March 17, 1988

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March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…NCAA preview Pages 10, 11 Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom 41V Vol. XCVIII, No. 112 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 17, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily A Editorial troops to Honduras WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan is sending four military battalions on an "emergency deployment" exercise to southern Honduras as a "measured response" to counter the reported incursion of Nicaraguan forces into that country, the W...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 17, 1988 MSA puts code, PIRGIM to vote IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press reports By LISA WINER Two traditionality hot issues on campus - a proposed code of non- academic conduct and a negative chek-off funding system for the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan - may help decide the outcome of Michigan Student Assembly elections next week. The issues will be voted upon by students as th...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…Forum focuses on sexism in advertising By VICKI BAUER Some advertisements perpetuate violence against women by portraying them as sexual objects or by showing fragmented body parts, said Dr. Jean Kil- bourne in a film shown at a seminar on sexist adver- tising yesterday. Over 100 students, men and women, packed a Ma- son Hall classroom for the seminar, forcing more than another 50 to be turned away. The one-hour seminar was the second of five ...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…TPINI N Page 4 Thursday, March 17, 1988 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol XCVIII No. 112 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Save the Sharpsville Six 'U' should examine values SOUTH AFRICA: FRIDAY morning "at dawn. S...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

…Val- Debate team ranks third in nation iti 0o The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 17, 1988-Page 5 Dems hope to avoid brokered convention By STEVEN FELDMAN Five years ago, the University of did not have a debate team. Now, Michigan debaters are ranked third in the nation. In the past years, the ten-member squad has racked up an impressive list of accomplishments, including five tournament victories and six second place finishes. In the rec...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 CL1ASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 LOST & FOUND FOUND: PAIR of contacts in case - on the corner of East and South University. Call Mark at 747-9156. LOST: 1 pr. of PRESCRIPTION GLASSES. 1 apr. black sunglasses. Reward if found. Centact 996-0053 LOST: Gold Bangle Bracelet on Tuesday, March 8 in Angell Hall or on Cam pus be- twen 1-4:30 pm. Great sentimental value. REWARD!! Call 930-0609. LOST: JEAN JACKET 3/12 Sat. at the Nec- tarine. REWARD! Cal...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 7

…t ARTS The Michigan Daily Page Thursday, March 17, 1988 Good By Elizabeth Block A unique collaboration of Tom Stoppard's play Every Good Boy De- serves Favour with the world premier of Nicholas Delbanco's Wolf opens tonight at the Power Center. Director John Russell Brown unites the Project Theatre Company with the University Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Gustav Meier. WOLF, the commissioned com- panion piece to Every Good Boy De- s...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 8

…Basketball vs. Boise State Tonight, 9 p.m. Salt Lake City, Ch. 2 SPORTS Women's Tennis vs. Eastern Michigan Friday Ypsilanti The Michigan Daily Thursday, March 17, 1988 Page 8 Silent contributor's efforts rewarded By LISA GILBERT A ceremony honoring three peo- ple took place at last weekend's final women's basketball game, but only two of the three honored were bas- ketball players. Easily recognizable were team captain and MVP Vonni...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 9

…Page 9 -The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 17, 1988 full court PRESS. Women cagers finish fine season By MIKE GILL The last ounce of life plummeted out of the 1987- 88 basketball season for the women Wolverines. It's all over - there is no more. But as the final seconds ticked off the clock Saturday, there were smiles, high-fives, and many memories running through each and every player. Yes, this year was special. 14-14 is a nice record. Bu...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 -The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 17, 1988 NCAA tournament preview Rush Delivery BY JEFF RUSH 'M' hopes Final Four more than a dream Michigan basketball coach Bill Frieder looked lazily out the window of his team's charter flight to 'Salt Lake City and hoped the Wolverines wouldn't be 'as flat in the NCAA tournament as the land below. The plane's speakers crackled, and the captain's voice came over. "In a few minutes, we'll be pa...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 17, 1988-Page 11 Wolverines' By ADAM SCHEFTER Gary Grant was born to be in the spotlight. So it would be only fitting to end his Michigan ca- reer celebrating in Kansas City - the place he was born - with every camera flashing his way, each mi- crophone being jammed in his face, and Grant, as usual, being the center of attention. It's the way he would want it. On Tuesday April 24, 1984, Michigan landed a fi...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 12


March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 15

…Control The Skies The Federal Aviation Administration is now hiring Air Traffic Control Specialists. Over 3,000 of them. All you need to qualify for testing is a degree. Any major is welcome. No aviation experience or any other sort of experience is necessary. And consider the benefits: " Salaries to $50,000 plus " Up to 26 days vacation a year " A special retirement plan " Locations nationwide " Equal Opportunity Employer For more informatio...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 17

…TOP OFTEWE When My Turn Strikes a Special Chord M y Turn, the column writ- ten by a student, is one of our most popular features, but every so often a My Turn strikes a very special chord. Four years ago a UCLA student wrote that his mother had treated him as "the man of the house" when his parents di- vorced; instead of being flat- tered, he felt that she had "stol- en my childhood." The essay attracted dozens of letters- some sympathetic,...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 18

…Tired? Drowsy? Exhausted? But must stay alert? EPo s.t n w tired ness, dr o ' In , gu o over w or ,o - S o w h e n ys'e tire d r r o s y b t m s y 42TALT Bounce back FAST with PEP-BACK.. the fast, effective energy booster. Powerful stimulant action starts immediately to help relieve simple tiredness, drowsiness, due to overwork, over- exertion, prolonged studying or driving. You feel refreshed, brighter, more alert without stomach upset or gas...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 19

…Buy the SL 105 with Spel-Rightmdictionary. It features a high-priced correction system without the high price. B How do you put a price on perfection when your name is on the work? Easy, just pick "A up the new SL 105. It's loaded with advanced features and a correction system that makes MAD IN LSA. perfect pages a given. The Spell-Right electronic dictionary actually lets you know with a beep when you misspell or mistype any of 50,000 words....…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 21

…---- ---------- - ---- }r Student Savings Voucher NEWSWEEK'S COVER PRICE $2.00 an issue YOU SAVE $1.58 an issue x -2A ~STU NT RATE* 12 an issue 'Basic Rate is 791 Mr/Mrs. (Circle one) Name (please print) Address Apt. # City State Zip College Year of Graduation Signature Check one: Q 26 issues E 34 issues Q 52 issues Q 104 issues Q Payment enclosed Q Bill me later fOffer good in U.S. Subject to change. 88180224 aaS eyY. I t 1 Student ...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 22


March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 24

…CO L G Fratern ties . Under Fire At the height of their popularity, Greek organizations face charges of racism, violence and hooliganism a Timely sign? Illinois graffito traveled to the University of Illinois last fall to perform at She was only 15, a member of a high-school band that a big game. As part of the football festivities, she wan- dered over to the Lambda Chi Alpha house for a pre- kickoff party. She stayed too long. And bef...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 25

…JFeAN LAUA Fear of retaliation: Hooded women protest incident of sexual abuse at an Illinois frat house 1984, as the minimum age for drinking rose to 21 in most jurisdic- tions, Greek social life has assumed more importance-you can often drink there even if you can't get served in a bar. Some colleges understood that the new order meant they would have to police student behavior more carefully. And when administrators began to look closely, t...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 26

…C exciting anymore," says ATO president Scott Kaul. The liability-insurance crisis is a national problem; fraterni- ty hazing only seems like one. Twenty-seven states now have criminal laws barring hazing- physical or mental-of pledges. The National Interfraternity Conference has helped lobby for some of the legislation and has been formally opposed to hazing since 1979. But laws are not elixirs. "Our greatest tool is education," says NIC's B...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 27

…Allstate has dozens of career opportunities thatgiveyougood money great training, and terrific benefits... And selling insurance is onlyone ofthem. OPAY1 These exciting and challeng- ing careers include the areas of finance, communications, law, research, analysis, cor- porate relations, planning, as well as sales. And every one has a strong growth potential for advance- ment into management. No wonder. Allstate, a member of the Sears Financ...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 28

… 0 JENNIFER GOLDSMITH GREG MACK Good deeds: Giving blood at Bowdoirt (left), brothers from Bowling Green State painting the home of an elderly woman took place. To add insult to their injuries, they were later convicted on perjury charges. Not everyone gets off with only bruises and a battered reputa- tion. In the spring of 1986 Steven Jones was the dean of pledges for Omega Psi Phi at North Carolina A&T. Just after his term expired, he says...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 29

… was reinstated, then suspended again in the fall after several brothers got into a brawl inside a predominantly Jewish house. Students marched, but Fiji was reinstated once more. Still, chapter president Glenn Thom- as warned members that "now is not a good time to get in any kind of trouble-racist or not." T rouble seems to follow the Delta Kappa Epsilons at Tulane. Last April the all-white fraternity held its 30th annual Debutramp pa- rade ...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 30

…Showing their colors but staying hush-hush: Society logos decorate the Virginia campus They've Got a Secret Honorary societies keep anointing new elites, but now they seem to matter mainly to themselves One evening last spring 16 Yale juniors were led, blindfolded, to a tomblike building, where they were ordered to sing, answer stupid questions and do the limbo. "It was optional to drink. I did," says senior Betsy, who recalled the secret rit...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 31

… 71 I p k Y l'2, Y M.\ t% T k h 1 I I I I I Sting 361675-391672. Sting- Nothing Like The Sun. We'll Be Together; Little Wing; etc. (A&M) 360115. Bruce Springsteen-Tunnel Of Love. Title cut; Brilliant Disguise; etc. (Columbia) 356154. Whitney Houston-Whitney. I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me); Didn't We Almost Have it All. (Arista) 359521. The Cars-Door to Door. Title cut; You Are The Girl; Strap Me In; etc. (Elektra) 35...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 32

…T orjP T , 7bkkkAAW1 Il i * 361170. Yes-Big Generator. Includes title Push cut; Love Will Find A Way; stan) Hniv amhs ate fAtedn DO0C U' 354449. U2-The Joshua Tfee. Hit With or Without You; Red Hill Mining Town; etc. (Island) 1139. R.E.M.- lcument. Includes The ta ILove; plus many )re! (I.R.S.) TRIAL-MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Columbia Record & Tape Club, 1400 N. Fruitridge P.O. Box 1130, Terre Haute, Indiana 47811-1130 Yes, I'd like to "tr...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 33

…C For the chosen few, 'a place to go and feel superior': Two of Yale's imposing tombs around the New Haven campus, including Book and Snake's Parthenon look-alike and Skull and Bones's monolithic mausole- um. Some of their occultish initiation rites sound as if they had come straight out of the Eleusinian mysteries. Jeff, a member of Yale's Berzelius society, recalls being greeted at the tomb's door on initiation night by a pair of black-hood...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 34

…COLLEGE L FE SPORTS A New Outburst of Hoopla 6 Purists are flocking to women's basketball, but students are not For decades Iowans young and old have flocked to high-school gyms and big-city arenas to scream their excitement about girls' basketball. But the enthusiasm of the fans and the opportunities for the players seldom extended beyond high-school level. Sel- dom, at least, until C. Vivian Stringer ar- rived five years ago to coach Iowa'...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 35

… PHOTOS BY DAVID BRADSHAW-UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE 25,000 seats sold and 3,000 wanting to get in at Tennessee: Coach Pat Summitt (left) and a shaken-up player officials tried to find room for an extra 3,000 fans clamoring outside the sold-out, 25,000-seat arena. So who are these newfound fans of the women's game? Oddly, it's not fellow stu- dents who are leading the charge to the arena, but college-town adults and their families. Consider Iowa...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 36

…1C ' ww1w 0 :. - , © SUSAN ALLEN CAMP Fans in high places: Constitutional scholar Barbara Jordan and other VIP's at UT autographed basketball, a tour of the arena and, finally, earn the privilege of sitting behind the bench during a game. Rutgers gave away posters of its All-American Sue Wicks,withthecaption, "She LightsUpthe Knights," to the first 2,000 fans who arrived for the Maryland game. Tennessee went a lot further: two years ago the...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 37

…NOW OXY CLEAN PADS ARE 28r/ BIGGER TO CLEAN BETTER! " Bigger to hold more deep-cleaning cleanser! " Bigger to remove more dirt and oil! " Bigger to clean better than Stri-Dex!® r~t MANUFAC A* ltf 1 T l T UE COP XIA TNAEi18 KT I IlC1Y1 VlV I'VK JILL AIVU CXYA CLEAN. SREG;ULAR 50p"i SAJ-VE MV ISave 50C on your next purchase of Oxy Clean@ Medicated Pads: Regular or Maximum Strength. TO TE CUSTOMER Please redeem this coupon at your favor- ite...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 38

…1.C A L L E G E L I F E Rejecting the establishment: At UCLA, the Free Association staff pitches in to mail out the p Thunder on the Left Liberal-to-radical papers challenge conservative pre serve a void of debate," says CNP's Julie Goetz. During the '60s and well into the '70s, the term "alternative press" was almost synonymous with left wing. But in tandem with the Reagan revolution, a well-organized conservative press sprang up in the ear...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 39

…S Honda goes to any length to make improvements. In the new Civic Hatchback, about 5 inches does the job nicely. The longer wheelbase adds a lot more room inside. You'll find the front legroom extends to over 42 inches. That's over half as tall as the average person. There is extra foot room for those of you in the rear seats. More cubic feet behind you in the cargo space. And a new 4-wheel double wishbone suspension system helps give a little...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 41

…alition support for Jesse Jackson. Often, however, alternatives devote much space to international issues. Last fall Free As- sociation produced a 233-inch, two-part se- ries on Central American death squads. Former Perspective editor Mark Guma says readers respond "because finally there's a sort of nonhysterical voice on the left." Yet critics charge-often fairly- that the subjective journalism is out-and- out advocacy. "I think you have to t...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 42

…E A T II Teachers With Lots of fessor at any given col- The most popular pro- lege may teach poetry. Or political science, or phys ed. The subject doesn't matter; the spirit of the teaching does. What students look for is a demonstrated com- mitment to them. NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS asked its reporters at a dozen schools to search out faculty whose packed classes have become campus legend. The professors they wrote about were, on the surface, very...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 43

…David Grove, the first anthropology professor to win his school's award for Liberal Arts and Sciences Excellence in Teaching, says he learned his craft by example-bad example. "I had a horrible teacher who stood in the front of the class and read his notes, even read his jokes!" Grove promised himself that when he taught, it wouldn't be like that. It isn't. At his class at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, he frequently aban- don...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 44

…T COS the 13 different ways the sound "sh" can be written: i 6 shoe sugar ocean issue nation schist pshaw suspicion nauseous conscious chaperone mansion fuchsia International Paper asked John Irving, author of "The World According to Garp," "The Hotel New Hampshire," and "Set- ting Free the Bears, " among other novels- and once a hopelessly bad speller himself- to teach you how to improve your spelling. Let's begin with the bad news. If y...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 45

…cemetery millinery distillery monastery confectionery stationery (as in paper) Here's another easy rule. Only four words end in -efy. Most people misspell them-with -fy, which is usually correct. Just memorize these, too, and use -ify for all the rest. remember it myself. You add -able to a full word: adapt, adaptable; work, workable. You add -able to words that end in e- just remember to drop the final e: love, lovable. But if the word end...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 46

…E DS at the end of the semester, complete with fried grasshoppers. For his larger lecture class, Grove developed a computer pro- gram that lets students create their own digs. "You get more interested, you do more reading, you listen more attentively," says 1987 graduate Kevin McLaughlin, assess- ing the effects of Grove's technique. "And you learn more." Keeping his students awake in class is only a part of Grove's commitment. "Many teachers...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 47

…If you think the best way to pay for college is to put it off for a few years and join the military, you're half right. Because with the New GI Bill, you can join the Army National Guard and earn over $15,000 for college. But best of all, you serve part-time, as little as two days a month and two weeks a year. Which means you can go to school full-time. Right now. On us. So the question you have to ask yourself is not, can you afford to go to ...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 48

…The tape begins with Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. "So you're feeling full of life today," a soothing voice says over the bombastic music. "Let's march along life together, from womb to tomb ... Your mother always said you were a good egg-you were a good egg there in the ovi- duct. You remember the battle: the sperm traveled past the epididymis .. . " This is a biology class? You better believe it, says Prof. Marvin Druger of Syracuse. "You hav...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 49

…TM Sale he Tindy'1000 SX ... or just $899 with a CM-5 Color Morii- 3 5 tor! Now it's more affordable than ever to 10 11 12 get a true PC-compatible computer. The Tandy 1000 SX is incredibly easy to use. _E5 16 17 18 19 And since it even comes with its own 22 23 24 25 26 DeskMate II personal-productivity soft- 29 30 31 ware, you can put the 1000 SX to work from day one. DeskMate II gives you six popular pro- grams on one disk. An easy-to-follow...…

March 17, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 112) • Page Image 50

…How to stand out in a crowd. The American Express" Card gets an outstanding welcome virtually anywhere you shop, whether it's for a leather jacket or a leather-bound classic. Whether you're bound for a bookstore or a beach in Bermuda. So during college and after, it's the perfect way to pay for just about everything you'll want. How to get the Card now. College is the first sign of success. And because we believe in your potential, we've made...…

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