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March 07, 1920 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-07

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Dame Rumor Would Call Halt To
lany a Wonderful Career, But-
Registrar Hall Comes to the Rescue w ith an -Explanation of the Attendance
Committee, that Saves the Day
RB Wrrol Bnrnn

- .


yPJ 4ULUAA a i4u
Rumor has played a great part in the workings of human events. Great
DGE men have been made and others ruined .all through the workings of this'
irresponsible goddess. Right here on our own campus a horrible misap-
prehension is afloat. How it originated and what kept it alive can't be
discovered. The havoc it has played can be best determined by the offi-
cials of the Michigan Central, the D. U, R., the trusty Ann Arbor railways,
[ES and any other means of graceful exit.
It's this-the idea that any student, regardless of. standing, can take
lms three unexcused absences from each of his classes. Why the thought is'
t preposterous, Registrar Hall said so himself. Every absence -must be ex-
plained to thbe committee on absences or that body will think the students
have no interest in their courses and when the end of the semester is in'
sight one of three terible things will happen on that goigeous June day.'
First if his marks are low and he has been hiking " up the river instead
edge of to his two o'clock, he goes home on an extended vacatiop.-

Says Medi
Write But
hey Write

ugh W. Hitchcock)
onling of Sir Oliver Lo

more or less interest has
sed . on the campus con-
fameddspiritualist advo-
ief, and the little known
ised world after death.
on incident to the secur-
s information on the sub-
d some facts about Sir
' are not widely known.
reports show that since
to the realm of spiritual
has given up entirely his
physicist, in which en-
lined exceptional promin-
the abandoning of phy-
h he is said to have re-
ay of his beliefs which
his work in physics.


Next in order is probation. A note
goes .home to father saying that un- he had better try the propinquity cure
less Alfred's or Amelia's (as the use for here is a part of the letter Regis-
may be) work improves he will have trar Hall sent to- every instructor in
his little trouble back on his hands the Literary college.
again. To the Instructor
The Warned List The student .,is required to explain'
The warned list is almost as bad his absences and to dlake up all work
but not quite, there are many names missed to' the satisfaction of his in-
here for bolting alone. Father is told structors. This duty is quite indepen-
this time that a greater honor awaits. dent of and in addition to the second
his child-the probation list-if he duty described below.
don't watch out. There. is another To the University
kind of warning, too, a verbal warn-I The student is expected to present
ing in the form of a brief discussion to the Attendance} Committee (in the
with the attendance committee, where Registrar's office at stated hours) ex-
they do the discussing. This is for cuses for absences within two weeks.
studett whose only fault is his re- .Students having an undue number of
tiring nature. Father is spared anxi- unexcused absences are,"punished at
ety in this case. - 'te end of the semester by being de-
So if anybody has been trying out: clared ineligible for activities, by de-,
the old adage about absence making duction of credit, etc. Each instruc-
the heart grow fonder, and hasn't yet tor reports every absence, no matter
succeeded in working up a wild case what the circumstances, and the Fac-
on either his course or his instructor, ulty has made this a rule.
* ..s

Only Twelve Mediums
: statement is also attributed to
hat there are oply 12 thoroughly
ble and entirely trustworthy spir-
diums in the whole world. This
La inclined to discredit the belief
i so many confidently express
e ability of the multitudous pro-
d "holders of seances.' '
en approached as to his opinion
piritualism through his work as
ysicist, Dr. George A. Lindsay
at department, said: "Although
ye given the matter but little
ht, it would appear to me that
iature of my science makes it
ssible for any treatment of spir-
phenomena by physical experi-
ation."' Dr. Lindsay went on to
in that experiments in physics
i other sciences are conducted
process of elimination. , That is,
e extraneous details hinging up-
ber sciences are cast out. Hence,
ualism cannot enter into the
of physics. The two spheres-
may be stated that there is a
zalistic world-are entirely dis-
and in no way correlated.
Data Misleading
f. W. B. 'Pillsbury of the psy-
gy department, thinks that the
at hand compiled by spiritualists
ove their point are of such a na-
as to be deceiving and mislead-
"I believe that they write," he
"Thuquestion is do they know
n they prove that these writings
ianate from the so called spir,
caluculation of chance is an
taut item in the spiritualists'
of their theory, Professor Pills-
explained. It was brought out
according to the puajority of
scientists who have made care-
tudy of the life after death,
t plays such a prominent part in
pirtual discourses of Sir Oliver
, the possibility of picturing the
that something which is purely
i1-as exerting force in the phy-
world is extremely illogical.
great majority of sentiment ex-
d about the campus on the sub-
f spiritualism was one of agnos-
Education Deniesa
could seem that the generaliza-
night be drawn from these ob-
ions that the more edicated'
i was, that is -to say, University
sors and students, the more
r read he was, the less was his
in spiritualism and its attri-


Professor of Psychology Working Out
New Theory Circulates Thou.
sand Questionnaires
By H. Hardy Heth
After palmistry has become deca-
dent and all the gypsy art has died;
when phrenology is a mere bore and
astrology only a lover's pastime; when
sororities no longer invest annually
in Dream Books-why, what will hap-
pen next? Uncertain indeed would
appear a future where fate no longer
hung upon the light lady or the dark
young man of'the card pack, or upon
the erratic fortune found in tea
Right here at Michigan-although
you may have never knwn it-there
is being advanced a new theory for
character reading which is quite as
interesting and decidedly more logical
than any other.
Selects Traits
Professor Henry P. Adams of the
psychology department has lately con-
ceived the idea that the true manner
of. judging character is by selecting a
few well defined traits in an individ-
ual and from them drawing complete
character interpretations,.
Professor Adams believes that it
can be proved with scientific accuracy
that certain characteristics are al-
ways accompanied with certain other
traits, and in order to establish this
fact he is now preparing mathemati-
cal correlations comparing human
Questionnaireq have been circulat-
ed by him for the last two years and
aproximately 1,000 of them have been
turned in. By the aid of corrective
tables based upon the theory of prob-
ability, he will classify results and
attempt to ascertain the relationship
of one trait of character to another.
This will reveal the peculiarities of
male and female, showing why -wo-
men are intuitive, talkative, interest-
ed in. personality, while the humle
man, working with things-bricks,
tools, chemicals-blunderingly chooses
his associates for their 'aff ability in
wine, golf or poker. ?
WllaWrte Book
After the new book comes out--for
the experiments will eventually re-
sult in a book-you will say, to the
man of the street who eyes you
evilly, spits in the gutter and
finally asks you for a quarter,
"Don't think you can fool the'likes of
me. I am from a university and I
know from your careless, happy-go-
lucky propensities that you are at
heart a poet, a temperament, an ar-
tisque." And to the woman who waits
in the receiving line at some swaree
asking, "Your name, please?" ou
will probably respond"Madam, you
betray curiosity. That is a sign, of
petulance, noisiness, flightines, lack
of dignity and respect for others, love
of the unusual and the risque."
'But doubtless the world will grow
bettor from some such analysis.
To Learn Each Other
No longer will we judge handwrit-
ing or the curve of the nose in physi-.
ognomy. Shattered will be the crys-
tal globes of turbaned seers and Ouija
boards will become the janitor's kind-
ling wood. But without all this para-
phanalia men will know each other
like open books-all the dark secrets

and hidden sins. Of course you and
I will get away from here before the
book comes out.
Dorothy Davenport, now Mrs. Wal-
lace Reid, returns to the Paramount-,
Artcraft screen, in the film- version of
Robert Chambers' novel, "The Fight-
ing Chance," being taken under the
direction of Charles Maigne with a
cast headed by Conrad Nagel and
Anna Q. Nillson.

In these days of tabloid living
When each one of us is striving,
To discern ways to earn lots of dough;
Sometimes comes a moment stealing
(Ting'd with faint regretful feeling)
For the ways of the days long ago.
Once a man could relish Dickens,
Read a novel; eat the "pickin's;"
Take his time-'twas no crime to be
But the speed of present travel,
(Some folks call it "burning gravel")
Puts the man in the van who can go.
Eating's dead-no more a pleasure;
Sleeping's barred-we haven't leisure
To recline, all -supine, breathing low.
It's a rush fron1 morn till morning,
And we never heed the warning
That we're losing by our choosing
more than dough.
Nature's realm forsakes us, never;
Beauty's round about us ever;
There is love; and above-sunset's
glow: -
Life's so short! It's really tragici
To be missing so much magic
B our rush, and our crush. Why's
it so?
Only Those Who Would Try For Ph.
D. Penetrate Mysteries of Book
Realm on Campus
(By Edward Frederick)
Books,-books to the right of you,
-book* t.o the left of you,-books to
the front of you,-such is the condi-
tion of the stack rooms in the new
general Library as you climb the
stairs to take a peek at some of the
rare books that are so carefully
guarded-in the reserved room.
But noticeably, too, around the
edge of the stack rooms and next to
the windows are desks, separated
from each other by partitions, which
are assigned to students who are can-
didates for doctors degrees and to
,Members of the faculty who are doing
,research work. These study nooks,
or carrels as they are called, were
originated by the monks- in medieval
Table Size Books
On the fourth floor, just outside of
the reserved room, are two tables
which have shelves underneath con-
taining ponderous books that are too
large to be placed in the reserved
One table contains four volumes
called "The Birds of America," by
John James Audubon, who was prob-
ably the greatest American authority
on birds. These books have water
cofors from the original drawings of
life sized birds, and are ,some three
and a half by two and a -half feet in
dimension. They -were published in
1834 and are valued at a $1,000 a
. The other table contains two vol-
umes called "The Americaxl Edition of
Boydell's Illustrations of the Drama-
tic Work of Shakespeare." They
were printed in 1852.
Passing on into the reserved room,
or rather the vault, there is a long
hall with nine rooms opening off it.
Each rom is fireproof.
Inspecting the books in one of these
rooms, there is the Samuel Jones'
Calyle collection of over 300 volumes.
The collection is very valuable. Sam-
uel Jones was a professor here in the
Medical school and after he died the

University bought the books from his
Printed in Latin
Another set is called the "Incun-
abula"-books printed before - 1500.
They have no title page at the. front,
but a page at the end tells the au-
(Continued on Page Four)

Tabloid Living

Construct4 Policies of Foe
Leaders of Education Leaves
Open Path for Burton
By John I 1 akin
Harry Burns Hutchins. retir
president of the }uiversity, will
June, take his place among the
great past presidents of Michig
Tappan, Haven and- Angel, named
Judge George G. Codd, as the Gr
Three will have one more nan3 a&
to the list when pesident Hutch
enters private life.
EaAh of these 1" great i aders
education performed some spe
work in th' sevelopment aM pr
ress of this UnLivetsty.' °
Made Michigan Paieus.
Tappan gave the fundameatal.I
of the state Uii v rsityr. Oine of
pre-eminent educators that thi. c"o
try has produced, he made Michi
unique amo'ig American colleges.
was the r..al f-e:mer of the Uni-
sity. Tappa's vision wa s -s
vanced, and his riens so compreh
sive that they have not even as-
been fully 'realaed.
Haven was in no degree As rema
able a man as .ether his predeces:
or successor, buL L was a lit c
for the part:tznar time of his- term
office, when a "safe and 'sane" lea
was more es;ential than a truly gr
one. His policy of conciliatioii del
ered the University from the po
bility 'of disruptiop. from interi
strife. His guidance enabled Mbi
gan to gain impetus for- tsolt
The short administration .of A
ing-President Fries was distingust
by the adoption of the principle
co-education' and reforms in the -ru
for entrance requirements.
University Develops - -
It was during the presidency of 2
gell, however, that Michigan really
veloped into a great University..
pansion was on so large a scale u
had so varied a scope that it cani
be full treated inthese columns. S
fice it to say that President Hut
ins took over the reins of a very
plete educational institution.
But he saw that to insure furt
progress along academic -lines, mi
was needed. In other -words,lthe' U
versity had about reached its limit
usefulness with the existing fac
ties. So it cani be sai that Presid
Hutchins' greatest service to 1
University hap -been his po i0y
progress along material lies--
without losing' sight, of the acade
ideal. He saw that before there co
be any further progress educatioD
ly, there must be new buildings
many purposes. His work in this
spect opens the path for the ti
But this is not all that Presidi
Hutchins' has accomplished. In
first place, he has organized the alt
ni as none of his predecessors e
thought possible and he has seen

fulfillment of the Union idea. Ti
he led the University through the v
period and the beginning of the
So we can say as did Judge Geof
P. Codd at the recent dinner to Pr
ident-elect Burton, in Detroit, t
there is no longer any big three,
the Big Four-Tappan, Haven, I
gell, and Hutchins.

By H. E. . - -
Settled at Last stalled. Two times 850 is 1700. And
An old Michigan man, graduate of the money which would have been
the Engineering college, and now a expended for a new structure can be
member of the Nome, Alaska, Fire used for esesutial work, such as re-
Dep.t., wins first prize for the best search -in Hieroglyphics or Persian
paper on Hill St. vs. Washtenaw So- Rugs.
rorities. Here is the masterpiece:
"I were never up much on this here PPY
topic while in school but know there The movie houses are now showing
has been many feuds between these new advertising pictures.
two bunches of sorats T So I will set- '----

tle it now. I think Martha Cook is
the best." 'P. S. "If it is all right
with you, we wear rubber collars up
here and mine needs repairing. In-
stead of the regular prize I want a
vulcanizing outfit."
- It PaysTo-
"Glad to meet you Mr. Hackitup. I
eat at your table in the Tap Room.
That's yours isn't it,'the one with your'
name carved across the center?"
100 Per Cent Efficiency
Now we hear cries for a new Eco-
nomics Building, and the old one isn't
even worn out. The new library
across the way has made the Ec. fac-
ulty ambitions. It is our intention to
save the state a few dollars. Effi-
ciency is the thing. Complete utili-
zation of present equipment with a
few alterations will remedy matters.
By lowering the main floor ceiling
5 ft. and raising the roof 10 ft., one
more floor can be added. Further-
more there is too much hall and of-
fice space; a pure waste. Halls and
offices can be remodeled' into class-'
rooms, and instead of a separate room
for each professor they should be
With this done 850 more students
can be accom'modated. But we have
not finished. We'are experts; we do
things. The old style benches will
come out and double-decker chairs in-

With or Without Bath?
Available rooms in Ann Arbor are
not. Something must be done to al-
leviate this precarious situation. It
is serious.' The Universtiy does not
foster lien's dormitories; neither do
we. They should be confined to the
Eastern schools. Much has been
written of late about a campus this,
and a campus that, including a Cam-
pus theater. Our plan is more prac-
tical-a Campus hotel.4
The Hotel ,D'Campus will combine
beauty with practicability, an impos-
ing edifice towering above State
street, a memorial to the men of the
S. A. T. C. and the A.i A. N., during
the College Conflict. The hotel can
be managed like the student publica-
tions thus minimizing overhead ex-
pense. The Engineers can run the
boilers and the elevators; the Busi-
ness Ad. Dept. can furnish the office
help;,the School 'of Music, the orcb.es-
tra and concert labor; the lesser work'
performed by bell-hops, chamber-men,
porters, etc., can be delegated to
freshmen. So, the entire personnel is
drafted from the student body, ex-
cept the house man, and he may be
obtained from a local pool hall.
Not only will this: hotel solve the
room question, but it will promote
democracy, furnish a practical course
in hotel management, and last but
not least, it will be an innovation. The
cost of construction, according to
plans, will be about $3,000,00Q. Per-
haps the, landladies will contribute.

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