March 02, 1924

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March 02, 1924 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE AN4N ARBOR, MICHIGA~N, SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1924 Horatian Stoicism SCEPTICISM t1'11) ANIMAL FAIlIIf, 1 RF{ M.\WENLEY by emphasizing- the contrast between by Geore Santa~ant. Sribiters. >- ffibso appearance and reality. In any c'ase, Every scholarr investigator worth - ordinary n s infordiary nsoment lila nalt rejoic anwheniharfindsehi' corneltrjoitesgarden chettiadshs as itch11ot as philostpher, h knows iork shorter, le presrvea ro...…

March 02, 1924 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1924 ROBERTF BARTRON HENDERSON Oca Re an its rmarriae of To Mrs. Grundy: noth and on itt.,widh and he . . nbt''bli r-t cr resere with the I is to be expected as it has Ieco teribl and always will be, that in a perion of''v'' cc slal'"(, It 'itt' remarkable dramatic vigo tthe r t te r ofhi fahe' .A1 ci fth, fm the fir': t:1 the last, should he certato critic. :eneral o are hea;cidw vi h e7e...…

March 02, 1924 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MARCH ?, 1424 S 'NOh', AIICI 2.1524THE MICHIGAN DAILY PC -o ~0Security- May be found for your valuable docu- ments by using our Safety Deposit Vault. The service wvill please you. Farmers & Mfechanics Bank 101-101 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STA21TE Trade in stour old ach for a new thin, Modern Time Piece Punctuality is a Virtue Beiing punctual is easy with a watch that keeps accurate time. Glive a good watch rea- sonable care and it keeps ...…

March 02, 1924 • Page Image 4

…?AGE P1IOUR THE MICHIGAN DAk" i SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1924 The Ironic Humanist on the Campus 'T11E IIdNSIC 1IIUA. ST, by (buriesI LISLE ROSE tg why an impulse from a vernal ll. Perry. The M idandni res.ihfows such astounding knowledge of I have great admiration for the is harmfl to oneself, what-savs the Bt sualtly his expression canges.; ua nature. Te ltumaist sighs methods of Maaulay, who when given the Ironic Itumanist-is the sense of The sal...…

March 02, 1924 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FI- Frank Wedekind; Diabolic Moralist When Ambassador Gerard returned MAXWELL NOWELS hut no decadent affectation or artIfic- to his native shores to compose his iality. His leonine raging at his epochal ndietment of thsings Teutoni, thing less than blesphemy (it said kin that taste is the only morality there was b played at Ma Rein- what the audience thought). All of and base their attacks on the g...…

March 02, 1924 • Page Image 6

…eA;E sIsX THE MICHIGAN DAILY S!.'NDAY, ~,Reae *' BOOKS SKEPTICISM (Contied from Pae Oe) rigid exmnination of knowledge. Ap- IVINCENT S TARETT'S ply doubt ad yoo find that existences /ENTERTAINING IRONY are beyond the reach of intellet. qualities ao senei do ot belong "in"' COFFINS FOR TWO, by Vincent Star-" things; if we regard them asoimages rett. Covie-Ne ee. $2.0. "in the mind.' we then soil thereby: Ialwayo opeo a book by a Chicago plac...…

March 02, 1924 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG1E ttfOVaIN THE BAR SINSTER which be will probably loathe; thatshould be given a fair chance to quit on my knees to recover the pieces with (Contnued from Page One) he has has born into him certain in- while the quitting is good. I often him, will not turn out a dashing, princely stincts that he must repress or he will feel indignant with the world on this "Heavens," T thought, "to think of ap, do nc...…

March 02, 1924 • Page Image 8

…PAL EICOT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1924 _ an* An animated fantasy, of paste and "The prostitute is disesteemed to- V aCUlty and Perspiculty pulp, dressed in the bright clothes of day, not because her trade involves environment, and dneing idiotically anything intrinsically degrading or MONTE GOMERICO at the end of a string for a lot of fel- even disagreeable, but because she is currently assumed to have been driven DISCOVERY No, I a...…

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