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nger Physicians,
re Often, Doctor
ythe Says
never received a square deal
seven years that I have
the University Health Serv-
red Dr. Clyde B. Stouffer,
hic physician, when ques-
erday in regard io his res-:
oom the staff of the Health
s proposed to the Board of
its meeting of Dec. 19 by
n E. Forsythe, allopathic
' the Health service, where-
ans on the staff of the
vice should serve, for a pe-
ee years only. This propo-
approved by the Health
imittee of the Board of Re-
forces the resignation of
r, who has been on the staff
ounding of the Health serv-
r Offered Promotion
enting on the incidents re-
ds resignation: Dr Stout-
"When the Health service
anized in 1916 under the
ector, I was not even of
ssistant directorship. Since
have worked at the Health
the only. homoeopathic
without any assistance
Many University students
to the Health service' for
lie treatment were forced
g periods simply because I
p. Then the students wduld
waiting, and' would change
and go to one of the allo-
ors. All additions to the
been of the allopathic
Refers Requests for Information to
Senator Lodge, Republican Leader
(By Associated Press)
Washington, March 6.=- A move to
bring President Wilson actively into
the Peace Treaty compromise nego-
tiations got suh a setback at the
White House today that the irrecon-
ciliable senate opponents of ratifica-
tion again pronounced the treaty dead
and gave notice that they would move
Monday to bring the debate speedily
to an end.
Officials close to the president de-
clared that the Democratic senators
already were fully advised of the at-'
titude of the executive and that the
compromise proposals should be ad-
dressed not to Mr. Wilson, but to Sen-
Famous Humorist
SIn Roar Of Lau.
(By Edgar L. Rice)
"Good evenipg, folks! I'm glad to
see so many of you here - when I
am here." Prefacing his rdmarks with
these words, Strickland Gilllan pro-
ceeded to the conclusive demonstra-
tion 'of his reputation as America's
foremost humorist" in an hour and g
half of running comment on "Just
folks,' as he has seen them in his 2
years before the public.
"I'm here for my pleasure, and not
for yours," he declared. "But I try
to be merciful to my audience.
Brought Own Gloom
"You didn't send for me to bring
gloom. L don't, believe in the stuff.
There are two things which are ex-
tess baggage. One of them is gloom,
and the other is fear. 'Gloom gets you
glom, and fear doesn't get you any-
thing but scared.
"And when you're scared you have
less intelligence than ordinarily.
Every human being needs 100 per cent
of intelligence ,going, 60. seconds of
every minute of 24 hours. Intelli-'
Bence and fear don't work together. "
And to prove that he was rigbt, Gilli-
Ian convulsed his hearers 'with stor-
ies wherein his characters had tried;
to work under the hakdicap of the
"The woild was not creited as one1
string of tragedies. Some popl9 rise
each morning to pray Give us this
day our daily dread.' And they think
that they are religious. The Bible is
full of texth which contain a slap on
the bck and a 'Go to it, old fellow!'
Needt an
"Once I tried to preach - just one
consecutive time, and when- I had fin-.
ished the choir rose up .and sang
ator Lodge of Massachusetts, the Re-
publican leader in the senate. White
House officials intimated that . they
thought further efforts to inquire the
president's view would be superflu- W
The development caused unconceal- WESTON AND KNAPP FEATURE
ed disappointment aniong both Dem- BADGER GAME BY STEADY
ocratic and Republican senators. WORK
San Francisco, Cali., March 6. -
Herbert Hoover will not permit his
name to be used in the-California pres- SCORE II POINTS EACH
idential primary as he is not a can-
didate for the office, according to a Comeback Spirit Evident in Playing
telegram from him read here today at of Wolverije Court
the Democratic state committee meet- Quintet
ing. "I am not a candidate on there-
fore cannot approve of the use of my Karpus' spectacularbasket shooting
name at the primaries," Mr. Hoover and Rea's general floor work featur-
said. . ed the Michigan win from Wisconsin
in a whirlwind game, 23 to 19, Satur-
day night.}
Keeps Audience The game was the best that the
Michigan team has played this year,
ght r, W ith u mor and perhaps the best since the-Wol-
verines have taken up the court game
in the Conference. Taylor was the
'Hallelujah It Is Done.'" Disclaiming only member of the visiting team able
all purpose to preach, Gillilan asserted to get around Williams and Wilson,
that we need to laugh as we never who formed an impregnable defense
have laughed before. But though he at the far end of the floor.
did not openly press home his les- Dunne Rings Three
sons', he covertly slipped them through Dunne threw three baskets, ,two
with his irresistible humor, and they of them coming in the second half
were far more effective in his own in-. and giving the Varsity an edge on the
imitable manner. "Our serious prob- Badgers. Karpus was responsible for
lems," said Gillilan, "must be settled 11 of the Michigan points, three field
by sane, whole minds, and such minds goals and five foul shots. Rea again
include a sense of humor. featured with his fast floor play and
"Thepurose f hmoris t foteraccurate long shooting.
"Thet ln sotig purpose of humor is to foster otms.I tksbt at n n Wisconsin opened the game With a
optimism. It takes both faith and in- rush and went into a five point lead
telligence to be an optimist. The real on Taylor's two field baskets and one
object of optimism is to put a rainbow foul point At the end of 1 minutes
into every tear of life." fe ohpened the Michigan scoring with
sion made recently by the
Regents stated that the sal-
Health service physician.
Increased in percentage to
aer salaries, and any other
a salary would be made at
emendation of the director
alth service. Dr. Stouffer
ived any raise in 4alary
No Charges Made
ges of any kind were pre-
dunst-Dr. Stouffer, which
d to his resignation, stated
the. It was learned from
source that the feeling be-
allopathic and homoeopa-
1 has not been congenial for
of years.
on was given by Dr. For-
making the change in the
of the Aomoeopathic sec-
Le Health service. "I am
to run the Health service
if plan used in hospitals,"
'orsythe, "if, possible in the
permanent physicians will
staff of the Health service
-haps an oculist. We are
o get young doctors in the
vice who will be able, at the
ir three year term, to take
the public health depart-
city or university."
sked as to the- number of
'ho came to the Health sery-
moeopathic treatment, Dr..
said that, about- one out of
askpd for a homoeopathic
e also stated that the same1
led to the students of the
For the first time, since 1916, the
Junior Girls' play will be produced
outside Ann Arbor this year. "Patri-
cia Passes" will b6, shown in Detroit
at the Northwestern high school audi-
torium April 24, almost a; mnth after
the two productions in Ann Arbor dat-
ing March 26 and 27, it was announcod
Contrary to custom, the play will
not follow the annual alumnae lan-
quet, which will take place April 3.
Since this date falls in Holy Week,
it was thought advisable to change the
usual plan and produce the play dur-
ing the week-end before the banquet
night This year taxicabs instead of the
traditional Jostling Ann Arbor street
cars will convey the seniors, wearing
their caps and gowns for the first time
to the Whitney theater, the scene of
the production.
The name of the author of the play
is to remain unknown except to ju-
niors. Composers of the. lyrics and
music will not be announced until the
night of the play when, it is hoped,
the song hits will be placed on sale.
Daily rehearsals in Saran Caswell
Angell hall will continue under the
direction of Prof. John R. Brumm.
The University band will make a
trip to several cities in Ohio, Ken-
tucky, and Indiana during the spring
vacation, with the purpose of help-
ing the Athletic association in secur-
ing new men for next year. It has
been arranged for the band to appear
in Cleveland, Akron, and Cincinnati,
Ohio; Louisville, Ky.; and Indianap-
olis, Terra Haute, and South Bend,
Although a guarantee on the pro-
ceeds for the performance has been
secured in each one of these cities, it
Is hardly to be expected that the trip
could be made without financial loss.
In order to help defray the expense
of this venture, the men will put on
a bounce April 22 in Hill auditolium.
All of the men who ordinarily are
featured in the band's productions
will make, Efie trip and they will all
be included in the performance to be
given here.
a field basket. Dunne followed with
a second, and Rea made the count
six on another field counter. Karpus
tied the score with a point from the
foul line. Just at 'the close of the,
period Taylor scored his third field
basket, and put the Badgers two.
points in the lead, nine to seven.
Second Half Close
Until the last part of the second
half the two teams alternated lead-
ing, bit Dunne's two baskets put the
Michigan team definitely ahead, and
Rea ended the Michigan scoring with
a long field basket.,
Weston, Camp's All-American se-
lection for end on his 1919 'grid team,
was the defensive star of the game,
and scored one basket from the field.
Captain Knapp's two long baskets ir
the second half were the only "points
which he was able to secure, but they
were the best shots of the game.
Michigan Strong
The Wolverines gave an indication
of what could be done when the pro-
per lineup was in the game. Williams
and Wilson formed the best guarding
"combination that Coach .Mather has
had at his disposal all this year, and,
as a scoring machine Karpus and Rea
proved impossible to stop.-
Michigan Pos. Wisconsin
Rea .... . F. Knapp, Capt.
Field baskets-Rea 3, 'Karpus 3,
Taylor 3, Dunne 3, .Knapp 2, Zulfer,
Goals from fouls-Karpus 5-7, Tay-
lor 5-10. Fouls committed-Karpus
4, Williams 3, Wilson 2, Dunne, Tay-
lor 4, Weston 2, Caesar, Zulfer.
Score first half-Michigan 7, Wis-
consin '9. Referee, Peckinpaugh,
New York. Umpire, Nichols, Union.
Engineeers to Hold Important Meeting
Election of Student councilmen, and
a talk by Prof. A. ~E. Wood of the So-
ciology department on "The Place of]
the Engineer in Society" will consti-
tute the program for the junior en-
gineer meeting to be held at 8 o'clock
Tuesday morning in room 348, Engi-
neering building.
Toledo Shows Big Growth
Washington, Marche.6.-A population
announcement for 1920 issued by' the
census bureau tonight gives Toledo
243,109, an increase of 74,612, or 44.3
per cent, over 1910.
Washington, March 6.-The proper
place to grapple with the labor prob-
lem is in the individual plant, the sec-
and industrial co'nference will tell
President Wilson in its final report.
The conference adjourned today after
having held 80 sessions since its first
'meeting Dec. 1. Its report, adopted
unanimously, will go to the president
next week and will be made publie
within about 15 days.
Specific recommendations regarding
hours of work, wages, women and
children in industry, unemployment
and similar broblems have been
made. The conference announced. a
definite stand on collective bargain-
ing, the rock on which the btrst con-'
Terence came to grief, has been ac-,
The final report, the conference an-
nounced, deals "broadly with the gen-
eral field of industrial relations," un-
dertakes to prevent industrial dis-
putes by recommending elimination of
the causes of disagreement. Plans for
shop organizations to facilitate volun-
tary adjustments between capital and
labor are suggested.
If the -Chinese students of Michigan
are successful in their efforts, the an-
nual conference .of the mid-west sec-
tion of the Chinese alliance will be
held at Michigan the week of Sept. 1
to 7. The Chinese club, - under the
ieadership of Hsing-Huan Lu, is
working to arrange lodging accommo-
dations for -the delegates should the
conference he held here.
According to -President Lu, the pur-'
pose of the conference is to promote
friendship among the Chinese stu-
dents, to foster a better understand-
ing of America, and to give America
a better knowledge of China and her
customs. It will be given over main-,
ly to open discussion.
Three First Places iven Maize and
Blue Stars in Decisive
Urbana, March. 6. - Michigan to.
night won the annual Illinois-Belay
Carnival, Captain Johnson counting
the majority of the 27 Wolverine
points. The Michigan sta? broke the
Carnival mark for the 4 yard low
hurdles by 2-5 of a second, tied the
Carnival record for the 45 yard high
hurdles, and won the high Jump.
Mat Delaney, referee of the meet,
said that Johnson's mark would prob-
ably be a new American amateur rec-
ord because of the fact that the hur-
dles were placed 20 yards apart,
which is a new arrangement,
Break Carnival Record
Slaughter tied for first in the pole
vault with Cross of the Kansas Ag-
gies at 12 feet 2 1-2 inches. This was
also a new Carnival record. Baker
took second in the shot put, Higgins
of Chicago beating him out with a
heave of 43 feet 4 1-2 inches. Third
place in the high hurdles went to
Most of the Michigan points came in
the special events, as ,onl one point,
third in the mile relay was contribut-
ed by the three quartets, entered in
the races. Illinois and Chicago, Mich
igan's nearest competitors in the
events, took many points in the re-
lays, but failed to place enough men
in the feature races to win the Car-
Illinois, by taking first and third
in the broad jump, secured 19 points,
the nearest score to Michigan's total
of 27. Chicago was third with 13.
The final score for all entrants in
the university class was.: Michigan
27, Illinois 19, Chicago 13, Missouri
10, Georgetown 8, Ames college 6,
Wisconsin 5, Ohio State. 4, Kansas
Aggies 4, Northwestern 3 t
Two mile relay; won by Chicago
(Bowers, Jones, Otis, Spears); Illi-
nois, second; Wisconsin, third. Time,
8:46 4-5 New Carnival record. One
mile relay won by Illinois, (Schalap-
prizzi, Prescott, Donohoe, Spink); Chi-
cago, second; -Michigan third. Time
3:30 2-5. Seventy-five yard dash won
by Scholz, (Missouri); Massendale,
(Missouri), second; Prescott (1111-
nois), third. Time, 7 3-5. New Car-
nival record and equas world's rec-
ord. Seventy-five yard high hurdles
won by Johnson, Michigan; An-
drews, (Wisconsin), second; Beards
hey, (Michigan), third.' Time, 9 3.5
seconds. Ties Carnival record. Shot
put won by Higgins, (Chicago); Bak.
er, (Michigan), second; McClung-
(Missouri), third. Distance, 43 feet 4
1-2 iches. Four mile university re-
lay won by Ames college, (Graham,
Frevert, Cromer, Stone); Ohio State,
second; Wisconsin, third. Time, 18:40
3-5. New carnival record. One mile
college relay won'y Wabash; Eure-
ka, second. Time, 3:39 3-5. No other
contestants. Seventy-five yard low
hurdles won by Johnson, (Michigan);
Legendre, (Georgetown), second; Wil-
liams, (Missouri), third. TIme, 8 see-
onds. Breaks Carnival record by 24
secofds. Pole vault, Slaughter, (Mich.
igan), and Cross, (Kansas Aggies),
tied for first Buchanan, (Illinois),
third. Heigh, 12 feet, 2 1.2 inches.
New Carnival record. Medley relay
won by Georgeetown, (Griffith, Legen-
dre, Aurey, Co9lly); Illinois, sece
ond'; Ames, third. Time, 8:24. High
jump won by Johnson, (Michigan);
Linn, (Northwestern), Moorhead, O.
S. U.), third. Height, 5- feet 10 inches.
Running broad jump, won by Kinney,
(Illinois) second, Lashmet, (Michi-
gan); Overbee, (Illinois), third. Dis-
est Manager
ed by a prominent Ann
that the Health serv
be run by a represen
ci on Page Six)
To celebrate the fortieth anniver-1
sary of his graduation in medicine
from the University, Prof. Willis A.
Dewey, former superintendent of the
Homoeopathic. hospital, and present
professor of materia medica and clin-
ical neu~rology, gave a dinner Friday
night in the Union.
Among the many guests at the din-
ner were: Pres. Harry B. Hutchins,
Sec. Shirley W. Smith, Dean W. S.
Hinsdale, Dr. D. W. Springer, and the
heads of the various departments of
the Homoeopathic school. Dr. R. E.
Atheson, present .superintendent = of
the Homoeopathic hospital, was also
Delly Prints Directory
The first installment to the Michi-4
gan Daily's supplement will be found-"
on page six. Until the names of all
the new students are printed, a sup-7
plement will be run every day that it
is possible. No more new names will1
^ ~lnn n r