
er incloses postage.
dorse the setiments ex-
... ...... ....HARRY
EhlbertEdgar 1.. Rice
abetehA. Bernstein
Brophy Hugh Hitchcock
...H.Hardy Heth, Leae M. Woodruff
. .... .Renxaud Sherwood
....BeJohn IDakin
.Bre........... wster Campbell
..I. . . . ... . . . . ... .Robert C. Angell
it....... ..........'Marg'uerite Clark
..Thomas Adais, Thorton Sargent Jr.
G. 1~. Clarke
Thomas J. Whinery
,R. W. Wrobleski
'George Reindel
Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt
Winefred Biethan
Robert D. Sage
9. P. LovejoY y
Marion Nichols
Frances Oberholtzer
In the face of a somewhat concerted. attempt on
the part of American universities to discourage pro-
fessionalisni in athletics, a consideration of one an-
gle of the situation is not untimely. Professional
baseball and track, on the ground of their non-col-
legiate origin, might deserve to escape the shafts
aimed by the collegians. And, conversely, profes-
sional football is liable to criticism in that it is the
offspring of the collegiate game.
Football, until very recent times, has never held
a place ii' the professional field. It was born in and
developed by the colleges and preparatory schools
and through them it has attained a' populariey which
attracts the eye of the professional promoter. The
analogy of the father's determining the future of
his child might be applied to the college's attitude
toward, the prof essionalizing of football.
Of course, the college is necessarily prompted by
motives of self when it seeks to discourage profes-
sional football. The games each year bring a sub-
stantial revenue and a monopoly of the sport itself.
is a matter of considerable pecuniary importance. If
professional football attained a widespread popu-
latity it would be at the expense of the collegiate
game. Compare the attendance at football games
with that at baseball games. The former draws wit-
nesses from all over a state; but the latter is im-
potent against professional competition.
When one considers the origin of football and the
result, which its professionalizing may have upon
the institutions which gave it birth, the attitude of
the colleges finds a justification.
At this time of the year there is scarcely any one
who is not suffering from a complication of small
debts, mostly owed for various campus dues and
fees. In the same way, the innumerable class organ-
izations, clubs, and societies, are carrying along
many annoying, unpaid accounts. Under; ordinapy
circumstances ,the telephone wires and the mails
from now until June would be made to work over
time in settlement of these obligations, entailing a
lot of lost energy and effort.
Hillsdale college, though faced with ,a much
smaller problem than exists at Michigan, has voted
to set aside one, specific' date upon which all cam-
nus dues, fees and othertobligations are to be paid.
This is' to become their traditional "Pay-Uip Day."
Perhaps Michigan might well follow this prece-
dent and proclaim -a date upon which Michigan
students should settle up the many and various
sums which they owe here and there through their
participation in campus activities. Both students'
and organizations would profit by such an arrange-
ment and their appreciation would bring to the plan
hearty support.
DETROIT UNITED LINES (fill filuti 1111MU111nHnIilllilruttnliillu nIIIIIIIsI lunnnnnu lfnl
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and JacksonTCV ED
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Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6b:xo a.
mand hourly to g:zo p. m. LOGS
Jackson Limited and Express Cars-#9:48 %E R U
a. *., and every hour to 9:48p. L. (Ex- LOG SLIDE R U L ES
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) :.
Local Cars East Bound-6:oa. m., 9: Have yoseen the "Rust" Letterg Scale?
rn. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. mn., 10:50Hv o en h cout LteigSae
U. i. To Ypsilanti only, x:p . m., z:ioAT
a n., and to Saline, change at Ypsilant - / A GreatTime Saver.
Ypsilanti. -
Local Cars West Boundi-?:48 a. i. and,.
___ __.___._ $1.25
Aseked' At Randoma. NVRST
editor's Note-Every day four per- ; W A H BOOKSTORES
Sons connected with the University
either students or professors, are ask- T IIIn II1llIIIIII llII(itllllilItIl'IIIIIIIIf111111' 1 111 fIIInilIlI IiItInI
Telephone 964
AGER...................PAUL E. CHOLETTE
.... LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
ds ....................Hen y 'liting
........ ..'Edward Priebs
...'.. CrtP.Schneider '. A. Sullivan
F. M. Heath
Signd Kunstadter
Harold Lindsay- .
D, P. Joyce
Robt. Sommerville
Arthur L. Glazer
g to secure inform'ation concerning news fbr any
should. see the night editor, who has full charge
rinted that night.
ditors for this week are Mark, Ehl-
right; " Paul Shinkman, Tuesday
Hitchcock, Wednesday night; Edgar
-sday night ; Chess Campbell, Friday
Bernstein, Saturday night.
UNDAY, MARCH 7, 1920.
aight's meet at Urbana,. Michigan's
men touched off what promises to be
us season on the cinders and rub-
rown still rests securely with us; and,
this sport has proved of late to be our
I of conquest. Howeve'r the open-.
tL will have resulted, it seems certain
ider for Conference honors has any
ason prospects than Michigan.
ecord at the recent New York meet,
splayed in a handicap dash event the
f all contestants, is worth' entering at
on in the dope book for 1920. His
"m a squad almost identical in per-
which captured the conference title
inson, Baker, Cross, and Cook were
ie famous team which carried off the
ieet and the 1918 championship.
ions .the varsity track team has not
meet. With the opportunity before
showing its appreciation to the very
haVe made possible this supremity,
and enthusiasm at home events this-
pass all records. For once, The Vic-
true when we hail to the Champions
:h of the annual May Festival brings
ch discussed question-that of musi-
appreciation. Now, as always, there.
-gence of opinion concerning the mat-
eaking there are three types of peo-
>.really enjoy good music, those who'
t but either try. or pretend to appre-
>se who do not care for it and frankly
:k of appreciation. Perhaps the ma-
ge students fall into the latter class.
nan would rather hear Ann Penning-
Baby" than hear a 200 poupnd con-
cene from "Gotterdammerulig ;" he
ee a Winter Garden show than hear
ad at random their opinion of some
current topic by the "Asked; At Ran-
Today's question: "Who, in your
opinion, is the greatest moving picture
David D. Nash, '20, recording secre-
tary of the Student council: "Douglas
Fairbanks is undoubtedly the clever-
est and greatest genius, in' his line,
of present day actors. While I do not
^onsider him a dramatist, he certainly
is a star who appeals to the majority
of the public, which is one of the real
*ests of greatness."
Clarence .1. Clemo, '20D, vice-presi-
lent of the Michigan Union: "As an
all-round actor, as the greatest actor,
E think Henry B. Waltham i's the man.
However, as far as popularity goes,
1ouglas Fairbanks. -is easily in the
lead. Among, college students the
Wallace Reid picture seem to have
the greatest appeal."
R. Irwin Goodwillie, '20E, president
,f the University Y. M. C. A.: "It
seems to me. that John rBarrymore is
the greatest actor on the, screen to-
day. His al ilty in depicting the part
of Raffles in "Raffles, the Amateur
Cracksman," has rarely been equall-
ed. I particularly impressed with his
facial expressions, but his real great-
ness lies in his ability as an actor."
Otto P. Dallavo, 123, captain of the
freshman lit football team: "I think
Douglas Fairbanks is the greatest ac-
tor in moving pictures today. He is
unaffected, genuine, and puts "pep"
in the parts he plays. Were he to
try different type roles, there is no
doubt in my mind that he 'would make
a success of them."
Be prepared to answer the question
for Tuesday: "Who, in your opinion,
is the greatest moving pioture ac-
Martinez, Calif., March 6.-- Four
women were committed to an institu-
tion for the insane following their ar-
rest on charges' of insanity, resulting
from a 24-hour seance with Ouija
boards. 'The women were members
of a party arrested in a house near
Patroiiso the Dai y Advertisers.
For satisfactory finishing se
them at theQuarry Drug Stor
or 713 E. University Ave.
Our long delayed' shipment of, Vict<
Records for March is now here. All ti
latest Dance Records and the othi
kinds are here.
~ , i = w
The, Telescope
An Epitaph
Here lies my wife,
And for the best;
Because it gives
Us both a rest.
Dear Noah
I have written a play but am unable to think of a
good title for it. Can you help me out of my di-
lemma? Arthur.
Why not call it "The Mustard Plaster." That
ought to draw well.
Sclraeberle -&S-Son,
,am Street
Ow Daily Novelette
Of all the tragedies that can befall man none is
so' dreaded,.none so sinister in its terrible possibil-
ities as an accident at sea. Like wildfire the news
spread that something was amiss with the great
steamer.' People could be seen rushing madly to
and fro on the upper deck.
A mant, thinly clad, rushed up to the captain. His
face was almost livid with that brand of fear which
only the near'presence of death can bring. "Cap-
tain," he muttered,' "have we floundered?" The cap-
tain, a grizzled veteran of many years, looked, al-
most pityingly at this creature who was in the clutch
of an uncontrollable fear. "No, we haven't floun-
dered, but be calm and be prepared for the worst,"
he said in a serious, alnost doleful tone.
By this time the man's voice had become a veri-
table shriek of frenzy. "Don't tell me we are go-.
ing down. Where are the life preservers?" The
captain shook his head sorrowfully. "Life pre-
servers would be of no service at this time, he
said. "You mean it's too late," quavered the man,
the look of madness in his eyes graduelly changing
to resignation as he realized that he was beyond
earthlyhelp. The captain turned his'read amo-
Inent as though to gain control of his emotions.
When he spoke again it was in that same lifeless,
dolorous tone. "Yes," he answered heavily, "we've"
done all we can for you. From now on you'll have
to look out for yourself since we are at present tied
up to the dock." J. W. K.
* ' Famou CDostg ies
"I P'ave him uo;" said the doctor after he found
out °the patient had only $i.oo in his pocket.
Maynard St. I
t., .
_..:"1 ..
ugh. A musical comedy
ires no effort to appreci-
at Marilyn Miller is more
any more than'it is sur-
Wright is more ropular
e performers can be ap-
g a special taste.
of entertainment, while
etxcent, should lnot form
>llege students' entertain-
-t-of the function of a
impart a culture that will
:ion of the really worth
Better Prices
, 1
Only two cents for current to operate
an Electric Washing Machine for an
hour--and in that hour you do your
entire washing., All the drudgery
taken out of wash day. Your clothes
saved from the merciless rub on the
washboard. Every garment sweet and
clean-beautifully'laundered. Would
you pay 2 'ents for all this? That's
all it costs. .Let us show you how
simple it is to operate one of these
up to date washers.
"Good Eats"
The Detroit Edison Co.
Display Room, Main and William Sts.
Phone 2300
in being able
pportnity of
romen of the
1121 South.
University Ave.