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March 17, 1988 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-17

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When My Turn Strikes a Special Chord

M y Turn, the column writ-
ten by a student, is one of
our most popular features, but
every so often a My Turn
strikes a very special chord.
Four years ago a UCLA student
wrote that his mother had
treated him as "the man of the
house" when his parents di-
vorced; instead of being flat-
tered, he felt that she had "stol-
en my childhood." The essay
attracted dozens of letters-

some sympathetic, some angry.
A similar response came to
our My Turn of December, in
which Mark W. Keller of Pa-
cific Lutheran University ex-
pressed his personal dilemma:
he wanted to study engineering
and he wanted to study the hu-
manities, and he found that
they exist in almost completely
separate academic worlds. Kel-
ler's essay brought an outpour-
ing of letters from students who

have plainly thought a great
deal about their education. So
many letters, in fact, that we
could not do justice to them in
this issue; we will print a sam-
pling in our May issue.
We are pleased that many of
you are sending us My Turn
essays. Obviously we can use
only a few, but every one re-
ceives a careful reading. We
think this month's essay is an-
other striking contribution.
Page 8

Page 26

College Life
Fraternities under fire: As incidents of
rape, racism and hooliganism
increase, universities crack
down on Greeks Page 8
Honorary societies play
an elite version of
I've-got-a-secret Page 14
Sports: Women's basketball is a
major-league attraction Page 18
New leftist papers challenge
the conservative press Page 22
* Classy teachers are heroes to
their students Page 26
* A U.S.-Soviet exchange Page 32
* A black American female
flourishes in the small,
male-dominated world
of conducting Page 38
* Professional ethicists are in
demand to wrestle with moral
questions Page 40
Studying ethics Page 41
Resumes: Tips from mentors;
two guides for the Big
Interview; a professional
mathematician Page 43
Arts &
Music: Ruben Blades's first
English album builds musical
bridges; new albums by
Ziggy Marley and the
Smithereens Page 44
Television: Actress Mary
Steenburgen creates real
people Page 46
Movies: Many schools don't want
to be in pictures Page 47
Books: John Updike dips into
Hawthorne again; Stephen
Hawking explains the
universe; two first novels with
"the buzz" Page 48
Multiple Choice: A Stanford dorm on
shaky ground; a painted fence
at Carnegie Mellon;
Minnesota's computer
counseling; Georgetown law
students perform out of court;
a New Hampshire dean
discovers student life; an
abortion poll Page 35
My Turn Page 52
The Mail Page 4
Cover: Photos by Mike Derer-AP
(funeral), Morry Gash

Page 36

Page 38

ragC 44

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