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September 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…/ 7/ T.he Michgn DalI ANN RBORMICHIGAN, \WEDNE~SDAY, Sl-If "I'F>\1C , O[()8i. Voi'. X IX. 1 W T IST C L S will be a potent factor in the runing.MANY CHANGES ARE1I pars111y is thi tru 11A KN A K E thas yet to be decided whether "M's " M N H N E R ttetpfor, l . i'riiinserly AD P hT' B wil b awrded to te whole team; atalofhe ils CAPT. SCHULTS JOB say ratelteoan finishing irt of his MADE U ON CAMU S lir ae igT1!dA n h Ctr,~ 11 J~ eamn will r...…

September 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…!- 'TMTCHl AM !SAYLV i I f T ~MAI~Ac11t1VTHTE MICHIGAN DAILY. i i L1 1{ LPL t V +a a v f a s + + TienLarget Suck in lhe its - 6t Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemlen's Wear i'V-tig rquired (ir Suits, ) craiiats IFany Vistins, and Trii -rhi n and of high clas abis and special iSyles. Full Dres Suits a Specialty G. . Wild Comipanly 311 South State Street QOOKS Sas e alt your money and buy Second-hand5 books at "Studenit ' ooI'torc Ui...…

September 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…'3CHS ,MICHIGAN '-AILY WFine Tailoring Trade -Can Deliver The Goods ;am Burchifield ~zC.EAST HURON ST:. JOLLY'S B.-B35 Briar andSouth Atrican Calabash1 Imported agd I59gmeaVeCigars Ci gyaret te s ann Fobaecos PILLOWS end -BANNERS Darling &, IaIleauxv v. of M. SBAROICR SLOP, J,, T (ROJAl WSKI. Prop. 10 01 AU .22 5 "iiAb Phoe.r355 Bell A AboMich. ,. LX-HAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM QCLOCKS $1,00e ALA11iM LOCKS $1.50 ALARM: CLObIK, $1.7 5 Watch RepeA ir...…

September 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…tfIk MtCI4IGAN .1)AIIA ____________________ A Sudden Fall- in temperature wil leave you shivering in a summer suit. Its tiiuc now to choose an Autumn fabric that will raise you ini the esteem of your friends. WAe hit the high places in the, art of clever tailoring. Our y imeiitatireathie the priceless a'r of refined exclusiveness. Youi ieced it ini your business as well as your social life. Our fabrics are correct iii shade and patterni. Our ...…

September 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,l\\ \kR II( ICH1 \\ T( I SDAY, SEPTINIIiBI<29, T1908 I \'()r,. X IX. A0. T. _ __ ___.. _...w.. ___.. ... ____ _ __ __ ___._- FALL WORK BEISPO i " l -*9-.tR AT FERRY FIELD Io.Am lt' lii t ink- wh f, allFootball Team AssuredCcr DeDram spite Small Squad-Scrim- mage Commences Tomorrow. tthei-iiipaimrliit Iifi]bencha luae N BIG ATTENDANCE Nov., ler~iel talel, ,mn ~be1.MARKS OPENING ;tt Crowds of Inco iing Students Fift pefe...…

September 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE MTCT-itA 4 DIY G. H. Wild Comfpany 'The Larmest Stok in the City of Excinsive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Evrything requi ed o Suits, Overcoatsi, Faney Vetings, and Troau-ainssg; and of high clis aniidspeiialSt le. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Colpally 311 South State Street UOKS .Se half your money and buy Second-hand Rooks at Ztu~cnt& 3 ooitor Uiniversity Text Books for all Deprtments. Drawing Instruments fo...…

September 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…HEMIeHIIIAN DAILY _ FAIL, \VORK BEGUN LEARN TO ISANCE._ Q u a rry 's ST TiEEI x IE, ranger's Academy of Dancing is to- 3 (Continsus'd froin Page 1.) cateil on sNaynardt street. one block gioo-meter run, took seconds to Luoghti, west of State street stores. Thie classes Prescriptions and Physicians' of Italy, whto covered the distance ins the open Debctser 6 anud i8 aitd run through- Supplies are our specialty rcmatrkahte time of 1 :57 1-. Bui...…

September 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY r " Sudden * -= Falla____ ilto Irctuaore will leave you shivering in a summier snilt. It's tliiiic now to choose an Auitulmn fabric that will raise yon In t >le2steCo ofyour friTend1's. Wehit the high places in the art of clever tailoring Our irints 1)1reathe the treceless ar of refined exclusiveness. Aii nleeditin yonrbtfsiness as, Wiell as Sour social life. Oa r fabrics are correct inl shade and psttern. Our styles are ...…

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