S!.'NDAY, ~,Reae *'
(Contied from Pae Oe)
rigid exmnination of knowledge. Ap-
IVINCENT S TARETT'S ply doubt ad yoo find that existences
/ENTERTAINING IRONY are beyond the reach of intellet.
qualities ao senei do ot belong "in"'
COFFINS FOR TWO, by Vincent Star-" things; if we regard them asoimages
rett. Covie-Ne ee. $2.0. "in the mind.' we then soil thereby:
Ialwayo opeo a book by a Chicago place teom outite the flx of energy
literafus with an involuntary feeling were alone e.istence ohtains. Pt.:
of distruot. tany a promiing writer srely, somehing is "given" in know-
baa been spoiled there by an intenae; edge? By all imeans, Mr. Sanayna
Chicago-self-consciousneso.ItI is an replies,-illusion. Thus, our sole re-
if there were a tacit understanding, course is "to entertain the illusion'
that after nurturing Dreiser, Ander- without stcutmbing as it." We are
son. Masters, Sandberg, it would e on the high road to this deectable
sacrilege to adumit that anything worth state whent we realize that "essences
while could be prosduced east of the are the fondaiona of rational cer-
Cainet river or west of the drainage eue-"natttres" whici are events in
canal. A haughty provincial sophisi- o sworld, iciditens atfact exprience.
cation had been fostered exemiplified onfei' logical and aesthetic idealiy on
at present by H-echt, fodeoleito anid the oject, so mucli so lhat it becomss
Cie. 'eternal.'' Although taitloti"nsets-
But perhapls this is a sosnewhat in- pttysical status," essences "lhos lowa
ept way of introducing Vincent Sat- . . .t ascendence of the actual
retts excellent collection of short is possible tfr the anitmal tmin." ot-
tories which gs by the umorbiad title aecativir dic'ore. the ptoweir enabitg
of Coffins for Tw'o. In the choice of its Isouettsnstate relationshits.titay
titles it would seem that Mr. Starret often hnd is ii c'ntiraicions anal i-
has a pretdilection for thle graveyard. reevances, it lisa thle great mseri of.
Buried Cesars had a musty stmell and being "the play of attention" ittpon
Ebony Flames was damp. Bat the essences. Thus, existence or natex-
vivacity of these storie of Coffins' for istetice, es.ncues enale its to nity
Two belies the titre-funebr. The work itulitions' of what always mustsb e tor
is strikingly cosmopolitan, eclectic. us. 'This "cognitive energy," gneni-'
'Wih effortless dextry one is trait- . atdi by "ittteril" conitioistaptao'
tarred from Cromwellian England to ditces Spirit with that apacity tfat
breezy Chicago, froan Chicago to tisa choice which attests "inteligenci in
Sahara. act." When we proced toi xantatue
The rotes are not profound and this intelligence. sredisicver three1
yet far front trivial. The Head of dimiensions - Essence. Stitstanci'.
Cromwell is full of an ironic unmalc- Stirit. T'hese are tetRelsofit Be-
ioaus humor with a plot which euggess ing, and Mr. Sataiyana prtloose to
Gogo's The Nose without the Rus- discuss theis at length ii his next'
ian'' fatuity'. The irony of Exeunt volumtie.
omre ' is little short of masterful An Ott the whole, titn, si'e eat tr cak'
oldl cynic ott his deathbted succeeds in atd ave it. That is toi say'. ahtle
'ettitng his ex'pecant hirs against cniniig everything ts a "3,iasi'e" i
each other. During their vigil they whiose streams we are thi' verist Iit-
fall asleetpits the kitchen, a lit of logical trifles, we stiltttommandiiia
coffee boils over extinguii'lng atle gas
flame. The dying to'in drag himself
front his sed, see. their pliightnit
swithla a ardonic stmile -. "Exseunti
intes !"''Aua'elhart'misftrtssthe
motif oiTt'he i'rinceasa Aitimacassar.
A traveler is captulretd by the Arabi
taken before ter satis tatilleiotnls anal
found niot watiting. I-Ieiromptly bet-
comsaher tsavorie tatd reftrnster
Br. Starret comnies the stilicity
of a Mauatassant with the ver'tility
of a Batlzac. Has tales are olectivela
romantic, naturalistic, fantastic, atd
humoros'; individually they defy
classification. But they were not anit
ten for profe.ssional disectiotn,--itir
enough that te' are claverly enr
taininig 'andtaltogether woirhthelisad
ing - . '1
(oliudfoPaeFe)Takes tpeatsure its it still! IItl
s'.rencht atairt?
'This sidan r9stsjatss--Lafar.'-d
'Io latts sald tite!.~
'ht' lightniitng tofsitmy eesI wl
Staking sty life against atjokts
,%e awhiti.myt asaattis titin. Iamt
tat tiy skits!
Iyilt sae ta thfitsbaast ! -A nasmie
ala ye not knowa?'
--The hoinoredl public thlit hs jts
walketdit!" a
"Let asset:sitave the priv ileand si li-
ceno' to die as they please.lie woho
save. a munag'ainst his. will, does thse
samaesuit situ who kills agaitist hits
will."--("Arf of itoetry," Hotace.) s
"Christianity unite'd thetawtossosnslt
tionts of great success in fhiswotrld-
a revolutiotiary satcing point anda~ '
capacity to life-f("Lie ot Jesus,"
complette realm of laing,str propter,'i "Faewetomy braleo No more' wil
woirld. catabtlie of stisfyig destpite Ibat'
lthe abtsetiseof ever)'crtaisus Nati ' Te foolish ltadot~lo fe fnd faith's
is fotolitng its, we are fooliin"eisurselves despair,
nay, inte attettr of fosing wovse! t rias theilr r'as wfth creaes
Ito choice.Y'tl if se are awarteittfte' feet.
situatittn, ott is sosweli l taiswe IaiToecrotwn of ofite etaother
aven take the tJday for reality mstsset- ear;
ing immitsePfi x bythlb ideas of inf If is my crowna to mock fhe rnnrs
telligence. Al thea very hieast in any heat
jcase, weare irgan'ttizing iirrational it ' Wits gentle laughtter ana ifts wa-
pultses intto a rationtasl life. In suimti str seet.''
bhentse'liafinite onsly is good; he in-
mitetids ur asruhaexaths'tahtI ever, counset; of perfection meet
tiey cast sits,. Satuisaction is te togsether and kiss with counsels at al-a-
toucsten- t of ausa' withsoutretere'nces'u air I can bsaile.claima.'stl tat
to iftll talik aut goodi and evil Ismighta go farther with this vital per-
prges'rdealtssy, iaseely sconfusetd
sonsity, artored in wet-waon mae-
setiiga'.tare sopitr~ y.''Outstong-
tiwara aiii-l tatfthe "inalo aloetdeice, bauste aIsara so msany of
fiat -isttio a irmnsicas 0f vsioas.. Ls isestems. Bat. hremu'Is,
Cetainly, Iaith is far betelsthas i oamut still work. Wisenchattt ark-ui
ens's for expalasitsing'at'rytiing. lithrting of our ways.
Sieducs'veit'soiuatgh it isa thn,st fa --
Mr. Sasttitytnta'a cadsenctedl Irose ani THEtBSOWE
samashed etht'iciously trwl 'ith r.Sant--, Over the sunsses ads
as uni qusieat'paersonatt listincton, this A sasiasay swer pas--e-;.
is, atic all, a i'ere tldtiilosophy. S citaawithin Iis handIs;
'sa , it itsvils'ss atdelehtflaat anti
cltituital5isi restaaisenat fltat mosst Wheeft',natttte set he ra,4st.
sas'iaau tdebaate, l~the ssqu ateleteats
potrly unitpitlosophty I'otatit at - ni ia as o ls
its that paoetry is anosle leit atle scattered again and a )in
thisn re'ioics, alf itst sftlls alsaiItwas the sow-r, Seep,
donlicallyitattisbsamue lie friss'rsSowing the dreamso of an"
firh the snta philosasoynaw io--Cinton Sclarad).
sBie. !Natturalsitsthan, I idino trat -___________
reckoningtigaths e'their etnisricisuis or "Sin rat a day, sho sheme a you
idealism.Ms tartelucstantis, I cannot "sow old, anti argue for a distant
Iritugmssels-f to ba'iev'se that "Mrt 'anst uture when death walks in yor foot-
tayatnaslass ars'stledas 'e ' shouldlwth fsteps, wiltvets never realize the swift
Locaa nds' ialIIute usitKansad statrtot of tiue,whleite cussare' lost is
HeIgae. Nortat s shie probaiediubeelathdreauss f cnsoig ilusios amid the
ia' to ritasAstri stoleas-ile hats 'nsability of mortal things;' Wih you
'tatoisma is al itoo smutcis esptni l ntversee atat yur life falto aseti
inadeedi, tuan taftguarad in le atatusdon s it sways as and fro, andtalt ' a --
saptry as-ia, itawers. liesetatdowsss-usgtsvigyschsans w'hichgiv' cusrag- to
sins-ta Iis.. sssuscnlnssion abust the 'aur deluedeheart stir it ont'itsoral-s
ilt imats'sigunificatnse aosatit'srtasne t uechsits ltfe with a fast, seill
Hiatato ttticisms lw'"''---a''t;seratan,''Seanacur.a
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