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October 18, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-18

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l Control 0ofStudent rublicatons.
ress is exclusively entitled to the use for
ws dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
and the local news published therein.
stoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
rrier or mail, S3.So
r Press building, Maynard street.
960; Editorial. 2414.
ot to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig.
to avvearin inthut a an evidence of

k ",,
E ,

be pu
at or

he Dailyat the
he Dai office.
tion. man-
sentimients ex-

ey ......Managing Editor
Phone 414 or toi6
te, Jr...................... Business Manager
Phone 960 or 2738
rt ............................... News Editor
11.......... City Editor
...... Sports Editor
rk ......................'.... Women's Editor
nstein ...........................Telegraph Editor
man A Charles R. Osius,, Jr.
aines, Jr......... ,... Advertising Manager
1 . . ..u... .ssue Manager
. Office Manager
............... ..... .... lication Manager
der ........,,....... ..Circulation Manager
. ........................Subscription Manager
.,. Music Editor
................................., Exichae Editor
.k ..... ............... Campaign Editor

nothing that tends to broaden a man so much as
mixing with fellow students from different parts
of our own country and the world and listening to
their opinions on present day questions.
Each student is a representative of' his own na-
tivity and, to the man or woman who is seeking
all that college life can give, is a source of enlight-
enment which is not to be passed by at a glance.
But there is a tendency among students to cling to
some small group of the classroom or social circle
or his own disposition and let the world move on
unheeded. That is the attitude which the aboriginal
tribes held. But we live in a different age.
It is our duty as broad-minded American citizens
to know life in as many forms as possible and here
in this University is the place to start. The big
men in this school today are the men who have
looked at life from its different sides as shown on
our campus. So why may we not do the same?
Tomorrow when you go upon the campus speak
to that man whom you met yesterday, even if so
casually. They have ideas., some of them as good
as yours. By doing so you broaden your own out,
look and the cosmopolitan ideas of your school.
Michigan is cosmopolitan. It is up to you to
keep it so. --Con'tributed.
Speaking in parables, have you ever thought of
the listless individual-the modern Rlip Van Win-
kle-who lets most everything pass by him without
even a wink.? Can't you just see him wandering
aimlessly under ancestral trees, stroking a long
gray beard and crying hedplessly-"Doesn't any-
body know Rip?"
That is the tragedy of being asleep, or of sleep-
ing too long. Self gratification may be a niighty
pleasant college dream, but like the Van Winkle
dream it never wants to end. So probably the mis-
take is in ever lying down at all. In spite of the
cosmopolitan aspect of university life, every uni-
versity always produces' a certain percentage of
narrow, provincial people every year. They are, of
course, products of the dream. - The man who is
too restless is often severely censored, but how
often he is the very man needed to wake other peo-
ple up. The American university-a product of a
fiercely progressive race-should have plenty of loyv
ers of the chase, of the hotness of competition.
Rip would never have lain down in the first place
if he hadn't gotten a mighty false sense of things.
And he surely. would never have retired for twenty
years if he had not become mesmerized with the
idea that the world was all wrong and that petu-.
lant solitude was the only thing for him.
Are you going to wake up some quarter of a
century from now to look around regretfully, rub
your eyes and sigh, because it is too late and you
have slept too long?
Villa has announced that he will stay away from
the U. S. border on his campaign next month. And
still there are those who will try to tell you that
Pancho isn't overly endowed with gray matter.



as 11. Adams '

Brewster Campbell
John I. Dakin

rshl1, William H. Riley Ralph DuBois
Katrina Schernmerhorn Robert C. Angell
1{. Hardy Heoth

That the coal situation is getting to
be very serious is the opinion of the
wholesale and retail coal dealers of
Ann Arbor. Due to the threatened
general strike they declare the out-
look at present is indeed gloomy. The
striking miners are demanding a five
day week and a six hour day. The
new twages demanded by the miners
will advance the price of coal.
The local dealers are striving to get
a supply on hand to satisfy the pre-
sent demand. The consumption to
date has been unusually heavy for this
time of the year and the cold weath-
er is not yet upon us. The local deal-
ers are fully prepared to handle the
supply in case they can get it but now
the present question is "Will we get
Prices at present fortsoftacoal av-
erage about $8.50 per ton., and hard'
coal is selling for $12.50 per ton.
These prices are much higher than
those of last year and the consensus
of opinion is that they will go higher.
Ruth'Warner, ex-'20, member of Al-
pha Chi Omega, was married to Ralph
Tyler, '14, a Sigma Chi at Dartsmouth,
Tuesday, October 14, at Muncie, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler will attend the
Centennial at Dartmouth and be at
home to friends at 90 Clan street,
Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1919.

Guaranteed. Try One
J. L. ChapmAn. Jeweler
113 South Main Street

fill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111

Just Reelived Five Cords '
$2.00 Eaci


I w.

Branch Nickels Arcade





Nght Editor-John Y. Dakin
g.oing over to Michigan with the inten-
ction from the M A. C. Holcad edi-
nted in Friday's Daily represents the

204 . Wq$NhVUTOM!
L11 .l *6Z8.




d. With char-
ng over practi-
the purpose of
whieh have not


Suits Pressed while you wait.


an doing? Michi-
down to, Ferry field
been equalled in the
ng a Varsity band
for size and spirit.
hich is conjured up
Bing bodily trans-
he stands on Ferry

AS With Late
1919 'ATLASWarMaps
To the students of The University of Michigan who take advantage of this offer

We bster' s

New Int

order that eleven men may be made
is theirs to win but that, victory or
Jniversity is behind them, 9,000
last whistle. A victory for M. A. "C.
ring to that school while a win for
ns nothing regarding her Conference
gargling a loss, however, the tables
I Michigan's stakes are paramount.
of victory lies as much in the stanas
Everett W. Smith of Stanford uni-
d or enthused the minds of visitors
Newspapermen's convention Friday
vocating training for publicity in uni-
s of journalism, the first heated dis-
e assembly ensued. In spite of the
fessor Smith was apparently called
end his char'acter," as he put it, the
)f vital importance to professors of
ditors of newspapers, and publicity
es. What might the student's stand-
ttending school today wants nothing
he practical and the professional. ,He
>e satisfied with the amateur. If he is
ut in a world of real things he wants
To him an ugly truth is a precious

"The B lmp "

"Such is LIFE," argued the Gargoyle editor when
the proof-reader complained about poor copy last
"A rare case of good JUDGE-ment, I'll call it,"
said the Gargoyle editor as he filed away yester-
day's issue.
We are not going to be as candid as the Chi
Tribune, which stated, in large caps the other day,
that the alleged witticisms and reprinted editorials
,on their inside page are "ED PAGE FILLER."
Plenty of Room Up Front
"For Sale, a seven-passenger Morman."-Ad
vertisement. The ticket includes accommodations
for self and one wife.n
"Man Shot on Corner."-Headline. Must have
been a square guy.
How to Write Humor. No.:2
To write something extra snappy, take the old
banana-cucumber gag, and insert the names of dif-
ferent commodities. Thus:
Fussy Customer-What have you in the shape
of olives?
Grocer-We have some nice fresh eggs, mum.
"'Tain't like the old brew," murmured the Judge,
as he tried another case.
The Campus Crank says that judging by appear-
ances the freshmen have nearly all gone to pot.
Prof. Robert M. Wenley: "It's true that !the
Germans wanted a place in the sun but they never
realized how 'hot it is there."
Prof. David Friday: "The way the Federal
Reserve Board attempted to decide whether to
raise funds for the purpose of carrying.on the war
by 'means of taxation or loans reminds me of a
story that Lincoln told about a man he knew. This
man was hunting deer one foggy morning and saw
an object which he took to be a deer. He raised
his rifle to his shoulder and took careful aim. Sud-
denly he bethought himself that the object he was
about to fire upon might not be a deer, but his
neighbor's cow. He therefore took such aim so
that if in case it was his neighbor's cow he would
miss it but that if it was a deer he would kill it.

The Only Grand Prize (Highest
given to dictionaries at the Panama-Pacific Interna-
tional Exposition was granted to webster's New
International and the Merriam Series for superiority
of educational merit.


my, soviet, tank, war bride. These ar
rom the thousands of late words,=-all
fined in this Great Work.
nhe* ferriarnWet
,plete Reference Library in Dictionary For
pages, and type matter equivalent to a" IS-
all in a single volume, in Rich, Full Red Les
am Binding, can now be secured by readers c
on the following remarkably easy terms:
The entire work in either binding

_ . ;
:" ,
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x' :

1919 Atlas)
Delivered for $1.00 and e
h ereafter of only a few
ra- (In United Stag
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'Printed. on



. Since publicity men are more highly paid than
are many others in other phases of the newspaper
game, why not prepare for it open-eyed, 'rather
than theorize about why it is or whether it ought to
be? Perhaps this is a trite question.
The student who does not' want to learn how to
be a successful amateur, but instead how to be an
all-around man in a professional occupancy, will
appreciate being taught what principles should gov-
ern every activity in his particular field. It seems
that a step toward progress has been taken when
schools of journalism accept the popular demand of
the public and attempt to instill an ethical standard
into the men who are soon to respond to the de-
mand. In so doing the university is meeting the
world on the same ground that the graduate him-
self will have to do when his days of collegiate
training are over.
One of the Greatest things that Michigan uni-
versity has prided herself' in is the cosmopolitan
spirit that pervades her students. And it is a thing
thing to be nroud of in the highest sense. There is

ular e
in. x


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ly bound in red cloth, size 101/4x13%


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Please send me free of all obligation or expense a co
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