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March 02, 1924 - Image 4

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The Ironic Humanist on the Campus
'T11E IIdNSIC 1IIUA. ST, by (buriesI LISLE ROSE tg why an impulse from a vernal
ll. Perry. The M idandni res.ihfows such astounding knowledge of
I have great admiration for the is harmfl to oneself, what-savs the Bt sualtly his expression canges.; ua nature. Te ltumaist sighs
methods of Maaulay, who when given the Ironic Itumanist-is the sense of The salt must soon be employed. nviosya tefd-aedhms
for review a worthless ook, gently i l ots hr r lasit is the hour of his two o'clock in Don in"tertesvailryitocin
, 1tt si tjr n nnttc aiiiv esnh~i ntotr n Quixote, an our of tortre to e s50- s' ith the sddenness ntl skill of hield-
that tie rould sek on whatever in-'irailior dicta - students, who
terested him. "The Ironic Huitanist"I l (sti p tot the Eternal Verities andl ceeteit by a yet worse one on Wiords- gs.t
desrvs utslghlybete tratc~at; ve a'gue i lass abotitiithe meats- sor'tl or some oiler old lit lng, isediations oti utatipere-
dvr es r rv s uotuigtly te amenitciigor 'tiseince utwatial enclieriig benethalthe daisies te'tioti re suddently-troken short by- the
Mr er 'udittel uu Ni. i o xsec:htsla hl i kiowsthatnowhis truttl-lovittg soulitucots, rigidt voice of te all-A tptitil,
bit if te is ironic tic has kopt ie little said oii the embttryotiiotne-htundrted- I tat05
secret tetiarkabily' well. Ttiso is not tipecrest bsinesssiatn whioaisswiling trllrig oItaoty as he isotcid ith isttitibtlahi anetieithe rofounid
to say' that the ook is twithoutt,-,,,in'to stpendttiour of the est gyers iof his; oti' eln.Teonyhp s-iospyadotmitcotoko
utle iieas : the sev'ent papters - notu tt it lprofe sstng an interest ini xrtat trofessout miay employ ttetmac-;Withou, ati his inired regret that
ite-tuettot of askitig for date,, norks reorlie Byron, whio was such a bud
ing it are titled ithiiati ingenuity that instinct IeIs bhun is worthless?The
B- ritttt' prss aentniilttnay ttd wrstof t isthtt situan bi tbliiograpity, isteadl oh eplai-j ltContinuetd on Page Sven)
lann'prsagn.Wihenan was.oitithtom offeu, the dissertationtin tieace is ciiicat throttghi too tistctisitting ini tRtetoric!
trite. Bdtt- and ILiterasutre classes, gil to Iei hex
I accordingi'ly preerr iiiliavebri that the line is trite, atnd at oft to :
Perry' to his cintemptliatiotn it teta e roine miissionaries tic teachets ofii
Providence. What "intrigues" meitis! Here is where our tHttttotist ets' AiLL R ECENTI'BOO K~S,
the ttossitilities- open on out' camptsti busy twitti the salt-cellar. utliat
to itreal IronirIliuanist, a geitle- ie petotmts the tlasantter and ntiticti N T E
man itti a large and twell -tiatipti mo'etmore cottfortable itity of givitng II ~II.I.)L~II i '"1 L
latetd st-cellar from whtichttcietit to those who art' headeid iiglit
sprinkle biting balm on our opent St i iitiering in spite of his own cn t- ~T ~ T
sotes. I ike t speculate on the Irotsviitttioshe tends his tay itto the VJ II F
able longevity' of such an indiividutal, inferno of the Egineeritig Shop- , to
unit then, lettingnmy' iimagintion ex pitton our heroic ti-shop iteti ftie MA G A 'T~ T("'f/ \ XT O N I
pand ini the atprove John otian tmait badge of truth. He stotts at the sot / i' ~j l~ LJ Y r Ji'J
ner, on wht of our nmany- faults lie uties to'oitittend our little ft ettis!
would cdoose otrhim bs "sear cing fat their sane grab-it-uni-k eti it at }' SA LE j T
gaze" Ittfore a itaddienadtod pustlatioti tiude Ie titns the tpalm nttSpanish A
shot thtm tff to the bug-house. ptofs, as tey aneat to pound into;
Non- this Iroiti'Htnanist will noti their puptils' heatitl a fewv contmercial;
maike a fool of hinse'f by aftackitg itrsea and tte value of a tesoHe
the students for their totarittiisttt I oc areterenttly- bicore the Pyctitlo t T T A r b ~ i UN IVERSITY
Rlather wtxittlleptise thettifor t, ot tDihiartmnt'tsnworslhiittthe nmschinte.! W A Hfj I 9S BOOKSTORE
hit will wisely' start nubh the rsup-tIplie Sisittites a hatity day by fititigl
positioni that the ioiern Amiericn itter tonarit the Uiiotn.unit adding Iis Ie
way of lixitg is at bottomt sound. Such' nte to tte gairanil crowning Johnny ;sI
is the otihy setsibletray ofnrgrdingitia'oI. oReaisitf Realist..
life; otheriise it man wilt get in at
jamt like L~udwig Lewissolun aptd other
dis eased antd enfeebledt idealistso.r
Ironic tHutunist wilt,,fterefore, ike1
fle average Anerican, hold pioound-
-y thde mtes laid down by the God . a
Queen and "er press agent, ord AD i~ o t r .n e r i
Tennyson. He wilt e ittpeled ta Iis+
beiet no less by his love tr canmfortQ
and safety than by' the absurdities to f rM e Th n H l a ow t y
which yofor MorelThan sHalfca.Century
thn'softhienueatacke anof ioitan-tff,'e r hi n ttto a
ism. And the humnanist can never for-) For fit 'er' hs n tt to a ministered
get tha t it is Robert Bronning, flean
Victorian par excellence, who enucl'-I conscientiouslyan successfully to the banking
sled the one great trut of life in his!1
remark that demands of the community. During thatpeid
God's in IHis Heaven, peid
All's rig'ht wtilh teworldnie o iorh seetadals.rsigfo i
This is the basis on which wej od p sio1a ve a ls rsngfoi
Amrcn ul:and the more God b sn s reai sx it u.
stays in Hieaven, we add, the better.b sne r lto s ihu .
off the norld is. Fitneso the S. C. A
Perapssoe hatenih i y adsFit fveyears of normal, healthy growth have
may abject that God is notiaceably " en rmtewok n h u b- Y
thtrevered trgtizatin; ut suchb made it one of the soundest banks. in the state,
individnals show a lamentable ignor-i
ance at the metatmorphuoses of whlich' one in whichyo cande o i yoursu p sf nd
Cod, aided by the S. C A., is capable,o e o i u pu
They ito not kntow that Gad has re-I xith perfect confidence.
cently ,urned denocratic std is now
m-anitested ini a Fres h-Air tag, Now
the noderntAnterican, which is to sy W e offera completeba kn service, s p ro in
the Reat Michigan Man, tkes it for, ab n igs p ro
grunted that America is on lbhe right
truck and that all foreignersusno as every way.
G'ad stould te kept strictly out af our
e accordingly believes to the bt-I Resources $6,500,000.00
tomn of his. soul that the chie butines
of life is the mtaking itt noney, withi
its subsidiuary accomuuplismuents of'

pltayitng riudge or golf and of throw'-II
ing the clog. Witht all such amthitionoii THEANNARBOR SAVINGS BANK
the Irotnic Htumanist is in full 'sym-3j
pathyg. His purpoe in life is merely, OLDEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN WASHTENAW CO.
to point out with what incredibtly stu-
can peepul proceeds to deny its own;
convictions, Nao- it is petrhaps a good
ides, 'lways to conceal otnes opinionsa
and sits; but when lbe concealment

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