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March 02, 1924 - Image 1

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Horatian Stoicism
SCEPTICISM t1'11) ANIMAL FAIlIIf, 1 RF{ M.\WENLEY by emphasizing- the contrast between
by Geore Santa~ant. Sribiters. >- ffibso appearance and reality. In any c'ase,
Every scholarr investigator worth - ordinary n s infordiary nsoment
lila nalt rejoic anwheniharfindsehi'
corneltrjoitesgarden chettiadshs as itch11ot as philostpher, h knows iork shorter, le presrvea rop'ect for take everything for granted, placing
conspicuioussucessa at any university, (how to sas' it. Nevertheless, ie is no Sinoza aone. Mloreover, his avers- implicit reliance non what they e
Titts, lio alo ftlos piitsop devotee of clammny aestheticism. On( ions sit the practical side are no less'leet e"h vdne o h
could thold theirolicadshiaosophy the contrary, ie is that rare event, the'oaiifest. It he will have none of ses, adth acetigriisio
higher fifteen years ago, thantis to thie fitelc eitatI abtiisnl axnsolies nIIoigih .htactions for "concete facts." No
faculty of alt the tatents't tHarvird. isiac it heeoeattt is seiutt'utsolslwt ngo-a oubit, too, ,scienco agrees sith phil-
d ue attic 'uiat. Accoriuiigl, is e timorale lie detets that ouri fervid
Bit death andtIesignationimatutgu solsv here til to a certtin pint, for
mstltconsider1 his geicerat standptoiint,paans to tLibrty sash unconsciousi rses'tecrot efeton n
-tiptlv atohisrechflitconjunction lheante Ic tityataap1sceo tsisseesit(poais',reflcwctoIn.freefro
peto Misoy lercifiullyy plneaimelihoit.y b . lIl re Porfmay over.soot the mark y describing
det si ocoeter squarely atttsart ea.ssicl philtosophyguince To tickei thte plot w are f ciense a. merely a genetic grop o
sclldparictularly in its Poroest- in o fit ltate to nste freedon,tecasse
resignto mylndnwo rtnt]iereice.'front otrsensations, re-
'ntonuatn ns poitui ant pitas. eleflotts Descaries, easitsywi w ttihtitk front train-sirk as a puppy eligi ii o neni sot
Andl sie dare affirriutthat theimpres (mounte d oni te tortof vulgar Ict eig rke t ls eshins fon sahitin"gsithotta vliki tintiena ttshied
l ire series of hooks prodticedl y Dl. !'bigboe ohuesrnsfo ad ihu aiiywe ple
- Sanlayaasince 1911 offers nothblte g -eeft (itiiiat tnoisn Evn ntsatyacad stpposititious extrust wird
comtpensatioti for face-to-face traffic o i o erino u.lnta x teeor 'uitili tra st e Eveso tis i.certain that the factors
-tot ter as one shjet of faith iestautihlor of "The Wa y of Alt Flesh"1
ithtiostr youing bsarbarian.s. At all necessary Iso''natusrat laws" idemaid
open to ireasonabe doubt." lie dils-a'isoitdtranseth ISsMi. "t'snayatitias no!
vnsthe publishers if "Scepticibm, the intererence of thought, athatttt,
sunt Animal Faith" (thetlatist sit the l fmisses Lockhi the fathItsr of "t h igti more ttaso"the Gatiest of sare's-1 in the enu, things are lit hat they
idea"and thuste nu.mo lstoftvoice, nests. " Ie is autey assare that tesre,19.)Iemtotks;theosimn. 'fhre agitiudies of Omt's Lass,
cre,12)_cci oIitttiiIi of AngoS stoidioits on both sises sit representatisve idividtulist thrives onfoexsptienthyiogsir-
paradte virtue pomspousty ini tiri {the oein,'s itempilorary ifluences'i10"causes" eseliewsing - t' richness of -reapeaentpysooia e
blurtb' wit---"curageoiis seeking io ls tfeoretse"itteih-tiefr l-kReriilteaios ies derived from"ctusislitsores."
ruth parii( nhmeedbesl stiis' ilThey' prs'supose reflectioii suspossdat
aaeic;scosnsenions.'' urfied i-'cnltiicentiry.',lftcsmis ia ttie libive -'It le. is nttirly sit 01' syit- sictsiat te caracter' of tie'"gien''
O ardfri a nI lt itt tefr-sweest indulg ipathi tillstebluatasrigalltimafry of
proestovemuc; Iwoner ow hesiopletely transforisses. Atcori-
slits l tisestre iii lmsre than t'niis loweiri-i'moiddsle -tlso sprejudie ansd ngl-cictee is taliistsss altrtdoxital
Scribtneri'arssingsi-thsose' wiosudtta n
to ~st hss-i sO tisi tititl' . ilsitpendenit. tissliral kle ge.""s sl, tlieltle u tnintellgesie, somit et tisuit h iitus i siuisu
Iseisisr il iisc-seautin te ictasty tinkisoslttaesiaotis' to svtioisn tt
his is' a5very hpresent his- itiite' -fcts'isas irle Il its pres-erations0iii
inseer.neistlitre tinstutudsi-listtits-c' its 'l' olt ''far 't'o sitact swihlistitt tll tagre to eit
enughsuito it rasisensdtithemandsevenimmoal in thicsii stiua ittco aitty. vss's, isc~o tbei-stis'islunt bite ls!'te iwsrlshof nasure.''tttfects a
sshe-iste st-tre te mui-t-ssthiiuiis tis55 t i hs-i'snttive ors quasix-naives'ss, t h' usss-y 'I usnresalitstimo hias-Iaser sitsojutsi
tilt' 'sros-ssss,' ts-.SutttsanaI ttu al iiistasbls' sixtusre of ci- uuonsnsossue,''he yet sulimisates)si-atdinltyfars No'M.
ensed iish these crutches, thler, le til .55th an siuisantry'. troondity e-scomnmsense it osehing decidetyS an tasyna tincaresiistiin ths snsio.
is nerely goinugIis isi-uscharace-ru iitlt''"i lk inir u nssuut sc fyIlpeehe vkste sitt have ione of a phioophy de-
winnoossptragmiusmf rsmithhe thresh- dstsinction from our ctiod.
waty. irejoiciug iii artitry prospering.ss sribtbe, ii tis 0o-u thase, as "a
in srenth. uste Iais vei. Ing-or; it sports the "anceelled Oti the wihoe, modern speclative nue fwih i g sfi eo
'fle suihtite, "Au Introducthon to the utotiiia tha al muometary oinions thought cones into collision with the Nevertheless, despite this eaisti, the
Itetni ofBc-og, sevesto eusnsiare equual int ruth." To sake short, customary convictions of he average comntaausshnheaste
- one forcilty thatt philosophy nmay i-j subject of ilusions that ride hint to a
tort many things. As his genially ma-; finish; service to the pak is perhaps
licious ot hints, DMr. Sanayana agrees; T he 'I') te the greatest of thee Unconsciously,
that it has een, still is, the happy-'t e D r~ i 1 se the hundred-per-ener is pledged to
hunting-ground of dognmatist with this, that or the other cause, whereas
hunte-made axes to grind; of amateur he ought to be
psychologists fain to ease their own CRAMMON VON WEISSENFELS
toothtache and te11 the remedy at ii "A happy snowflake sdancing In
price or for te mere felling's sake; THE FUNDAMENTALin"shmu urdawe adrd the flaw"
of dutll pedagogues drooling "rules tot' DEMANDS out on the plaza away from flit gab-
profitable study;" of slave, to en- When I consider that seI mplacably tln rwSo Ar. Santayna adopts Nature as
cylopsedic facts; of malignant minds demand thatpeclshude lir "Oh, do you? I have always felt the) efnsi nial n nhm I;t
penilssholdblustheh hng- ns t- n to sqestnion hweeran
set upon anathematizing heretics and round or hexagonal in sha pe, that same abot you," I replied lsig u ttteqetohwvr n
magnifying disciples; of liliputians buildings. shall be absolutely perpen- "Really, how Interesting. You know to discover may surprising intiima-
adrift on a moonentary crrent and dcir that corners of walls must e I like sensible, common-ese fellows tions If, then, le fals to rescue te
s puttering "our 'aer's fine;" ofI exactly right angled, that boards hle I like yost. You are never silly ike the i individual, he at least contrives to
t rained bores s naive that they stu-! perfectly smooth and perfecly yarn- ret e5hr ssoehn bu o save himself whoe-so he judges
alty toterate each other at stated mieet- toted as siel, that chairs be carvest that is interesting. It isn't that you The brand is plucked from the
inga; of timid soitls whistling in theI anti shaped and gued piece by luece, are good-looking, because yo know, busing in this wise, "The images of
dark to keep their courage up, Alt that ceilings be absolutely smooth, you arn ~xctl, rk I.HrIsne and science wilt not delude me
these agrec to uffer convet'eiioans glad- that cesset be wiithout a blenish, itat, i I regard them asa graphic
ly-wethr aadeic r ohermaks dorkobsbe f tthougtht, is a penetrating gr, a girl
ty--wirthur acdenui or ther titsteclIeaoocnob-bkoowotbebeder.d tirnat's ,symbos for]onic and the way there,
migthty tttle diference. Thus, thej bras, thaut dsus' glazed, I begin to,- utlantoko etr Tha Tt such external things exist, that
vital literature of Philosophy renain I realize sib-t meticulos creatures we it exactlysNowyoit forelust' cclYou
v'ery -meagre; indeed, we have been are, ]how sen.siive str aesthetic in- m'ren'tfsllyeatyall Thereb onee-rosIeislyseinedsvemooleiss
itosh that sit muetaphysics can be foundi Istintsn sd how decictelhey organized asa usovryuTee ssme fratherotyfoindte dstnofethembis
in tswo busks. For mtysef, I incline to our seas- of the fincss of things, thing interesting abutt you although pracfaithat fundect on n rentaon-bu
li~ etit vital "hitosophy" has tootme________ you are awfuly plain sod yost never tn hc svrulatoivle
hsshieve - ~~bsother to bysunn on rdoItetstitisvrulaioiovd
insstarabtle connection with race or, THE TRAINED SEALS buy si nheletunning on or its petceptio. . . In the perspectives
putting it otherwise, with a definite The seat.saerr hala ncing sticks us dance the latest steps or- of eleienced Isdbyambtshaelego
universe of experience, If so, wecarun their nose. 'hey looked a little shep- Itwasostuinned by a stInging slap on Ifble edae-ysmbli h
unoe r Itt Santaysuos'. secret forth-fish abtout it. I cosuld hssrdly tblanuImye ih he.Seutee oss region of aninal faitt..- In regard
with. Iiei' eron altvbcuetem o fe l, it takes m gan to the oriial articles of the animal
dpits lisgsimperson sir, unglsue.itcei veFo itc' thuat wantqsta screams nor y cedtt abr s oht ca hr
de ptehougisussusss t AgO-torouctr f uc gots eoep- sob and rushed into the tbrili.ot ball-thrisawolhatee
Sa,:oustouu, hlie mausimsstantien- tos-ioso emsibl'eslwosuld eversm . is a future, tbst thinsg sought can be
tent Latin. Thur Boston ratmin; have tbought of baancing a ristert found, smit thigas en can be cate-
and cle New ?utgtamsd Conscience' hatt on hus aose every dagy of hus life no gua'rante c n possibly be offered.

proved too muephitic for hul anoin- wsould have sreamed that there TI-I PROPH-ECY - I ani ussre that these dogmas
tort. Hiii imuitial cofession were wiere oilier mamanmals in the worl whoI Why sos I so suite that this delicatle!sure.oftret false, . . But sihihe life
whsolhy iuperfluous. "I am content ho souldsiltlingly sperndlfteir timeuIrn mite of a babe across the aisle wilt hut lashs, in omue forns or other this faith
sette in English, althonghs it sias not watc-hingbhiss. twenty years or so grow up and hsave fstust ashore." Briefly, I exist in the
umy mother-tongue, ansI although in I _________ clumsy hands and feet, heavy features; realnm of nature, but I can know noth-
zpecul, tive matters I have not much and a continual air of seIf-effacement intg of existence. Hlence, animal faith
sympathy with thus Hughli mind." 'or THE COMMON SENSE and bewilderment? Htow can I guessy so mueans excludes the thorongli-
this very reason, he has somethuing to PERSON from his soft skin and color that he going scepticism inseparable from a
cay welt worth 1 aching ansi, at leash "I think you ace so intellectual look- (Continued on Page Seven) (Continued on Page Six)


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