October 18, 1919

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October 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…AND COOLER TODA'Y I Ap41 r1t 5k i DAY ANI S" I IYW IYmII YYYI iYIYIYIIM1YIYWWYWWIMY WYIYAYY VOL. XXX. No. 18. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1919. *FPR 5,000 At Convocation Exercises; Cardinal Mercier Here Monday; Regents Decree Minimum .. DA EFNEOther Universities URGE LOYM emorials To A Sentiment seems to run strong S among the larger schools and univer- T 0O"tEsities of the country for some sort of fitting m...…

October 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…l Control 0ofStudent rublicatons. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ress is exclusively entitled to the use for ws dispatches credited to it or not otherwise and the local news published therein. stoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second rrier or mail, S3.So r Press building, Maynard street. 960; Editorial. 2414. ot to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig. to avvearin inthut a an evidence of k ",, E , be pu at or he Dailyat the he Dai office. tion. ...…

October 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…1ILI 1 1L 1 f, L I.r 0 i TICE OfI use 'his best men throughout the four quarters, and Lansing seems confi- dent of its ability to accomplish this end. M. A. C. will be on hand with its usual following of rooters. They may be counted upon to support the Aggie eleven to the limit. That eleven may be counted upon to furnish competi- tion which will be interesting to say the least. There is 1,904 pounds of beef in the M. A. C. team an...…

October 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…rep 1 Unmversity Stana kaedu "There is no question many unreas- onable room charges have been made, MAKES and the University is right in doing what it can to check this. "It should be remembered, however, that some increase is justifiable simply 11, when in view of the drop in the value of wants a money. Higher taxes, higher utility >dy fired rates, doubled coal prices, more to pay k, for laundry, all are legitimate excuses >f Ernest for a re...…

October 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

… ml' I i nr ve beenw ar their trade P"iokford am Thousand Laughs At The tic e, y her friends n her husband I hair, it was UaUA New Department Head Likes Research Opportunities Offered by University DR. CABOT COME WITH 20 YEARS OF WIDE EXPERIENCE Dr. Hugh Cabot, who is to head the Surgery department of the University Medical school, believes Michigan's future along this line holds unbounded possibilities. "I see no reason why this s...…

October 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…III rsityWomen I AIVL MILItIA IUKINM UNIVERSITY RiFLE ClUl An Pronuer Forester Says She Loves It 7- Allis Hussey, '21, enjoys the distinc- O tion of being the only woman in the It forestry department of this Universi- ty. About 10 years ago another wom- LI an made application but, receiving lit- e tle or no encouragement, abandoned ording to Prof. Filibert Roth of the department, forestry for a is still in the experimental He believes t...…

October 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

…LUS I AH I RES VLARtU IN CAMPUS JUNK SUP Jewish Students' congregation, meet at 7:30 o'clock Sunday eve- I at Lane hall, for their annual together and social. program including talks, enter- .ment, and refreshments, has beeli anged. A reception committee will on hand to welcome and introduce r comers to the University. rof. I. Leo-Sharfman of the econ- cs department, is scheduled, to ke the principal address. Dr. Leo Franklin, of the Temple B...…

October 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…p re You Demand a suit the more certain you are to be pleased with our id-tailoring. You see, we're just a bit more fussy than a are about building every garment down to the last ch JUST EXACTLYRIGET. '- Drop in and let us please you in style- fit-value and long lasting durability. just received a large shipment of woolens Come Every Year (Continued from Page One) reporter should know all he ought to know and yet not know it all," said Mr....…

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