March 11, 1916

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March 11, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…OFTHE DAILY AN THE cA ItpusF / rru.e..or . ..: op. Z x id g9 IUAN L 960 I r~I~LF~II P11Sl~VI~i BYTI -- ._._.. - - , .- v.rzt _ _ _.._ PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXVI No. 110, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916. Wm . BRYAN TO, GIVE LECTURE IN HILL ATR IU EX-SECRETARY OF STATE SPEAK UNDER AUSPICES OF UNIVERSITY "Y" T ) PROCEEDS FOR RELIEF FUND More Than $1,090,000* Already Spent by Y. f. C. A. Organization in War-tornEEurope W...…

March 11, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…R TAILORING SERVICE Meanes more than a mnere fit. Every suit and overcoat that we produce is also made to fit the personality of our customer, thereby becoming part of their indi- viduality. Be mneasured now for your 'Spring suit. I starts April 7. h. Vacation G. H. WILD COMPANYt' LEADING MERCHANT, TAILORS STATES ST. Second Semnester .I TEXT BOOKS NEW and SECOND HAND ICFIGAN DILY Of1ficial newspaper at the Univer:;ity o MIichigan. Publi...…

March 11, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I'AGIi' T811EI+ . i *1~~ ___ vI( IC i a , . 1 . i 11 i .. Y.,._. . i'Sa o: s.ha ..o..._...._...., 4 1 1. 1 COACH WILL MAKE THIRD ..CUT TODAY Pitchers Will Be Given More Leeway Next Week, Says Wolver- ine Mentor SQUAD- SHOWS BETTER FORM After a long three-hour drill this aft- ernoon, the Michigan baseball squad will be cut again. The coach stated that practice would commence at the usual hour, alth...…

March 11, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OMEN'S LEAGUE WILL PRESENT SHAKESPEAREAN PAGEANT I ETS ANNIVERSARY TO I COMMEMORATEOBY THE WOMEN'S LEAGUE borate Shakespearean Pageant Is Being Planned for Aril 28 ATURE SONGS AND DANCES OK "THE QUEEN'S PROGRES'S" PREPARED BY PROFESSORS KENYON AND TILLEY n commemoration of Shakespeare's th anniversary, a huge pageant, he Queen's Progress," is to be pre- ited by and under the auspices of Women's League in Hill Audi- '...…

March 11, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAIIt ----- i I I me 's Clothing Sale WHAT ABOUT A Graflex Camera for this Spring? Every Moment a SPleasanter Mom Divided into three lots --% -% / OFF Spring Hats and Caps are now on display If you have a snmallCOLUMBIA for your room. Latest Song Hits and Co- lumbia Dance Records for March Talk with us about it 4 CALKINS PHARMACY 324 SO, STATE ST. Popular Songs 65c-Dance Records $ 1.00 I i Can be used en your Nac...…

March 11, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…'I THE MICHIGAN It's Here DAILY _ --.- TAILORGRAM NO. 2 "The Best Dressed Man nTown" may not be the thing that you are most desirous of having. said about you, but surely you appreciate the value of good, appearance., This is assured in a Malcolm Made Suit, together with the satisfaction of knowing in your clothes purchase you are !how- ing shrewd judgment, for in Malcolm Tailored Clothes you get the most for your money. The New 3A Specia...…

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