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March 11, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-11

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borate Shakespearean Pageant Is
Being Planned for
Aril 28
n commemoration of Shakespeare's
th anniversary, a huge pageant,
he Queen's Progress," is to be pre-
ited by and under the auspices of
Women's League in Hill Audi-
'ium,April 28. Fully 300 women are
pected to participate, and what with
elaborate scenery, special
sic, and appropriate costuming,
chigan is expected to hold her own
ong the colleges, universities and
Ues celebrating the poet's anniver-
'y date. The poet died April 23,
L6, but inasmuch as this day falls
on a Sunday, it was thought best to
t the date for the spectacle three
ys later.
'he book has been prepared by Prof.
rbert Alden Kenyon, and Prof. Mor-
Palmer Tilley, and represents an
ident in the reign of Queen Eliza-
th. During the course of one of her
rogresses," or journeys about the
intryside, the Queen comes to Strat-
rd. Here the good folk of the vi-
ge, to do honor both to their queen
d their favorite son, present for her
number of the most familiar scenes
>m Shakespeare's plays.
Lyrics are to be sung by the mem-
rs of the cast, and for the most part
e music used will be contemporary
th the time of Shakespeare. Mem-
rs of the dancing classes have al-
ady begun their training under the
rection of Miss Alice Evans, director
Physical Education. Folk, cart,
in, and fairy dances are to be fea-
red, as well as the old "Green-
eves," the dance :that figures so
ominently throughout Elizabethan
erature. For the fairy dances, mu-
: from Mendelssohn's "Mid Summer
ght's Dream" will be adapted.
All that can be done to secure the
arm and witchery of the plays will
employed. Some original and re-
arkable effects in scenery, costumes
d lighting are promised. Earl V.
Dore, of the University School of
asic has been made musical director.
ic J. Blodgett, '17, is general chair-
n of the affair, while Gladys Wie-
id, '17, serves in the capacity of
airman of the publicity committee.
It is requested that posters to be
tered in the competition be placed
the hands of Professor Kenyon as
on as possible. For the best draw-
g submitted a prize of $10 is offered,
th two tickets as the second and one
ket as the third prize.
Tenaechmi" Will Be Presented Dur-
ing Schoolmaster's Club

"Black as the Pit
From Pole to Pole"
If It be pleasant to look on, stalled in
the packed serai,
Does not the Young Man try Its tem
per and pace ere he buy?
If She be pleasant to look on, what
does the Young Man say?
"Lo! She is pleasant to look on, give
Her to me to-day!"
In public Her face turneth to thee, and
pleasant Her Smile when ye meet.
It is ill. The cold rocks of E-Gidar
smile thus on the waves at their
feet. -q
In public Her face is averted, with
anger She nameth thy name.
It is well. Was there ever a loser
content with the loss of the game?
My Son, if a maiden deny thee and
scuffingly bid thee give o'er,
Yet lip meets with lip at the lastward
-get! She has been there before.
They are pecked on the ear and the
chin and the nose who are lacking
in lore. -Kipling.
Quelques Admission
"Wood Heads Comedy Club."-Our
Dilly Daily.
Playing in the new production of
"The Blockade."
And now the esteemed head of the
business staff announces in clear, bell-
like tones,-"Not knocking on Wood,
Gee Answers John
Mr. W. etc. John communicates that
the eligibility committee acted fairly
in regard to the All-Nation Revue.
Well-mebbe. The men had known for
a long time that they were ineligible,
and in the same fashion, the eligibility
committee knew that fact. And they
are usually fairly prompt in notifying
the heads of organizations as to the
men that are no longer eligible. Hav-
ing worked with the Revue for some
time, and receiving no notice that they
were to get off that specific endeavour,
they thought, naturally, that they were
to be allowed to remain. Such thing
has been done before, y'know, and
leniency has at times been shown.
Per Custom
"Harvard is to have a course in mil-
itary medicine." Meaning, we imagine,
that there will be instructions as to a
vigorous charge.
hints to Housewives
Residents may, with no more exer-
tion than is expended in other towns,
clean slush off the walks with the or-
dinary snow-shovel. The advantage
therein is the fact that walking will
be made easier for pedestrians.

Frenzied Forester Flees From
Fierce and Furious Forest Fire
\vhat would you do if you were try- to be gathering force as it came. I
ing to escape from a forest fire that could hear the roar of the flames

LEGE.-Thos. Arkle Clark.--George
Banta Publishing Co., Menasha, Wis.
Thomas Arkle Clark, Dean of Men
at the University of Illinois, is better
acquainted perhaps with the national
Greek letter organizations, and their

into print in, the future, to know that
a manuscript such as this can be
accepted by a reliable publishing
R. ID. K.

travelled at the rate of twenty-five
miles an hour, and you suddenly camei
upon a ten-foot spruce that had fallen
across the narrow bridle path on the
side oI° a mountain completely block-
ing the way? The folowing story re-
lated by S. R. Black, '16, forester, tellsi
of his experience under the above con-i
'I was district forest ranger last'
year on the number three Oregon dis-
trict. One ho.t August morning as I;
was getting ready for the daily ride'
over my territory a telephone call
from district number three informed
me that a big fire had broken out near
Ha Ha Creek, two and one-half miles
away, and was headed toward the
'A moment's reflection brought to
mind that a party of fifteen campers
(seven men and eight women) from
Seattle were situated directly in the
path of the fire, and that unless warn-
ing reached them within a very few
minutes there would be no possible
chance of their escape.
'Hurriedly saddling my horse, I
started for the scene of the fire. As
I reached the top of a rise of ground
less than a mile from my cabin I could
see the fire sweeping along at an in-
credible rate. Joe, my horse, could
now smell the smoke and more from
instinct than anything else turned and
plunged into the underbrush at such a
speed that he was soon covered with
lather. -

and the crackling of the dry timber as
it burned.
"On all sides of me animals of all
descriptions, terrorized, were crashing
through the underbrush. A huge bear.
ran by within a dozen feet of me and
turned down the mountain. Realizing
that it was dangerous to hesitate long-
er, I shot my horse through the head.
Then I tied my neckerchief over my
face and plunged down the mountain
after the bear.
"The slope was so steep that I found
that the only means of locomotion was
to lie on my face and roll from tree to
tree. In this process my clothes were
nearly torn from my body and I be-
came black and blue from head to feet.,
Thorns and shrubs were thick and my
flesh was soon torn and bleeding in
several places. All at once I was
stopped by a ledge that projected out
over the side of the canyon. I strug-
gled to my feet and saw in front of
me the mouth of a cave, evidently the
home of some animal that had fled be-
fore the fire. At one side was a small
cistern of water fed by a spring which
bubbled up in its center.
"I had scarcely been in the cave
more than three or four minutes be-
fore the fire swept by, filling the cave
with smoke and fumes. I had taken
the precaution to saturate my hand-
kerchief with water, and tie it over,
my mouth and nose and in a fe.: min-
utes I was able to crawl out on the
ledge and look about. The wirld had

Macmillan Co.-$1.25.
This book is just what
to be-roadside glimpses.

it pretends
Its author

relations to the university, than any !is a Boston journalist; keen for inter-
other man in the country today. His 1 esti g adventure, who dashed to the

book is comprised of a series of 13
papers dealing with fraternity prob-
lems, and illustrated by concrete ex-
amples taken, for the most part, from'
life at Illinois, which is typical of all
the great Middle West universities.
The work is of prime value to fra-
ternity men and university administra-
tors, but is probably interesting to
others only in so far as it presents a
clear and fair picture of fraternity vir-
tues, faults and ideals.
Dean Clark, along with all thinking
fraternity men, knows that these or-
ganizations are not sufficient unto
themselves, and that future develop-
ment lies only in the probability that
fraternities will come to see that their
justification is in service to their mem-
bers and their university. This is the
theme of the book. University first
and fraternity second, and not the
other way around, is the motto that
the societies will have to adopt, and,
if we can believe Dean Clark, many
and rapid are the strides that are be-
ing made along this line. It promises
much for the university, more for the
fraternity, and, in the end, will mean
the elimination of the wide-spread
spirit of which anti-fraternity legis-
lation is the outgrowth.
Three chapters deal with subjects of
intimate concern to fratcrnity men at
Michigan. They are the ones oi "7x-
tra-Fraternity Activities," "College Ac-
tivities," and "The Fraternity amd
Scholarship." The first takes up the
case of the habitual "joiner," who
weakens his efficiency as a Chapter
unit for the tinsel of a vest-full of
pins and badges. The second presents
the same view of a problem so often
unjustly condemned because of the ex-,
treme views held by the faculty on one
hand and students on the other. The
third is especially apropos of the new
scholarship chart system, and the
gradual tightening up of university
ThL one regret of the reader arises
fron the fact that the relations be-
tween fraternity and non-fraternity
men are barely touched upon. This is
a bg problem, and one that has to be
fa:ed at every institution, and no bookt
dealing with fraternities is complete
witl.out some mention of it.

scene of action the very afternoon that
the first ultimatum was snapped over
the wire. "Germany officially declares
war on France today."
He borrowed money, took a few sec-
onds to kiss the family good-bye, grab-
his laundry from the front hall as he
was going out, and within a few hours
he was headed for the front. Every-
thing that he did was done with just
that neck-breaking audacity, and the
book tells of his adventures is thrill-
ing in its seeming impossibility. It is
just what young America, on its jour-
nalistic scent, would and did do in
those first fearful months.
The book is not in the least a liter-
ary production. If you are reading for
delight that is purely literary, don't
choose an American journalist, even a
Bostonian. Histories, calm and unat-
mosphered, will no doubt be written
about Von Gluck's first dash to Paris,
and the events which succeeded it, but
for the hot breath of war, for racy
flavor, for the personal touch, for mov-
ing picture vividness, you will make no
mistake in going to this very interest-
ing book, and forgetting for the mo-
ment its newspapery flavor.

"The woods were dry as tinder, there changed and with it the fire was now

having been no heavy rain since June.
I saw at once that my hope lay in get-
ting to Chigana Falls, a distance of
two miles, before the fire overtook me.
Urging my horse 1 swung into a bridle
path that ran around a spur of the
I had ridden but a short distance
when my horse suddenly swerved and
came to a stop. A ten-foot spruce had
blown across the track, completely
blocking the way. On one side a can-
yon fell to a depth of 2,000 feet, on the
other the steep wall of the mountain
prevented escape in that direction. I}
turned and looked back at the fire. ItE
was less than a mile away and seemed

sweeping in a new direction.
"After cooling my parched skin at
the spring, I painfully slid to the bot-
tom of the canyon and made my way
to the nearest telephone box. Over the
wire I learned that the Seattle camp-
ers had been caught in a pocket of the
mountain and been smothered to death
before aid reached them.
"Turning away I slowly returned to
my cabin, which luckily was out of the
path of the fire. In the reaction that
followed I found myself as weak as a
child and was only able to sink down
on my bunk and thank my lucky stars
for an escape from the fate of those
less fortunate."


Herbert Tree saw her and offered her
a two-line part in his production of
For eighteen months Miss Cowie ap-
peared in minor roles in Tree's com-
pany and understudied Miss Marie

due University this year, according to
an announcement made by Oliver
Cutts, physical director. The terms
of O'Donnell's contract were not made

M. L.H.
Female lnper.onatIons to Be Allowed
in Production of "The White
Cambridge, Mass., March 10.-Fol-
I-lowing closely upon the expulsion of
three students, the backbone of the
Harvard football team, and the urgent
appeal by the student body to Percy
Haughton, now preident of the Boston
National league baseball team, to re-
turn and save the team, comes an an-
nouncement from tie college faculty
lifting the ban recently placed on all
female impersonations by Harvard
students. This was brought about by
the fivc si udents who must don dresses
fu: their "skirt" parts in the annual
production of the Hasty Pudding club.
."The \Thite Elephant," to be given in
early April, throughout Massachu-
setts and in N, w York City.
The five me:i, all prominent in Har-
vard, led by Charles H. Hodges, Jr.,
who has the leading feminine role, as
"Jane, dau{ :Ater of Spirrious, beloved
of Tom," have been a thorn in the side
of the colP .ge faculty because of their
complete disregard of the ban. The
new rul:Ag limits the acting of any
student in "girl roles" to one year.
This 'aeans the college students that
have fLminine roles this year in the
Hasty Pudding and Pi Eta shows will
not ':e permitted to act "in skirts"
at ary future time. This compromise
on the faculty's part created much
surprise and Mr. Hodges, who was the
champion of the student faction
is being congratulated.


Lohr. Then Miss Cowie was given the 400,000
Smprtntroe f Anne Boevnin Tre'


s ttttj7vt tiatt4 L VLU vt 11tti1U irvtcyu ttt t tcc 13

Chorus of Profs-"Milkweed",
"Ann Arbor is growing like a weed,"
stated Manager Kelly, of the Michigai
State Telephone Co. What kind do
they mean--tare?
Ye Fac hath trimmed the B. V. D.'s.

revival of "Henry VIII." Following
her engagement at Tree's theater, Miss
Cowie appeared with other London
actor-managers and also made a tour
of the provinces in the role of "Maisie."
When George Fawcett produced "The
Great John Ganton" in London, Miss
Cowie was his leading woman. She
also played the role of Mici in the
London production of "Seven Sisters"
at the Savoy theater.
Granville Barker engaged this young
actress for the role of Hermia in his
"new style" revival of "A Midsummer
Night's Dream" at the Savoy. Though
her rise to success has been short.

Washington, March 10.-- Despite
perils of submarine warfare 400,000
persons crossed the Atlantic as pas-
sengers last year. Figures in the
bureau of navigation show 250,{00. of
them traveled on vessels owned by
the belligerents. One hundred and
fifty thousand took passage on neu-
tral ships.
Slightly more than half the Atlantic
travelers were eastbound and Italian
ships carried more than vessels of any
other nation. Two hundred and seven-
ty thousand went in the steerage.

nett, Ph. D., Professor of Political
Science in the University of Ore-
gon. (MacMillan and Co. 295 pp:)
This book is divided into three parts.
The first part is de ted to a con-
sideration of - the Isnitiative and Ref-
erendum. This is followed by a long
chapter on the Recall. Part three of
the book contains an appendix, a
bibliography, specimen copies of pe-
titions. and a large number of state
The book is composed largely of
newspaper clippings, and has little
value aside from some slight source
material. It will bring encourage-
ment to some of us who hope to break


"Menaechmi," the Classical club's
play, will be given March 30 in Uni-
versity hall, at the time of the class-
ical conference of the Michigan School-
master's club in Ann Arbor.
The cast has been holding rehearsals
for some time under the direction of
Pauline 0. Emerson, '16, with the as-
sistance of Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon,
of the department of Romance Lan-
guages. Mr. Gilbert H. Taylor, of the
Latin department, an authority on
Plautus, the author of the "Menaech-
mi," has also been training the cast in
Plautean pronunciation and expres-
sion in an effort to reproduce as near
as possible the manner in which the
play was first acted in 215 B. C.
Prof. Albert A. Stanley, head of the
university school of music, has written
the music for five lyric passages in
the play, and professional singers and
players are being secured to give the
musical program under the direction
of Professor Stanley.
In order to attract those interested in
classical literature, whose knowledge
of Latin is not sufficient to understand
the language as spoken, a specially
printed copy of the play. containing
an English translation will be given
fn nnn --mp te auence.n


* Whitney-John W. Ransone
* in "The Prince of Pilsen."
* ____
* Majestic-Musical comedy, La
* Salle Stock company in "Whose
Little Girl Are You."
* Arcade-Frances Nelson in
* "Love's Crucible."
Orpheum-Willard Mack and
George Fawcett in "The Corner."
*a * 1

* Miss Cowie has worked hard. Ad ertizers in The lehigan Daily
* ' are the reliable business men of the
* "Th Prince of Pilsen" at the Whitney ct.I st ir datg otae
I city. It is to your advantage to trade
* The popular musical comedy "The with them.
* Prince of Pilsen," with an enormous
* all-star cast, will play an engagement
* at the Whitney theater tonight. Its
* many successful engagements through-
* out the country have given it a pres-
* tige enjoyed by no other attraction
of its kind. With its wealth of melody
and harmony, set to a story in which
romance and humor play equal parts;
presented by a cast chosen to give
* best expression to the variant moods
* of its characters, "The Prince of Pil-
* sen's" popularity will apparently live
forever. The company announced in-
eludes John W. Ransone the creator
of the "Hans Wagner" part, Edward T.
Mora, Estella Birney, Billy Arnold and
sixty others.


Miss Laura Cowie
Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, who Farewell-Tonight
will make his farewell appearance in Tonight is "farewell night" for the
this city at the Whitney theatre on
tedesdy, arch 22, itly thisreonIBoyle Woolfolk Comedy Co., with Guy
Wednesday, March 22, wIll on this oc- Voyer, at the Majestic. The scream
casion introduce to playgoers a young of their repertoire will be presented,
English actress whose short but i- "Whose Little Girlie Are You?" This
teresting career has won her a con- is a screaming farce with music and
spicuous s place amongst time younger
Enis aceses-Miss Laura owge. the complications of the characters are
English actresses-Miss Laura Cowie. such as to make the worst grouch
Scotch by birth, Miss Cowie's stage;,

experiences have been almost entirely
confined to the London stage, with an
occasional tour as a "featured" player
in English provinces. Miss Cowie in-
tended. to devote her career to danc-
ing, but while she was studying in
Lonndnn with this idea in view. Sirl

Purdue Acquires New Football Mentor
Lafayette, Ind., Mar. 10. - Cleo
O'I)onnell, for a number of years coach
of the Everett, Mass., high school foot-
ball .team, has signe Lu coach at Pur-

S. R. BLACK, '16
Who Went Through Thrilling Experiences in Oregon Forest Fire

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