March 13, 1987

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March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…'I1 Ma , Why women faculty are so few * Minutemen W 0 ke1 M ga 1l ' John Logie - Interview: Donna Jo Napoli " The List Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom I LUME XCVII - NO. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1987 COPYRIGHT 1987 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ( ; r 4 ',. A a e 1 9 tl 4 I a 5 i . j a 1 Societal racism ref cted at U By EUGENE PAK insensitivity to the issue and I don't yifth in afive-part series doubt we need some rearran...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…II Page 2 - The Michigan Daily=- Friday, March 13, 1987 Student groups hope to improve LSA By MARTIN FRANK At last night's special mass meeting of the LSA Student Government, six students joined action groups designed to improve LSA student life. Last month, the government appointed chairpersons to groups, which focus on issues they deemed important - class overcrowding, implementation of a code of student non-academic conduct, counseling, ...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…i e t By STEVE BLONDER p An art exhibit focusing on the E x h i rape of women as well as the rape I of America begins an early s celebration of April as Rape la Prevention Month. n "Rape: Images and Issues" is a U compilation of 36 works created t im a g es through a wide range of media. The u exhibit, running this Sunday a through Saturday at the Slusser 1 Gallery in the School of Art, is part p of an opening reception for Rape Blacks questio...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Friday, March 13, 1987 The Michigan Dail MSA el'ection guide: P arties take stands on FLASH Blue Party Bigfoot Party Students First UCAR DEMANDS/PARTY David Sternlicht Seth Klukoff for David Newblatt Ken Weine for for President President for President President John Villanueva David Vogel for Charles Heckstall Rebecca Felton for for V. P. V.P. for V.P. V.P. 1. Submit a specific plan to guarantee a substantial increas...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 13, 1987 - Page 5 Officials call 'safe sex kits' sensationalistic (Continued from Page 1) spermacidal jelly. "The issue for colleges and universities is a very, very straight-forward one - it's for us to get the message across that there s risky heterosexual behavior as well as omosexual behavior. The risks involve primarily promiscuity without rotection," he said. "The sexual revolution is coming to a eec...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6-The Michigan Dily - Friday, March 13, 1987 Di1 7ICAF4CilI7 , LOST & FOUND Brass colored glasses w/ purple flowered cloth in brown case. Lost Sat. night. If found, please call Gail, 763-2720., FOR SALE BASS AMP, Peav Centurian Mark 3, 300. BASS GUIT Guild w/ 2pickups, 150. Call 764-4942, "t-F, 6 to 8 P.M. CARVER SONIC HOLOGRAM GENERA- TOR like new. 19" wide rack- mountable. $145. Call 995-5806. Please leave message. CHEAP: Nordi...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, March 13, 1987 Page 7 Hide your children; the By Mike Rubin ke ,; Tomorrow night, the 14th of March, marks the Ann Arbor debut of Evanston, IL's fearsome threesome (plus automaton), Big Black. The show at East Quad's Halfway Inn will be the band's first Michigan appearance since a July 4th weekend shebang-bang-bang at Detroit's Graystone that made Miss J.iberty's New York Harbor fireworks look like just s...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

…T Page 8-The Michigan Daily- Friday, March 13, 1987 Records Local publisher aims Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, and Emmylou Harris Trio Warner Brothers As far as musical genre, one could say this is pretty traditional Country/western. Very embellished country/ western, any way you cut In spite of the big-named session men like Ry Cooder, David Lindley, and Albert Lee, in spite of the three singers, all big names themselves... nothing happen...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 13, 1987 - Pog 9 Vii: ~ Jazz series continues , By Alan Paul Jazz and blues lovers of Ann Arbor listen up. Tomorrow night is your last chance of the year to discover one of the area's great secrets - WEMU's Depot Town Winter Jazz Series. The series concludes with its third show featuring a diverse three act lineup: the solo jazz guitar of Montache, the Joe LoDuca Quintet's bop, blues and fusion, and a one...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 10

…4 Men's Gymnastics vs. Western Michigan Tomorrow, 7 p.m. Crisler Arena SPORTS Synchronized Swimming Tomorrow, 1 p.m. Bell Pool , CCRB ,The Michigan Doily Friday, March 13, 1987 Page 10 Michigan creams Samen, 97-82 (Continued from Page 1) Michigan did let Robinson attempt 37 shots, but on almost every shot at least one Wolverine was draped over the 7-1 center. "To stop him, it had to be a team effort," said Michigan center Loy Vaught. "...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 11

…SPORTS OF THE DAILY The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 13, 1987 -Page 11 TraclisterfS ready -for NCAAs1 Netters to host Redskins e By ADAM SCHRAGER Success many times is something dreamed of, but in the case of the men's tennis coach Brian Eisner, success has been a reality. Eisner has an unbelievable p144-13 record against Big Ten opponents in his 17 years as vIichigan coach. Tumblers to meet Broicos, Im! The men's gymnastics team is look...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 13

… - ------------ O~MEN Fw-l" Continued from Page 7 scholarship are limited for wom said Mary Frank Fox, a rese investigator at the Institute Social Research. "A sense of significant mi bership is lacking for women. because research is a social prc that involves communication exchange, lack of signifi membership has negativec sequences for opportunities perform," Fox said. Rathcke attributes her success in Rathc the department to penetrating...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 14

…_ _ _ _ _ w w w w --w- __W -w,-- -W 7- own I I Hill Street Forum Celebration of'Jewish Arts presents I ObP AtOt*gFCi1 gF[tltt I A J . M A G A Z I N E VOLUME 5, NO. 19 MARCH 13, 1987 Him Tickets available at T icket World outlets in the Michigan Union and at Hudson's. $12,$10,$g,$5 Visa/ MasterCardorders by phone: 763-TKTS. J&C Productions, 2 p.m., Performance Network, 415 North Fourth Ave. (663-0681). See Friday's li...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 15

…-W -W _qv V V w w -W -W T ,qw T ,wm The What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend FRIDAY CAMPUS CINEMA THE LADYKILLERS (A. MacKendrick, 1955), CG, DBLf7l:0 p.m., Nat Sci. Zany comedy about a group of would-be master thieves who pose as a string quartet while pulling off their greatest job. Peter Sellers, Alec Guiness. THE HORSE'S MOUTH (Ronald Neame, 1958), CG, DBL/8:45 p.m., Nat Sci. Alec Guiness plays a Dylan Thomas-like paint...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 16

…4 ~ ~c E. 0 L 00 0-0 II ti o M CD 0i Kc '0.,- 0 =r CD ~~0Q 0 n a 6 n CL - CD cu0 CrQ t CD C CD0C t- 0 t k 0 07 E, 0D 0 0 , O- 9.0 - *OQ 00 cF wC0 C C O - ~ 0, 0o~ - pae~ a 0 c 0 '~' * * 0.03 Co ro CR.- tOC s b - 00 ~ ,.. co " C -D t i c c i r C t t ,; t f c C 00- d z O c9 0 a~G 0. 0 o OQ ° co t1 s s 4-'. g a 54'' CO 0 3~.I o '- '-i - CDW CL CL < 0Q,' C. . a°<0- 0 ~c o So. ' < 0 " r i o (i 4-0 ' r"04. 0 O0 t r. 0. zO C0. 00 0O ti - C ...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 17

…V w ww wJ -w w w -W L-A -W _W 'W -w- '"W 'qqlp- lw MICH.ELLANY Don't be fooled: Age 22 a aJ w 0 z z w cc d Y w INTERVIEW Donna Jo Nap1o Linguistics prof. wants her students to develop the courage to question Donna Jo Napoli is a professor in the University's Program in Linguistics. Daily staff writer Michael Lustig, a student in Napoli' s Linguistics 315 class, interviewed her at her Ann Arbor home. Could you first just tell m...…

March 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 111) • Page Image 18

…w w w w w w w V W V IW w I -W Now- w -W -gr Only a small fraction of the University's faculty is female. For them, teaching in such an environment is often lonely, at best. so 6ew I? By Rachel Gottlieb Graphics by Bill Marsh NIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS say they are dedicated to excellence. But not everyone believes their claim. "Any university that has as few women on its faculty... as this one should be embarrassed to talk too loudly ...…

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