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March 11, 1916 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-11

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Pitchers Will Be Given More Leeway
Next Week, Says Wolver-
ine Mentor



After a long three-hour drill this aft-
ernoon, the Michigan baseball squad
will be cut again. The coach stated
that practice would commence at the
usual hour, although the men will not
be'dismissed in all probability until
well along towards 4:00 o'clock.
Both batting and fielding practice
will be the order of the day for the
work this afternoon, the time being
split in this fashion yesterday. The:
first hour and a half was devoted to
batting, the final thirty-minute period
going for a fielding drill.
Coach Lundgren stated that next
week the pitchers would be given more
leeway and that slow curves would
spring into prominence. The box ar-
tists have been progressing in splen-
did fashion according to the Wolverine
mentor and are going faster daily. An-
drus has been showing to a good ad-
vantage, while Miller has been work-
ing in good shape. Soddy has not
been out much as yet, but the coach
stated that he could probably step into
the box tomorrow and pitch the best
brand of baseball of any man on the
Following today's reduction in the
size of the squad and with the pitchers
beginning to cut loose more and more,
the coach will be able to draw a much
better estimate of the ability of the
new comers. This afternoon's cut in
the squad will -not be the last one
until themen go south either, as many
of. the aspirants had hoped. A fur-
ther step will be taken in this direc-
tion later on.,
The squad as a whole is working
much faster than a week ago, the men
handling the ball cleaner and getting
their throws away much faster. In-
cidentally, the big majority of the play-
ers are putting considerably more
vigor into their heaves. Not only are
the arms in better shape but the epi-
demic of tender hands that is always
in evidence at the outset of the sea-
son, is rapidly passing.
Coach Farrell of the track team has
hiked to foreign fields with his two-
mile relay squad, and Lundgren will
probably use the gym until 4:00 o'clock.
Freshmen shot putters are warned to
be on hand a trifle earlier than this,
though, for Lundgren and his base-
ballers may desist ahead of this hour
and "Cec" Cross wants to start as soon
as the diamond aggregation clears

Corbin Returns
To Track Squad
Star hurdler Back Again After Being
Sick for Several
Track Coach "Steve" Farrell turned
loose his broadest smile in the gymna,-
sium yesterday when "Cec" Corbiiap-
peared .for his first workout for some
time. Farrell has missed his star
hurdler daring the indoor season anal
is -glad to see the junior back. in the
"Cec" has for the past .several weeks
been chased by a jinx in the form of
ill health. After successfully-withstand-
ing a severe case of mumps which
caused his temporary withdrawal from
college, he found it necessary to retire
to the hospital for a week to recuper-
ate from the ravages of quinsey;
Corbin found it impossible to get
into shape for the Notre Dame indoor
meet, but now that he has hurdlgd .the
difficulties which sickness has placed
in his path, he expects to be in great
form for the sticks when the oftdoor
season begins.
Eligibility Rules
Out College Stars

Fii giiwers


Twee contests were decided last
irigh-t-i the second round of the bas- A complete
ketball tournament. In the first con-
test of the evening, the fresh lits Boat Huse
took the. measure of the foresters in
a 28-4 encounter. The other strug- yOU until y
glesn gave the decisions to the fresh
dents and the soph engineers.
The curtain raiser gave the yearling
lits a chance to -display some of the Because of
best team play which has as yet crop-
ped out in any of the struggles to pergggint
date. Throughout the fray. the fresh-
men had matters so arranged that ed to make a
they managed to subdue the tree
choppers in rather handy style.
In the dent-senior engineer game, T f
Cardinal and Moir opened up for the L). O
cocaine men, and succeeded in admin-
istering the gas for their cohorts so
effectively that the close of the struggleB oa
saw the .l6P s on the short end of a
25-13 finish.
In the only other passing and shoot-
ing exhibi-tion staged last night, the
second year boilermakers made away
vith an easy contest. From start to
finish, the victors had things all their,
own way, and the final score showsAI
that the designers are not as strong 1RESTL IN AS$OVIATION MAKES
as the standings at the end of the WNE IN AMENOMENTS
first round would seem to justify. TheB--- n
contest wound up with the architects, Inteu-olIUgiah Organization Passes
thoroughly subdued by a 35-9 count. Measures to Lessen Ref-
The 'other contest scheduled for last eree's Work
night, that between last year's cham-
pions, the soph lits, and the J-laws, Philadelphia, Penn., Mar. lo.-Three
was postponed. changes in the amendments of the In-
- rcollegiate Wrestling Association
BOXING INSTRUCTOR SHOWS Ip wer" imade at the recent mid-winter
IN GYXI NASIU M AFTER ILLNESS meeting here. A!1 three are aimed to
-lessen the work of the referees and
Will Keep Entries Open Till April 1; especially to eiminate, as far as pos-
Holds Daily Enrollment sible, the protests that haveebeen
Hours re'istered on scoe of the recent de-
______ Icisions.
0. S. Westerman, boxing instructor The first rhan geis that to gain a de-
at Waterman gymnasium, put in -an muisionat the end of the nine-minute
appearance yesterday for the first time 'period, one man must have been on
in several weeks but did not don his top at least one miinute longer than

Fresh Dents,
Win Contests;
Last Gante

and Soph

Barrett Advised to Leave Cornelli
(hood; Three Harvard Men
LOst to Team


Michigan isn't the only college that
seems to have suffered from eligibility
rules. Over half a dozen of the Wol-
verines' best bets in the athletic line
were rendered hors de combat before
the season even opened when the se-
mester marks rolled in.
But Michigan isn't suffering alone.
Down at Cornell Charley Barrett
was not only declared ineligible but
he was advised to forsake whatever
ideas he may have entertained relative
to a higher education and leave Ithaca
for good. Charley left.
Now word comes fromHarvard that
Captain Gilman, Enwright and Boles
have received similar messages from
the. Harvard faculty. Gilman is cap-
tain-elect of the Crimson squad and.
one of the star- linemen of last season.
The other two were both backfield men.
There is a possibility that Enwright
may be able to win his way back into
the good graces of the faculty, but the
case of the other two boys is said to
--well, anyway, they seem to have
won their last "H".
Four Teams Entered in the Finals of
('lass Race; J-lits Have Highest
Team Record
With the championship round sche-
duled to begin next Monday night, the
class bowling tournament is gradually
drawing to a close. Four teams quali-
fled for the finals, among which the
junior dents take the lead with three
games won and one lost for a percent-
age of .750. The senior dents follow
with a percentage of .500, having brok-
en even in the two games bowled. The
senior engineers, having lost two out
of the three matches in which they
took part, come next with a mark of
.333, while the junior lits, having lost
the only game bowled by them, take
the bottom place with a percentage of

bers felt that this would result in- reputation upon them.
many of the dual meets and every in- In outlining the Harvard system for
tercollegiate tournament being held the benefit of those present at an
at Annapolis. ,alumni dinner, Haughton stated that
he believed football at Harvard went
LIKELY THAT HAUGHTON WON'T through four distinct periods, the
COACH 1916 ARVARD ELEVEN Istrong points of each campaign and
_____ system being picked out by himt and
used with great success in building up
Crimson Mentor Does Not Clahn That the present system.
His System Is Entirely It is safe to say, however, that he
Original would be missed greatly by the Crim-
h-T son eleven.
Boston, March 10.--The chances are -

that Percy Haughton won't coach the'
Harvard footballers in the fall. The
new president of the Braves frankly
admits that such a task, beginning

East Lansing, Mich .,Mar. 10.-Coach

training apparel owing to the still
present symptoms of sciatica from{
which he has been suffering recently.
Mr. Westerman stated that lie will
be in condition within a few days to
resume his work and that all those in-
tending to do so should sign up as
soon as possible. Entries will remain
open until April 1, and work in the
classes terminates on May 20. The
instructor will be in the boxing rooms
each day from 2 :00 to 3:00 o'clock and
from 5:00 to 6:00 o'clock on all days
up to the date of the closing of entries,
for the purpose of enrollment. Regu-
lar classes Will be held on Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from
3:00 to 5:00 o'clock.
About 20 men have signed up since
examinations and more are expected
to do so soon, since the instructor is
back on the job.

his opp;onent.

This will eliminate thej

tendency o. some wrestlers to show
aggressiveness during the last minutes
of a bput.
The second provides that if there
are no falls during the two extra pe-
riods of three minutes each, the referee
shall declare the man on top longest
to be the winner.
The third is technical and provides
that when a man is given the com-
manding position he can have one arm
around the waist of his opponent and
the other hand must be placed on the
arm or elbow of the man beneath.
Other matters of business included
the rejection of applications for mem-
bership from the United States Naval
Academy and the Pennsylvania State
College. Under the Naval Academy
regulations a team can be away only I
one day at a time and the league mem-

early in September, would conflict with !John F. Macklin of the Aggies expects
his duties as a baseball leader, espe- to introduce an innovation into inter
cially if the " -ves were in the pen- oliegiate-n innl this spring in the
n> of batt1e. way c: an ail-son .> na .v pitching staff.
Powev"Sr, thoso +Ia:'-ard folks are TI e coach ' on hanm a stock of four
worryin';. they fear that the man left-hacd ,Itmoundsmun, and while
who ms _e the. Crimson a po.r in they are buit a small m«rt of the entire
the football worid is through i vt!. string of pitching candadates, they are
the game. -pct the 'present tine the pick of the
It is interesting to note at this time,
though, that Haughton does not claim Leading the southpaw prospects is
that his system at Harvard is entire- Brown, who rated well last spring, but
ly original. If this be true, and Haugh- was forced to retire by a bad arm. The
tor. has his method firmly established, others are Hinkle, Meyers, and Mc-
things may not move as badly this Cool. Between them they are making a
fall as might be expected, if he should general cleanup on other aspirants
refuse to return to Cambridewhoare after the honor of hurling

New York, Mar. 10.-Apparently
under the same influence as caused
yesterday's recovery, prices on the
stock exchange advanced today. It was
not contended bf anyone that the
points at issue in the German-Ameri-
can diplomatic controversy had been
changed by this reiteration of the pur-
poses and the echo of Berlin. The day's
advances in stocks were irregularly
distributed but th'e tendency was evi-
dent enough, despite some reaction at
the close. No attention seemed to be
paid to the day's Mexican news.
Decide Basketball Title at Ithaca
Ithaca, N. Y., Mar. 10.-The 1915-16
basketball championship will be fin-
ally decided inA the armory tonight
when Princeton meets Cornell in the
last league game of the year. Al-
though the Varsity has been elimin-
ated from the race for first honors as
a result of the defeat suffered at the
hands of Penn Monday night, ,Prince-
ton is but one-half -game behind Penn
and may tie for the championship by
defeating Cornell tonight. Should
Cornell win, Penn will have a clear
title for the honor.
Go to your Church Sunday, Mar. 12..
Patronize Daily Advertizers. **
OTICE- ur new Delicatessen
............. Restaurant a w a i Cs
our inspection. Night lunches served.
11 kinds of Fruits. Tobaccos, Periodi-
als. Give us a call. 203 N. Main St.

Percy says that he employs a com-
bination of systems. The only credit
lie takes for himself is that he had
the patience to try out the theories of
others, despite the fact that results
were not forthcoming at once. He
had the confidence that the theories
were right, and staked his position and

for the Farmers.
Norwegian Steamer Sunk in North Sea
Copenhagen, March 10.-The Norwe-
gian steamer Memona struck a mine
and sank in the North sea, according
to dispatches received here today. The
crew of 15 is believed to have perished.



Several records have been -set in the
present tournament so far, Iouis Jo-
seph, '18, with a score of 247 taking
individual honors for a single game.
Levinson, '17, set the highest individ-
ual mark for three games with a total
of 623.
The juni-or lits established records
in both the singles and in the three-
game bowl, setting a record of 970
in the former and of 2789 in the latter.
The first match of the finals will be
between the junior lits and the junior
dents, following which the senior en-
gineers clash with the senior dents.
Patronize Daily Advertizers. **
Go to your church Sunday,. Mar. 12,
When? Mar. 11 Where? Church of
Christ. What? Hats, chic and dainty
bought from an eastern firm. Each
hat a bargain.

Not that we ever thought it could do otherwise, but from the hour it opened its doors there
has never been a time when public approval, as shown by steadily increasing patronage, has
not demonstrated that





was satisfactorily filling a demand which was probably unrecognized until the new-idea-in-
a-place-to-eat was actually established in our midst.

It is really fine to feel that we are iastrumeatal in supplying
something that you want.


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