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March 17, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-17

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom


Vol. XCVIII, No. 112 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 17, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
A Editorial

troops to
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan is
sending four military battalions on an "emergency
deployment" exercise to southern Honduras as a
"measured response" to counter the reported incursion
of Nicaraguan forces into that country, the White
House announced last night.
White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater said
the American troops would not be deployed "to any
area of ongoing hostilities."
He characterized the troop movement as a training
exercise and also "a signal to the governments and
people of Central America."
The White House statement was delivered in th
press room shortly after 10 p.m. after a day-long series
of meetings among Reagan's national security
advisors. In the statement, Fitzwater did not say how
long the forces would remain in Central America.
Fitzwater said Reagan ordered the action in response
to a to a "cross-border incursion by Sandinista forces
into Honduras from Nicaragua."
The White House actions came after Nicaraguan
President Daniel Ortega said that Sandinista troops
pushed back Contra rebels into Honduran territory and
fighting was raging along the border.
Ortega did not confirm or deny the Reagan
administration's claims that Nicaraguan soldiers crossed
into Honduras but said there was "cross fire from
Honduran territory against our forces."
The defense ministry earlier'denied that its troops
invaded Honduras during an attack on Contra troops,
and government radio put out an urgent call for
Nicaraguans to be on alert against a U.S. invasion.
Two battalions from the 82nd Airborne Division
from Fort Bragg, N. C., tow battalions from the 7th
Infantry Division from Fort Ord, Calif., and supporting
units, will be sent to Honduras, Fitzwater said.
See HONDURAS, Page 5

Coup averted Associated-Press
Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega waves outside the army headquar-
ters yesterday after local residents reported hearing gunshots fired in-
side. The coup attempt, led by army officers, was quelled. See In Brief,
page 2.

Daily News Analysis
Students want more time to present an
alternative to Interim University President
Robben Fleming's proposal to the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents of sanctions
against discriminatory behavior. But time
may be running out, University officials
} say.
"Ceaseless temporizing and delay is not
the way to resolve this problem," said Re-
gent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor). "If stu-
dent groups are thinking they can give. the
regents some kind of alternative and expect
the regents to review it in one day, that's
pushing it."
The regents will begin initial discus-
sions today on Fleming's proposal, praised
by supporters for attempting to combat
discriminatory behavior. Opponents, how-

to vote on anti-discrimination plan
ever, criticize the policy because it would Recently, however, the usually cut-and- cussed a plan, in which students would Board. "On the one hand, they don't want
set up academic sanctions for non-academic dried code debate has been complicated. oversee a policy for administrators, faculty, to oppose minority groups, but the clearest
conduct - which many say constitutes a Since last year, the campus has been and students. That policy would include signal from students is that they're against
"code." The regents are expected to vote on plagued by a wave of racist incidents in- sanctions, including suspension and expUI- the code."


the proposal tomorrow, after hearing vari-
ous opinions at today's public comments
THE REGENTS' decision this week
may be the culmination of a five-year de-
bate about revamping the never-used Rules
of the University Community, which are
called worthless by administrators.
Officials have consistently cited the need
for behavioral rules to protect the commu-
nity's safety. But many students - led by
the Michigan Student Assembly - have
argued that sanctions beyond the current
rules are attempts to control student
behavior outside the classroom, and per-
haps, discourage dissent.

cluding the airing of offensive jokes on
campus radio station WJJX, threatening
fliers, and harassing phone calls.
The United Coalition Against Racism
has advocated sanctions against people who
commit racist acts, as long as they apply
to staff, faculty, and students alike.
AS A RESULT, several campus
groups, such as MSA, UCAR, and the
Latin American Solidarity Committee,
have been deliberating on an alternative to
Fleming's proposal, which they called
"inadequate" in a statement released Mon-
In preliminary meetings last weekend,
members of several groups reportedly dis-

UCAR member Barbara Ransby said
several minority groups, including UCAR
and the Black Student Union, would an-
nounce the alternative after a closed meet-
ing last night. MSA leaders took part in
the discussions but it is unknown whether
they would agree to support the document.
The idea that students can administer
sanctions contradicts, to some extent,
staunch opposition to academic punish-
ments voiced by MSA and students in-
volved with the "no code" movement.
"I THINK MSA's in a really tough
position," said LSA senior Ed Kraus, a
member of the University's Civil Liberties

But student leaders involved in the de-
liberations have said a "unified front"
among students is the most effective way
to protest Fleming's proposal. Thus, com-
promise may be necessary. Code opponent
David Newblatt, an LSA senior, said,
"whether or not (a stance against academic
sanctions) can be maintained in the unified
front is a difficult issue. Everybody's got
to give something up."
Newblatt is the student co-chair of the
University Council, a nine-member panel
of students, faculty, and administrators dis-
patched by regental bylaw 7.02 to review
student conduct rules. The council's slow
See CODE, Page 2

'M' opens
Boi se St.
Let the games begin.
After a long season that began
with the first day of practice back on
October 15, it's time to find out
which is the nation's best college
basketball team.
Sixty-four teams begin play today
in the NCAA tournament and, on
April 4 in Kansas City, one will be-
come national champion.
Michigan starts its quest on the
road to the Final Four tonight in Salt
Lake City against Boise State (9
p.m., Ch. 2). The 10th-ranked
Wolverines are the No. 3 seed in the
West Regional, while Boise State is
No. 14 seed.
The winner of the onenina round

North indicted in
Iran-Contra deal

dent Reagan's former national secu-
rity adviser, John Poindexter, and
fired White House aide Lt. Col.
Oliver North were indicted yesterday
along with two arms dealers on
charges they conspired to divert Ira-
nian arms sales profits to the
Nicaraguan Contras.
The long-awaited 23-count in-
dictment, which also named retired
Air Force Maj. Gen. Richard Secord
and his business partner, Albert
Hakim, said the four men
"deceitfully and without legal autho-
rization" organized, directed, and
concealed a "program to continue
funding of and logistical and other
support for military and paramilitary
operations in Nicaragua by the Con-
tras" at a time U.S. law barred such
North, who was fired from his
job as a National Security Council
nirlP in lnn-. 1 QPA nic t r the in-

still stood by his assertion that no
laws were broken in the Iran-Contra
affair. "I have no knowledge of any-
thing that was broken," he replied.
The indictment culminated a 14-
month grand jury investigation into
the arms-for-hostages deals with Iran
and the diversion of $4 million in
profits to the Contras.

The pending execution of the
Sharpsville Six in South Africa
must be stopped. Constructive
engagement does not work.
Play writes Tom Stoppard and
Nicholas Delbanco join forces for
an exciting perfornance tonight.
ARTS, Page 7I



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